Its basically designed for those industries who deals with aluminum parts. Such aluminum parts are used in building glass windows and are available in number of sections. This system handle Stock, Order and Consignment data. The window shown above is the main window. It appears when the software is started and after logging on the system.
System Analysis
This system can be divided into following portions
Stock Information
Information about each is explained in the following text.
Stock Information
This portion of the system can be accessed by clicking the Current Stock button on the main window. This portion depicts the current status of the stock. Aluminum Sections are available the four colors (black, bronz, dull and champain) and five lengths.
This picture shows that there are 148 different aluminum sections available in the stock and user is currently viewing section # AL-17 which is record number 3. Using this portion one can find: Information about specific section, All the sections that contains letter AL as section #. etc. Printable reports can be achieved by clicking Report button. Such reports can be about any specific section or group of sections or all the available status of Stock.

This portion of the system can be accessed by clicking the Order button on main window. Its deals with order information. Each Order is assigned a unique Order number.

This picture is depicting information about the order # 5. This order was submitted on 7th July, 1999 and there was 5% discount on that order. The total charges taken by the company has also shown. To get the info about the items that comprises this order click the Order No. 5 Items page as shown in picture. After doing so the above picture now looks as below one. It shows that order # 5 is comprises of two items. Item # 1 info is currently visible. All the sections # that are available in the stock is contained in the Section No drop down box. When Adding Items only red entities are to be entered. To check the available number of lengths in the Stock for a specific section #, click the check button. Items can be added only when number of lengths required in any order is less then the lengths available in the stock. Using this portion, one can find: Information about any specific order or any specific item, All the orders relating to any specific date or month, All the orders having discount 5% etc., and many more...
This portion of the system is identical with order portion as far as GUI is concern. Its deals with information like when the consignment had arrived and about the items, updating of Stock etc.
Total security is provided in this system. To log on the system one has to provide the password. Once entered in the system, one can change the password by clicking the Password button provided on the main window.