This post was republished to Babak Mahmoudi’s Blog at 11:38:10 ق.ظ 08/22/2011
In this post, some mistakes in implementation of Persian culture in .NET are discussed and also get-around methods are proposed.
.NET provides enhanced globalization features mostly based on its implementation of Culture concepts. Programmers may use various aspects of these features to develop software ready for global market. A class called CultureInfo
plays a key role in this implementation. It is mainly used to get necessary information about a specific culture. Programmers will create instances of CultureInfo
to access required information about a culture. For sure, the framework supports the Persian language too. One may use ”fa-IR
” to create a CultureInfo
instance for Persian language in Iran. But at it is discussed here, there are a number of problems with this culture instance.
The most critical deficiency of Persian culture is about Persian calendar. While Iranian people use their own calendar, Persian culture assumes they use Arabic Hijri calendar. The following picture shows how CultureInfo
assumes HjriCalendar for Persian culture. Also note that PersianCalendar is not even included in OptionalCalendars
Another problem with Persian culture is about calendar information such as day and month names. They all are Arabic ones:
So in order to have a better Persian CultureInfo
, one should:
- Find a way to set
for the culture calendar - Correct Months and Day names
Correcting Months and Day Names
Months and day names are actually included in DateTimeFormatInfo class property of CultureInfo
. They can be easily fixed with code such as:
Culture.DateTimeFormatInfo.MonthNames = new string[]
{ "فروردین", "ارديبهشت", "خرداد", "تير"
, "مرداد", "شهریور", "مهر", "آبان", "آذر", "دی", "بهمن", "اسفند", "" };
Using Persian Calendar
Using Persian Calendar is not as straightforward as setting months names. Both CultureInfo
and DateTimeFormatInfo
include a calendar
property. To get proper Persian date formatting, one should set these calendars to Persian. One may assume to simply set the Calendar
Culture.DateTimeFormatInfo.Calendar = new PersianCalendar();
But the property set method of DateTimeFormatInfo
prevents such settings because Persian Calendar is not included in OptionalCalendars
of the Persian culture. One may use Reflection to by-pass the property set method to directly access the calendar
FieldInfo dateTimeFormatInfoCalendar = typeof(DateTimeFormatInfo).GetField("calendar",
BindingFlags.NonPublic | BindingFlags.Public | BindingFlags.Instance);
dateTimeFormatInfoCalendar.SetValue(info, new PersianCalendar());
Where info
is a DateTimeFormatInfo
. Note how reflection helps in setting a private
field “calendar
” in a DateTimeFormatInfo
object. This bypasses the set method logic of checking the OptionalCalendars
Putting it altogether, a candidate method for fixing the DateTimeFormatInfo
can be:
public static void FixPersianDateTimeFormat(DateTimeFormatInfo info,bool UsePersianCalendar)
FieldInfo dateTimeFormatInfoReadOnly = typeof(DateTimeFormatInfo).GetField
("m_isReadOnly", BindingFlags.NonPublic | BindingFlags.Public | BindingFlags.Instance);
FieldInfo dateTimeFormatInfoCalendar = typeof(DateTimeFormatInfo).GetField
("calendar", BindingFlags.NonPublic | BindingFlags.Public | BindingFlags.Instance); ;
if (info == null)
bool readOnly = (bool)dateTimeFormatInfoReadOnly.GetValue(info);
if (readOnly)
dateTimeFormatInfoReadOnly.SetValue(info, false);
if (UsePersianCalendar)
dateTimeFormatInfoCalendar.SetValue(info, new PersianCalendar());
info.AbbreviatedDayNames = new string[] { "ی", "I", "س", "چ", "پ", "ج", "O" };
info.ShortestDayNames = new string[] { "ی", "I", "س", "چ", "پ", "ج", "O" };
info.DayNames = new string[]
{ "یکOنEه", "IوOنEه", "ﺳﻪOنEه", "چهCرOنEه", "پنجOنEه", "جمعه", "OنEه" };
info.AbbreviatedMonthNames = new string[]
{ "فرورIین", "CرIيEهOE", "IرICI", "Eير", "مرICI", "Oهریور", "مهر", "AECن", "Aذر",
"Iی", "Eهمن", "CسفنI", "" };
info.MonthNames = new string[] { "فرورIین", "CرIيEهOE", "IرICI", "Eير", "مرICI", "Oهریور"
, "مهر", "AECن", "Aذر", "Iی", "Eهمن", "CسفنI", "" };
info.AMDesignator = "ق.U";
info.PMDesignator = "E.U";
info.FirstDayOfWeek = DayOfWeek.Saturday;
info.FullDateTimePattern = "yyyy MMMM dddd, dd HH:mm:ss";
info.LongDatePattern = "yyyy MMMM dddd, dd";
info.ShortDatePattern = "yyyy/MM/dd";
if (readOnly)
dateTimeFormatInfoReadOnly.SetValue(info, true);
This will fix the DateFormatInfo
for Persian Calendar and also months and day names.
