The article presented below shows how to develop and setup a process to monitor for Windows Event Log (Application, System etc.) changes and export them as RSS feeds.
Previously, I wrote an article on how to setup a process to monitor Event Log Changes via/with TCP Listener - Remote Event Log Monitor/Watcher (Using TCP in .NET) (on The Code Project - How to Build Simple Event Log Monitor/Watcher (Using TCP in .NET)
(see other Siccolo articles about working with .NET, Windows Event Log, C# and VB.NET)
There're some other ideas on how to "export" Event Log entries into RSS Feeds using ASP.NET - for example, Event Log RSS Feed Generator, or Event Log Monitoring with RSS. In this application, however, I'm using Windows service to monitor Windows Event Log for an event associated with a certain Event source.
So the idea is very similar to Remote Event Log Monitor/Watcher (Using TCP in .NET) - have a Windows service on a machine monitoring for certain Event Log entries and export them into RSS feed file. After that, any Feed Reader & RSS Aggregator supporting UNC file names will be able to display those Event Log entries as RSS feeds. For example, I'm using intraVnews Feed Reader & RSS Aggregator for Outlook.
As you may know, .NET allows a developer to attach a "handler" to monitor for event log changes (VB.NET):
Dim objLog As EventLog = New EventLog("Application")
AddHandler objLog.EntryWritten, AddressOf ApplicationLog_OnEntryWritten
objLog.EnableRaisingEvents = True
Public Sub ApplicationLog_OnEntryWritten(ByVal [source] As Object, _
ByVal e As EntryWrittenEventArgs)
Catch err As Exception
End Try
End Sub
or, C#:
EventLog eLog = new EventLog("Application");
eLog.EntryWritten += new EntryWrittenEventHandler(EventLog_OnEntryWritten);
eLog.EnableRaisingEvents = true;
public void EventLog_OnEntryWritten(object source, EntryWrittenEventArgs e)
catch (Exception ex)
The only problem with this approach - it does not allow to monitor for event log changes on a remote machine. See Microsoft support article 815314.
1. Creating Event Log Watcher Service
First, let's build a service component - Windows Service application - responsible for "keep an eye on" event log on a machine. To create a service application (i.e. application that runs as a service):
An application that runs as a service has few events (inherited from System.ServiceProcess.ServiceBase
- Occurs when the service receives a Start command
- Occurs when the service receives a Stop command
and OnContinue()
- Occurs when the service receives a Pause/Resume command
For Event Log Watcher service, we'll only need OnStart()
and OnStop()
procedure tells what actions should be taken when Event Log Watcher service starts running - load configuration settings (such as where to output RSS feeds; which Event Logs to monitor; if there is a need to filter certain event sources and filter certain Event Types - for example, we may need to only "watch out" for Error event types from Microsoft SQL Server service) and after that actually start working and monitor for Event Log changes!
For example, config file may look like this...
... where configuration settings are loaded using ConfigurationManager
class. To load/read settings from the configuration file, I'm using the following simple class LogWatcherSettings
(showing just one method for just one configuration
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Text;
using System.Configuration;
namespace LogWatcher_RSS
class LogWatcherSettings
public static string RssFeedsOutputFoler()
Configuration config = ConfigurationManager.OpenExeConfiguration
return ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["RssOutputFolder"].ToString();
return "c:\\"; // by default log file
Now, back to Log Watcher main class log_watch_rss
public partial class log_watch_rss : ServiceBase
bool m_ToDebug = false;
string m_DebugFileName = "";
string m_RSSFeedsFolder = "";
ArrayList m_EventLogsToMonitor = new ArrayList();
protected override void OnStart(string[] args)
m_ToDebug = LogWatcherSettings.ToDebug();
m_DebugFileName = LogWatcherSettings.DebugFile();
m_RSSFeedsFolder = LogWatcherSettings.RssFeedsOutputFoler();
string[] eventLogList = LogWatcherSettings.Filter_LogName().Split(',') ;
if (m_ToDebug)
AddDebugMessage("LogWatcher_RSS monitors logs {" +
LogWatcherSettings.Filter_LogName() + "}");
for (int i = 0; i < eventLogList.Length; i++)
string logName = eventLogList[i];
EventLogRSS eventLog =
new EventLogRSS(logName,
LogWatcherSettings.HowManyRecordsPull() );
protected override void OnStop()
foreach (EventLogRSS log in m_EventLogsToMonitor)
So, as you can see, Log Watcher service main class log_watch_rss
is not doing a whole lot of work - loading settings and creating instances of EventLogRSS
. EventLogRSS
class is the one monitoring for Windows Event Log changes and "exporting" them to RSS Feed files.
