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Forward/Backward navigation with the mouse thumb buttons for Visual Studio 2008 (C++)

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28 Sep 2008 1  
Forward/backward navigation with the mouse thumb buttons for Visual Studio 2008 (C++).


For most programs, users can use the "thumb-buttons" of the mouse to navigate forwards or backwards. This add-in will implement this feature in Visual Studio 2008 C++. (C# has this feature built-in).

Example usage

  1. Jump to a function definition (right click on the function name, "Go to definition").
  2. Jump back using the "backward button" of your mouse.

A look inside the code

The API for Visual Studio add-ins do not provide the possibility to get informed if a mouse button is pressed inside the Visual Studio window. It is necessary to use a Hook to achieve this:

private void InitHook()
  this.MouseProcDelegate = new HookProc(this.MouseProc);
  uint id = GetCurrentThreadId();
        this.MouseProcDelegate, IntPtr.Zero, id);

The InitHook() function is called if Visual Studio is loading an add-in (on VS start). The hook is only attached to the thread whose the thread-ID is returned by GetCurrentThreadId(). The hook will receive the mouse events before Visual Studio does. Another possibility could be a ShellHook (WH_SHELL) (HSHELL_APPCOMMAND with the APPCOMMAND_BROWSER_BACKWARD and APPCOMMAND_BROWSER_FORWARD events). But, this does not work well (the event is not triggered under all circumstances).

The Hook will call the MouseProc function:

 private int MouseProc(int code, IntPtr wParam, ref MOUSEHOOKSTRUCTEX lParam)
        if (code != HC_ACTION)
          return CallNextHookEx(hhook, code, wParam, ref lParam);

        if (wParam.ToInt32() == WM_XBUTTONUP)
          switch (HiWord(lParam.mouseData))
            case XBUTTON1:
              Debug.Write("mouse back button\n");
              _applicationObject.ExecuteCommand("View.NavigateBackward", "");
            return 1;

            case XBUTTON2:
              Debug.Write("mouse forward button\n");
              _applicationObject.ExecuteCommand("View.NavigateForward", "");
            return 1;




      return CallNextHookEx(hhook, code, wParam, ref lParam);

MOUSEHOOKSTRUCTEX is an updated version of MOUSEHOOKSTRUCT which supports the extra mouse buttons. If the wParam is WM_XBUTTONUP, one of the mouse thumb-buttons was released. You can find out which one was released using the hi-word of lParam.mouseData:

  • XBUTTON1: backward button
  • XBUTTON2: forward button

Finally, ExecuteCommand() is used to call the navigation functionality of Visual Studio:

_applicationObject.ExecuteCommand("View.NavigateBackward", "");
_applicationObject.ExecuteCommand("View.NavigateForward", "");


  • 0.2: Checks if the mouse button is pressed inside a C++ editor window.
  • 0.1: Initial version.


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