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Create Dynamic Line Chart graph

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25 May 2006 1  
Create Dynamic Line Chart graph


Creating Line Charts from Database Data

This article shows you how to create a line chart for web forms using VB.NET. I think there are several third party components available for creating line chart and graphs. It wouldn't get you a knowledge on how internally it works. Hence I have created a line chart using GDI+ in VB.NET. Besides this, you will be able to create a line chart in a quick manner

 Using the code

Below are the code for functions used to create the line chart

Now that you know how to create a simple image from an ASP.NET Web page, you can create more complex (and useful) images. For the remainder of this article I'll look at how to use the .NET Framework drawing classes to create a Line chart from database information. I'll build all of this functionality into a set of functions in an ASP.NET Web page that will end up streaming the dynamically created Line chart's binary content to the Response object's OutputStream.
While creating a set of page-level functions to display a line chart will accomplish the task at hand, a more reusable solution would be to encapsulate this functionality into a custom-defined ASP.NET Web control or compiled custom control. One disadvantage of such an approach, though, would be that the custom-defined ASP.NET Web control or compiled custom control would have to save the image's file to the Web server's file system and then render it from an appropriate img tag. While this isn't difficult to accomplish, you'll have to deal with the disadvantages I mentioned earlier, including the fact that each time a chart is generated you'll keep adding to the list of images on the Web server's file system.

1) Create the another vb Class file  for it That will be Creating the Line Graph according to user Sessions :===

The code for the class file is over and now we need to create an instance of

this file in a Web Form which needs line graph, and set appropriate properties.

Here I'm using Score Comparison report as an example (date Vs. Attrition & Absentisum) to

This Class file  will be generate the Line Chart According to your Fatched Data Values from database

draw a line graph to compare the runs scored by both teams using line graph

LineChart Class vb class file name Like (LineChartAbs.vb) code

� Imports These Namespaces

Imports System.Data

Imports System.Drawing

Imports System.Drawing.Drawing2D

Imports System.Drawing.Imaging

Imports System.Web.UI



Public Class LineChartAbs

    Public b As Bitmap

    Public Title As String = "Default Title"

    Public chartValues As ArrayList = New ArrayList

    Public Xorigin As Single = 0

    Public Yorigin As Single = 0

    Public ScaleX As Single

    Public ScaleY As Single

    Public Xdivs As Single = 2

    Public Ydivs As Single = 2

    Private Width As Integer

    Private Height As Integer

    Private g As Graphics

    Private p As Page

    Private btn As Button

    Structure datapoint

        Public x As Single

        Public y As Single

        Public xCaption As String

        Public yCaption As String

        Public ATTRAVERAGE As String

        Public valid As Boolean

    End Structure


    Public Sub New(ByVal myWidth As Integer, ByVal myHeight As Integer, ByVal myPage As Page)

        Width = myWidth

        Height = myHeight

        ScaleX = myWidth

        ScaleY = myHeight

        b = New Bitmap(myWidth, myHeight)

        g = Graphics.FromImage(b)

        p = myPage

    End Sub


    Public Sub AddValue(ByVal x As Integer, ByVal y As Double, ByVal xCaption As String, ByVal yCaption As String)

        Dim myPoint As datapoint

        myPoint.x = x

        myPoint.y = y

        myPoint.xCaption = xCaption

        myPoint.yCaption = yCaption


        myPoint.valid = True


    End Sub

    Public Sub AddValueN(ByVal x As Integer, ByVal y As Double, ByVal xCaption As String, ByVal ATTRAVERAGE As String)

        Dim myPoint As datapoint

        myPoint.x = x

        myPoint.y = y

        myPoint.xCaption = xCaption

        'myPoint.yCaption = yCaption


        myPoint.valid = True


    End Sub


    Public Sub AddValue(ByVal x As Integer, ByVal y As Double)

        AddValue(x, y, x.ToString, y.ToString())


    End Sub

    Public Sub DisplayValues()

        Dim i As Integer

        Dim Labelvalue As String

        Dim blackBrushN As Brush = New SolidBrush(Color.Black)

        Dim axesFontN As Font = New Font("arial", 10)

