This article gives information to the reader on how flexible ASP.NET MVC validation framework is for complex validations on the form, also explains little bit on how ModelMetadata is created internally using provider model.
In this article we are going to review a piece of NodeJS code and learn how to use some of its common modules. This is a simple application which keeps record of logs including errors, warnings and information.
This article introduces how to create an MVC application using LINQ to SQL. You will create a simple MVC application for Book registration with a Publisher where the Publisher and Book have one-to-many relationships.
In this article, you will learn about basic foremost concepts about Action Results in ASP.NET MVC 5. Hope you'll enjoy this. Feel free to give your feedback.
The article shows how to enhance the shopping cart of the Microsoft ASP.NET MVC Music Store 3.0 sample application by making the workflow more practical with a quantity update feature and unobtrusive data validations.
In this article we will try to understand about ASP.NET MVC Routes. We will get to know the details about routes and try to see how we can implement route constraints.
Angular js with ASP.NET MVC is more popular now days and for beginners, I will tell you what is angular js and show you a practical example of ASP.NET MVC for inserting, deleting and displaying data using angular js.
Angular Shopping Cart for Affiliate Marketing in Angular 5 that Is Responsive with TV Commercials with Powerful Features that Drive Real Sales like Unlimited Distributor IDs for Commissions with Editor
In this article, we will why and why not using DI & IoC from my real situation.I did not tell you that DI is not good. From my view, each tech has it own pros and cons. So It is better if we know when we can use which techs for our business.
This is the simplest tutorial on AngularJS and Repository Pattern for developing professional MVC applications. It includes a source code about practical permission management project.
Second part in my annualy list of tips, this time including JavaScript, controls, tooling and customization, which has been build up from recent ASP.NET MVC 4 programming journeys.
If you want to use ASP.NET MVC framework but is strugling to get things arrange to confidently use for your next business project. This Article is just for you. The article guide you to use ASP.NET MVC framework to architect a small Document Management System.
ASP.NET Web API is a framework for building and consuming HTTP services that can reach a broad range of clients including browsers, phones, and tablets.
In this article I will explain the steps to create a full featured standalone ASP.NET 5's Web API that can be used by Windows 10's native Universal Windows Runtime application.
Project to generate Excel Spreadsheet from DataSet with auto size (AutoFit) columns, auto-filter, alternating light blue background color with Open XML using ASP.NET MVC
This article focuses on database first development using ASP.NET MVC. It uses the Northwind database and walks the reader through developing a CRUD application, applying annotations, custom styling and using the jQuery UI Accordion to deliver a more polished UI experience.
In a recent article I took a rather long look at extending the ASP.NET 5 Identity model, adding some custom properties to the basic IdentityUser class, and also some basic role-based identity management. We did not discuss modifying, extending, or working directly with Roles, beyond seeding the d
Add Basic Group-Based permissions management to your ASP.NET MVC application. For applications of moderate complexity, which require a little more granularity in authorization permissions, but which may not warrant moving to a heavy-weight solutions such as Active Directory.
This is the second part of a two-part series in which we figure out how to implement a basic Group-based permissions management system using the ASP.NET MVC 5 Identity system. In this series, we are building upon previous concepts we used in extending the IdentityUser class and implementing Role-Bas
In this article I will show how to create an ASP.NET MVC web application with a custom bootstrap theme / layout. For this demo I am using Visual Studio 2012, ASP.NET MVC 4, a custom bootstrap theme (Bootstrap Business Casual).
This article is to demonstrate interceptor pattern with MVC controller action, and so action can be intercepted in controller classes without using action filters.
This article shows how to create a single page web applciation using AngularJS. It will be helpful for people willing to study Angular and MVVM practices.
The author is sharing an article on how to create a warning banner and reusable Modal using ASP.NET MVC, jQuery, Bootstrap, AngularJS and AngularUI Bootstrap.
