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Dot NET Code Generator

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9 May 20062 min read 41.3K   2.2K   21   8
Shows you how to automate coding process

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Download source With NETXP - 1269 Kb
Download source Without NETXP - 553 Kb
Download sample Application - 309 Kb

Code Generator screenshot


Every one has shortage of time , every one wants short cuts. Why don't we have (being developers) short cuts to developing database applications. This is what Dot NET Code Generator tries to give you. It generates full object oriented source code and even all the forms for you using 3 layer architechture .


When I started development, changing customer requirements caused me a lot of trouble.
Whenever a major change occurred I’ve to do a lot of coding to accommodate that change .After being worried for some time I decided to automate the coding process, so that I Don’t have to write repetitive coding tasks again and again.


This Application is not developed using specific design in mind, it is developed using old style structured programming, but the code it generates is complete Object oriented which takes benefits of inheritance, polymorphism and encapsulation. All code is generated using 3 layer architecture. I’ve used meta data provided by SQL Server’s Master Database to Generate all the code . if you open master database’s sotred procedure section you’ll see a lot of stored procedures prefixed by sp_ these procedures provide you much information sufficient for our code generator .
I’ve used following stored procdures .

sp_databases returns all databases attached with current instance of Sql server all these stored procedures are self explanatory , I’ll use simple “Sample “ database (to explain the code) which only has two tables one tblMaster and other tblDetail .

Database Diagram
Database is intentionally kept simple for simplicity.
Once we have our database we can use sp_tables and pass our database name as argument this will return all the tables with in our database in our case tblMaster and tblDetail respectively we’ll store these tables temporarily , so that we can loop through all the tables and generate the code . Following Code snippet shows you what actually happens .

<P><FONT color=#0000ff>for</FONT>(<FONT color=#0000ff>int</FONT> i=0 ; i < lstSelectedTables.Length ; i++)


    <FONT color=#0000ff>string</FONT> tblName = lstSelectedTables[i][2].ToString();
      <FONT color=#0000ff>  <FONT color=#0000ff>if</FONT></FONT>(cbolanguage.Text == "CSharp")
  <FONT color=#0000ff>  <FONT color=#0000ff>else</FONT></FONT>
  <FONT color=#0000ff>  <FONT color=#0000ff>if</FONT></FONT>((chkgui.Checked ==<FONT color=#000000><FONT color=#0000ff>false</FONT></FONT>) && (chkdata.Checked ==<FONT color=#0000ff>false</FONT>)&& (chkinterface.Checked 
  ==<FONT color=#0000ff>false</FONT>)&& (chkprocedures.Checked ==<FONT color=#0000ff>false</FONT>))


  MessageBox.Show("Please select at least one code option");

  <FONT color=#0000ff>break</FONT>;



<P><FONT color=#0000ff>public void</FONT> GenerateDataClasses(string tblName,string tbldetail)


  <FONT color=#000000>FileStream</FONT> file ;

  file = <FONT color=#0000ff>new</FONT> FileStream(tempPath + "\\cls_d" + tblName+ ".cs",System.IO.FileMode.Create);

  StreamWriter sw = <FONT color=#0000ff>new</FONT> StreamWriter(file);

  sw.WriteLine("using System;\n");

  sw.WriteLine("namespace " + txtprojectname.Text + ".DataClasses" 


  sw.WriteLine("\t/// <summary>");

  sw.WriteLine("\t/// Summary description for cls_d" + tblName+ ".");

  sw.WriteLine("\t/// </summary>\n");

  sw.WriteLine("\tpublic class cls_d" + tblName);



  sw.WriteLine("\t}");//End Class Here

  sw.WriteLine("}");//End Namespace Here



  txtprogress.AppendText("cls_d" + tblName+ ".cs Created \n") 
<P> }

  <FONT color=#0000ff>public void</FONT> GenerateAttributes(string TableName , StreamWriter sw,string tbldetail)


  <FONT color=#0000ff>try</FONT>


  <FONT color=#0000ff>string</FONT> type;

  DataTable dtColumns ;

  dbobj = new dboperation(constr);

  dbobj.objcmd.CommandText = "exec sp_Columns " + TableName ;

  dtColumns = dbobj.filldata().Tables[0];

