To add this control customize your visual controls toolbox and Add/Remove items, then browse to the location where the StickyView.dll resides.
View1.ViewMode = StickyView.View.mode.View
You can write code on your web site to change the mode to edit mode
View1.ViewMode = StickyView.View.mode.Edit
All the content is stored to text files with the name of the control. So you must be sure to allow write access to the account running IIS plus you also need to include this on your web site�s web config
<add key="StickyViewContentFolder" value="c:\StickyContent" />
I have not tested this on a web farm but basically you can add a UNC path on the web config
<add key="StickyViewContentFolder" value="\\SHARED_DRIVE\SHARED_FOLDER" />
If you are going to allow HTML to be entered into the control you need to add this to every page holding the control in the page directive
**Note if you name a control on one page for example to View1 and then have the same name in another page both controls will feed of the same content. This is done by design so you can share content across different sites if needed to do so. If you don�t want this kind of feature you need to make sure all of your controls are with a unique name.
Other important properties are viewwidth and viewheight