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Overview of the Add-In:
The feature to set bookmarks (using Ctrl-F2) in a text file available in the
Dev Studio editor is very useful when going through a HUGE source file. The
drawback is that, once the text file is closed you lose all the bookmarks set in
that particular file and it's a pain to set them all again.
So, anyway I guess you know what this add-in does by now. It, remembers the
bookmarks set in a file (as shown above) and re-sets them back if the file is
opened later in Dev Studio.
- Copy the bookmark.dll file (after
downloading it of course) where-ever you want (I put them in
- In, DevStudio, go to the Tools menu
and select Customize...
- Go to the last tab (Add-Ins and
macro Files). You should be able to see the Book Mark add-in in the list box
(if you saved it in the path above. If you've saved it in a different path,
you'll have to browse for it yourself). Once, you checked the bookmark add-in,
click close.
- You will now be presented with a
dialog box asking you to choose a folder to store the bookmarks. Choosing any
directory will work fine. Clicking cancel will however unload the bookmark
add-in. You will only be asked to specify this folder once.
The add-in runs without user interaction.
You do have a choice to set the options. You can enable or disable the bookmark
add-in on the fly (by choosing
the Bookmark command which brings up the dialog box as shown below).

Options Page:
Disabling the bookmark add-in will not
restore your bookmarks the next time you open the file.
The user also has the option of saving
the bookmark locations
- When user closes a document OR
- When user saves a document (for the
paranoid, like myself who thinks that DevStudio will crash anytime for any
The delete file button simply purges
any bookmark locations that you might have accumulated during your long hours of
Advanced Page:

The first version of the add-in was
quite inflexible in the manner that the user couldn't selectively remove
bookmark locations stored in the file. Well, now the user can selectively remove
a line or the whole file. I'll let you play around with the add-in.
Un-check the bookmark add in (in the
tools customize page). Delete the bookmark.dll and also, a file called
bookmark.dat (which is automatically created by the add-in) which is stored
where the user specifies.
Update: (4th September 1998)
Now the users can remove files or
lines in the advanced page with the use of the keyboard. Just press the delete
key. The user can also open any file by using the F3 key. Double clicking on the
line number will open the file and scroll to the line number and highlight the
line to give you an indication as to where the bookmark is set. F3 works with
both Files and Line numbers.
Update: (2nd December 1998)
DevStudio process did not seem to
terminate itself properly when users would open a file from the dialog box
(using the F3 key or choosing the menu option available). I don't know why this
seems to happen, so to prevent from DevStudio's process not terminating
properly, I have removed the functionality whereby the user can open a file
until I find out exactly why this happens. - Bug found (it's the
nasty one described below) and fixed, functionality is back in! :)
Update: (26th January 1999)
Bug fixes:
Could not delete files from the list
(in the advanced page) which did not exist on the drive. (Thanks to
Matthew Ellis for finding the
bug) This is now fixed.
When navigating code using the browse
facility, the add-in would remove the highlighted piece of code, regardless of
whether there was a bookmark set for that file or not. (Thanks to
Matthew Ellis for the suggestion)
Update: (14th June 1999)
Bug fixes:
Fixed a real nasty bug, that had been
around from day 1 (sorry people). A lot of people experienced this bug and now
it's finally fixed. The bug was that, after opening a file from the advanced tab
and then trying to shut down DevStudio (V5 or V6), DevStudio wouldn't shut down
Thanks to Jeff Rockwell for bugging me
from day 1 to track it down and Itay Szekely who recently brought it to my
Again, I am really sorry this has been around for so long
and only just fixed, but I RARELY spend time on this add-in.
Update: (3rd February 2000)
Bruce Mack suggested that I show the text the bookmark is actually is set to
in the advanced tab (see screen shot above). The new version will (should)
read your all saved bookmarks file correctly. The first time that you run
this, you may not see the selected text in the tree control. The tree
control will get updated as and when files are opened/closed with the new
Known Issues:
There is one problem (actually it's a
minor annoyance). Every time, the user hits save, the editor will scroll. The
cursor will remain at the same place but the text scrolls (which can sometimes
dis-orient users). There doesn't seem to be any good way of achieving this. :-
This add-in has been tested under
Windows 95/NT and works for VC5. It has also been tested under Windows 95/NT
running VC6 and it seems to be running. If however you have a problem please let
me know.
- Matthew Ellis - for finding numerous bugs and many
ideas for enhancements.
- Jeff Rockwell - for pestering me to find a bug which
had been there for a long time.
- Itay Szekely - for finding and helping me track down
the big bad bug (a.k.a feature).
- Chris Maunder - for the Hyperlink control which I am sure many people have
found it awesome.
- Bruce Mack - for suggesting an enhancement.
Thanks to everyone for using this add-in and
for the time taken to e-mail me with useful comments and suggestions.