  <FONT color=#0000ff>for</FONT>(<FONT color=#0000ff>int</FONT> i = 0 ; i < dtColumns.Rows.Count ; i ++ )


  type = GetType(dtColumns.Rows[i][5].ToString());

  sw.WriteLine("\t\tprivate " + type + " m" + dtColumns.Rows[i][3].ToString() 
  + ";");



  <FONT color=#0000ff>  <FONT color=#0000ff>if</FONT></FONT>(tbldetail != "")

  sw.WriteLine("\t\tprivate string mDetail;");

  sw.WriteLine("\n\t\t#  <FONT color=#0000ff>region</FONT> Constructor");


  sw.WriteLine("\t\t#end  <FONT color=#0000ff>region</FONT>\n");

  sw.WriteLine("\t\t#  <FONT color=#0000ff>region</FONT> Properties");


  sw.WriteLine("\t\t#end  <FONT color=#0000ff>region</FONT>\n");</P>
<P> }

  <FONT color=#0000ff>  <FONT color=#0000ff>catch</FONT></FONT>(Exception ex)



<P> }

  <FONT color=#0000ff>public void</FONT> GenerateConstructor(DataTable dtColumns,StreamWriter sw,string tbldetail)


  <FONT color=#0000ff>string</FONT> tblname = dtColumns.Rows[0][2].ToString();

  sw.WriteLine("\n\t\tpublic cls_d" + tblname + "()");


  sw.WriteLine("\t\t\t //");

  sw.WriteLine("\t\t\t // TODO: Add constructor logic here");

  sw.WriteLine("\t\t\t //");

  <FONT color=#0000ff>for</FONT>(<FONT color=#0000ff>int</FONT> i = 0 ; i < dtColumns.Rows.Count ; i++ )


  <FONT color=#0000ff>  <FONT color=#0000ff>if</FONT></FONT>(GetInitValue(dtColumns.Rows[i][5].ToString()) != "")

  sw.WriteLine("\t\t\t" + dtColumns.Rows[i][3].ToString() + " = 
  " + GetInitValue(dtColumns.Rows[i][5].ToString()) + ";" );

  <FONT color=#0000ff>  <FONT color=#0000ff>else</FONT></FONT>

  sw.WriteLine("\t\t\t" + dtColumns.Rows[i][3].ToString() + " = 
  \"\" ;" );</P>
<P> }

  <FONT color=#0000ff>  <FONT color=#0000ff>if</FONT></FONT>(tbldetail != "")

  sw.WriteLine("\t\t\tmDetail = \"\" ;" );

<P> }</P>
<P> <FONT color=#0000ff>public void</FONT> GenerateProperties(DataTable dtColumns,StreamWriter sw,string 


<FONT color=#0000ff>  string</FONT> type;

  <FONT color=#0000ff>for</FONT>(<FONT color=#0000ff>int</FONT> i = 0 ; i < dtColumns.Rows.Count ; i ++ )


  type = GetType(dtColumns.Rows[i][5].ToString());

  sw.WriteLine("\t\tpublic " + type + " " + dtColumns.Rows[i][3].ToString() 




  sw.WriteLine("\t\t\t\t  <FONT color=#0000ff>return</FONT> m" + dtColumns.Rows[i][3].ToString() 
  + ";");




  sw.WriteLine("\t\t\t\tm" + dtColumns.Rows[i][3].ToString() + " 
  = value ;");





  <FONT color=#0000ff>  <FONT color=#0000ff>if</FONT></FONT>(tbldetail != "")


  sw.WriteLine("\t\tpublic string Detail" );




  sw.WriteLine("\t\t\t\t  <FONT color=#0000ff>return</FONT> mDetail;");




  sw.WriteLine("\t\t\t\tmDetail = value ;");





Generated Code

Here is the sample code generated by our code generator.

using System;<P></P>
<P>namespace Sample.DataClasses


  /// <summary>

  /// Summary description for cls_dtblDetail.