2. Building Event Log Watcher/Monitor
Let's look at EventLogRSS
class. First, in the class constructor:
class EventLogRSS
private EventLog m_EventLog = null;
bool m_ToDebug = false;
string m_DebugFileName = "";
string m_RSSFeedsFolder = "";
string m_RSSFeedFileName = "";
string m_EventLogName = "";
string m_FilterEventSource="";
ArrayList m_FilterEventSourceList = new ArrayList();
string m_FilterEventType="";
ArrayList m_FilterEventTypeList = new ArrayList();
int m_RecordsToPull=250;
int m_CurrentRecordCount = 0;
string m_LocalIP = System.Net.Dns.GetHostName();
public EventLogRSS(string logName,
bool toDebug,
string debugFileName,
string rssFeedsPath,
string filterEventSource,
string filterEventType,
int recordsToPull)
m_EventLogName = logName;
m_ToDebug = toDebug;
m_DebugFileName = debugFileName;
m_RSSFeedsFolder = rssFeedsPath;
m_RSSFeedFileName = Path.Combine
(m_RSSFeedsFolder, m_EventLogName + "_eventlog_rss.xml");
m_FilterEventSource = filterEventSource;
m_FilterEventType = filterEventType;
if (m_FilterEventSource != String.Empty)
{ m_FilterEventSourceList.AddRange(m_FilterEventSource.Split(',')); }
if (m_FilterEventType != String.Empty)
{ m_FilterEventTypeList.AddRange(m_FilterEventType.Split(',')); }
m_RecordsToPull = recordsToPull;
m_EventLog = new EventLog(logName);
m_EventLog.EntryWritten +=
new EntryWrittenEventHandler(EventLog_OnEntryWritten);
m_EventLog.EnableRaisingEvents = true;
So, if and when a new entry is being added to Windows Event Log:
m_EventLog.EntryWritten += new EntryWrittenEventHandler(EventLog_OnEntryWritten);
m_EventLog.EnableRaisingEvents = true;
The application will call the EventLog_OnEntryWritten()
public void EventLog_OnEntryWritten(object source, EntryWrittenEventArgs e)
if (m_ToDebug)
string eventLogName = ((EventLog)source).LogDisplayName;
AddDebugMessage(eventLogName + " - " + e.Entry.Source + ":" +
if ((m_FilterEventSource == String.Empty ||
m_FilterEventSourceList.Contains(e.Entry.Source)) &&
if (m_CurrentRecordCount > m_RecordsToPull)
m_CurrentRecordCount += 1;
if (m_ToDebug)
{ AddDebugMessage("not in filter --> " +
e.Entry.Source + ":" + e.Entry.EntryType.ToString());}
catch (Exception ex_on_entry_written)
AddDebugMessage("Failed to EventLog_OnEntryWritten() for
[" + m_EventLog + "] event log\n" + ex_on_entry_written.Message);
And if, Event Log Entry is for a given Event source and of a specified Event Type, then call to AddEntryToRSSFeed()
procedure follows:
public void AddEntryToRSSFeed(EventLogEntry entry)
XmlDocument rssFeedXMLDoc = new XmlDocument();
XmlElement rssFeedItemElement =
rssFeedItemElement.InnerXml =
rssFeedItemElement["title"].InnerText =
entry.Source + "-" + entry.EntryType.ToString();
rssFeedItemElement["link"].InnerText = "";
rssFeedItemElement["description"].InnerText = entry.Message;
rssFeedItemElement["pubDate"].InnerText =
catch (Exception ex_add_entry_to_rss_fee)
AddDebugMessage("Failed to AddEntryToRSSFeed() for
[" + m_EventLog + "] event log\n" +
And that's it. We just developed our own Windows Event Log watcher/monitoring tool. And you just saved, eh-h, about 500 US dollars compared to MOM
- No improvements so far, nearly perfect