Menu Items
Explorer Bars
This is a C# class for the addition of buttons, menu items and explorer bars in Internet Explorer. It should work for Internet Explorer 5 and above, but has only been tested on Internet Explorer 7. It is written as a standalone class and can be referenced by either a Windows Forms application or an ASP.NET application. Included in the source download are two test applications; one for Windows Forms and one for ASP.NET, as well as the full source for the class.
There is a tutorial in the MSDN library for adding these features to your registry. I wanted to create an application to do it so that I wouldn't be searching and editing the registry manually. Also if you build an Explorer toolbar, you could use this class to add the buttons at installation time, rather than rewriting the functionality for each bar you create. The article can be found here and I would recommend reading it to understand what the class does and how it edits your registry.
Using the Code
I have added all the functionality to the InternetExplorerExtender
class. To use the class, simply add a reference to the object and instantiate the object.
using CorKat.RegistrySettings;
InternetExplorerExtender iee = new InternetExplorerExtender();
You will also need to reference Microsoft.Win32
to access the RegistryKey
class. This enables you to set the root of the registry you wish to enter the settings in, i.e. CurrentUser
or LocalMachine
using Microsoft.Win32;
Class Names
DeleteKey(string key)
There are many properties. Most have a default value. You will only need to populate certain properties depending on what items you want to add. I have set the object up this way so that you populate the properties before calling the create
function and it will use these values to create the registry entries.
An example to
add a button using the minimum properties is shown below:
iee.ButtonText = "MyButton";
iee.ApplicationPath = "c:/path/filename.exe";
iee.HotIcon = "c:/path/hoticon.ico";
iee.Icon = "c:/path/icon.ico";
An example to add a menu item using the minimum properties is as follows:
iee.MenuText = "myMenuItem;
iee.ApplicationPath = "c:/path/filename.exe";
// call the registry creation function for a menu item
The menu is added to the "Tools" menu in Internet Explorer by default. You can also add it to the "Help" menu. To do this, set InternetExplorerExtender.MenuItem
to IEEenums.MenuItem.help
An example to add an Explorer bar using the minimum properties is as shown below:
iee.MenuText = "MyExplorerBar";
if (txtdll.Text != "")
iee.Dll = txtdll.Text;
if (txtURL.Text != "")
iee.URL = txtURL.Text;
This creates a new item in the view | explorer bar menu and stores the new CLSID in a property. To create a button for the HTML page/DLL immediately after this, call the CreateButton
iee.BaseRegistryKey = Registry.CurrentUser;
iee.RegistryPath = IEEConstants.Extensions;
iee.TypeOfDetail = IEEenums.DetailType.explorerbar;
iee.ButtonText = "MyButton"
iee.HotIcon = "c:/path/hoticon.ico";
iee.Icon = "c:/path/icon.ico";
There are three core functions for creating the registry entries:
If you wish to create a toolbar button for the explorer bar, you call the CreateNewExplorerBar()
function first. This creates the guid that is stored in the registry for the new explorer bar and stores it in a property for the button registry entry to use. This is the full code for the function:
public void CreateNewExplorerBar()
string SubKey = IEEConstants.ExplorerBarPath + AppGuid;
RegistryKey rk = Registry.ClassesRoot.CreateSubKey(SubKey);
rk.SetValue("", MenuText);
string impCat = SubKey + "\\Implemented Categories\\";
if (Vertical)
impCat += VerticalCatId;
impCat += HorizontalCatId;
rk = Registry.ClassesRoot.CreateSubKey(impCat);
// create a new sub key for InProcServer32
string inproc = SubKey + "\\InProcServer32";
rk = Registry.ClassesRoot.CreateSubKey(inproc);
//set its default value to Shdocvw.dll for an html page or *.dll
//for a custom file
rk.SetValue("", Dll);
//Create a new string value under InProcServer32
rk.SetValue("ThreadingModel", "Apartment");
// create a new sub key for Instance
string instance = SubKey + "\\Instance";
rk = Registry.ClassesRoot.CreateSubKey(instance);
//Create a new string value under Instance
rk.SetValue("CLSID", "{4D5C8C2A-D075-11d0-B416-00C04FB90376}");
// create a new sub key for Instance
string InitPropertyBag = instance + "\\InitPropertyBag";
rk = Registry.ClassesRoot.CreateSubKey(InitPropertyBag);
//Create a new string value under Instance
rk.SetValue("URL", URL); // the html page to open in the explorer bar
SubKey = IEEConstants.ExplorerBars + AppGuid;
//Create a registry entry for the guid
rk = BaseRegistryKey.CreateSubKey(SubKey);
// store the BandCLSID for making a button
BandCLSID = AppGuid;
Then you can call the CreateRegistryEntry_Button
public void CreateRegistryEntry_Button()
string SubKey = IEEConstants.Extensions + AppGuid;
RegistryKey rk = BaseRegistryKey.CreateSubKey(SubKey);
string strCLSID = ToolbarExtensionForExecutablesCLSID;
rk.SetValue("Default Visible", Visible);
rk.SetValue("ButtonText", ButtonText);
rk.SetValue("HotIcon", HotIcon);
rk.SetValue("Icon", Icon);
switch (TypeOfDetail)
case IEEenums.DetailType.executable:
rk.SetValue("Exec", ApplicationPath);
case IEEenums.DetailType.script:
rk.SetValue("Script", ApplicationPath);
case IEEenums.DetailType.com:
rk.SetValue("ClsidExtension", ComCLSID);
case IEEenums.DetailType.explorerbar:
strCLSID = ToolbarExtensionForBandsCLSID;
rk.SetValue("BandCLSID", BandCLSID);
rk.SetValue("CLSID", strCLSID);
The third function creates the menu items. NB: By default the explorer bar registry entry creates a menu item in View | Explorer Bars. This function creates a menu item in either the tools menu (default if nothing is specified) or the help menu.