  /// </summary></P>

<P> public class cls_dtblDetail


  private int mDetailID;

  private int mMasterID;

  private string mDetailFieldOne;

  private DateTime mDetailFieldTwo;

  private string mDetailFieldThree;</P>

<P> #  <FONT color=#0000ff>region</FONT> Constructor</P>
<P> public cls_dtblDetail()



  // TODO: Add constructor logic here


  DetailID = 0;

  MasterID = 0;

  DetailFieldOne = "" ;

  DetailFieldTwo = System.DateTime.Now.Date;

  DetailFieldThree = "" ;


  #end  <FONT color=#0000ff>region</FONT></P>

<P> #  <FONT color=#0000ff>region</FONT> Properties

  public int DetailID




    <FONT color=#0000ff>return</FONT> mDetailID;




  mDetailID = value ;



  public int MasterID




    <FONT color=#0000ff>return</FONT> mMasterID;




  mMasterID = value ;



  public string DetailFieldOne




    <FONT color=#0000ff>return</FONT> mDetailFieldOne;




  mDetailFieldOne = value ;



  public DateTime DetailFieldTwo




    <FONT color=#0000ff>return</FONT> mDetailFieldTwo;




  mDetailFieldTwo = value ;



  public string DetailFieldThree




    <FONT color=#0000ff>return</FONT> mDetailFieldThree;




  mDetailFieldThree = value ;



  #end  <FONT color=#0000ff>region</FONT></P>

<P> }

<P>Interface class is as follow.</P>

<P>using System;

  using System.Data;

  using System.Data.SqlClient;

  using Sample.DataClasses;

  using Sample.Utility;</P>


  namespace Sample.Interface


  /// <summary>

  /// Summary description for cls_itblDetail.

  /// </summary>

  public class cls_itblDetail


<P> private dboperation dbobj ;

  private cls_dtblDetail mData;

  public string m_Error;</P>

<P> #  <FONT color=#0000ff>region</FONT> Constructor

  public cls_itblDetail()



  // TODO: Add constructor logic here


  mData = new cls_dtblDetail();


  #end  <FONT color=#0000ff>region</FONT></P>

<P> #  <FONT color=#0000ff>region</FONT> Methods

  public bool AddtblDetail(cls_dtblDetail pData)




  mData = pData;

  dbobj = new dboperation();

  dbobj.objcmd.CommandType = CommandType.StoredProcedure;

  dbobj.objcmd.CommandText = "addtblDetail" ;

  dbobj.objcmd.Parameters.Add("@MasterID" , mData.MasterID);

  dbobj.objcmd.Parameters.Add("@DetailFieldOne" , mData.DetailFieldOne);

  dbobj.objcmd.Parameters.Add("@DetailFieldTwo" , mData.DetailFieldTwo);

  dbobj.objcmd.Parameters.Add("@DetailFieldThree" , mData.DetailFieldThree);



    <FONT color=#0000ff>catch</FONT>(Exception ex)


  m_Error = ex.Message;

    <FONT color=#0000ff>return</FONT> <FONT color=#0000ff>false</FONT>;


    <FONT color=#0000ff>return</FONT> <FONT color=#0000ff>true</FONT>;


  public bool UpdatetblDetail(cls_dtblDetail pData )




  mData = pData;

  dbobj = new dboperation();

  dbobj.objcmd.CommandType = CommandType.StoredProcedure;

  dbobj.objcmd.CommandText = "updatetblDetail" ;

  dbobj.objcmd.Parameters.Add("@DetailID" , mData.DetailID);

  dbobj.objcmd.Parameters.Add("@MasterID" , mData.MasterID);

  dbobj.objcmd.Parameters.Add("@DetailFieldOne" , mData.DetailFieldOne);

  dbobj.objcmd.Parameters.Add("@DetailFieldTwo" , mData.DetailFieldTwo);

  dbobj.objcmd.Parameters.Add("@DetailFieldThree" , mData.DetailFieldThree);



    <FONT color=#0000ff>catch</FONT>(Exception ex)


  m_Error = ex.Message;

    <FONT color=#0000ff>return</FONT> <FONT color=#0000ff>false</FONT>;


