A while ago, someone posted a link referring to this page about so-called 'Anti-Patterns'[^]. Anti-Patterns are, contrary to Design Patterns[^], recurring programming practices that create problems instead of solving them. Going through that page, I found many patterns I used when I just started out programming (the shame!). Luckily, I have learned a lot since, and I think I do not use any of the Anti-Patterns anymore. However, I do see many people on the web who still use these counterproductive techniques, either knowingly or unknowingly. Many articles on CP and other web sources discuss various Design Patterns. Anti-Patterns are usually not discussed though.
So Design Patterns solve problems, but why would you solve problems if you are not really aware of any? Well, you might actually already have a problem. I believe that knowing the problem is already half of the solution. But to acknowledge a problem, you have to know that there is a problem in the first place. So knowing what not to do might be as important as knowing what to do. This is exactly why I have written this article. I want to point out to (beginning) programmers what not to do and how to do things instead. I have taken some Anti-Patterns from this page[^] which I will discuss and which I have used in a sample project (and also corrected).
"Good programmers use their brains, but good guidelines save us having to think out every case." -- (Francis Glassborow)
Knowing why not to use these Anti-Patterns, or why they are Anti-Patterns in the first place, requires some knowledge on Object Oriented Programming[^]. While the basics of Object Oriented Programming, the so called SOLID Principles[^], are not very hard to understand (assuming some programming knowledge), they are hard to put to practice (and you might never do it completely right). For this reason, I will not go into the details of these SOLID Principles. For now, it is important to know that using these principles allows for more organised code and (Class
structure, which makes your application more stable and maintainable. As a bonus, it becomes easier to implement Design Patterns into your software which makes it easier to solve common programming problems. So, as you might expect, Anti-Patterns are the opposite of proper SOLID Principles and Design Patterns, and make your code harder to read, less stable, and could make a hell out of maintaining the code.
"There are two ways of constructing a software design. One way is to make it so simple that there are obviously no deficiencies. And the other way is to make it so complicated that there are no obvious deficiencies." -- (C.A.R. Hoare)
Using the code

For this article, I have created two sample projects. One in Visual Basic and one in C#. Why? Because I have been using VB for quite some months now and to me still feels more familiar than C#. But because a lot of people here might be more familiar with C#, I have chosen to translate the project into C# as well. That was a good syntactic workout for me as well. I have finally decided to put the C# code in the article and add the VB project as a bonus.
So looking at the project, what do we see? We see a Windows Form
with a few tabs on the left, many buttons and a textbox in the right. While the many buttons do the same thing, they handle this differently. One button might do action A using an Anti-Pattern while another button does the exact same thing, but having (partly) solved the Anti-Pattern. Debugging the code is key in understanding what is happening here! The code is heavily commented so there is no excuse to not go into that debugger :)
The TextBox
on the right functions as a logging mechanism and shows the user when something goes wrong, among other things.
I have to mention that I have tried to keep the project simple and easy to understand for everyone. For this reason, I have not used proper Object Oriented Design, which would have been a necessity for what I am doing here. Instead, try to look at this project as an absolute beginner's first step towards Object Oriented Programming.
In the project, I have faked an email client. Instead of sending emails, I do some string concatenation and prompt the user with MessageBox
es representing this email (you should never actually use MessageBox
es in your Class
es other then a Windows.Forms.Form Class
). However, things might go wrong (I programmed it that way). With the use of Anti-Patterns, this could be problematic (as the TextBox
on the right shows). When we have solved the Anti-Patterns, things might still go wrong, but in this case, this poses less of a problem (remember that every application will go wrong at one point or another).
