- TwinProxyS implements FULL HTTP/1.1 specifications about a Web Proxy Server
- It’s the ONLY ONE Web Proxy Server completed written in VB
- It materializes a user-defined CACHE (with full implementation) using VB Code, without any need from external ready modules
- It creates a CACHE Directory Structure as a mirror of the original site, so we can make off-line browsing of the cached URLs
- Supports Proxy Chaining, so a Proxy may request Resources from the next Proxy in chain instead of requesting them from Web Server directly
- Proxy chaining has no limit
- Create log files with the Browser Requests and the Web Server (or next in chain Proxy) Responses
- Support Requests / Responses that are not mentioned in any Hand Book (Hidden implementations of Browsers / Web Servers manufacturers)
- Logs in Text file any NEW Header Control that it detects
- Finally, TwinProxyS is designed also as an education tool for HTTP learning
TwinProxyS is a freeware, but if anybody uses any part of the source code, please mention the developer.
(c) Mindrinos Matthew (grad0541@di.uoa.gr) 25 Aug 2006
- 28th August, 2006: Initial post