Walkthrough building a re-usable blog engine which will help you create your web site using MVC while you learn ASP.NET MVC from beginning to intermediate level.
Design of multilayered web-based application operations using ASP.NET MVC 3.0/ JqGrid/ Unit of Work/ Repository/ EF 4.1 and a code demonstration of how to perform CRUD operations using it.
This article is an attempt at splitting out the controller layer to reduce its complexity and improve quality and maintainability of the resulting code.
When working with ASP.NET Web Api from a .NET client, one of the more confounding things can be handling the case where errors are returned from the Api. Specifically, unwrapping the various types of errors which may be returned from a specific API action method, and translating the error content in
This article enables you to generate table in any database such as Oracle, SQLServer, MySQL, SQLite, Sybase, etc. just by typing table name and its fields. Then you can use NHibernate facilities to make query for data layer.
How a Software Engineer at an Australian defence contractor tracked down a memory leak and improved performance of a complex application handling high-speed data visualization.
This article is designed to help clarify the way Telerik WebUI Test Studio goes beyond Visual Studio 2010 Test Edition to offer richer user experience and solid web testing solutions.
Loops are a standard item in any programmer's toolbox. But as often as they make their way into our code, you have to wonder why you don't see more improvements to using them. This post discusses some ideas to improve your loops by using Extension Methods.
The main purpose of this tutorial is to get you started with ASP.NET MVC easily, which will be through building a simple Twitter client to demonstrate the components of the framework and exposing some concepts too.
In this article, we'll build an ASP.Net MVC 5 web app which will search your Yammer feed for a hashtag, and display the poster's home town on a Bing map
A step by step guide to building a robust enterprise level multi-tier ASP.NET MVC web application using Catharsis to automatically generate the code infrastructure.
This article will compare four important architecture presentation patterns i.e. MVP(SC),MVP(PV),PM,MVVM and MVC. Many developers are confused around what is the difference between these patterns and when should we use what. This article will first kick start with a background and explain different
In this article, I will show you how to build a component model for ASP.NET MVC3 with Builder and Factory design patterns. You could use this model to write your strongly type components to binding data, handling harchical objects and write jQuery UI controls / HTML5 controls for ASP.NET MVC3.
This article describes how ASP.NET MVC framework uses caching, during the retrival of controller type for controller instantiation, using the ControllerTypeCache, TypeCacheUtil and TypeCacheSerializer classes.
So I was doing a project of medical domain and I faced a big challenge to handle the Dicom files. The users of my application wanted to upload a zip file which contains some DICOM files and then they wanted to see it in image format. So I am sharing my efforts in the form of a sample project.
How to use CrashRptEx, to avoid some of the pitfalls of crash reporting in MFC apps or if you want the ability to continue your application after a crash
In this article, we’ll continue to explore the importance of statuscodes and practical examples as well. We’ll also explore resource creation andreturning the child resources as well.
This article provides a step-by-step tutorial on how to use ASP.NET Core MVC to create charts in web applications with data from either the client or server side.
In this post I will be looking at the latest DevExpress ASP.NET components and in particular the new iOS theme for their components that was introduced in the 12.1 release.
In this article, I like to discuss the way to set up a Spring Boot application that is packaged as a WAR archive and supports Spring MVC with JSP as view.
Create, read, update, delete,Log in and Log out, (CRUD) operations are easy to perform in ASP.NET MVC. By using the default T4 scaffolding templates and strongly-typed views you can quickly build a web application that can create, update, and delete records.
This article explains how to date validation format in dd/mm/yyyy and check this value with other form attribute by writing custom validator in ASP.NET MVC
An introduction to Custom Roles Based Reporting for ASP.NET MVC applications using the Entity Framework. Protecting confidential information is a business requirement and in many cases also an ethical and legal requirement.
In this article, we will see in detail about the ways we can customize our ASP.ENT MVC Application. Here, in this article, we will see three methods to customize our ASP.NET MVC Bootstrap Templates.