"Controlling complexity is the essence of computer programming." -- (Brian Kernigan)
Magic Pushbutton and Copy/Paste Programming Anti-Patterns
The first of the Anti-Patterns I want to discuss is the Magic Pushbutton Anti-Pattern[^]. Start the sample project and browse to the "Abstractions" tab. Why is this called the "Abstractions" tab? Find out in a couple of minutes. First, push the button "Send Test Email" in the "Magic Pushbutton" groupbox. What do you get? An email to with the message "This is a test email!" and the subject "Test", all neatly formatted in a messagebox. Also notice that the textbox (which represents the log) has a first entry "-- Email was sent." Wow, that is really amazing! Let us see what code is underneath that button.
private void btnSendTestEmail_Click(System.Object sender, System.EventArgs e)
string mail = "To:{0}{0}This is a test email!";
MessageBox.Show(string.Format(mail, Environment.NewLine),
"Test", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Information);
this.txtLog.Text += "-- Email was sent." + Environment.NewLine;
catch (Exception ex)
MessageBox.Show(ex.Message, this.Text, MessageBoxButtons.OK,
this.txtLog.Text += "-- " + ex.Message + Environment.NewLine;
So first we see that the receiver of the email is, the subject is "Test" (written in the
's parameters) and the body is "This is a test email!" (not really, just imagine it to be). Next, the
gets a new Entry "-- Email was sent.". This looks pretty good, right? The code does what it should do. Not really.
The code is implemented directly in the Button
's Event Handler
, making the code useless if the Button
was not there. This is called the Magic Pushbutton Pattern. You press a Button
and some magic happens. This has several disadvantages and no advantages at all! The first disadvantage is that the code can grow to unmanageable proportions. Your customer might call that they want to send an attachment with the email and that they possibly want to send a copy to their own email address and that they want to have a cup of coffee when the email is sent. Your Event Handler
will grow to some tens of lines of code... Second, what if you wanted to do the exact same thing with another Button
or Control
or on another Form
or even in another application? What if we wanted to change the receiver, subject, or body of the email? It is simply not possible. This Button Event Handler
cannot be called with different values for any of those. The code is ONLY usable for this specific Button
So what if we still wanted to send another email? We are going to use another Anti-Pattern for that, called the Copy/Paste Programming Anti-Pattern[^]. But first, click the second Button
. It is located in the GroupBox
"Copy / Paste" and has the caption "Send Test Email with Attachment". This Button
shows a MessageBox
(email) which looks largely the same as the first one. With a slight difference. The subject and body have changed and an attachment has been added to the email. Let us look at the code again:
private void btnSendTestEmailWithAttachment_Click(System.Object sender, System.EventArgs e)
string mail = "To:{0}{0}Attachment: ";
string attachment = @"C:\\Reports\TestAttachment.txt";
mail += attachment;
this.txtLog.Text += string.Format("--The attachment {0} " +
"has been added to the email.{1}",
attachment, Environment.NewLine);
mail += "{0}{0}This is a test email with Attachment!";
MessageBox.Show(string.Format(mail, Environment.NewLine),
"Test with Attachment", MessageBoxButtons.OK,
this.txtLog.Text += "--Email was sent." + Environment.NewLine;
catch (Exception ex)
MessageBox.Show(ex.Message, this.Text, MessageBoxButtons.OK,
this.txtLog.Text += "--" + ex.Message + Environment.NewLine;
Notice two things. Half of the code presented in the second
Event Handler
is the same as that in the first
Event Handler
. Why? Because I have copy/pasted it! The part that is not the same is that where I include the attachment (which requires some extra
concatenation). Doing this might seem fine, because the email is still correctly send (or in our case correctly formatted in the
). But notice how the logging is inconsistent with the first
s log. To be honest I have included the "-- " in front of each log later then when I first created these two
Button Event Handler
s. This meant that I had to correct BOTH
Event Handler
s to format the log message correctly, but I have forgotten one
. This is really not very stupid of me, it is really very difficult to find every log action like this, so this approach is just very prone to errors (pray that it sticks to a space in a log message, I have made complete
s unusable by copy/pasting...). So this
has everything that is wrong with the first
, but it is also not pasted entirely correct. How to solve these problems (and now you will know why that first tab is called "Abstraction")? We need to abstract these actions away from the
Button Event Handler
Let us first take a look at how I have abstracted the logging away from the Handler
private void LogMessage(string message)
this.txtLog.Text += "-- " + message + Environment.NewLine;
I have created a
that returns
in VB) which takes a
as parameter. It adds this
(and "-- ") to the log. See how this could never go wrong? The only thing that could go wrong is that a programmer passes an unintelligible message as parameter. However, this is quite unlikely.
