| Name | Description | Example |
| EmptyCanvas(String name, String notSupportedMessage) | Renders a empty canvas element in the client browser. | @Html.Html5().Canvas.EmptyCanvas("canvas1", "Browser does not support") |
| EmptyCanvas(String name, String notSupportedMessage, Object htmlAttributes) | Renders a empty canvas element in the client browser. | @Html.Html5().Canvas.EmptyCanvas("canvas1", "Browser does not support", new { @width="500px", @height="500px"}) |
| Rectangle(String name, String notSupportedMessage, int x, int y, int width, int height, int thickness, String lineColor, Object htmlAttributes) | Renders a rectangle element in canvas in the client browser. | @Html.Html5().Canvas.Rectangle("canvas1", "Browser does not support", 100, 100, 200, 150, 4, "#FF0000", new { @width="500px", @height="500px"}) |
| FilledRectangle(String name, String notSupportedMessage, int x, int y, int width, int height, String fillColor, Object htmlAttributes) | Renders a filled rectangle element in canvas in the client browser. | @Html.Html5().Canvas.Rectangle("canvas1", "Browser does not support", 100, 100, 200, 150, "#FF0000", new { @width="500px", @height="500px"}) |
| Ellipse(String name, String notSupportedMessage, int cx, int cy, int width, int height, int thickness, String lineColor, Object htmlAttributes) | Renders a ellipse element in canvas in the client browser. | @Html.Html5().Canvas.Ellipse("canvas1", "Browser does not support", 100, 100, 200, 150, 4, "#FF0000", new { @width="500px", @height="500px"}) |
| FilledEllipse(String name, String notSupportedMessage, int cx, int cy, int width, int height, String fillColor, Object htmlAttributes) | Renders a filled ellipse element in canvas in the client browser. | @Html.Html5().Canvas.FilledEllipse("canvas1", "Browser does not support", 100, 100, 200, 150, "#FF0000", new { @width="500px", @height="500px"}) |
| Circle(String name, String notSupportedMessage, int x, int y, float radius, int thickness, String lineColor, Object htmlAttributes) | Renders a circle element in canvas in the client browser. | @Html.Html5().Canvas.Circle("canvas1", "Browser does not support", 100, 200, 75, 4, "#FF0000", new { @width="500px", @height="500px"}) |
| FilledCircle(String name, String notSupportedMessage, int x, int y, float radius, String fillColor, Object htmlAttributes) | Renders a filled circle element in canvas in the client browser. | @Html.Html5().Canvas.FilledCircle("canvas1", "Browser does not support", 100, 200, 75, "#FF0000", new { @width="500px", @height="500px"}) |
| Arc(String name, String notSupportedMessage, int x, int y, float radius, int thickness, float startAngle, float endAngle, String lineColor, Object htmlAttributes) | Renders a arc element in canvas in the client browser. | @Html.Html5().Canvas.Arc("canvas1", "Browser does not support", 100, 200, 75, 5, 150, 250, "#FF0000", new { @width="500px", @height="500px"}) |
| FilledArc(String name, String notSupportedMessage, int x, int y, float radius, float startAngle, float endAngle, String fillColor, Object htmlAttributes) | Renders a filled arc element in canvas in the client browser. | @Html.Html5().Canvas.FilledArc("canvas1", "Browser does not support", 100, 200, 75, 150, 250, "#FF0000", new { @width="500px", @height="500px"}) |
| BeizerCurve(String name, String notSupportedMessage, int x1, int y1, int x2, int y2, float radius, int thickness, String lineColor, Object htmlAttributes) | Renders a beizer curve element in canvas in the client browser. | @Html.Html5().Canvas.BeizerCurve("canvas1", "Browser does not support", 100, 200, 175, 150, 75, 5, "#FF0000", new { @width="500px", @height="500px"}) |
| FilledBeizerCurve(String name, String notSupportedMessage, int x1, int y1, int x2, int y2, float radius, String fillColor, Object htmlAttributes) | Renders a filled beizer curve element in canvas in the client browser. | @Html.Html5().Canvas.FilledBeizerCurve("canvas1", "Browser does not support", 100, 200, 175, 150, 75, "#FF0000", new { @width="500px", @height="500px"}) |
| QuadraticCurve(String name, String notSupportedMessage, int x1, int y1, int x2, int y2, int thickness, String lineColor, Object htmlAttributes) | Renders a quadratic curve element in canvas in the client browser. | @Html.Html5().Canvas.QuadraticCurve("canvas1", "Browser does not support", 100, 200, 175, 150, 5, "#FF0000", new { @width="500px", @height="500px"}) |
| FilledQuadraticCurve(String name, String notSupportedMessage, int x1, int y1, int x2, int y2, String fillColor, Object htmlAttributes ) | Renders a filled quadratic curve element in canvas in the client browser. | @Html.Html5().Canvas.FilledQuadraticCurve("canvas1", "Browser does not support", 100, 200, 175, 150, "#FF0000", new { @width="500px", @height="500px"}) |
| Polygon(String name, String notSupportedMessage, Point[] points, int thickness, String lineColor, Object htmlAttributes) | Renders a polygon element in canvas in the client browser. | @Html.Html5().Canvas.Polygon("canvas1", "Browser does not support", ViewBag.Points, 5, "#FF0000", new { @width="500px", @height="500px"}) |
| FilledPolygon(String name, String notSupportedMessage, Point[] points, String fillColor, Object htmlAttributes) | Renders a filled polygon element in canvas in the client browser. | @Html.Html5().Canvas.FilledPolygon("canvas1", "Browser does not support", ViewBag.Points, "#FF0000", new { @width="500px", @height="500px"}) |
| Text(String name, String notSupportedMessage, int x, int y, String text, String fontFamily, int fontSize, String fontStyle, int thickness, String lineColor, Object htmlAttributes) | Renders a text element in canvas in the client browser. | -@Html.Html5().Canvas.Text("canvas1", "Browser does not support", 200, 300, "CodeProject", "Tahoma", 35, "bold", 5, "#FF0000", new { @width="500px", @height="500px"}) |
| FilledText(String name, String notSupportedMessage, int x, int y, String text, String fontFamily, int fontSize, String fontStyle, String fillColor, Object htmlAttributes) | Renders a filled text element in canvas in the client browser. | @Html.Html5().Canvas.FilledText("canvas1", "Browser does not support", 200, 300, "CodeProject", "Tahoma", 35, "bold", "#FF0000", new { @width="500px", @height="500px"}) |
| Line(String name, String notSupportedMessage, int x1, int y1, int x2, int y2, int thickness, String lineColor, Object htmlAttributes) | Renders a line element in canvas in the client browser. | @Html.Html5().Canvas.Line("canvas1", "Browser does not support", 200, 300, 400, 450, 5, "#FF0000", new { @width="500px", @height="500px"}) |
| Image(String name, String notSupportedMessage, int x, int y, int width, int height, String imageUrl, Object htmlAttributes) | Renders a image element in canvas in the client browser. | @Html.Html5().Canvas.Image("canvas1", "Browser does not support", 50, 50, 250, 250, "~/imagefile1.jpg", new { @width="500px", @height="500px"}) |