        Dim ChartInset As Integer = 500

        Dim ChartWidth As Integer = Width - (2 * ChartInset)

        Dim ChartHeight As Integer = Height - (2 * ChartInset)

        For i = 0 To chartValues.Count

            If i >= chartValues.Count Then

                Labelvalue = ""


    Labelvalue = CType(chartValues(i), datapoint).xCaption

    Labelvalue = Labelvalue & "-" & CType(chartValues(i), datapoint).yCaption


    g.DrawString(Labelvalue, axesFontN, blackBrushN, Width + 1, Height)


            End If


    End Sub


    'Public Sub Draw(ByVal filename As String)

        Public Sub Draw()

        Dim i As Integer

        Dim x As Single

        Dim y As Single

        Dim y1, y2 As Single

        Dim x0 As Single

        Dim y0 As Single

        Dim PrintAonDot As Integer

        Dim myLabel As String


        Dim d1 As String

        Dim m1, m2, m3 As String


        Dim blackPen As Pen = New Pen(Color.Black, 1)

        Dim RedPen As Pen = New Pen(Color.FromArgb(186, 5, 5), 1)

        Dim bluePen As Pen = New Pen(Color.Blue, 1)

        Dim blueBrush As Brush = New SolidBrush(Color.Blue)

        Dim RedBrush As Brush = New SolidBrush(Color.FromArgb(109, 44, 0))

        Dim MarunBrush As Brush = New SolidBrush(Color.FromArgb(109, 44, 0))

        Dim blackBrush As Brush = New SolidBrush(Color.Black)

        Dim axesFont As Font = New Font("verdana", 8, FontStyle.Bold)

        p.Response.ContentType = "image/jpeg"

        'g.FillRectangle(New SolidBrush(Color.LightYellow), 0, 0, Width, Height)

        g.FillRectangle(New SolidBrush(Color.FromArgb(255, 216, 189)), 0, 0, Width, Height)

        'Dim ChartInset As Integer = 50   old given for test change

        Dim ChartInset As Integer = 50

        Dim ChartWidth As Integer = Width - (2 * ChartInset)

        Dim ChartHeight As Integer = Height - (2 * ChartInset)

        g.DrawRectangle(New Pen(Color.Blue, 1), ChartInset, ChartInset, ChartWidth, ChartHeight)

        btn = New Button

        btn.ID = "btnBack"

        btn.Text = "deepchand"

g.DrawString(Title, New Font("verdana", 8, FontStyle.Bold), blueBrush, Width / 6, 5)

        i = 0

        i = 0

        While i <= Xdivs

            x = ChartInset + (i * ChartWidth) / Xdivs

            y = ChartHeight + ChartInset

            'myLabel = (Xorigin + (ScaleX * i / Xdivs)).ToString

            ' This code Add for Print The X-axis values in Formate

            If i >= chartValues.Count Then

                'If i > chartValues.Count Then

                myLabel = "Days->" & vbCrLf & " "

                g.DrawString(myLabel, axesFont, blueBrush, x - 15, y + 10)


                'myLabel = CType(chartValues(i - 1), datapoint).xCaption  change

                myLabel = CType(chartValues(i), datapoint).xCaption

                d1 = myLabel.Substring(0, 2).ToString

                m1 = myLabel.Substring(3, 3).ToString

                myLabel = d1 & vbCrLf & m1

                g.DrawString(myLabel, axesFont, blackBrush, x - 10, y + 10)


            End If

            'g.DrawString(myLabel, axesFont, blackBrush, x - 8, y + 10)

            g.DrawLine(blackPen, x, y + 2, x, y - 2)


            If i < chartValues.Count Then

                '' To Print the Attrition% on the dots

                myLabel = CType(chartValues(i), datapoint).yCaption

x = (ChartWidth * (CType(chartValues(i), datapoint).x - Xorigin) / ScaleX) + ChartInset

y = ChartHeight - (ChartHeight * (CType(chartValues(i), datapoint).y - Yorigin) / ScaleY) + ChartInset - 15

       g.DrawString(myLabel, axesFont, blackBrush, x - 10, y - 5)