Fixing Optional Calendars
An alternative and also more challenging approach would be adding Persian Calendar as an optional calendar. This requires more detailed information around how locale specific information are managed by CultureInfo
. In fact, CultureInfo
retrieves culture data from complicated data structures stored in locale files under Windows operating system. Data such as the array of optional calendars are stored in specific data structure and retrieved by special manipulation of pointers. The code given below shows how OptionalCalendars
are retrieved from a CultureTableRecord
internal int[] OptionalCalendars
if (this.optionalCalendars == null)
this.optionalCalendars = this.m_cultureTableRecord.IOPTIONALCALENDARS;
return this.optionalCalendars;
then returns:
return this.GetWordArray(this.m_pData.waCalendars);
which finally returns optional calendars as:
private unsafe int[] GetWordArray(uint iData)
if (iData == 0)
return new int[0];
ushort* numPtr = this.m_pPool + ((ushort*) iData);
int num = numPtr[0];
int[] numArray = new int[num];
for (int i = 0; i < num; i++)
numArray[i] = numPtr[i];
return numArray;
Note how pointer calculations are encountered in this evaluation.
To fix the optional calendars of Persian locale, one should set the Persian calendar identifier in the appropriate place in the locale data structure. This location may be back calculated from source code above. Then using reflection again to get access to private
fields, one may get access to the array of optional calendars and fix it on the fly.
But there is still another problem. The array lies in a protected memory area. That is, you have no write access to that part of memory. A workaround is using VirtualProtect
to make this memory writeable before attempting to write back the optional calendars back:
public static CultureInfo FixOptionalCalendars(CultureInfo culture, int CalenadrIndex)
InvokeHelper ivCultureInfo = new InvokeHelper(culture);
InvokeHelper ivTableRecord = new InvokeHelper(ivCultureInfo.GetField("m_cultureTableRecord"));
System.Reflection.Pointer m_pData = (System.Reflection.Pointer)ivTableRecord.GetField("m_pData");
ConstructorInfo _intPtrCtor = typeof(IntPtr).GetConstructor(
new Type[] { Type.GetType("System.Void*") });
IntPtr DataIntPtr = (IntPtr)_intPtrCtor.Invoke(new object[1] { m_pData });
Type TCultureTableData = Type.GetType("System.Globalization.CultureTableData");
Object oCultureTableData = System.Runtime.InteropServices.Marshal.PtrToStructure
(DataIntPtr, TCultureTableData);
InvokeHelper ivCultureTableData = new InvokeHelper(oCultureTableData);
uint waCalendars = (uint)ivCultureTableData.GetField("waCalendars");
System.Reflection.Pointer m_pool = (System.Reflection.Pointer)ivTableRecord.GetField("m_pPool");
IntPtr PoolInPtr = (IntPtr)_intPtrCtor.Invoke(new object[1] { m_pool });
IntPtr shortArrayPtr = new IntPtr((PoolInPtr.ToInt64() + waCalendars*sizeof(ushort)));
short[] shortArray = new short[1];
System.Runtime.InteropServices.Marshal.Copy(shortArrayPtr, shortArray, 0, 1);
short[] calArray = new short[shortArray[0]];
IntPtr calArrayPtr = new IntPtr(shortArrayPtr.ToInt64() + sizeof(short));
System.Runtime.InteropServices.Marshal.Copy(calArrayPtr, calArray, 0, shortArray[0]);
uint old;
VirtualProtect(calArrayPtr, 100, 0×4, out old);
calArray[CalenadrIndex] = 0×16;
System.Runtime.InteropServices.Marshal.Copy(calArray, 0, calArrayPtr, calArray.Length);
VirtualProtect(calArrayPtr, 100, old, out old);
return culture;
CultureData in .NET Framework 4.0
The CultureTableRecord
class has been replaced by CultureData
which holds the Optional Calendars as a private
array of integers in waCalendars
field. This makes correction of Optional Calendars as easy as correcting a private
private static CultureInfo _FixOptionalCalendars4(CultureInfo culture, int CalenadrIndex)
FieldInfo cultureDataField = typeof(CultureInfo).GetField("m_cultureData",
BindingFlags.Public | BindingFlags.NonPublic | BindingFlags.Instance );
Object cultureData = cultureDataField.GetValue(culture);
FieldInfo waCalendarsField = cultureData.GetType().GetField("waCalendars",
BindingFlags.Public | BindingFlags.NonPublic | BindingFlags.Instance);
int[] waCalendars = (int[])waCalendarsField.GetValue(cultureData);
if (CalenadrIndex >= 0 && CalenadrIndex < waCalendars.Length)
waCalendars[CalenadrIndex] = 0x16;
waCalendarsField.SetValue(cultureData, waCalendars);
return culture;
Problems with Persian culture in .NET are discussed and methods for correcting these problems are proposed. You may download the sample code from here.