Lumi Mail Server is built around the Microsoft .NET technology and its' a native C# implementation of a fully functional SMTP/POP3/IMAP server. It support all basic SMTP/POP3/IMAP features + some advanced features like public/shared folders, SSL, ... . One of the most interesting feature is "Recycle Bin" implementation, all deleted messages go to recycle bin, from where it's later for adminstrator to restore these messages.
Mail server also provides .NET API what developers can use to "anything"(Mail Server UI is based on that API 100%) with mail server (Adding deleteing domains,users, settings , ... ).
Currenly server runs on windows and linux(mono), but UI works on windows only at moment not for long).But that isn't problem, because Mail Server USer API works over TCP, that mean you can run server in one computer, UI on another.
Server is developed as component based. SMTP/POP3/IMAP are written as usable normal .NET components, what can be used separatley from mail server. Mail Server just uses these components to implement full server.
Server aslo separates into two:
- Server what implements all except objects(Users,Domains,Messages..) storing,getting, ... .
- Server internal API. Server Internal API is defined as interface, so actually anyone candevelope and plug their own server logic in with littel effort and knowing nothing about SMTP/POP3/IMAP.
Currently there are included 3 API by default:
XML(all objects stored to XML,messages to filesystem)
There are much, can't write here, if all this sounds interesting, just get source code and jump in.
All comments,suggestions,help are welcome.
Help is very welcome in writing help and testing server and also making code better.