                ''End To Print the Attrition% on the dots

            End If


            System.Math.Min(System.Threading.Interlocked.Increment(i), i - 1)

        End While


        i = 0

        i = 0


        While i <= Ydivs

            x = ChartInset

            y = ChartHeight + ChartInset - (i * ChartHeight / Ydivs)

            myLabel = (Yorigin + (ScaleY * i / Ydivs)).ToString & "%"


            If i = Ydivs Then

                Dim s1 As StringFormat = New StringFormat(StringFormatFlags.DirectionVertical)

                myLabel = "<-Absenteeism"

                g.DrawString(myLabel, axesFont, blueBrush, 15, y - 45, s1)


            ElseIf (i Mod 5) = 0 Then


               g.DrawString(myLabel, axesFont, blackBrush, 20, y - 6)


                myLabel = ""

                g.DrawString(myLabel, axesFont, blackBrush, 20, y - 6)


            End If


            g.DrawLine(blackPen, x + 2, y, x - 2, y)


            System.Math.Min(System.Threading.Interlocked.Increment(i), i - 1)

        End While



        g.TranslateTransform(0, -Height)

        g.TranslateTransform(-ChartInset, ChartInset)

        g.ScaleTransform(-1, 1)

        Dim prevPoint As datapoint = New datapoint

        prevPoint.valid = False


        i = 0

        For Each myPoint As datapoint In chartValues

            If prevPoint.valid = True Then

                x0 = ChartWidth * (prevPoint.x - Xorigin) / ScaleX

                y0 = ChartHeight * (prevPoint.y - Yorigin) / ScaleY

                'y1 = ChartHeight * (prevPoint.ATTRAVERAGE - Yorigin) / ScaleY

                x = ChartWidth * (myPoint.x - Xorigin) / ScaleX

                y = ChartHeight * (myPoint.y - Yorigin) / ScaleY

                'y2 = ChartHeight * (myPoint.ATTRAVERAGE - Yorigin) / ScaleY

                g.DrawLine(bluePen, x0, y0, x, y)

                g.FillEllipse(blueBrush, x0 - 2, y0 - 2, 6, 6)

                g.FillEllipse(blueBrush, x - 2, y - 2, 6, 6)


            End If

            prevPoint = myPoint

            i = i + 1




        b.Save(p.Response.OutputStream, ImageFormat.Jpeg)




� you this code un commete when pass file name from aspx page 18-nov-05


        'b.Save("d:\Graph\Absent.gif", ImageFormat.Gif)         


 ''''Start This code line save output as an image in specified Location


        '    b.Save(filename, ImageFormat.Gif)

        '    b.Dispose()

        'Catch ex As Exception

        '    'Response.Write("error:" & ex.Message.ToString)

        'End Try

        ''''End This code line save output as an image in specified Location


    End Sub


    Public Sub DrawAverage()

        Dim i As Integer

        Dim x As Single

        Dim y As Single

        Dim x0 As Single

        Dim y0 As Single

        Dim PrintAonDot As Integer

        Dim myLabel As String


        Dim d1 As String

        Dim m1, m2, m3 As String


        Dim blackPen As Pen = New Pen(Color.Black, 1)

        Dim bluePen As Pen = New Pen(Color.Blue, 1)

        Dim blueBrush As Brush = New SolidBrush(Color.Blue)

        Dim blackBrush As Brush = New SolidBrush(Color.Black)

        Dim axesFont As Font = New Font("verdana", 8, FontStyle.Bold)

        p.Response.ContentType = "image/jpeg"

        'g.FillRectangle(New SolidBrush(Color.LightYellow), 0, 0, Width, Height)

g.FillRectangle(New SolidBrush(Color.FromArgb(255, 216, 189)), 0, 0, Width, Height)

        'Dim ChartInset As Integer = 50   old given for test change

        Dim ChartInset As Integer = 50

        Dim ChartWidth As Integer = Width - (2 * ChartInset)

        Dim ChartHeight As Integer = Height - (2 * ChartInset)

        g.DrawRectangle(New Pen(Color.Blue, 1), ChartInset, ChartInset, ChartWidth, ChartHeight)