Customizing ELMAH To Prevent It From Logging Unnecessary Errors Using Entity Framework and ASP.Net MVC IntroductionCouple of months ago, I needed to use ELMAH in one of my project (in case you haven't heard about it, you can see what it can do for you here), but the component out of the box had some
jsRazor is unbeatably powerful and stupidly simple client-side rendering approach that consists of ONLY TWO functions. Tiny javascript library entirely eliminates the need for server-page rendering, in the same time giving your apps unmatched simplicity and flexibility.
This article presents an example of how to use data annotations to validate data received from jQuery AJAX calls and how to send validation result as well as HTML content from a partial view to the client in a JSON object in MVC.
Create an AJAX monthly event calendar (with drag and drop support) displaying data from SQL Server database in just 10 minutes (including a coffee break).
This article gives a complete description of the process that is followed by the DefaultControllerFactory in order to create an instance of the controller class that needed inorder to generate the response.
MVC as a design pattern has been strongly defined by the Gang of Four, but in recent years it's been hijacked as a marketing term more than a design pattern. This article aims to simplify and define what the MVC design pattern is and present a simple MVC framework that you can reuse in your project
This article will walk you through the basic understanding of DI, why DI, code example and creation of ASP.NET Core MVC web application by using .NET Core built-in DI.
This project developed using combination of Entity Framework 6.0 + Code First Approach + Web API 2 + Repository Pattern + ASP.NET MVC 5 + SQL Server 2012 + Unit of Work Testing + Bootstrap.
S#arp Lite is an architectural framework for the development of well-designed, custom-built, ASP.NET MVC applications using NHibernate for data access.
This article explains how to make data source for kendoTreeView, particularly it is designed for organization chart such as personals or documents which need nested query, after drag and drop one node to another one, it will save it. Look at the demo.
Convert a generic list to an Excel byte array using Open XML SDK and dynamically create an Excel file for data distributions from an ASP.NET MVC website
This project intends to extend the default ASP.NET role based Security to include Permission Based / Page Level Authorization Layer. Works with both ASP.NET and ASP.NET MVC. Permission rules to Allow/Deny access to website resources (like "Folder/File.aspx" or "Controller/Action") are stored in DB.
Often an application needs data from an HTTP server, such as web services, or to scrape content. .NET provides HttpWebRequest, but it requires a lot of code to perform trivial operations. This class simplifies the task dramatically by abstracting the HTTP protocol, streams, and exceptions.
This article discusses the use of one such new feature, namely, rule-based filtering of LINQ queries using Web Rule, the XML-based super-fast rules engine, implementable as an ASP.NET or MVC component.
In this article, we are going to implement CRUD operations using popular AngularJs library, ASP.NET MVC, $http & $window services and Entity Framework using Linq
VS 2012 web templates come preloaded with standard front-end libraries. This post is meant to complete the list with other essential and productive libraries that should be used in modern public-facing MVC and webform projects.
This article describes a small library for ASP.NET MVC, that can be used as a facility for registering global filters. It is similar to Global Filter in ASP.NET MVC 3, but with different implementation and features.
MVC supports complex objects as Models, including generics. We can use this capability to pass a standard Model type between our Views and Controllers. We can write reusable code to manipulate these standard models. This can change the way we use MVC.
In this post, I will be addressing this problem and we will learn that how can implement CRUD using JQuery DataTables in one page without any full page reloads.
Use a Microsoft Kinect to control the home automation in the house. Lights can be turned on an off from speech recognition or from pointing at them and waving your other hand one way to turn on and the other way to turn off.
In this tutorial, I am going to show the readers how to create an MVC application using Spring Boot, packaging as a self host WAR file, and execute using embedded Jetty application server.
G.Russon tells the tale of when his most mission-critical app collapsed, what this meant for him and his team and how they solved the problem with the help of ANTS Performance Profiler.
