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Drag and drop GridView items for ordering, in ASP.NET 2.0

4.07/5 (12 votes)
9 Dec 2007CPOL1 min read 1   8.4K  
Drag and drop GridView items for re-ordering of the items.

Screenshot -

Screenshot -


In DragAndDropGridView, the user can rearrange a grid item via dragging and dropping. The user can drag a gridview item and then drop it on the item where he/she wishes to swap with. This control is very helpful for large grid items where we require to order items within the grid.

Using the code

Add the control to the toolbar or add a reference to Utility.dll in your project. Then, bind with the data source which you need to order. Now, add the DragAndDropEvent handler. DragAndDropEventArgs gives you the start index (source row index) and the EndIndex (destination row index). With these indices, update the data source and rebind the grid.

How this control works

This control is inherits from the GridView so that we can benefit from the GridView features.

HandleRow event

Handle the mouse down and mouse up events of each row in the gridview:

protected override void OnRowDataBound(GridViewRowEventArgs e)
   //set the java script method for the dragging

    e.Row.Attributes.Add("onmousedown", "startDragging" + 
                         this.ClientID + "(" + e.Row.RowIndex + ",this); ");
    e.Row.Attributes.Add("onmouseup", "stopDragging" + 
                         this.ClientID + "(" + e.Row.RowIndex + "); ");

Whenever the user clicks on a grid item, a div is added in the body and the innerHTML of the div copies the selected item. Now, set the document mouse move event for the moving item.

document.onmousemove = function ()
    if(__item" + this.ClientID + @" != null){
        __item" + this.ClientID + @".style.left=  
          window.event.clientX + document.body.scrollLeft + 
          document.documentElement.scrollLeft ;
        __item" + this.ClientID + @" =   
          window.event.clientY + document.body.scrollTop + 
          document.documentElement.scrollTop ;

When the user ends up on another grid item, we call stopDragging(). This method calls the post back event.

Register the post back event script

The __doPostBack method is not added into the page until we register the post back event on the client-side by calling the Page.ClientScript.GetPostBackEventReference(this, "") method, which will create the __doPostback method on the client side.

Raise the post back event

Handle the RaisePostBackEvent of the control for raising the drag and drop events:

protected override void RaisePostBackEvent(string eventArgument)
    //Handle the post back event

    //and set the values of the source and destination items

    if (Page.Request["__EVENTARGUMENT"] != null && 
        Page.Request["__EVENTARGUMENT"] != "" && 
        char[] sep = { ',' };
        string[] col = eventArgument.Split(sep);
        DragAndDrop(this, new DragAndDropEventArgs(Convert.ToInt32(col[1]), 


This EventArgs contains the start and the end index for the dragging event:

public class DragAndDropEventArgs : EventArgs
    private int _startIndex;
    /// <summary>
    /// Index of the source item
    /// </summary>

    public int StartIndex
        get { return _startIndex; }

    private int _endIndex;
    /// <summary>
    /// Index of the destination item
    /// </summary>

    public int EndIndex
        get { return _endIndex; }

    public DragAndDropEventArgs(int startIndex, int endindex)
        _startIndex = startIndex;
        _endIndex = endindex;


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