        'g.DrawString(Title, New Font("arial", 14), blackBrush, Width / 3, 10)

        g.DrawString(Title, New Font("verdana", 8, FontStyle.Bold), blueBrush, Width / 6, 5)


        i = 0

        i = 0

        While i <= Xdivs

            x = ChartInset + (i * ChartWidth) / Xdivs

            y = ChartHeight + ChartInset

            ' This code Add for Print The X-axis values in Formate


            If i >= chartValues.Count Then

                myLabel = "Weeks->" & vbCrLf & " "

                'g.DrawString(myLabel, axesFont, blueBrush, x - 17, y + 10)


                'myLabel = CType(chartValues(i - 1), datapoint).xCaption  change

                myLabel = CType(chartValues(i), datapoint).xCaption

                d1 = myLabel.Substring(0, 2).ToString

                m1 = myLabel.Substring(3, 3).ToString

                myLabel = d1 & vbCrLf & m1


            End If

            g.DrawString(myLabel, axesFont, blackBrush, x - 8, y + 10)

            g.DrawLine(blackPen, x, y + 2, x, y - 2)



            If i < chartValues.Count And i >= 3 Then

                '' To Print the Average Attrition% on the dots

                myLabel = CType(chartValues(i), datapoint).ATTRAVERAGE

                x = (ChartWidth * (CType(chartValues(i), datapoint).x - Xorigin) / ScaleX) + ChartInset

                y = ChartHeight - (ChartHeight * (CType(chartValues(i), datapoint).y - Yorigin) / ScaleY) + ChartInset - 15

                g.DrawString(myLabel, axesFont, blackBrush, x, y)

                ''End To Print the Average Attrition% on the dots

            End If


            System.Math.Min(System.Threading.Interlocked.Increment(i), i - 1)

        End While


        i = 0

        i = 0

        While i <= Ydivs

            x = ChartInset

            y = ChartHeight + ChartInset - (i * ChartHeight / Ydivs)

            myLabel = (Yorigin + (ScaleY * i / Ydivs)).ToString & "%"

            'g.DrawString(myLabel, axesFont, blackBrush, 5, y - 6) old given for test change

            g.DrawString(myLabel, axesFont, blackBrush, 25, y - 6)

            g.DrawLine(blackPen, x + 2, y, x - 2, y)

            System.Math.Min(System.Threading.Interlocked.Increment(i), i - 1)

        End While



        g.TranslateTransform(0, -Height)

        g.TranslateTransform(-ChartInset, ChartInset)

        g.ScaleTransform(-1, 1)

        Dim prevPoint As datapoint = New datapoint

        prevPoint.valid = False


        i = 0

        For Each myPoint As datapoint In chartValues

            If prevPoint.valid = True Then

                x0 = ChartWidth * (prevPoint.x - Xorigin) / ScaleX

                y0 = ChartHeight * (prevPoint.y - Yorigin) / ScaleY

                x = ChartWidth * (myPoint.x - Xorigin) / ScaleX

                y = ChartHeight * (myPoint.y - Yorigin) / ScaleY

                'If CType(chartValues(i), datapoint).ATTRAVERAGE.Trim > 0 Then

                'g.DrawLine(bluePen, x0, y0, x, y)

                'End If

                If i >= 3 Then

                    g.DrawLine(bluePen, x0, y0, x, y)

                    g.FillEllipse(blueBrush, x0 - 2, y0 - 2, 6, 6)

                    g.FillEllipse(blueBrush, x - 2, y - 2, 6, 6)

                End If

                i = i + 1

            End If


            'myLabel = myPoint.yCaption

            'g.DrawString(myLabel, axesFont, blackBrush, x0 + 1, y0 + 1)

            prevPoint = myPoint




        b.Save(p.Response.OutputStream, ImageFormat.Jpeg)


    End Sub

    Protected Overrides Sub Finalize()



    End Sub


End Class



2) The CreateLineChart Function for That create a one ASPX Page. Name is Display.aspx


� Imports These Namespaces

Imports System.Data

Imports System.Data.OracleClient




   � Variable Declarations

    Dim orclCommand As OracleCommand

    Dim rdr As OracleDataReader

    Private OraCn As New OracleConnection(ConfigurationSettings.AppSettings("connString"))  'OracleConnection()


    'NOTE: The following placeholder declaration is required by the Web Form Designer.