This article explains how to use data source for representation of data in TreeView structure using ASP.NET MVC and Gijgo treeview JQuery plug-in, The TreeView control can display a hierarchical (or nested, or recursive) collection of data in a tree of expandable nodes.
Using ThinkAlike, an ongoing Java MVVM framework(employing Android and JavaFX as view layer), to implement a cross-platform HearthStone game card reference and more.
Like me you might be starting to integrate AngularJS or any other JS Framework in your MVC Application then later on finding out you are converting a lot of your results to handle this calls. While it works with the MVC Controllers you always have to serialize your result to JSON Format and enablin
A nice and easy way to implement quick solutions using MVC and Entity Framework while keeping the code clean, having database accessibility not tied to objects, and still taking advantage of powerful features of MVC and Entity Framework together
A typical implementation of a CQRS pattern ASP.NET MVC 4, Ninject and MongoDB. I will be demonstrating a sample applications that acts as a base building block for a CQRS-based architecture.
This article mainly focuses on the CQRS pattern. How we can implement CQRS Pattern using the MediatR. How we can use CQRS pattern with ASP.NET MVC Core and Vue.Js.
In this article, I will explore how to upload a file using ASP.NET MVC. Since the MVC framework does not use server controls, it will be interesting to see how file upload works in MVC.
Disclamer: this article is a step-by-step guide to help you to familiarize with the core functionality of Incoding Framework. Following the guide will result in an application that implements the work with the DB (CRUD + data filters) and fully covered with unit tests.
Disclaimer: the article represents a survey on the transformation of JSON data into html on the client part (browser) and reveals the operation details of template в Incoding Framework (search, formation, local storage and plugging in one’s own engine).
In this article, I will show you how to integrate Hibernate Search into a simple yet feature complete web application with the Spring MVC and Hibernate enabled.
Configuration Vue.js v4 in ASP.NET Core 3.1 MVC. Introduction of Node.js, NPM, WebPack and DropZone. Use of Task Runner of NPM and WebPack for compile and bundle.
Co-locate HTML, CSS, JavaScript and image files that make up a page or component. Auto generate your MVC bundles to ensure the right files are loaded in the right order.
In this article, we’ll introduce the TagHelper, learn about its advantages and disadvantages, explore some sample TagHelpers, and review the deployment experience to a cloud-based hosting provider.
In this article I will give you a brief overview on the basic concepts of mvvmcross platform. We we'll explore the mvvmcross project architecture and some mvvmcross classes.
Learn how to build a front-end web application in plain JavaScript with minimal effort. Do not use any (third-party) framework or library, such as jQuery or Angular, which create black-box dependencies and overhead, and prevent you from learning how to do it yourself.
Learn how to develop front-end web apps with responsive (HTML5) constraint validation using plain JavaScript. Do not use any framework/library (like jQuery or Angular), which just create black-box dependencies and overhead, and prevent you from learning how to do it yourself.
Learn how to develop front-end web apps with unidirectional associations between model classes, such as the associations that assign authors and publishers to books. While in many other tutorials, associations are only superficially discussed, if at all, this article provides an in-depth explanation
JavascriptHelper is a MVC component which allows you to specify that a JavaScript file is needed, wherever you need it and the helper will collection them all up, plus all their dependencies and insert all the (along with their associated CSS files) tags in one spots in the layout.
This article describes a JSON data visualizer for popular Web Services like Google, Yahoo!, Bing, and Twitter using jQuery, JavaScript, and ASP.NET MVC 2.0.
This is a C# MVC web project with Knockout JS and web API OData controller. Technologies and version used for these articles are MVC 5.0, OData controller 4.0, Knockout Js 3.4, and jQuery 2.0.3.
This post will cover how to get the number of lines of code within your application in both premium and non-premium versions of Visual Studio through either the integrated Code Metrics tools (Premium-versions only) or by leveraging a crafty Regular Expression and without having to resort to USI.
