The very important step in developing application is performance testing. Usually, it starts before main release, so this simple technique is primarily useful for QA engineers because it can help you to enhance your auto tests or scripts. But it can be quite useful for getting some extra information about being of your application/process during long period of time. Developers and QA staff can use this tiny tool when it's necessary to understand what operations are unpredictably slow or lead to memory leaks or doing something wrong at last.
Well, now some usage information:
// Parameters:
// -proc : process name
// -time : time to sleep in msec between logging info
// -repeat : count of repeat get-info actions
// -text : text to be passed into file
// (should be last parameter in command line)
// Examples:
// Following line add into (created/opened) file
// 5 lines through 1 second with memory info
// and comment line "Entry point #1" before this info
// cpuinf.exe -proc Winamp -time 1000 -repeat 5 -text Entry point #1
Output file will be performance.csv, as you can guess - csv - is Comma-Separated Excel-understandable format - so you just need to click-on-it to open in MS Excel and select few columns to create charts with application performance information. This should really save your time. ;)
Possibly you can find a new (not listed above) appropriate task for using this (please keep me informed)...
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