    <FONT color=#0000ff>return</FONT> <FONT color=#0000ff>true</FONT>;


  public bool DeletetblDetail(cls_dtblDetail pData)




  mData = pData;

  dbobj = new dboperation();

  dbobj.objcmd.CommandType = CommandType.StoredProcedure;

  dbobj.objcmd.CommandText = "deletetblDetail" ;

  dbobj.objcmd.Parameters.Add("@DetailID" , mData.DetailID);



    <FONT color=#0000ff>catch</FONT>(Exception ex)


  m_Error = ex.Message;

    <FONT color=#0000ff>return</FONT> <FONT color=#0000ff>false</FONT>;


    <FONT color=#0000ff>return</FONT> <FONT color=#0000ff>true</FONT>;


  public DataSet GettblDetail()


  DataSet ds = new DataSet();



  dbobj = new dboperation();

  dbobj.objcmd.CommandType = CommandType.StoredProcedure;

  dbobj.objcmd.CommandText = "gettblDetail" ;

  ds = dbobj.filldata();


    <FONT color=#0000ff>catch</FONT>(Exception ex)


  m_Error = ex.Message;

    <FONT color=#0000ff>return</FONT> null;


    <FONT color=#0000ff>return</FONT> ds;


  public DataSet GettblDetailThroughQuery(string qry)


  DataSet ds = new DataSet();



  dbobj = new dboperation();

  dbobj.objcmd.CommandType = CommandType.Text;

  dbobj.objcmd.CommandText = qry ;

  ds = dbobj.filldata();


    <FONT color=#0000ff>catch</FONT>(Exception ex)


  m_Error = ex.Message;

    <FONT color=#0000ff>return</FONT> null;


    <FONT color=#0000ff>return</FONT> ds;


  <FONT color=#0000ff>#endregion</FONT></P>

<P> }

I’ve also included sample application which demonstrates the usage of generated code.


1 - John storer II’s xDirectory.Copy() - Copy Folder, SubFolders & Files article to copy   validation controls to target folder of your code. This may not work under some conditions
If this happens(Validation Control's directory doesn't get created ) then manually copy Validation Controls Folder from Code Generator's main Directory to where you've stored all the generated code.
2 - NETXP components , if there is any problem regarding these components I’ve also provided Source code without these controls.



This article has no explicit license attached to it but may contain usage terms in the article text or the download files themselves. If in doubt please contact the author via the discussion board below.

A list of licenses authors might use can be found here

Written By
Software Developer (Senior) Stratasoft, TRG(The Resource Group)
Pakistan Pakistan
My name is Muhammad Shahbaz Saleem. I am an enterprise application developer and a strong advocate of re-usability and cross-platform development. I am also an admirer of interactive UI technologies and love to play with AJAX, CSS, JQuery etc. Since 2005, I have been involved in solving architectural problems and evolving complex requirements into simple and robust solutions for desktop, mobile and the Web.

As a person, I am opinionated and always love a good debate; I have a lot to say about software engineering, design patterns, service-oriented architecture and mobile computing.

You can email me at mshahbazsaleem[at]gmail[dot]com
If you like to talk here is my s@k@y@p@e id m[dot]shahbaz[dot]saleem

Comments and Discussions

GeneralVisual Studio design error Pin
Blumen6-Jun-07 18:41
Blumen6-Jun-07 18:41 
Generalthanks for writing~~ Pin
MDH Trade10-May-06 19:56
MDH Trade10-May-06 19:56 
GeneralRe: thanks for writing~~ Pin
Muhammad Shahbaz Saleem10-May-06 20:34
Muhammad Shahbaz Saleem10-May-06 20:34 
GeneralCant Extract asks for password Pin
gbBrix10-May-06 9:51
gbBrix10-May-06 9:51 
GeneralRe: Cant Extract asks for password Pin
Muhammad Shahbaz Saleem10-May-06 20:19
Muhammad Shahbaz Saleem10-May-06 20:19 
General,DOM Pin
bismark10-May-06 8:02
bismark10-May-06 8:02 
GeneralRe: ,DOM Pin
Muhammad Shahbaz Saleem10-May-06 19:47
Muhammad Shahbaz Saleem10-May-06 19:47 
QuestionHow about VB.NET Forms Pin
hanifmahar9-May-06 23:12
hanifmahar9-May-06 23:12 

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