    'Do not delete or move it.

    Private designerPlaceholderDeclaration As System.Object


    Dim Itm As ListItem

    Dim Sqlstr As String


� On page_load Event of that Page


    Private Sub Page_Load(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles MyBase.Load


        If Not Page.IsPostBack Then

            Session("numSelIndex") = 0


            Sqlstr = " SQL-Query For Get the dates from and to


            orclCommand = New OracleCommand(Sqlstr, OraCn)

            rdr = orclCommand.ExecuteReader


            Itm = New ListItem

            Itm.Text = "---Select---"

            Itm.Value = ""

            Itm.Selected = True




            While rdr.Read

                Itm = New ListItem

                Itm.Text = rdr.GetValue(0)

                Itm.Value = rdr.GetValue(0)



            End While




        End If

    End Sub


    Private Sub BtnReport_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles BtnReport.Click

        Dim NoOfWeek As Integer

        Dim Enddate, M As String

        Dim StartDate, Enddate1 As String

        Dim TotalPer, RowNo As Integer

        Dim DynWdith As Integer

        Dim XFromDate As String

        Dim XFromDate1 As Integer

        Dim YattritionPer, YattritionPerAvg As Double

        Dim Grdflag As Boolean = True




            If CmbToWeek.SelectedIndex < 1 And CmbFrWeek.SelectedIndex < 1 Then

                Label9.Text = "Select a Proper Dates"

                Label9.Visible = True

                flgFormSubmit.Value = 0

                Exit Sub

            ElseIf (CmbToWeek.SelectedIndex - CmbFrWeek.SelectedIndex) < 4 Then 

                Label9.Text = "Date's are selected should be more than 5"

                flgFormSubmit.Value = 0

                Label9.Visible = True

                Exit Sub


            ElseIf CmbToWeek.SelectedIndex <= CmbFrWeek.SelectedIndex Then

                Label9.Text = "From Date must be less than To Date"

                flgFormSubmit.Value = 0

                Label9.Visible = True

                Exit Sub

            ElseIf (CmbToWeek.SelectedIndex - CmbFrWeek.SelectedIndex) > 31 Then

                Label9.Text = "Date's can not select more than one months"

                Label9.Visible = True

                flgFormSubmit.Value = 0

                Exit Sub



                Label9.Text = ""

            End If


          Label9.Text = ""

            If CmbFrWeek.SelectedIndex = 1 Then

                Enddate = "24-May-2003"



                Enddate = CmbFrWeek.Items(CmbFrWeek.SelectedIndex - 1).Value

            End If



            NoOfWeek = (CmbToWeek.SelectedIndex - CmbFrWeek.SelectedIndex) + 2


            ' This code for Excute Proc Pass the parameter


� Create a one Glogal Temprary Table That will be Store the Main Graphical data

 � That will display in the Line Graph From This Table


            Dim cmd As New OracleCommand("Proc_Absent_New", OraCn)

            cmd.CommandType = CommandType.StoredProcedure


            Dim FromWeek As OracleParameter = cmd.Parameters.Add("frmDay", OracleType.DateTime)

            FromWeek.Direction = ParameterDirection.Input

            FromWeek.Value = UCase(Trim(Enddate.ToString()))


            Dim NoOfWeeks As OracleParameter = cmd.Parameters.Add("NoOfDays", OracleType.Int32, 20)

            NoOfWeeks.Direction = ParameterDirection.Input

            NoOfWeeks.Value = UCase(Trim(NoOfWeek.ToString()))







� Create a one Glogal Temprary Table That will be Store the Main Graphical data

 � That will display in the Line Graph From This Table


            Sqlstr = "SELECT COUNT(*)RowNo,ROUND(MAX(absentper)+1) FROM ABSENT_TEMP "


            orclCommand = New OracleCommand(Sqlstr, OraCn)

            rdr = orclCommand.ExecuteReader

            While rdr.Read()

