No one enjoys finding out their users have been suffering bugs in silence for months, but it's inevitable when it's so hard to report them. Getting in touch takes time, remembering the cause is tricky, and providing detail is technically challenging.
SmartAssembly's Automated Error Reporting makes the process simple. Users can send a comprehensive bug report with one click, and you get the details straight away.
How does Automated Error Reporting work?
Figure 1. SmartAssembly’s error reporting cycle.
First, you add Automated Error Reporting to your application in the SmartAssembly UI. This takes moments and involves few, if any, changes to your code. Then, when an unhandled exception occurs in the field, detailed information about the exception is collected in the background. This includes a full stack trace and other data about the exception’s context, in particular the values of all the local variables. You can also gather additional custom information, such as log files or screenshots.
The user is then presented with a dialog box and the option to send the error report, so it takes them just one click to submit all this data; all you have to do is download the report through the SmartAssembly interface. Because the report already includes the information necessary to diagnose and correct the error, you don’t need to call or email the user for further detail – you can begin fixing your application right away.
To see how Automated Error Reporting works and what the error reports contain, watch this 3 minute video:
Figure 2. How Automated Error Reporting works.
To start getting valuable user feedback, improving the quality of your software, and impressing your customers with quick fixes, find out more about Automated Error Reporting, or download a free 14-day trial.
Visit the Red Gate website to find out more about SmartAssembly Automated Error Reporting.