This article speak about to translation of vb in c#
I have seen the good idea xDock.asp, and I want to have the same thing in C#
because originally the code is in VB dotnet.
So I thinking in my self, it wil be no difficult to translate it , or to find a automatic translater.
I use but there's a lot of thing it not translate and make error.
Public Sub Add(ByVal Item As IDockItem, Optional ByVal Key As String = Nothing, Optional ByVal Before As IDockItem = Nothing, Optional ByVal After As IDockItem = Nothing)
Is convert by :
public void Add(IDockItem Item, // ERROR: Unsupported modifier : In, Optional string Key, // ERROR: Unsupported modifier : In, Optional IDockItem Before, // ERROR: Unsupported modifier : In, Optional IDockItem After)
Is Convert by
Information.IsNumeric(Value)) -> But in CSharp there'snt IsNumeric..
Using C-Sharpener For VB
I have seen a translater vb to c# on the web site : : C-Sharpener For VB
And they provide free translation for openSource project, so I ask to them if it's possible to translate XDock from VB to C#
So they give me a licence to do that.
I'll describe how the translator works and what kind of problem I have.
I integration in MSVC is good.
You must load your vb project and apply the translator C-Shaperer for VB.
After you have a report.
It's not magick, there're errors but it's not so hard to resolve.
The converter is really well embdded in msvc Express , and He create a project
in this case XDock_CS and convert le res file and the dependency.
For example , in file the IsNumeric if translated well , I never had problem with that.
The main difficulty is about the XDock file iniFile.vb , because in this code
the author don't strenght type of the objet in the ArryaList.
It could be a Key or a ArrayList.
But C# is less permicive than VB.
( I have some difficulty to understand )
So object is always object in c#, but in c# you have to cast this object in the good one you want to.
There's no information to know that then , the translater can find it.
( I guest in in VB the type could find at runtime )
I put in comment this line because I don't understand how to translate :
//pSkinMenu = this.mnuSkins.MenuItems.Add( pDirectory.Name, new /* TRANSERROR: replace with correct delegate */ UnknownDelegate( ContextHandler ) );
So I delete some functionnality to have only the control moving with icon.
I share my work.
I was impressed by the product C-Sharpener For VB because I don't know anything about VB and I successfull in this task.
And the web converted is good for a simple translation, but this product translate all the project easily.
Thank's to
<a href=""><img src="convertedby.gif" alt="Converted from VB.NET to C# by C-Sharpener For VB"></a>
Roger Jack of