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by Ajcek84
Open source library for music engraving in desktop, mobile and web applications
by Vahid_N
PdfReport is a code-first reporting engine which is built on top of the iTextSharp and EPPlus libraries.
by John Atten
Add Basic Group-Based permissions management to your ASP.NET MVC application. For applications of moderate complexity, which require a little more granularity in authorization permissions, but which may not warrant moving to a heavy-weight solutions such as Active Directory.
by Jovan Popovic(MSFT)
Reordering table rows using drag and drop functionality with jQuery DataTables plug-in in ASP.NET MVC applications

Latest Articles

by Ngọc Minh Trần
In Part 4, we added basic support for the shopping cart, and now we'll enhance and refine that functionality.
by Mark Pelf
A practical guide to building a multi-language ASP.NET 8 MVC application
by Mark Pelf
A practical guide to build a multi-language ASP.NET 8 MVC application
by Mark Pelf
How to build a multi-language ASP.NET 8 MVC application

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15 Jul 2018 by Ajcek84
Open source library for music engraving in desktop, mobile and web applications
14 Feb 2013 by Vahid_N
PdfReport is a code-first reporting engine which is built on top of the iTextSharp and EPPlus libraries.
11 Aug 2014 by John Atten
Add Basic Group-Based permissions management to your ASP.NET MVC application. For applications of moderate complexity, which require a little more granularity in authorization permissions, but which may not warrant moving to a heavy-weight solutions such as Active Directory.
23 Apr 2012 by Jovan Popovic(MSFT)
Reordering table rows using drag and drop functionality with jQuery DataTables plug-in in ASP.NET MVC applications
10 Jun 2012 by Vitaly Tomilov
Simple way of mapping HttpHandler requests into controller/action
27 May 2020 by Theo Kand
An original AngularJS implementation of the most famous video game ever
15 Jul 2013 by Zhuyun Dai
Using WebSocket in traditional ASP.NET and MVC 4
25 Jul 2017 by Sharp Ninja
MVC as a design pattern has been strongly defined by the Gang of Four, but in recent years it's been hijacked as a marketing term more than a design pattern. This article aims to simplify and define what the MVC design pattern is and present a simple MVC framework that you can reuse in your project
3 Oct 2014 by John Atten
When working with ASP.NET Web Api from a .NET client, one of the more confounding things can be handling the case where errors are returned from the Api. Specifically, unwrapping the various types of errors which may be returned from a specific API action method, and translating the error content in
11 Oct 2011 by Enrique Albert
Baseline WCF Distribution Layer - Decoupling of WCF Services and ViewModels.
3 Jun 2013 by rgubarenko
jsRazor is unbeatably powerful and stupidly simple client-side rendering approach that consists of ONLY TWO functions. Tiny javascript library entirely eliminates the need for server-page rendering, in the same time giving your apps unmatched simplicity and flexibility.
25 Jun 2014 by Shenwei Liu
Convert a generic list to an Excel byte array using Open XML SDK and dynamically create an Excel file for data distributions from an ASP.NET MVC website
21 Nov 2016 by Kornfeld Eliyahu Peter
How to host a cross-platform ASP.NET Core application
15 May 2017 by Charles d'Avernas
A ready-to-use solution for dynamically querying an Entity Framework DbContext in ASP.NET
6 Aug 2012 by _DanV_
How to dynamically add controls on a hierarchical structure on MVC.
9 Jun 2013 by Florian Rappl
Crawling tons of (individual) web information and creating statistics using Windows Azure.
13 Aug 2013 by Florian Rappl
Creating a highly extensible presentation app with multi-user and device integration for tablets.
31 Aug 2016 by Sheshnath Kumar
This article will find out a solution to serialize/deserialize object by reference at server and client, also will serialize/deserialize objects having circular references.
21 Jun 2018 by Syed Zain Shah
In this article, you will learn about basic foremost concepts about Action Results in ASP.NET MVC 5. Hope you'll enjoy this. Feel free to give your feedback.
13 Jun 2014 by Rahul Rajat Singh
In this article we will try to understand about ASP.NET MVC Routes. We will get to know the details about routes and try to see how we can implement route constraints.
19 Jun 2016 by syed shanu
In this article, we will see in detail about using ASP.NET Identity in MVC application.
25 Nov 2016 by kannankeril
This article is an attempt at splitting out the controller layer to reduce its complexity and improve quality and maintainability of the resulting code.