public void CreateRegistryEntry_MenuItem()
string SubKey = IEEConstants.Extensions + AppGuid;
RegistryKey rk = BaseRegistryKey.CreateSubKey(SubKey);
rk.SetValue("CLSID", ToolbarExtensionForExecutablesCLSID);
rk.SetValue("MenuText", MenuText);
string strMenu = "tools";
if (MenuItem == IEEenums.MenuItem.help)
strMenu = "help";
rk.SetValue("MenuCustomize", strMenu);
switch (TypeOfDetail)
case IEEenums.DetailType.executable:
rk.SetValue("Exec", ApplicationPath);
case IEEenums.DetailType.script:
rk.SetValue("Script", ApplicationPath);
case IEEenums.DetailType.com:
rk.SetValue("ClsidExtension", ComCLSID);
All new entries into the registry require a unique GUID. The function CreateNewGuid
caters to this and is called when creating a new explorer bar, button or menu item.
private string CreateNewGuid()
AppGuid = Guid.NewGuid().ToString().ToUpper();
return AppGuid;
There are three functions used to retrieve registry entries for the button menus and explorer bars. These are used in the Windows example to populate list views for selection and deletion of the entries.
public string[] SubKeyNames()
RegistryKey rk = BaseRegistryKey;
rk = rk.OpenSubKey(RegistryPath);
string[] strKeys = rk.GetSubKeyNames();
return strKeys;
return null;
public string[] SubKeyNames(string key)
RegistryKey rk = BaseRegistryKey;
RegistryKey regSubKey = rk.OpenSubKey(RegistryPath + "\\" + key);
string[] strKeys = regSubKey.GetValueNames();
return strKeys;
return null;
/// Retrieve the value of the subkeys at the provided subkey key.
public string GetValue(string ValueName, string key)
// Setting
RegistryKey rk = BaseRegistryKey;
RegistryKey regSubKey = rk.OpenSubKey(RegistryPath + "\\" + key);
// If the RegistryKey exists...
if (regSubKey != null)
return regSubKey.GetValue(ValueName).ToString();
return "";
return "";
Also there is a function for deleting a key and any subkeys it may have:
public void DeleteKey(string key)
string subkey = RegistryPath + key;
RegistryKey rk = BaseRegistryKey;
RegistryKey regSubKey = rk.OpenSubKey(subkey);
if (regSubKey != null)
The last function DeleteIECache
deals with the way Internet Explorer caches the explorer bar menu and needs to be called whenever you create or delete an explorer bar. Otherwise when you open Internet Explorer it will look like nothing has happened due to the fact that it is cached.
public void DeleteIECache()
RegistryPath = ComponetCat1Cache;
RegistryKey rk = BaseRegistryKey;
RegistryKey regSubKey = rk.OpenSubKey(RegistryPath);
if (regSubKey != null)
RegistryPath = ComponetCat2Cache;
regSubKey = rk.OpenSubKey(RegistryPath);
if (regSubKey != null)
Points of Interest
When you add a new explorer bar by editing the registry, it doesn't show up in the Internet Explorer menu due to the way in which Internet Explorer caches its menus. The MSDN tutorial adding Explorer bars tells you to delete the registry entries:
HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\Component Categories\{00021493-0000-0000-C000-000000000046}\Enum
HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\Component Categories\{00021494-0000-0000-C000-000000000046}\Enum
This is the wrong location. You need to delete:
PostSetup\Component Categories\{00021493-0000-0000-C000-000000000046}\Enum
PostSetup\Component Categories\{00021494-0000-0000-C000-000000000046}\Enum
However, you don't need to worry about this. Once the new Explorer bar is created, the function will do this for you. However, I have made the function DeleteIECache public
so that you can call it if necessary.
- Version 1.0 (initial version) - 22/01/2007
- Added Visual Studio 2003 zip - 20/02/2007 - N.B. It contains the same class as the Visual Studio 2005 version, but the test app only shows you how to add a button.