Download demo executable - 338 Kb
Download demo source files - 44 Kb
LibDump is a Win32 utility tool similar to Microsoft's DumpBin utility except that
it can be used to display the contents of library files instead
of portable executables and COFF (Common Object File Format) .OBJ
files. LibDump is a tool originally appeared in the Microsoft
Systems Journal (MSJ) April 1998 "Under the Hood"
column by Matt Pietrek ( This is an enhanced version which
include features such as scanning a particular library symbol
across multiple .LIB files and several other miscellaneous
enhancements as mentioned in the concluding section of the
System Requirements:
Microsoft Visual C++ 5.0 (and above), Windows NT 4.0/9x (using the latest service packs is highly recommended).
Running the application:
Extract it to a <\temp> folder and then run.