This small article is explained, How to find a week in given date from sql server. In Many scanerio we need to prepare the records in weekly basis. In this case, the below funciton is very useful to find the week in given date.
Create Function dbo.FindInWeek (@givendate datetime)
returns varchar(15)
declare @firstDayOfMonth varchar(20),
@findWeek int,@weeks varchar(30)
set @firstDayOfMonth = cast(month(@givenDate) as varchar(2))+'/'+'1'
+'/'+ cast(year(@givenDate) as varchar(4))
set @findWeek= datepart(wk, @givendate) - datepart(wk, @firstDayOfMonth) + 1
set @weeks=case @findWeek
when 1 then 'First'
when 2 then 'Second'
when 3 then 'Third'
when 4 then 'Fourth'
when 5 then 'Fifth'
when 6 then 'Sixth'
else 'Seventh' end
return @weeks+' Week'
How to call this function from Sql sever?
select dbo.FindInWeek('02/05/2007')
Second Week