This project for my deeper understand in C/C++ and Win32 API. I know this implementation is not nice enough, but it runs well. In this file, the program trait will be explain. And give some descriptions about the structure and example. I use the C Version to describte this project, but as you see, you can down a Cpp Version.
1) Run in command line/with parameters
2) easy to use.
3) statistic file which type include .txt, .C, .C++, .h, .java.
4) it can deal with specific files, or specific directory(include sub-directory).
5) Set valid file for statistic.
Data Structure
The purpose of this secssion is to describe structures. Including
struct LIB , ITEM and CMDMSG. CMDMSG, which i define as command
message, is a message which take parameters and command type use in
*The definition of struct ITEM, which use to record the statistic info.
typedef struct ITEM{
char filename[ FILE_NAME_MAX_LEN + 1 ];
char path[ PATH_MAX_LEN + 1 ];
FILE_T type;
long totalLine;
long commentLine;
long bankLine;
long codeLine;
*The definition of struct LIB, which use to record the LIB info.
typedef struct LIB{
long totalCode; //total line
long comment; //comment line
long bank; //bank line
long code; //code line
long sizTab; //size of table
long HeaderNUM; //header file counter
long CNUM; //C source file counter
long CppNUM; //C++ source file counter
long TxtNUM; //txt file counter
long JavaNUM; //java source file counter
double result; //result = ( comment + bank ) div totalCode
BOOL fStat; //statistic flag
BOOL fModify; //modification flag
TABLE table;
char szLibName[ FILE_NAME_MAX_LEN + PATH_MAX_LEN + 1 ];
*The definition of command message(CMDMSG) & its handle(HCMDMSG).
*Note: firARG is a pointer to first argument, it may be a filename / NULL
* secARG is variable signed state/FILE_T
* pFindArg is a pointer to find argument struct
typedef struct CMDMSG{
CMD_T command;
char *firARG;
int secARG;
A simple API example
The function StatUnderDirHelp uses Win32 API, FindFirstFile, FindNextFile and FindClose.
static BOOL StatUnderDirHelp(PLIB pLib, char *szDir, char *szType)
char szFileName[256];
char szTmpFileName[256];
BOOL flag;
strcpy( szFileName, szDir );
strcat( szFileName, "\\" );
strcat( szFileName, szType );
hFind = FindFirstFile( szFileName, &FindData );
while ( hFind != INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE )
strcpy( szTmpFileName, szDir );
strcat( szTmpFileName, "\\" );
strcat( szTmpFileName, FindData.cFileName );
pItm = MakeItem();
strcpy( pItm->filename, FindData.cFileName );
strcpy( pItm->path, szDir );
if ( ( flag = StatFile( pItm, szTmpFileName ) ) == FILE_OPEN_ERR )
FindClose( hFind );
FreeItem( pItm );
if ( flag != INVAILD_FILE )
if ( AddItem( pLib, pItm ) == MEM_EMPTY )
FindClose( hFind );
return MEM_EMPTY;
if ( !FindNextFile( hFind, &FindData ) )
FindClose( hFind );
return SUCCESS;
Contact me if you have some comments or found bugs.(