Many people at Code Project will be familiar with ORM and the Active Record model.
However environment setup, mapping files, and creation of classes are all significant
obstacles to the developer. That said, ORM still offers significant benefits over
traditional hand-coded data layers, and there are a range of tools available - from
simplistic template-based generators to all inclusive packages - that attempt to
ease the strain on the developer.
For this article we decided that Diamond Binding's ease of use and Visual Studio
integration made it an appropriate tool to demonstrate the benefits of ORM in a
real world situation. We noticed that Diamond Binding was able to work within our
normal development process without "taking it over", and the configuration was as
simple as ticking boxes on tables we we're interested in. Most importantly, a free
edition is avaliable!
We're going to be building up a small example application � one to
catalogue cooking recipes. The application will be called RecipeDemo,
and it will store cooking recipe instructions, ingredients and a list
of units in a SQL Server database.
We're going to use an iterative approach over several articles to
develop the RecipeDemo, as we want to show how using a tool such as
Diamond Binding really speeds up the development process.
To follow this article you will need Microsoft
Visual Studio 2005 installed and have access to a
Microsoft SQL Server (that you can create a test databases on), and
Dunn &
Churchill Diamond Binding.
Creating the Database
First we need to create the demonstration database:
[Id] int IDENTITY(1,1) NOT NULL,
[Name] nvarchar(50) NOT NULL,
[Instructions] nvarchar(max) NOT NULL,
( [Id] ASC )
Our demonstration database has a name, a place for instructions, and a simple auto-incrementing primary key.
Creating the Business Layer
In Visual Studio, create a new class library project with name
DiamondGettingStarted.Data. Select the empty project in the Solution
Explorer window and then open the Project menu. You should see a new
Diamond Binding menu option, if there's not, ensure Diamond Binding has
been installed and enabled in the Add-In Manager (in the Tools menu).
Connect to Database
Select your project in the solution explorer. Underneath the Diamond
Binding menu, select Edit Current. Use this dialog to connect to our
recipe database by selecting an appropriate OLE DB provider, such as
Microsoft OLE DB Driver for SQL Server.
If you are supplying a username and password, you will need to ensure
you check the "Allow Password Saving" box so Diamond Binding can
remember the password when it needs to resynchronise definitions.
Configure Definitions
Once you have connected to the RecipeDemo database, the Diamond
Binding project configuration form will be displayed. Leave the General
tab settings at their defaults and click the Definitions tab. Tick the
checkbox next to the Recipe table to indicate you wish to have
definition files created for it. Press Ok and after a short while a new
Recipe class will be added to the project containing all the fields in
the Recipe table.
Creating the Application Project
Next we'll use our new business layer to demonstrate loading and
saving recipe records, we'll just use a console application for this
Add a new console project to the solution, and add a reference to our
business project. At this stage, you should also add a reference to the
following Diamond Binding runtime assemblies;
- DunnChurchill.Data.DiamondBinding
- DunnChurchill.Data.DiamondBinding.ActiveRecord
- DunnChurchill.Data.DiamondBinding.Core
- NHibernate
These assemblies are located in the C:\Program Files\Dunn & Churchill\Diamond Binding\Runtime folder by default.
Configuring the Runtime
The simplest way to configure the Diamond Binding runtime is with a
standard App.config file, add one of these to the console project and
paste in the following xml:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?>
<section name="activerecord" type="DunnChurchill.Data.DiamondBinding.ActiveRecord.Framework.Config.ActiveRecordSectionHandler,
DunnChurchill.Data.DiamondBinding.ActiveRecord, Version=, Culture=Neutral, PublicKeyToken=6e7b61d5b7adddc4" />
<add name="SqlServer" connectionString="{your connection string}"/>
<activerecord namingstrategytype="DunnChurchill.Data.DiamondBinding.SqlServerNamingStrategy, DunnChurchill.Data.DiamondBinding,
Version=, Culture=Neutral, PublicKeyToken=6e7b61d5b7adddc4">
<add key="hibernate.connection.driver_class" value="NHibernate.Driver.SqlClientDriver" />
<add key="hibernate.dialect" value="NHibernate.Dialect.MsSql2000Dialect" />
<add key="hibernate.connection.provider" value="NHibernate.Connection.DriverConnectionProvider" />
<add key="hibernate.connection.connection_string_name" value="SqlServer" />
Replace connectionString with a valid SQL Native Client connection string to your database. This will likely be the same as the connection string created for you in the Diamond Binding Project Configuration, without the Provider item.
One final step before we are ready to start persisting business objects, is to initialise the Diamond Binding Runtime. This can be done simply by pasting the following line of code at the start of your application (the using directives are shown here for clarity):
using DunnChurchill.Data.DiamondBinding.ActiveRecord;
using DunnChurchill.Data.DiamondBinding.ActiveRecord.Framework.Config;
Loading and Saving Objects
Now for the easy part, the base ActiveRecord class provides
overloads for saving and loading records; the following code
demonstrates how to persist a new Recipe record:
The Save function persists any modifications to an existing record.
If the record's primary key is also an Identity column, as is the case
with our recipe database, Save is smart enough to execute an insert if
the record is new, or executes an update if the record already exists.
Recipe recipe = new Recipe();
recipe.Name = "Honey Peanut Granola";
recipe.Instructions = "Test";
The Create function inserts a new record into the database. If the
primary key is not an Identity column this function should be called
instead of Save to indicate the record should be inserted.
Recipe recipe = new Recipe();
recipe.Name = "Honey Peanut Granola";
recipe.Instructions = "Test";
The Find function loads a record by its primary key.
Recipe recipe = Recipe.Find(1);
Console.WriteLine("Recipe: {0}", recipe.Name);
Find All
The FindAll function returns an array of every record in the table.
Recipe[] recipes = Recipe.FindAll<recipe>();
foreach (Recipe recipe in recipes)
Console.WriteLine("Found recipe '{0}'", recipe.Name);
Find By Property
The FindByProperty function returns an array matching a property.
Go to the Recipe.cs class, and add the following function:
public static Recipe[] FindByName(string name)
return Recipe.FindAllByProperty("Name", name);
Using this function is simple:
foreach (Recipe recipe in Recipe.FindByName("Honey Peanut Granola"))
Console.WriteLine("Found recipe '{0}'", recipe.Name);
Note: Diamond Binding is smart enough not to overwrite the
Recipe.cs file, so it's appropriate to place your own business logic
Remember, when dealing with the Find series of functions, you are
querying the object model, so field and class names refer to the names
as they appear in code.
So far we've examined how to use Diamond Binding to map a business
object to an SQL table, how to persist a record, and how to add a
business logic query to one of the managed classes. In later articles
we will look at how relationships are handled, class inheritance (yes,
in a database application!), and more advanced queries.