Now how about those email functions? How could we make those more abstract so that they can be used by other Button
s in our Form
private void SendSimpleMail(string subject, string message, string email)
string mail = "To: {1}{0}{0}{2}";
MessageBox.Show(string.Format(mail, Environment.NewLine, email, message),
subject, MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Information);
LogMessage("Email was sent.");
private void SendMailWithAttachment(string subject, string message,
string email, string attachment)
string mail = "To: {1}{0}{0}Attachment: ";
mail += attachment;
LogMessage(string.Format("The attachment {0} has " +
"been added to the email.", attachment));
mail += "{0}{0}{2}";
MessageBox.Show(string.Format(mail, Environment.NewLine, email, message),
subject, MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Information);
LogMessage("Email was sent.");
I have created two
s that return
s in VB) which do the exact same thing as the first two
Event Handler
s. However, these
s expect a
address to be passed as
. This means I could use these
s from every
(or any other
) in my
and they would always do the same thing. Also note that the newly created
ethod is called. So logging will always be uniform. So press the two remaining
s in the "Abstractions" tab. They do the exact same as the first two
s, but the logging is now correct and the
Event Handlers
look very different.
private void btnSendTestEmail2_Click(System.Object sender, System.EventArgs e)
SendSimpleMail("Test", "This is a test email!",
catch (Exception ex)
MessageBox.Show(ex.Message, this.Text, MessageBoxButtons.OK,
private void btnSendTestEmailWithAttachment2_Click(System.Object sender,
System.EventArgs e)
SendMailWithAttachment("Test", "This is a test email!",
"", @"C:\\Reports\TestAttachment.txt");
catch (Exception ex)
MessageBox.Show(ex.Message, this.Text, MessageBoxButtons.OK,
In fact, most of the code in the
s is now showing a possible
to the user and logging this. The sending of the email, with or without attachment, is now handled away from the
Event Handler
. The code has now become more reusable. This is a first step in solving the Magic Pushbutton and Copy/Paste Programming Anti-Patterns! Abstracting
s like this is a good practice. However, in our current code we still have the
s in our
. So if we wanted to use these
s in another
or application we are still in a bind. On top of that, the one
is still largely a copy of our other
. Our current solution is still not sufficient enough, we have to move away the
s in a seperate
and cut the creating, sending and adding of attachments to an email into different pieces of code.
Object Orgy Anti-Pattern
In this part I have moved away the email
s in a seperate
. I will not go over this in detail, but take a look at how I have done this. Of course I have done this in a bad way, using the
Object Orgy Anti-Pattern[
^]. An Object Orgy means that an
is insufficiently
^], meaning that the
can be accessed how or where you do not want it to be accessed.
^] is one out of three primary characteristics of Object Oriented Programming (together with Inheritance and Polymorphism) and I suggest you learn it well. You will see why encapsulation is so important in the next example.
But first, let us take a look at how I have implemented the former two
s into a new
called "
" (comments reduced for readability here):
public static List<string> Attachments { get; set; }
public static void AddAttachment(string filePath, LogMessage logger)
if (Attachments == null)
Attachments = new List<string>();
logger(string.Format("The attachment {0} has been " +
"added to the email.", filePath));
public static void SendMail(string Subject, string message,
string email, LogMessage logger)
string mail = "To: " + email + "{0}";
if (Attachments != null && Attachments.Count > 0)
mail += "{0}Attachments:{0}";
foreach (string attachment in Attachments)
mail += attachment + "{0}";
mail += "{0}" + message;
Random rand = new Random();
if (rand.Next(1, 5) == 1)
throw new Exception("An Error has occurred");
MessageBox.Show(string.Format(mail, Environment.NewLine), Subject,
MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Information);
logger("Email was sent.");
catch (Exception ex)
First notice that there is no "SendMailWithAttachment
" anymore. Instead this Class
contains a List<string>
<string> (List(Of String)
in VB) to which attachments can be added using the "AddAttachment
" Method
. When all the attachments are added you can call "SendMail
" and the mail will automatically be send, including all added attachments. Second, also notice that the "SendMail
" Method may produce an Exception
. Last, I pass a Delegate
to each Method
which takes care of logging on my Form
. Do not worry about the Delegate
, it is not important for the example and the point I am trying to make. If you want to know more about Delegate
s refer to this page[^] for information. It should also be said (again) that using MessageBox
es in Class
es other than System.Windows.Forms.Form
is simply not done. By doing so your Class
can only be used in WinForm projects and programmers using your Class
have to force the user of the application to click away yet another MessageBox
. I have declared both Method
s and the List<string>
as static
in VB) so anyone who wants to use this Class
can simply use it without creating an instance of the Class
(I thought this was really handy when I first found out about it!). Before you press any Button
I want you to look at the code that uses this Class
(again, comments removed).