In this article, we'll learn how to migrate existing HTML Helper patterns to Tag Helpers. Through this process, we'll form a solid reference for utilizing Tag Helpers in ASP.NET Core projects.
This article will compare and contrast the MVC, MVP, and MVVM, and suggest which pattern to use based on your technology of choice and the problem that you are trying to solve.
An article outlining an implementation of the Model View Presenter pattern in .NET, contrasting it with existing implementations of MVP, MVC, and using co-dependant interfaces to allow for abstract coordination.
I want to demonstrate an and-to-end tutorial on how to design an MVC project that caters for multiple devices but with only one respective controller and JavaScript file.
This article will help you to handle all types of errors in MVC platform; MVC Views, API, 404.0, Synchronous/Asynchronous Calls all with same user experience centrally.
First part to the three part series of articles describing how to create a information system where teachers can manage there students and classes. This tutorial will go in depth on using MVC's Code First approach and touch on using MvcScaffolding in the Nuget Package Console.
This article provides the implementation of dynamic layouts and web site administration in ASP.NET MVC4.0 by using: AJAX, jqGrid, Custom Action Results, Controller Extension, HTML Helpers, and more.
MVC HtmlHelper class used in conjunction with a JQuery plugin to generate a custom select control that provides complex property postback, keyboard filtering of items, grouped and hierarchical displays, optional AJAX loading and CSS styling of items.
The problemHave you ever needed a static way of persisting items throughout a "Post-Back" or a "Get" or "Post" without creating a static reference that you'll have to clean up later? Have you ever needed a clean and defined way (non ViewBag version) of modifying a layout in MVC wi
Because it is so challenging, many developers concentrate on the technical aspects of selecting a stack while ignoring the developers themselves. If you are the technical director of a project, you cannot proclaim "this is the stack we will use" without considering important non-technical aspects.
This is an introductory article about creating an Odata Rest API in collaboration with Entity Framework. We are also going to use Autofac as our IOC container. Also, Repository and Unit of Work pattern will be used for cleaner access of persistence model through our ORM (Entity Framework).
This article discusses how you may handle the lifespan of a controller when you use the Managed Extensibility Framework (MEF) in ASP.NET MVC 3 applications. You'll benefit from this article if you have some understanding and knowledge of MEF.
This article gives an overview of installation, customization, routing, group of routes, controllers, modules, templates, page builder, debug panel and console of a micro-framework HLEB.
A list of tips, involving Entity Framework, Extension Methods, programming patterns and others, that has been built up from recent ASP.NET MVC 3 programming journeys.
An article that explain hows to expose SignalR feature through an ASP.NET Web API, which helps applications that can use REST service and to broadcast a real-time message to their clients.
This article describes the natural evolution of BDD from common problems of developers not following TDD properly. It also describes a bit about Domain Driven Design (DDD) and Domain Specific Language (DSL) which are naturally connected with BDD.
This article will find out a solution to serialize/deserialize object by reference at server and client, also will serialize/deserialize objects having circular references.
The article explain Server side image rendering using data bound XAML. You'll be able to render WPF controls and create data-bound image visualizations using this technique
This article shows a cool trick to display a loading animation while waiting for a download to start. If the download starts, the animation is automatically hidden.
TemplateTimer: A convenient and simple MSVC / C++ timer wrapper for Windows using templates, where a class function can be easily specified for the timed event callback.
This is two part demo, in first part I will be showing how to insert a record into database and get all the records from database, and display. Part 2 I will show delete and update operations.
"... dogs and cats living together..." or how to build an application framework to get the best out of ASP.NET Core and Angular - at the same time. Updated source now with VS2015+VS2017
In this article, I will present a fully working Spring MVC application. It integrates with Spring Security, and Spring Rest. The sample application can be used as a template while the tutorial gives you a general idea of how each component work.
In this article, I'm going to discuss what is a Security in the application, what is Spring Security, and how to integrate Spring Security in your application.
