This sample shows how to implement Relationship Using LINQ in C# and ASP.NET for a beginner.
How To Do
- Create an ASP.NET Web application using C# in Visual Studio 2008.
File-> New -> Project -> ASP.NET Web Application

- Add a database file to
- "student.mdf".
- Right Click App_Data, Add->New Item->Data->SQL Server DataBase.
- Give name Student.mdf.

- Go to the Server Explore, Expand Student DataBase, In Tables, Add New Table
- Add two tables,
and Mark
Table: Student
Columns: StudentID int
, Name nvarchar(50)
, Age int
Table: Mark
Columns: StudentID int
, Class nvarchar(50)
, Mark int
Add some sample data for the Student
and Mark
tables, (student id should be same in Mark
and Student
For that, right click the table and click show table data, you can add data here.

Right click the solution, add New Item->Data-> Linq to SQL Class.
- Give Name "LinqToStudents.dbml".

- Pick SQL Server explore, drag the two tables to the window:

Save the Project.
- Drag a
view to the Default.aspx Page:

- Use the below code snippets pageload of the project:
LinqToStudentsDataContext linqStud = new LinqToStudentsDataContext();
var query = from s in linqStud.Students
join h in linqStud.Marks on s.StudentID equals h.StudentID
select new {h.StudentID ,s.Name, };
GridView1.DataSource = query;

Run the project by pressing F5.