18 Jan 2017 by Bart-Jan Brouwer
.Net Core datagrid with server side paging, sorting and filtering
1 Jun 2012 by Manning
A chapter excerpt from ASP.NET MVC 4 in Action
24 Jun 2015 by Akki Kumar
Image Combobox in HTML is no longer a pain, thanks to JQuery and CSS
18 Feb 2011 by Fred Song (Melbourne)
The Server Explorer is an application that introduces and explains how to use ASP.NET MVC and Visual Studio 2010 for web development
15 Oct 2013 by Balimusi
WCF 4.5 Services Development using Entity Framework and MVC 4 front-end
7 Jan 2015 by vladimir husnullin
Web development using JSON is simple
29 May 2017 by
In this article, We will learn why do we need to manage the stages of our application.
23 May 2018 by Andreas Schoenle
How to use CrashRptEx, to avoid some of the pitfalls of crash reporting in MFC apps or if you want the ability to continue your application after a crash
2 Feb 2013 by Marc Clifton
A prototype application for cross-referencing and indexing files, URL's.
14 Jan 2014 by Bert O Neill
MVC5 - JQM - SignalR2.0.1 - SqlDependency - Sql Server 2008R2
18 Apr 2015 by DataBytzAI
How to work with KnockoutJS arrays (simple and nested) in ASP.NET MVC
29 Feb 2016 by wells cheung
Privilege Control System based on MVC and WCF.
4 Sep 2017 by Bart-Jan Brouwer
Learn how to create JWT and use with WebApi, REST and MVC All Build with .NET Core
25 Nov 2017 by Daniel Carvalho Liedke
Project to generate Excel Spreadsheet from DataSet with auto size (AutoFit) columns, auto-filter, alternating light blue background color with Open XML using ASP.NET MVC
9 Mar 2022 by Coding Notes
An introduction to ASP.NET Core MVC
3 Dec 2010 by Dr. Song Li
This article presents a simple method to load clean HTML fragments from the web servers using jQuery and MVC.
11 Sep 2012 by Bryian Tan
Article on how to create an ASP.NET MVC3 slideshow user control/partial view using jQuery and XML
4 Nov 2016 by UberGeoff
A reusable MVC popup message box with Ajax functionality - that can bind to any model
3 Oct 2016 by Fred Song (Melbourne)
In this article I talk about how to use ASP.NET Core MVC, Fluent NHibernate and Angular JS to implement a CRUD SPA (Single Page Application).
4 Sep 2017 by Bart-Jan Brouwer
Learn how to create JWT and use with WebApi, REST and MVC all build with .NET Core
8 Aug 2012 by Brian Samiee
WebLights Component Library
20 May 2013 by Jon Honess
Using Windows Azure to build an online board game.
17 Dec 2013 by Member 9913858
An introduction to using FakeModel to create test aata for you.
11 Aug 2014 by John Atten
This is the second part of a two-part series in which we figure out how to implement a basic Group-based permissions management system using the ASP.NET MVC 5 Identity system. In this series, we are building upon previous concepts we used in extending the IdentityUser class and implementing Role-Bas
24 Nov 2015 by vladimir husnullin
Web development using JSON is simple
14 Apr 2014 by Ondra Morský
Implement NLog logging with SignalR
10 May 2018 by Jack Xu, USA
This article provides a step-by-step tutorial on how to use ASP.NET Core MVC to create charts in web applications with data from either the client or server side.
6 Mar 2024 by Mark Pelf
A practical guide to build a multi-language ASP.NET 8 MVC application
16 Jan 2012 by Wahid Bitar
Get the DropDownList items at OnResultExecuting
6 Apr 2013 by Sebastiaan Meijerink
Offline web app in MVC.
27 Jan 2015 by luckylaxman
Create, read, update, delete,Log in and Log out, (CRUD) operations are easy to perform in ASP.NET MVC. By using the default T4 scaffolding templates and strongly-typed views you can quickly build a web application that can create, update, and delete records.
27 May 2015 by DataBytzAI
How to develop a single page application (SPA) without a framework using MVC and SammyJS
18 Jul 2016 by Khunt Suchit
How to use a WCF Service without adding a Proxy or Service Reference in MVC Application
5 Sep 2016 by PureNsanity
Architecture to support multiple transport and service bus technologies integrated to provide a unified messaging framework to communicate between any platform.
10 Feb 2018 by Changming Wang
A complete event calendar, using trucking/shipping as an example, built with Visual Studio Community 2015, C# MVC and jQuery.Fullcalendar
12 Feb 2021 by O.Nasri
Steps to create a nice dashboard web page using .NET MVC Core
29 Mar 2013 by Xomega Team
How to easily implement cascading selection the MVC way and leverage cached static data.