private void btnSendInvoiceBad_Click(System.Object sender, System.EventArgs e)
string mailBody = "Dear Customer,{0}Please, " +
"PAY UP!!!{0}Regards,{0}Your Supplier";
BadEmailClass.AddAttachment(@"C:\\Reports\Invoice.rpt", LogMessage);
string.Format(mailBody, Environment.NewLine),
"", LogMessage);
catch (Exception ex)
MessageBox.Show(ex.Message, this.Text,
MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Error);
private void btnSendReminderBad_Click(System.Object sender, System.EventArgs e)
string mailBody = "Dear Customer,{0}You still have not " +
"shown us the money!{0}Regards,{0}Your Supplier";
string.Format(mailBody, Environment.NewLine),
"", LogMessage);
catch (Exception ex)
MessageBox.Show(ex.Message, this.Text, MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Error);
So assume now that you press the first
, an attachment gets added to an email and the email is send. Then assume you press the second
. Again, an attachment is added and the email is send. Any
will be caught, shown to the user and logged. So little code and all seems perfect! Now go to the "Object Orgy" tab and press the
s in the "Bad Email Class"
a couple of times...
You will notice a few things: the log sometimes displays an error message, but you are not notified (you know an error has occurred because you do not see the MessageBox
). The number of attachments keeps growing when you press the Button
s more often. An attachment that was added in the one Button
shows up in the email of the other Button
and vice versa. And when sending a reminder to the customer the adding of an attachment does not get logged. In short, it is a mess!
So what goes wrong here? Averything in this Class
is declared static
in VB) which gives other Class
es (like our Form
) unrestricted access to our BadEmailClass
's internal values (in this example the List
). The List<string /> </string />
<string>is not emptied or Disposed
after an email has been sent. Actually, because it is static
it will never be Disposed
by the Garbage Collector
because any other Class
might access it at any given time and use its items. So we could have the SendMail
empty the List
? No, because what if we wanted to send a copy of the email to another email addess? The attachments will be gone. So we should force the user of our Class
to empty the list before using the Class? No, because this leads to another Anti-Pattern, Sequential Coupling[^], which means that a programmer has to call any Method
s in the <code>Class
in a particular order or the Class
will not work or show unexpected behaviour. What we have here is an Object Orgy. The Method
s and Field
s of this Class
have been improperly encapsulated. I have solved this problem in the GoodEmailClass
. Watch how the Method
s and List<string /> </string />
<string>have been declared in this Class
private List<string> _attachments;
public GoodEmailClass()
_attachments = new List<string>();
public void AddAttachment(string filePath, LogMessage logger)
public void SendMail(string Subject, string message, string email, LogMessage logger)
I have removed the static
in VB) keyword and made the List<string /> private</string />
<string>and the two Methods Public
. Doing this will solve almost all our problems. Let us see how it is now used in our Form
private void btnSendInvoiceGood_Click(System.Object sender, System.EventArgs e)
string message = string.Format("Dear Customer,{0}Please, " +
"PAY UP!!!{0}Regards,{0}Your Supplier", Environment.NewLine);
SendMail("Invoice", message, "",
catch (Exception ex)
MessageBox.Show(ex.Message, this.Text,
MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Error);
private void btnSendReminderGood_Click(System.Object sender, System.EventArgs e)
string message = "Dear Customer,{0}You still have not " +
"shown us the money!{0}Regards,{0}Your Supplier";
SendMail("Reminder", message, "",
catch (Exception ex)
MessageBox.Show(ex.Message, this.Text, MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Error);
private void btnSendFunnyJokes_Click(System.Object sender, System.EventArgs e)
SendMail("Funny!", "Some funny stuff!!!",
"", "funnypic1.jpg",
"funnypic2.jpg", "");
catch (Exception ex)
MessageBox.Show(ex.Message, this.Text,
MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Error);
private void SendMail(string subject, string message, string emailAddress)
SendMail(subject, message, emailAddress, null);
private void SendMail(string subject, string message,
string emailAddress, params string[] attachments)
GoodEmailClass email = new GoodEmailClass();
if (attachments != null)
foreach (string attachment in attachments)
email.AddAttachment(attachment, LogMessage);
email.SendMail(subject, message, emailAddress, LogMessage);
As you can see the new implementation forces us to create a new instance of our
, which also makes sure a new
is being created. It is now also possible to add as many attachments as you want, from wherever you want, as long as you have a reference to your
. This is easier to debug, since it is now clear where your
instance is used. You can even find all references by right-clicking on the
variable and clicking "find all references" in Visual Studio. Now click the
s in the "Good Email Class"
and see how everything gets logged, how you are notified about any
s and how every email you send has only the attachments you expect it to have!