This article is intended to all those developers who are working on Service Oriented Architecture (SOA) with JavaScript/JQuery. Here I tried to show all the possible ways of handling JSON from client like XMLHttpRequest, JQuery Ajax, Angular js with Web Service, WCF Rest, Asp.NET Web Forms, MVC, MVC
An example Web application showcasing the amazing features of ASP.NET MVC, WebAPI, EF together with ESB to build a secure, reliable, REST based web api, and web frontend.
How to quickly build reusable and flexible WPF, Silverlight, or ASP.NET applications with the powerful Xomega Framework using the best MVVM principles.
ASP.NET MVC Views give you the power of Razor View Engine with the flexibility of writing C# code. However, if you do too much C#, you will end up with Fat-Razors that need to go on a diet or you might be risking separation of concern attacks.
This article shows how you can make a Tree with hierarchical data supporting "CRUD operations", "drag and drop (DnD)" and "Lazy Loading" using Dojo store driven Tree, Entity Framework, SQL Server, ASP.NET MVC.
In this article we will try understand the basics of Repository and Unit of Work Pattern and will also create small ASP.NET MVC sample application to implement a generic repository and unit of work class using entity framework.
Architecture to support multiple transport and service bus technologies integrated to provide a unified messaging framework to communicate between any platform.
In this article I am explaining three ways to upload image (by Browsing File, by Dragging and Dropping and by Capturing using Webcam) from an ASP.NET MVC web application to server and accessing those back to display on web page.
The idea is to use Dependency Injector (DI) framework Ninject to dynamically target our application to SQL Server or Oracle database either by using Entity framework (EF) or Dapper ORM using global settings
This article shows how to modify the default ASP.NET MVC project to use Twitter Bootstrap Modal Dialog as a login dialog. Graceful degradation for non JavaScript Browsers is included.
Building an NLayered, localized, well-structured Single-Page Web Application using AngularJs, ASP.NET MVC, Web API, EntityFramework and ASP.NET Boilerplate
This article presents an example to create interactive charts on browsers using the "ASP.NET charting" tool with Image Maps. It also demonstrates how to add the same charts in PDF documents by re-using the same code.
Munq IOC Container Version 3 has been released on CodePlex and as a NuGet package. This article demonstrates how to integrate the IOC Container into an ASP.NET MVC3 project.
In previous ASP.NET MVC Tutorial, we discussed about different available options for passing data from Controller to View in ASP.NET MVC. We implemented passing data using ViewBag and ViewData in ASP.NET MVC application. Now, in this part of the tutorial, we are going to discuss about the third avai
In this article we will discuss about various ways of using shared layout page in ASP.NET MVC applications. To experience it practically we will create a demo application implementing those different ways to define layout page in ASP.NET MVC.
ASP.NET Web API related projects. It touches most parts of the technology through the articles on Data Streaming, Working with HTTPS and Extending Web API Documentation.
ASP.NET Web API related projects. It touches most parts of the technology through the articles on Data Streaming, Working with HTTPS and Extending Web API Documentation.
ASP.NET Web API related projects. It touches most parts of the technology through the articles on Data Streaming, Working with HTTPS and Extending Web API Documentation.
Can't use WebControls in ASP.NET MVC anymore? Not quite. This post discusses some options that you have in MVC for creating "WebControls" by using Extension Methods, IDisposable or a "Super Secret" method.
Solution adorned with drag and drop Portlet/Webpart customization feature in ASP.NET MVC Framework. It summoned JQuery for better user experience evading inclusive page refresh during personalization.
This article explains a design approach that involves setting the work flow of the process using config file and Unity Framework. It helps to change the flow only by updating the config file and no other code change is required.
One of the MVC mantras is that it allows unit testing your controllers. But, that doesn't mean you should. In my opinion, you should focus your unit testing valuable effort in more effective areas as the controller, if done right, doesn't require unit testing.