If you experience a GPF in devshl.dll when starting VC++, try the following
(especially if the last time VC++ ran, you installed an addin or customized
toolbars or menus).
- Start regedit
- Open
(or 5.0)
- Select the Layout key
- Press F2 and rename it Layout.sav
- Try opening VC++ again
- If this doesn't allow VC++ to startup, reverse the key name change.
Consider swapping in the mfc*.dlls from your VC CDs.
- If this does allow VC++ to start, go to the next section (Fixing the Layout Key)
Fixing the Layout key
Warning: you will lose some of your IDE customizations (window placement, toolbars, etc)
- Close VC++
- In regedit, delete the new Layout key
- Rename Layout.sav to Layout
- Open the Layout key, find all the values whose names start with Layout
: value Layout0) and delete them.
If you can't find any values named Layout? using regedit, then try using
regedt32 - the UI isn't as nice, but it's not as buggy as regedit.