ZULU creates Websites using Structure, Layout and Content. Lets compare it with a Content Management System (CMS). The CMS run on the Server, but ZULU runs as a preprocessing step on the client. Using Excel! You will be surprised - it is extremely powerful!
The Structure of the Website is maintained in a Excel 2000 Worksheet. Compare it with the screen shot above!
The Content is maintained in simple HTML-pages.
The Layout is stored in an HTML-template page. The assembler looks for ZULU-Tags and inserts content and navigation. This is the ZULU-Tag for the content:
Pressing a button in Excel starts the assembling of the Website.
It's really cool! We have provided you a complete Sample-Site at http://www.positron.ch/zulu.
If you have problems understanding German: Don't worry, I can't speak zulu too. But if you ask me, I may translate it.