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Number To Word Conversion Program using XSLT

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6 Mar 2002 1  
Number To Word Conversion Program using XSLT


This is an attempt to write an XSLT generic code to convert a given number to words. This program uses a substantial number of XSLT tags and also XSLT functions showing the power of XSLT programming. Any parser that supports XSLT 1.0 or higher can execute this program. The whole program has not been optimized and is only of an experimental value and cannot be used for any commercial applications.

XSLT Features used

Some main features of the program are:

  • Usage of multiple namespaces. 
  • Self referencing using XSLT function - document()
  • Embedded XML Data which behaves like static arrays in conventional programming languages.
  • Reusable template programming.

Source Code

[Editor Note - String literals had to be broken into two lines to prevent scrolling]

<?xml version="1.0"?>
<xsl:transform xmlns:xsl="" 
<xsl:output method="text" />

<xsl:variable name="ThisDocument" select="document('')"/>
<xsl:template name="NumToWord" match="/">
   <xsl:param name="Number" select="'234567890.55'" />
   <xsl:variable name="RoundedNumber" 
     select="format-number($Number,'#.00')" />
   <xsl:variable name="NumWhole" 
     select="substring-before($RoundedNumber,'.')" />
   <xsl:variable name="DecimalNum" 
     select="substring-after($RoundedNumber,'.')" />
   <xsl:variable name="Base10Num" select="string-length($NumWhole)" />
   <xsl:for-each select="$ThisDocument//NTW:Base10[@BaseLen = $Base10Num]">
      <xsl:if test=
        "string-length(substring($NumWhole,$Base10Num - 12 + 1,3)) > 0">
         <xsl:call-template name="GetWordText">
            <xsl:with-param name="BasePart" 
              select="substring($NumWhole,$Base10Num - 12 + 1,3)" />
            <xsl:with-param name="BaseNumb" select="$Base10Num" />
            <xsl:with-param name="BasePos" select="@BasePos1" />
      <xsl:if test=
        "string-length(substring($NumWhole,$Base10Num - 9 + 1,3)) > 0">
         <xsl:call-template name="GetWordText">
            <xsl:with-param name="BasePart" 
               select="substring($NumWhole,$Base10Num - 9 + 1,3)" />
            <xsl:with-param name="BaseNumb" select="$Base10Num" />
            <xsl:with-param name="BasePos" select="@BasePos2" />
      <xsl:if test=
         "string-length(substring($NumWhole,$Base10Num - 6 + 1,3)) > 0">
         <xsl:call-template name="GetWordText">
            <xsl:with-param name="BasePart" 
                 select="substring($NumWhole,$Base10Num - 6 + 1,3)" />
            <xsl:with-param name="BaseNumb" select="$Base10Num" />
            <xsl:with-param name="BasePos" select="@BasePos3" />
      <xsl:if test=
          "string-length(substring($NumWhole,$Base10Num - 3 + 1,3)) > 2">
         <xsl:call-template name="GetWordText">
            <xsl:with-param name="BasePart" 
               select="substring($NumWhole,$Base10Num - 3 + 1,3)" />
            <xsl:with-param name="BaseNumb" select="3" />
      <xsl:if test=
          "2 >= string-length(substring($NumWhole,$Base10Num - 3 + 1,3))">
         <xsl:call-template name="GetWordText">
            <xsl:with-param name="BasePart" 
               select="substring($NumWhole,$Base10Num - 3 + 1,3)" />
            <xsl:with-param name="BaseNumb" select="$Base10Num" />
   <xsl:if test="number($DecimalNum) >= 20 or number($DecimalNum) = 10">
      <xsl:value-of select="'and '" />
select="$ThisDocument//NTW:Tens[@Num = 
    substring($DecimalNum,1,1) * 10]/@Word" />
select="$ThisDocument//NTW:Ones[@Num = 
    substring($DecimalNum,2,2)]/@Word" />
   <xsl:if test="number($DecimalNum) > 10 and 20 > number($DecimalNum)">
      <xsl:value-of select="'and '" />
select="$ThisDocument//NTW:Teens[@Num = $DecimalNum]/@Word" />
   <xsl:if test="10 > number($DecimalNum) and number($DecimalNum) > 0">
      <xsl:value-of select="'and '" />
select="$ThisDocument//NTW:Ones[@Num = number($DecimalNum)]/@Word" />
<xsl:template name="GetWordText">
   <xsl:param name="BasePart" select="''" />
   <xsl:param name="BaseNumb" select="''" />
   <xsl:param name="BasePos" select="''" />