23 Jun 2013 by Tim Corey
Learn how to get started in Windows Azure by following the progress of an actual web application as it is constructed.
12 Nov 2013 by SupperSlonic
control for edit a weekly schedule based on ASP.NET MVC
2 Apr 2014 by Gareth Barlow (NBNi)
Integrating Roles Based Access Control with the Azure Active Directory Graph API in a MVC application
2 Sep 2014 by Sandeep Singh Shekhawat
This article will introduce how to use a client-side template in ASP.NET (Web Form / MVC) with Mustache.js
18 Jun 2014 by Syed M Hussain
Yet another PHP MVC Framework
18 Feb 2015 by Alvin Ashcraft
This year I have been looking at and starting to use several components from the Universal 14.2.4 release.
16 Sep 2015 by Dr. Song Li
This is a simple CRUD example with JSF.
8 Jun 2016 by amitthk
Cross platform Asp.Net Core RC2 with Angular 2 - getting started on Linux/Mac & VSCode - Part 1
19 Jul 2016 by Puja Jagani
Spring Hibernate Integration along with JTable widget.
19 Jul 2016 by Puja Jagani
Using jTable instead of drop-down list.
30 Jul 2019 by Lee P Richardson
Fighting File Downloads and Dinosaurs with NSwag via ASP.NET Boilerplate
14 Feb 2022 by mural3
How to build custom HtmlHelpers to provide pagination in .NET Core MVC app
27 Aug 2009 by Farooq Kaiser
In this post, I will build an MVC application that will consume an RSS feed.
20 Dec 2011 by Ahmd.Refat.Twfik
The main purpose of this tutorial is to get you started with ASP.NET MVC easily, which will be through building a simple Twitter client to demonstrate the components of the framework and exposing some concepts too.
14 Jun 2012 by Daniel Gidman
An MVC Razor Helper to generate radio button lists from enums
12 Aug 2013 by Syed M Hussain
In this article I show how I turned an ASP.NET Web Forms application into an MVC Framework.
22 May 2014 by László Á. Koller
Creating and implementing a custom URL validator in a web project.
9 Jul 2014 by Vitilevu
How to link ASP.NET MVC with DB2 table
23 Aug 2014 by Stephan Johnson
Scaffold Microsoft Azure Table Storage entities in ASP.NET MVC5
15 May 2015 by Tiancheng Hu
New samples of using ThinkAlike to accomplish Android/Desktop cross-platform development, including helloworld, Web API access and widget UI.
18 Sep 2015 by Kurt Friedrich
I wanted to use MySQL as the database to hold code first models with ASP MVC.
23 Apr 2016 by Simon B.
This article shows a cool trick to display a loading animation while waiting for a download to start. If the download starts, the animation is automatically hidden.
14 Jul 2016 by Dinezh Dinaz
To show a list of records without knowing number of columns using WebGrid
12 Nov 2018 by Vlad Neculai Vizitiu
How to add functionality to an ASP.NET Core application outside of a request
6 Feb 2023 by mural3
Progressive disclosure UI on JS disabled browsers
29 Jun 2009 by David O'Sullivan
A step by step guide to building a robust enterprise level multi-tier ASP.NET MVC web application using Catharsis to automatically generate the code infrastructure.
23 Jan 2012 by malakar.anil
This article explains how to write easily maintainable and extendable application using MVC
16 Feb 2012 by Ryan Samiee
7 Nov 2012 by Aydin Khatamneajd
Using ModelMetadataProvider to Set Display Name Metadata for the Model Fields at Runtime
6 Jun 2013 by freedeveloper
A tutorial to catch the Model in your client side and use client events to show filtered information without returning to server
9 Jun 2013 by Bibhu Dutta
This article describes how ASP.NET MVC framework uses caching, during the retrival of controller type for controller instantiation, using the ControllerTypeCache, TypeCacheUtil and TypeCacheSerializer classes.
25 Jun 2013 by Alexandr Belotserkovskiy
This series will be about Web API and its use in Windows Azure
12 Jul 2013 by Mehul Harry
How to place a data grid into one of the ajax-tab
15 Sep 2014 by Raymund Macaalay
Like me you might be starting to integrate AngularJS or any other JS Framework in your MVC Application then later on finding out you are converting a lot of your results to handle this calls.  While it works with the MVC Controllers you always have to serialize your result to JSON Format and enablin
30 Aug 2016 by Tiancheng Hu
New samples of using ThinkAlike to accomplish Android/Desktop cross-platform development, including helloworld, Web API access and widget UI.
19 Jul 2016 by Puja Jagani
JTable Spring Demo with database integration