<string>So now that we have fixed this Class
' encapsulation what is up with those Exception
s? Why do we see when an Exception
occurs in our GoodEmailClass
, but not in our BadEmailClass
? That is because our BadEmailClass
had another Anti-Pattern implemented, the Error Hiding Anti-Pattern[^]. This means that our BadEmailClass
produced an Exception
, but never passed the Exception
to the user of the Class
(our Form
). Instead it caught and handled it (which is fine, but make sure the 'top layer' always gets the Exception
too). On top of that, even if it did Throw
the Exception
up to out Form
, we would get an Exception
message that would be useless "An Error has occurred.". The GoodEmailClass
, on the contrary, does not catch the Exception
at all and it gives us a detailed error description. For more info on correct Exception Handling
read this article[^].
The God Object
Last, but not least, in this article about Anti-Patterns is the God Object Anti-Pattern[^]. With the GoodEmailClass
our application was actually pretty neat. We sold it to a satisfied customer and this customer has now asked us for some additional functionality! If that is not good news then what is!? This customer wants our application to be able to send SMS'es to telephones and to be able to set email and SMS privileges per employee. So we start programming and before you know it we have added the following to our GoodEmailClass
(I have copied the GoodEmailClass
to the GodClass
and added the following to it):
public static void SendSms(string phoneNumber,
string message, LogMessage logger)
if (!Regex.IsMatch(phoneNumber, @"^\d+$") || phoneNumber.Length != 10)
throw new System.Exception(phoneNumber +
" is not recognized as a valid telephone number.");
MessageBox.Show(message, phoneNumber,
MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Information);
logger("SMS was sent.");
protected static bool _canSendEmail = true;
public static bool CanSendEmail
get { return _canSendEmail; }
protected static bool _canSendSms = true;
public static bool CanSendSms
get { return _canSendSms; }
The implementation in our
for sending emails has remained largely untouched (I re-implemented it using the
and now check if
). The implementation for the SMS function looks like this:
private void btnSendGodSms_Click(System.Object sender, System.EventArgs e)
SendGodSms("0612345678", "This is a text message!");
catch (Exception ex)
MessageBox.Show(ex.Message, this.Text,
MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Error);
private void SendGodSms(string phoneNumber, string message)
if (GodClass.CanSendSms)
GodClass.SendSms(phoneNumber, message, LogMessage);
MessageBox.Show("You are not allowed to send an sms.",
this.Text, MessageBoxButtons.OK,
LogMessage("SMS was denied.");
We first have to check if the user is allowed to send an SMS. In most cases I think it is better to
the SMS
if the current user is not allowed to send SMS, but for now let us do it this way. So that is that. We have just created our first God
! A God
is an all-knowing
, or an
that knows or does to much. In this example we have a
that sends emails and SMSes and also stores user settings. Tempting though it may be, this is bad practice. Yes, emailing and SMSing are both forms of communication so they should (could) be kept together and yes, the user settings have everything to do with emailing and SMSing. But try to maintain this code. Whenever new functionality is needed you will be tempted to also put it int this
(it has lots of functionality already anyway). Also, chances are that when you alter the SMS functionality your email functionality will break. Even when you think it will never happen it
will somehow happen. Changing a
may cause the whole
to behave differently if you are not careful. Therefore it is best to keep a
responsible for one thing only (Single Responsibility Principle, the S in SOLID Principles!). Also, a new programmer on the team would never expect to find SMS functionality in a
called "Email". Calling your
"Communications" will not clear things up. After a couple of months, or even years, large parts of your
will not be used anymore (legacy code) and the unused parts cannot be kept apart from the used parts. Maintaining God
s can be tiresome and confusing because seperate functionalities become intertwined.