select="$ThisDocument//NTW:Base10[@BaseLen = string-length($BasePart)]">
      <xsl:if test="@BasePos4 = 1 and substring($BasePart,1,1) > 0">
select="$ThisDocument//NTW:Ones[@Num = substring($BasePart,1,1)]/@Word" />
select="$ThisDocument//NTW:BaseName[@BasePlace = 
                string-length($BasePart) - 2]/@Name" />
      <xsl:if test="@BasePos4 = 1 and (substring($BasePart,2,2) >= 20 
                 or substring($BasePart,2,2) = 10)">
         <xsl:value-of select="$ThisDocument//NTW:Tens[@Num = 
                 substring($BasePart,2,1) * 10]/@Word" />
         <xsl:value-of select="$ThisDocument//NTW:Ones[@Num = 
                 substring($BasePart,3,1)]/@Word" />
      <xsl:if test="@BasePos4 = 1 and 
           substring($BasePart,2,2) > 10 and 20 > 
         <xsl:value-of select="$ThisDocument//NTW:Teens[@Num = 
              substring($BasePart,2,2)]/@Word" />
      <xsl:if test="@BasePos4 = 1 and 10 > substring($BasePart,2,2)">
         <xsl:value-of select="$ThisDocument//NTW:Ones[@Num = 
              number(substring($BasePart,3,1))]/@Word" />
      <xsl:if test="@BasePos4 != 1 and 
             (substring($BasePart,1,2) >= 20 or 
              substring($BasePart,1,2) = 10)">
         <xsl:value-of select="$ThisDocument//NTW:Tens[@Num = 
              substring($BasePart,1,1) * 10]/@Word" />
         <xsl:value-of select="$ThisDocument//NTW:Ones[@Num = 
              substring($BasePart,2,1)]/@Word" />
      <xsl:if test="@BasePos4 != 1 and 
              substring($BasePart,1,2) > 10 and 20 > 
         <xsl:value-of select="$ThisDocument//NTW:Teens[@Num = 
              substring($BasePart,1,2)]/@Word" />
      <xsl:if test="@BasePos4 != 1 and 10 > substring($BasePart,1)">
         <xsl:value-of select="$ThisDocument//NTW:Ones[@Num = 
               substring($BasePart,1)]/@Word" />
      <xsl:if test="number($BasePart) > 0">
         <xsl:value-of select="$ThisDocument//NTW:BaseName[@BasePlace = 
              $BasePos]/@Name" />
<NTW:Ones Num="1" Word="One "/>
<NTW:Ones Num="2" Word="Two "/>
<NTW:Ones Num="3" Word="Three "/>
<NTW:Ones Num="4" Word="Four "/>
<NTW:Ones Num="5" Word="Five "/>
<NTW:Ones Num="6" Word="Six "/>
<NTW:Ones Num="7" Word="Seven "/>
<NTW:Ones Num="8" Word="Eight "/>
<NTW:Ones Num="9" Word="Nine "/>
<NTW:Teens Num="11" Word="Eleven " />
<NTW:Teens Num="12" Word="Twelve " />
<NTW:Teens Num="13" Word="Thirteen " />
<NTW:Teens Num="14" Word="Fourteen " />
<NTW:Teens Num="15" Word="Fifteen " />
<NTW:Teens Num="16" Word="Sixteen " />
<NTW:Teens Num="17" Word="Seventeen " />
<NTW:Teens Num="18" Word="Eighteen " />
<NTW:Teens Num="19" Word="Nineteen " />
<NTW:Tens Num="10" Word="Ten " />
<NTW:Tens Num="20" Word="Twenty " />
<NTW:Tens Num="30" Word="Thirty " />
<NTW:Tens Num="40" Word="Forty " />
<NTW:Tens Num="50" Word="Fifty " />
<NTW:Tens Num="60" Word="Sixty " />
<NTW:Tens Num="70" Word="Seventy " />
<NTW:Tens Num="80" Word="Eighty " />
<NTW:Tens Num="90" Word="Ninety " />
<NTW:BaseName BasePlace="1" Name="Hundred " />
<NTW:BaseName BasePlace="2" Name="Thousand " />
<NTW:BaseName BasePlace="3" Name="Million " />
<NTW:BaseName BasePlace="4" Name="Billion " />
<NTW:Base10 BaseLen="1"  BasePos4="Ones" />
<NTW:Base10 BaseLen="2"  BasePos4="Tens" />
<NTW:Base10 BaseLen="3"  BasePos4="1" />
<NTW:Base10 BaseLen="4"  BasePos3="2" />
<NTW:Base10 BaseLen="5"  BasePos3="2" />
<NTW:Base10 BaseLen="6"  BasePos3="2" />
<NTW:Base10 BaseLen="7"  BasePos2="3" BasePos3="2" />
<NTW:Base10 BaseLen="8"  BasePos2="3" BasePos3="2" />
<NTW:Base10 BaseLen="9"  BasePos2="3" BasePos3="2" />
<NTW:Base10 BaseLen="10" BasePos1="4" BasePos2="3" BasePos3="2" />
<NTW:Base10 BaseLen="11" BasePos1="4" BasePos2="3" BasePos3="2" />
<NTW:Base10 BaseLen="12" BasePos1="4" BasePos2="3" BasePos3="2" />

How to execute this program

  • If you have "msxsl.exe" (can be found on, at the MS-DOS command prompt, type: msxsl <XMLFILE> NumToWord.xsl Number=100355.67 where <XMLFILE> is any well-formed XML and Number is the parameter name 
  • If you have "saxon.exe", at the MS-DOS command prompt, type: saxon <XMLFILE> NumToWord.xsl Number=10055.67 where <XMLFILE> is any well-formed XML and Number is the parameter name


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