                TotalPer = rdr.GetValue(1)

                DynWdith = rdr.GetValue(1)

                RowNo = rdr.GetValue(0)

            End While




'****This code for Draw graph call class declare Object

'****Select Values from the Tempprary Table


            Sqlstr = "select Fromday,ABSENTPER, rownum,to_char(Fromday, 'dd-Mon') fdate from ABSENT_TEMP "

            orclCommand = New OracleCommand(Sqlstr, OraCn)

            rdr = orclCommand.ExecuteReader


            StartDate = CmbToWeek.Items(CmbToWeek.SelectedIndex).Value

            Enddate1 = CmbFrWeek.Items(CmbFrWeek.SelectedIndex).Value


� Create the Object of Line chart class that we have created before


            Dim c1 As LineChartAbs = New LineChartAbs(RowNo * 50, 550, Page)


            c1.Title = "  Absenteeism Graph  " & vbCrLf & "  " & Convert.ToDateTime(Enddate1).ToString("dd/MM/yyyy") & "-" & Convert.ToDateTime(StartDate).ToString("dd/MM/yyyy")


            c1.Xorigin = 0

            c1.ScaleX = NoOfWeek - 0

            c1.Xdivs = NoOfWeek - 0

            c1.Yorigin = 0

            If TotalPer > 12 Then

                c1.ScaleY = Math.Ceiling(TotalPer / 10) * 10

                c1.Ydivs = CInt((Math.Ceiling(TotalPer / 10) * 10))



                c1.ScaleY = TotalPer    'if Absent% is Less then 10% then implement this scale

                c1.Ydivs = CInt(TotalPer) * 5


            End If


            'c1.ScaleY = 100

            'c1.Ydivs = 50


            While rdr.Read


    XFromDate = rdr.GetValue(2) - 1

                XFromDate1 = CType(XFromDate, Integer) * 1

                YattritionPer = rdr.GetValue(1)


                c1.AddValue(XFromDate1, YattritionPer, rdr.GetValue(3), rdr.GetValue(1))


            End While





''''Start This code line save output as an image in specified Location


            Dim strFilePath, strUser As String

            Dim strPath As String

            Session("login") = "Absenteesimg"

            strUser = Session("login")


                strFilePath = Server.MapPath(".") & "/Graphs/" & strUser & ".gif"


            Catch ex As Exception

                Response.Write("Error:" & ex.Message.ToString)

            End Try




            'End here that dispaly proper way


        Catch ex As Exception

                Response.Write("Error Occured" & ex.StackTrace)



                'Label9.Text = ""


                'Session("numSelIndex") = CmbToWeek.SelectedIndex

                'Session("formsubmit") = 0

            End Try


    End Sub

End Class




3) Create the One frm Graph.aspx file Write The Below line of code

In this page Call a Generate Graph that created by previous Display ASPX PAGE


Take The one Images control in that Call the Saved Graph.

IMG TAGE set the  path of that Image.


 Advantages :=

         1)    Multiple user can Access at same time.

2)      Generate the Images(Graph) according to user session.

3)      Export the Gif images with data in the Excel file as report point of view.

4)      Generate the Dynamic Graph for each user request.

Graphical Represention of the data so that user easier way understand the output of the system data.  



Possible Enhancements


The CreatePieChart function lacks the bang and pizzazz that a third-party graphing component may provide, but this function was created in less than 15 minutes, costs nothing (except my time), and, best of all, has the source code readily available for any future changes or enhancements you may be interested in making.
One possible enhancement for the CreatePieChart function would be to add the ability to pass in a SQL string as opposed to a database table name. In its current state, the CreatePieChart graph can only create pie charts for databases that have very simple data models. Being able to specify a SQL string means you could create graphs where the data came from multiple tables, or graph only certain rows from a database table by specifying a WHERE clause.


Because ASP.NET allows you to use the classes from the .NET Framework, with a little bit of code you can create your own dynamic images from a Web page. These images can either be saved to the Web server's file system or streamed directly to the browser. All of the image-generation routines you will ever need are included in the .NET Framework. The charts and graphs you can create are limited only by your imagination.


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