can easily integrate Graph API with our .net Projects and easily we can post
our status on Facebook wall. Not only we can post status but also we can easily
share Image, video and Link on Facebook wall. In this post I’ll walk through
the steps required to register a Facebook app, and post to your own Facebook wall
using C#, MVC3 and Visual Studio 2010.
The Graph API is the primary way that data is retrieved or
posted to Facebook. It enables the developer to read and write Facebook data. Now
I’ll discuss step by step to register a Facebook app, and how to post to your
own Facebook wall.
Step 1: Firstly you’ll
need to log on to the Facebook
developer site and select Apps
from the toolbar, then select +Create New App:
Step 2: Enter the
App Name, App Namespace and Web Hosting for the application. App Namespace and
Web Hosting is not mandatory.
After creating your App you’ll get App ID and App Secret these
will need to post your status on Facebook wall.
Step 3: After
creating your App obviously you have to enter Site URL that you can see if you expand Website with Facebook Login menu. In Site URL you have to enter your application’s home page url. In addition
you have to obviously enter Canvas URL
and Secure Canvas URL otherwise will not work properly your
Application. Normally you can enter this URL ""
Canvas URL and ""
for Secure Canvas URL.
Facebook app registration has completed now you can start to
build your application to post status on Facebook wall for that you have to
follow some steps.
Firstly you have to create a Project and add FB.Graph
Library as a reference and you can write a class for setting up the Facebook
object, setting up the permissions and so on.
The code would be look like this:
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Web;
using ImpactWorks.FBGraph.Connector;
using ImpactWorks.FBGraph.Core;
namespace PostToFacebookWall
public class Authentication
public Facebook FacebookAuth()
Facebook facebook = new Facebook();
facebook.AppID = "xxxxxxxxxxxx";
facebook.Secret = "xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx";
facebook.CallBackURL = "http://localhost:1846/PostStatus/Success/";
List<FBPermissions> permissions = new List<FBPermissions>() {
FBPermissions.user_about_me, FBPermissions.user_events,
facebook.Permissions = permissions;
return facebook;
Now you have to add a PostStatusController in controller folder and you can write Index, Success and PostStatus action methods within PostStatusController where Index action method return view page when you run the Application. PostStatus action method fire when you click Post Status button that create authLink URL and return authLink URL .Also authLink URL contains some information that will need to redirect the specific user authenticate location. If you give permission then automatically redirect your application with encrypted value that you have to hold in your application to get AccesToken and this AccessToken will need to post status on your Facebook wall. Using “Request.QueryString ["code"];” this syntax you can get the encrypted value. When redirect your application that time fire Success action method because you specified this action within CallBackURL. So Success action finally posts your status on your own Facebook wall.
The PostStatusController’s code scenario is given bellow.
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Web;
using System.Web.Mvc;
using ImpactWorks.FBGraph.Connector;
using ImpactWorks.FBGraph.Core;
using ImpactWorks.FBGraph.Interfaces;
namespace PostToFacebookWall.Controllers
public class PostStatusController : Controller
public ActionResult Index()
return View();
Authentication auth = new Authentication();
public ActionResult Success()
if (Request.QueryString["code"] != null)
string Code = Request.QueryString["code"];
Session["facebookQueryStringValue"] = Code;
if (Session["facebookQueryStringValue"] != null)
Facebook facebook = auth.FacebookAuth();
FBUser currentUser = facebook.GetLoggedInUserInfo();
IFeedPost FBpost = new FeedPost();
if (Session["postStatus"].ToString() != "")
FBpost.Message = Session["postStatus"].ToString();
facebook.PostToWall(, FBpost);
return View();
public JsonResult PostStatus(string msg)
Session["postStatus"] = msg;
Facebook facebook = auth.FacebookAuth();
if (Session["facebookQueryStringValue"] == null)
string authLink = facebook.GetAuthorizationLink();
return Json(authLink);
if (Session["facebookQueryStringValue"] != null)
FBUser currentUser = facebook.GetLoggedInUserInfo();
IFeedPost FBpost = new FeedPost();
if (Session["postStatus"].ToString() != "")
FBpost.Message = Session["postStatus"].ToString();
facebook.PostToWall(, FBpost);
return Json("No");
Now you have to add a View page where you can put your html. The View page will be looks like this:
ViewBag.Title = "Index";
Layout = "~/Views/Shared/_Layout.cshtml";
@using (Html.BeginForm())
<fieldset style="color: Black;">
<label style="font-style: italic; color: Gray;">
Write your status</label><br />
@Html.TextArea("txtPostStatus", new { maxlength = 100, style = "height:100px;width:500px;" })
<div style="text-align: left;">
<input id="btnPost" type="button" value="Post Status" onclick="PostStatus();" />
Some jQuery you have to add your view page that i have written for calling PostStatus method and showing popup. The code looks like this:
<script type="text/javascript">
function PostStatus() {
var msg = $('#txtPostStatus').val();
if (msg != '') {
url: '/PostStatus/PostStatus',
type: 'POST',
data: { msg: msg },
success: function (authLink) {
if (authLink != 'No') {, 'title', 'width=660,height=500,status=no,scrollbars=yes,toolbar=0,menubar=no,resizable=yes,top=60,left=320');
else {
alert('please write your message.');
Some jQuery has written for Ajax calling the PostStatus method from PostStatusController and to show the Facebook Login page as a popup if successfully return the authLink from PostStatusController.
For Link, Image and Video Sharing you just have to add some code within Success action method. The code looks like this:
Link Share:
FBpost.Action = new FBAction { Name = "test link", Link = "" };
FBpost.Caption = "Test Image Share";
FBpost.Description = "Test Image Desc";
FBpost.ImageUrl = "";
FBpost.Message = "Check out test post";
FBpost.Name = "Test Post";
FBpost.Url = "";
var postID = facebook.PostToWall(, FBpost);
Video Share:
FBpost.Url = "";
FBpost.Message = "Sharing a Youtube video";
var postId = facebook.PostToWall(, FBpost);
Image Share:
FBpost.Caption = "Image Share";
FBpost.ImageUrl = "";
FBpost.Name = "Great Image";
FBpost.Url = "";
var postId = facebook.PostToWall(, FBpost);
Hopefully, you’ll be able to use this for your applications and it will make you little bit easier to make this type of application. For more information I’d recommend you visit the Facebook Docs.