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The file uploder is the control which help to select the file but not the path of
the file or directory and also we can't make a Active X Control for this so with
the help of pop-up we provide the user to select file or directory path in the intranet.
This pop-up look same like the directory browing in desktop application.
I read this article which is
in 1.1. I have changed the folder structure with tree view.
Using the code
Create a C# web application in 2.0 and add BrowseDirectory.aspx
and add following files into your app_code folder
- WebForm1_aspx_cs_FileList.cs
- WebForm1_aspx_cs_PathHelper.cs
and create a textbox and button on which webform you want to use it. Add onClientClick
of the button and set OnClientClick="showDirectory();" .
Add this script
into yout web form for calling the browsing page.
function showDirectory()
document.all.TextBox1.value= window.showModalDialog("browseDirectory.aspx",
"dialogHeight: 560px; dialogWidth:360px; edge: Raised; center: Yes; help: Yes; resizable: Yes; status: No;");
return false;
Explanation of code blocks
Add Node method in the BrowseDirectory.aspx which add the tree node of the directory
and files. FileList Constructor takes path and the filters for the files
FileList objList = new FileList(path, "*.*");
TreeNode node = new TreeNode(path,path);
for(int index = 0 ; index < objList.Directories.Length ; index++)
string directory = objList.Directories[index];
TreeNode objChildNode = new TreeNode(directory, path + "\\" + directory + "\\");
objChildNode.PopulateOnDemand = true;
objChildNode.Target = "_blank";
foreach (string file in objList.Files)
TreeNode objChildNode = new TreeNode(file, path + "\\" + file);
return node;
For selecting the path of the file or directory use the selection event of the tree
void TreeView1_SelectedNodeChanged(object sender, EventArgs e)
_browseTextBox.Text = TreeView1.SelectedValue;
Expanding is base on the directory selection.
void TreeView1_TreeNodeExpanded(object sender, TreeNodeEventArgs e)
if (e.Node.Value.EndsWith("\\"))
AddNodes(e.Node.Value, e.Node);
Finally when you select the path then go back to the parent page with this path
<script language="javascript">
function SelectAndClose()
txtValue = document.getElementById('_browseTextBox');
window.returnValue = txtValue.value;
return false;