Add "Last Modified" Date/Time to Your Web Pages
Using the simple custom control here, you can display the date/time your web pages were last modified (such as in my web page footer above). Showing the date of modification might give your viewers an idea of how current the information contained on the page is.
This project also serves as an example of creating a simple custom control. The control drops right into the Toolbox in Visual Studio (or Visual Web Developer) and can be used at design-time or is extremely simple to edit manually into your pages.
Including the control in your master page will add the "Last Modified" date/time to all your web pages.
Using the Code
All you need to do to use the LastModified
control is to include it in your web page code:
<Tek4:LastModified runat="server" />
The above only generates the date and time, therefore, you may wish to provide some sort of label and/or enclosing <span>
or <div>
for styling:
<span style="font-size:smaller;">
LastModified: <Tek4:LastModified runat="server" />
If you want to change the default DateTime
format string (see below), specify the additional Format
<Tek4:LastModified runat="server" Format="g" />
Also, you must copy the Tek4.Web.UI.CustomControls.LastModified.dll assembly to your web application's /bin directory, or, install it into the GAC (Global Assembly Cache).
Finally, you will need to register the assembly at the top of your web page:
<%@ Page %>
<%@ Register TagPrefix="Tek4"
Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=26c804c56bafc725" %>
Or, alternatively, you can keep your pages free of clutter and register the assembly in your web.config file instead:
<add tagprefix="Tek4"
Version=, Culture=neutral,
PublicKeyToken=26c804c56bafc725" />
The compiled assembly included with this project is securely signed with my security key so it can be installed into the GAC. If you re-compile the project, you will need to provide your own secure key for signing.
Adding the LastModified Custom Control to your Toolbox
To add the LastModified
control to your Visual Studio (or Visual Web Developer) toolbox, simply open a file window containing the *.dll assembly and drag the assembly to the toolbox:
The LastModified
control is added next to its clock icon:
You can now double-click or drag the LastModified
control to your web page in design view:
Here is the properties window for the LastModified
The only unique property of the LastModified
control is the Format
property which is a string
that dictates the date/time format used for rendering the control (see below). The default value is 'r
DateTime Format Property
The output format for the Date/Time is dictated by the Format
property. The Format
property is a standard .NET DateTime
format string of which there are two categories:
Standard DateTime Format Strings
Standard DateTime
Format Strings consist of a single character format specifier that represents a custom format. Examples are:
- Short Date (MM/dd/yyyy)
- Long Date (dddd, dd MMMM yyyy)
- Full Date/Time (dddd, dd MMMM yyyy HH:mm)
- General Date/Time (MM/dd/yyyy HH:mm)
- RFC1123 Pattern (ddd, dd MMM yyyy HH':'mm':'ss 'GMT')
The default format is 'r
' and will be used if you do not specify the Format
Remember, if you are using a Standard DateTime Format String, the actual displayed format is determined by the current culture of the web server as set in the Regional and Language Options in the Control Panel. The culture does not affect the default RFC1123 format, however.
Custom DateTime Format Strings
Custom DateTime
Format Strings consist of a pattern of characters that allow you to display the date and time in any manner you choose. Examples are:
- d MMMM - (12 April)
- dddd MMMM yy gg - (Thursday April 01 A.D.)
- hh:mm, G\MT zzz - (05:13 GMT -09:00)
Refer to the MSDN Documentation on DateTime Format Strings for formulating your own formats.
Points of Interest
The actual code is very simple. The LastModified
class inherits from System.Web.UI.WebControls.WebControl
which serves as the base class for all WebControl
s. On it's own, WebControl
simply renders as an empty set of <span>
The LastModified
class overrides a single method of WebControl
: The RenderContents()
method. The RenderContents()
method is responsible for all of a control's content between its opening and closing tags—the content that will be rendered between the <span>
is passed an HtmlTextWriter
object that is used for rendering. Upon invocation, RenderContents()
defines a DateTime
object, dt
, that will receive the last modified date/time. Entering a try
block to protect against exceptions, the file path of the current *.aspx page is retrieved by first obtaining the virtual web path, then converting it to a file system path using MapPathSecure()
protected override void RenderContents(HtmlTextWriter writer) {
DateTime dt;
try {
string filePath = MapPathSecure(Page.Request.CurrentExecutionFilePath);
dt = new FileInfo(filePath).LastWriteTime;
} catch {
dt = DateTime.Now;
writer.Write("{0:" + Format + "}", dt);
To obtain the virtual web path of the currently executing script, we access the CurrentExecutionPath
property of the current page's Request
object. This operation will throw an exception if we are using the control at design-time in Visual Studio because there is no Request
object. There are subtle differences between the Request
object's CurrentExecutionPath
, Path
, and FilePath
properties—review the MSDN Documentation for specifics—but know that the CurrentExecutionPath
property yields a virtual path to the actual executing script with no additional trailing string
A FileInfo
object constructed with the file path yields its LastWriteTime
property—our "Last Modified" DateTime
object. The catch
block initializes dt
with the current date/time in the event of exceptions (such as during design-time.)
Final output rendering is simply a write to the HtmlTextWriter
object using the formatting specified by the Format
Class Attributes
Looking at the class declaration in the code reveals quite a few attributes that are applied:
[ AspNetHostingPermission(SecurityAction.Demand,
Level = AspNetHostingPermissionLevel.Minimal),
Level = AspNetHostingPermissionLevel.Minimal),
ToolboxData("<{0}:LastModified runat="\""server\"/>") ]
public class LastModified : WebControl {
In brief, the AspNetHostingPermission
attributes demand the minimum trust level the code needs to execute in an ASP.NET hosting environment. The other two attributes are for Visual Studio's design-time. DefaultProperty
specifies that the one-and-only property, Format
, is the default to use during design. The ToolboxData
attribute specifies the web page code inserted by Visual Studio by default.
Format Property
This property allows getting and setting the format of the date/time output. The format string is saved in the control's ViewState
. The default value of 'r
' is returned if nothing is set. Multiple attributes specify design-time properties for Visual studio.
[ Bindable(true),
Description("A DateTime format specifier.") ]
public virtual string Format {
get {
string s = (string)ViewState["Format"];
return (s == null) ? "r" : s;
set {
ViewState["Format"] = value;
- 2007-02-11 v. - Original post
- 2009-04-05 v. - Added