When events occur in a Windows application, a set of registered handlers are invoked. Only the handlers that are directly registered with the control are invoked. However, there may be times when it is more desirable to have all the controls in a hierarchy handle a single event. For instance, suppose that a Panel
has a set of buttons, all of which perform similar behavior. It might be desirable to have the Panel
handle the Click
event rather than having a separate handler for each button. This is not possible using native framework functionality.
This article discusses the EventBroadcastProvider
which was created to solve the problem of relaying events through the control hierarchy. Using this class, a specific event can be monitored and relayed to all the handlers through the hierarchy.
Event broadcasting
Event broadcasting in the context of this article is not related to that which is supported by a MulticastDelegate
, rather it refers to the ability for events raised in one control to be relayed up the control hierarchy to all ancestors, thereby giving them the ability to handle the event as well, all without coupling the child to its parent.
One of the primary design constraints was for a simple system, something that can be consumed with little code or complications. Event broadcasting is handled by a single class, EventBroadcastProvider
, which hooks the necessary events in all controls of the hierarchy (as discussed below). To add support for broadcasting, add the following class initialization to your code. Once initialized, all management of the events and relays are handled automatically. Out of sight, out of mind.
EventBroadcastProvider broadcastEvent =
EventBroadcastProvider.CreateProvider(this.panel1, "Click");
As shown, this hooks the control panel1
as well as all its children and relays the Click
event when raised.
Hooking control events
No direct support exists for broadcasting event. An event handler can only be invoked by the object that raised the event. In the image below, button1
and panel1
both have a Click
event handler, but when the user clicks button1
, only that handler is invoked, not the handler for panel1
even though button1
is a child control of panel1

Likewise, if only panel1
has a handler, then no handler is invoked when button1
is clicked:

To support broadcasting, all the events within the child controls call Relay
, which is then responsible for relaying the events up the control hierarchy. There are two types of events that must be hooked, those that occur when the controls are added or removed, and those that are to be relayed. The reason for monitoring when the controls are added or removed is to enable the dynamically added controls to respond to the relayed events just as their static counterparts do. The other type of event is the one provided when EventBroadcastProvider
is initialized. Because the CreateProvider
method takes the event name as a string, that event must be dynamically located using reflection and the event handler associated at that time. The following code demonstrates how the events are hooked and how recursion is used to hook all the controls in the control hierarchy. A similar method removes the handlers when controls are removed from the hierarchy:
private void HookPrimaryEvents(Control control)
control.ControlAdded += m_controlAddedHandler;
control.ControlRemoved += m_controlRemovedHandler;
Type typ = control.GetType();
EventInfo theEvent = typ.GetEvent(m_eventName);
theEvent.AddEventHandler(control, m_genericHandler);
foreach (Control subControl in control.Controls)
Relaying events
Relaying events ensures that when an event is raised on a control, all the ancestor controls also receive that event for handling. But not all ancestor controls need to handle the event.
The following code demonstrates the process of relaying events up the control hierarchy:
protected void Relay(object sender, EventArgs ea)
if (object.ReferenceEquals(sender, m_control))
if (m_noReentry) return;
string eventMethName =
String.Format(EventMethodTemplate, m_eventName);
m_noReentry = true;
Control curControl = ((Control)sender).Parent;
while (curControl != null)
MethodInfo mi =
BindingFlags.NonPublic |
BindingFlags.Public |
BindingFlags.FlattenHierarchy |
if (mi != null)
mi.Invoke(curControl, new object[] { ea });
if (object.ReferenceEquals(curControl, m_control))
curControl = curControl.Parent;
m_noReentry = false;
Reentry can be a problem for a common method. This is because when the Click
event, for instance, is invoked it is also invoked for all ancestor controls. Therefore, as the event is relayed to ancestor controls, they also invoke the Relay
method as a response to the event; however, the purpose of Relay
is to walk the control hierarchy which already happened when the first control's event was raised. To prevent this, a flag indicates that the method is currently being processed and therefore should not allow reentry. Once the handler is done processing the other controls, the flag is cleared.
The primary work is handled in a loop that evaluates each control's parent. The standard convention for invoking events is through the On�
method such as OnClick(�)
. The convention is for the method to contain the name of the event; therefore this method can be easily derived from the targeted event name. Once found, the method can be invoked thereby raising the event for the parent control. This process continues until Relay
has reached the control specified when creating the EventBroadcastProvider
Creating dynamic event handler
During the implementation of EventBroadcastProvider
, it was determined, as an EventHandler
cannot be down-casted, that a strongly-typed delegate must be created. This process is handled automatically and is transparent to the consumer.
The following diagram shows how this is handled. The only class the consumer has to worry about is the EventBroadcastProvider
; however, when CreateProvider
is called, the class is dynamically created using reflection. Therefore, EventBroadcastProvider
can ask the derived class for the strongly-typed delegate through the RelayDelegate
property, which is then hooked to the event:

The following code is responsible for actually creating the derived class. Don't be intimidated by the amount of operations emitted. The only purpose of the derived class is to provide a strongly-typed event handler that, when called, will pass the responsibility back to the Relay
method in EventBroadcastProvider
(which is where the ancestor controls are visited).
[Editor comment: Line breaks used to avoid scrolling.]
private static EventBroadcastProvider CreateHandlerForEvent(
EventInfo ei)
EventBroadcastProvider result = null;
string namespaceName =
string eventName = ei.Name;
string className = eventName + "BroadcastProvider";
AssemblyName assemblyName = new AssemblyName();
assemblyName.Name = className + "Assembly";
AppDomain appDomain = AppDomain.CurrentDomain;
AssemblyBuilder assBuilder =
ModuleBuilder modBuilder =
assBuilder.DefineDynamicModule(className + "Module");
TypeBuilder typBuilder =
modBuilder.DefineType(className, TypeAttributes.Public,
FieldBuilder fldBuilder =
typBuilder.DefineField("m_handler", typeof(Delegate),
ILGenerator ilGen = null;
PropertyBuilder relayDelegateBuilder =
typeof(Delegate), null);
MethodBuilder get_relayDelegateBuilder =
typeof(Delegate), null);
ilGen = get_relayDelegateBuilder.GetILGenerator();
ilGen.Emit(OpCodes.Ldfld, fldBuilder);
MethodBuilder handleEventBuilder =
MethodAttributes.Private | MethodAttributes.HideBySig,
new Type[] { typeof(object),
GetParameters()[1].ParameterType });
ilGen = handleEventBuilder.GetILGenerator();
ConstructorBuilder ctorBuilder =
CallingConventions.HasThis, null);
ilGen = ctorBuilder.GetILGenerator();
ilGen.Emit(OpCodes.Stfld, fldBuilder);
BindingFlags.NonPublic, null,
Type.EmptyTypes, null));
ilGen.Emit(OpCodes.Ldftn, handleEventBuilder);
ilGen.Emit(OpCodes.Stfld, fldBuilder);
result = (EventBroadcastProvider)Activator.
return result;
Event bubbling
Event bubbling is a companion concept of event broadcasting. Web application developers are more comfortable with bubbling events because web applications support this concept, but Windows applications do not.
With small modifications, the EventBroadcastProvider
can be converted into an EventBubbleProvider
. This is currently being developed and a companion article will be written to demonstrate how to bubble Windows application events.