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The CAlexfStaticHistogram
control is a lightweight class suitable for displaying histograms. You can add new columns, additional text, change text orientation and direction of motion (if you change data at runtime).
Using CAlexfStaticHistogram
in a dialog is quite simple:
- Include CAlexfStaticHistogram.h in your dialog class' header file.
- Add member variables of type CAlexfStaticHistogram for every static text control you want to subclass.
- Subclass the static text controls in your dialog's OnInitDialog() method and set the controls' style.
m_sHistogram.text[0] = "Z1";
m_sHistogram.text[1] = "Zz2";
If you want "dynamic" histogram - you can owerride, for example, OnTimer()
and simply call:
Please feel free to send me any suggestions about this control.