This VB.NET code provides a subroutine, appendColoredTextToRichTextBox, allowing the appending of colored text to a RichTextBox in a Windows Forms application. The code includes two versions (2019 and 2024) with XML comments explaining the usage.
This VB.NET code snippet for Windows Forms can append colored text to a richtextbox
Each appended text gets its own color.
I tested the new version of 2024 and the old version of 2019 with good results on VS2022.
I used the multiple colored text box in my application checkFreeSpace
that I wrote for checking the free space on one of my disks for bad sectors.
I wanted to append several red messages intertwined with black comment texts into a richtextbox
By following the original article for C#, I found how to do this.
Using the Code
The XML comments of both subroutines appendColoredTextToRichTextBox
tell how to use them.
#Region "Colored Texts to a RichTextBox"
Public Sub appendColoredTextToRichTextBox(
appendBox As Windows.Forms.RichTextBox,
inText As String,
Optional inForeColor As Drawing.Color = Nothing,
Optional inBackColor As Drawing.Color = Nothing,
Optional insertNewLine As Boolean = False,
Optional appendBoxFont As Drawing.Font = Nothing,
Optional suspendLayout As Boolean = True,
Optional updateViewNow As Boolean = False)
If suspendLayout Then
Call appendBox.SuspendLayout()
End If
If IsNothing(appendBoxFont) Then
appendBoxFont = appendBox.Font
End If
If insertNewLine Then
Call appendBox.AppendText(text:=Environment.NewLine)
End If
appendBox.SelectionStart = appendBox.TextLength
appendBox.SelectionLength = 0
appendBox.SelectionFont = appendBoxFont
If Not inForeColor.Equals(obj:=Drawing.Color.Empty) Then
appendBox.SelectionColor = inForeColor
End If
If Not inBackColor.Equals(obj:=Drawing.Color.Empty) Then
appendBox.SelectionBackColor = inBackColor
End If
appendBox.SelectedText = inText
If suspendLayout Then
Call appendBox.ResumeLayout()
End If
If updateViewNow Then
Call appendBox.Update()
End If
End Sub
Public Sub appendColoredTextToRichTextBox(
appendBox As Windows.Forms.RichTextBox,
inText As String,
inColor As Drawing.Color,
Optional insertNewLine As Boolean = False,
Optional updateViewNow As Boolean = False)
Call appendBox.SuspendLayout()
Dim appendBoxFont As Drawing.Font = appendBox.Font
If insertNewLine Then
Call appendBox.AppendText(Environment.NewLine)
End If
appendBox.SelectionStart = appendBox.TextLength
appendBox.SelectionLength = 0
appendBox.SelectionFont = appendBoxFont
appendBox.SelectionColor = inColor
appendBox.SelectedText = inText
Call appendBox.ResumeLayout()
If updateViewNow Then
Call appendBox.Update()
End If
End Sub
#End Region ' Colored Texts to a RichTextBox
I call appendColoredTextToRichTextBox
for error messages like this:
Private Sub showErrorMessage(ex As Exception,
ByRef showBox As RichTextBox,
Optional showImmediately As Boolean = False,
Optional colorToShow As Drawing.Color = Nothing)
If colorToShow.Equals(obj:=Drawing.Color.Empty) Then
colorToShow = Drawing.Color.Red
End If
Call appendColoredTextToRichTextBox(appendBox:=showBox,
inText:=ex.Message, inColor:=colorToShow,
insertNewLine:=True, updateViewNow:=showImmediately)
End Sub
I call appendColoredTextToRichTextBox
for comment texts like this:
Private Sub showCommentMessage(textToShow As String,
ByRef showBox As RichTextBox,
Optional showImmediately As Boolean = False,
Optional colorToShow As Drawing.Color = Nothing)
If colorToShow.Equals(obj:=Drawing.Color.Empty) Then
colorToShow = Drawing.Color.Black
End If
Call appendColoredTextToRichTextBox(appendBox:=showBox,
inText:=textToShow, inColor:=colorToShow,
insertNewLine:=True, updateViewNow:=showImmediately)
End Sub
With the following code, you can test the combined use of the 2024 and the 2019 version.
Replace Me.vermijdRichTextBox
with a pointer to a rich textbox
of yourself.
Dim exampleRichTextBox As RichTextBox = Me.vermijdRichTextBox
Call appendColoredTextToRichTextBox(appendBox:=exampleRichTextBox,
inText:=" This is darkblue text with the default backcolor ",
Call appendColoredTextToRichTextBox(appendBox:=exampleRichTextBox,
inText:=" This is red text on a new line ", inColor:=Drawing.Color.Red,
Call appendColoredTextToRichTextBox(appendBox:=exampleRichTextBox,
inText:=" This is cyan text ", inColor:=Drawing.Color.Cyan)
Call appendColoredTextToRichTextBox(exampleRichTextBox, " This is a new line ",
inColor:=Drawing.Color.Black, insertNewLine:=True)
exampleRichTextBox.SelectionFont = New Font(family:=
New FontFamily("Courier New"), emSize:=13, style:=FontStyle.Underline,
Call appendColoredTextToRichTextBox(appendBox:=exampleRichTextBox,
inText:=" This is red underlined text with a monospaced typeface on " &
"yellow ", inForeColor:=Drawing.Color.Red, inBackColor:=
Drawing.Color.Yellow, appendBoxFont:=exampleRichTextBox.SelectionFont)
Call appendColoredTextToRichTextBox(appendBox:=exampleRichTextBox, inText:=
" This is darkblue text with the former backcolor ",
Call appendColoredTextToRichTextBox(appendBox:=exampleRichTextBox, inText:=
" This is cyan on green text ", inForeColor:=Drawing.Color.Cyan,
Call appendColoredTextToRichTextBox(appendBox:=exampleRichTextBox, inText:=
" This is a new line with default colors ", insertNewLine:=True)

Points of Interest
I do not know if appendColoredTextToRichTextBox
functions on Windows Presentation Foundation too, since I never use WPF. If someone tried this and gets positive result, please react.
Summary of Changes
Today, January the 22nd of 2024, I updated my article. The following changes have been made:
- The texts in the blocks Introduction and Background and "Using the Code" and History have been updated.
- Region "Colored Texts to a RichTextBox" has been added.
- XML remark part "1, 2, 3 and 4 stem from ..." has been altered to "The original C# solution stems from Multiple Colored Texts in RichTextBox using C# by S.Vinothkumar, 27 Jun 2009."
- The XML text of parameter
has been updated. - All parameters now are qualified by parameter names.
- Example block "Examples" has been added.
- The 2 examples moved from block "Using the Code" to that block.
- A new example with rich textbox
has been added. - Replace
with a pointer to a rich textbox of yourself. - This changes list has been added to block History.
- The name of block History has been changed to "Summary of changes".
A new version of appendColoredTextToRichTextBox
has been added.
The below text is about changes from the 2019 to the 2024 version:
- Parameter
has been replaced by optional parameter inForeColor
. - Optional parameter
has been added. - Optional parameter
has been added. - Comments 1, 4, 2, 3 and 4 have been removed.
- Dutch subroutine name
has been changed to showErrorMessage
. - Dutch parameters
have been changed to showImmediately
. - The superfluous parameter keywords
have been removed. - Dutch parameters
have been changed to colorToShow
. - Rich text box name
has been changed to a new parameter, named showBox
. - Dutch subroutine name
has been changed to showCommentMessage
. - Dutch parameter
has been changed to textToShow
- 25th February, 2019: Initial version