Imagine a potential customer calling:
c: "Hello, this is a potential customer speaking."
you: "Hello, we are a potential supplier!"
c: "Can you make me an application that can send emails?"
you: "Sure, do you want SMS functionality with that?"
c: "No..."
you: "Well, you are getting it anyway!"
*Customer hangs up the phone*
You do not want that.
So what is the solution to this? Just lots and lots of Class
es (probably including BaseClass
es and Interface
s, but that is Object Oriented Design, I would not talk about that). Keep related Class
es together, both physical on your hard disk by using folders, and in your code by using Namespace
s (which I did not use in my sample projects). As you can see in the sample project I have divided the GodClass
into the SmsClass
and UserSettings
. We already had a GoodEmailClass
, this will still be used. The implementation of our SMS functionality in our Form
now looks like this:
private void btnSendMultipleClassesSms_Click(System.Object sender, System.EventArgs e)
SendSms("0612345678", "This is a final text message!");
catch (Exception ex)
MessageBox.Show(ex.Message, this.Text,
MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Error);
private void SendSms(string phoneNumber, string message)
if (UserSettings.CanSendSms)
SmsClass.SendSms(phoneNumber, message, LogMessage);
MessageBox.Show("You are not allowed to send an sms.",
this.Text, MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Hand);
LogMessage("SMS was denied.");
An example where a wrong telephone number is supplied is also available in the project. Somewhat confusing may be the UserSettings
class. It is. The Properties
are static
in VB) while the members it holds are Protected
. Simply creating a new instance of the UserSettings Class
everytime you want to check if a user has permissions to perform an action is not going to work, because this will reset all settings. You could set the permissions again everytime you instantiate the Object
, but in this case I want the user to restart the application if his permissions changed. So I only want to set the permissions when the application starts up. For such a problem (where only one instance of a Class
must exist at all times) we might use the Singleton Design Pattern[^] (and notice how we can use this Pattern now that we do not have a God Object
anymore!). But I promised you that this would be an article about Anti-Patterns, not Design Patterns. So I will leave you figure that one out on your own. So we see that the code is now better readable and that Class
es have logically divided functionality. Changing SMS functionality will never ever hurt our emailing functionality because we are working in physically different files and Class
es (without dependencies). Now go press some Button
s on "Gob Object tab" :)
Though many of the Anti-Patterns discussed in this article might seem like simple mistakes that can be easily solved, they are common mistakes that can hurt any project (to failure even). The truth is that these 'simple, little mistakes' add up to a point where they cannot be 'easily fixed' anymore. The mistakes can be subtle and anyone can make them, such as making a Field Public
instead of Private
or forgetting to Throw
an Exception
. People that have just started to learn the language may not see or understand the subleties of these errors and programmers with years of experience may simply have an off moment and make them by mistake. By pointing them out and by showing the dangers of these mistakes, Patterns even, I hope people will be more aware when next time they declare a Field Public
because someone might want to change a value or catch an Exception
without rethrowing it because who would want to know.
Points of Interest
The sample project I have provided is still far from what it should be. Proper Object Oriented Design is difficult and I did not want to trouble the reader with this. However, the first steps towards Object Oriented thinking have been established. I can recommend anyone who is not yet completely familiar with encapsulation principles to practice with it before venturing into Object Oriented Design. Also learn on how to use Inheritance and composition[^], which I have not even discussed in this article. The use and understanding of Interfaces[^] and Polymorphism[^] is of utmost importance. If all of the mentioned terms sound like gibberish to you learn about those first. If you want to learn more on Object Oriented Design and Design Patterns I recommend the following articles next to the literature already referenced in the article:
Good luck!