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The Ultimate Toolbox - Updates and User Contributions

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Updates and User Contributions for the Ultimate Toolbox Libraries


Welcome to the Ultimate Toolbox Updates and Contributions page.

This page is intended to help collate and centralize user contributions as well as beta updates to the core source code for each of the Ultimate Toolbox, Ultimate Grid, and Ultimate TCP/IP libraries.

We'd like this page to become a central point for submissions of various enhancements and fixes to the Ultimate Toolbox. Those of you who have code that will help others can forward submissions to any of the co-authors of this page.

Those wishing to take a more active role can become co-authors, and help to collate and maintain the code base and user submissions.

What can I contribute?

Pretty much anything that enhances or fixes code in the Ultimate Toolbox. A simple zip of a class file can be posted here for review before inclusion into an update. All we ask is that changes are reasonably commented and documented.

Links to user submitted articles relating to the Ultimate Toolbox can be collated here as well.

We're keeping this fairly open to start - comments and suggestions, as always, most welcome.

Updates and Contributions

Ultimate Toolbox Update 01
Download: (183k)
Submitted by: Various
Compiled by: Tim Deveaux
Date: April, 2008
Comments: This is the first update of the Ultimate Toolbox source files based on user submitted corrections and enhancements. Only the affected source and header files are included, along with an updated ChangeHistory.htm. NOTE: VS2008 corrections have not been addressed in this update.
Status: Beta - these files are not yet incorporated into the main Ultimate Toolbox source code download.
Ultimate Toolbox Update 02
Download: (193k)
Submitted by: Various
Compiled by: Tim Deveaux
Date: July, 2008
Comments: This update incorporates VS2008 compilation changes based on user submitted corrections and enhancements. Only the affected source and header files are included, along with an updated ChangeHistory.htm. NOTES: Remaining Vista issues are not addressed in this update. Docking windows functionality may be affected by the move to MFC 8.0 compilation.
Requirements: This update assumes Update 01 has been applied.
Status: Beta - these files are not yet incorporated into the main Ultimate Toolbox source code download.
Ultimate Toolbox Update 03
Download: (719k)
Submitted by:  
Compiled by: Tim Deveaux
Date: October, 2008
Comments: This update incorporates 64-bit compilation changes to the core source code based on suggested corrections and enhancements. 

The goal of this update is to allow compilation for 64-bit while retaining 32-bit compatibility with earlier (VC6, VS2003, VS2005) compilers, so that we can continue to maintain one codebase.

Only the affected source and header files are included, along with an updated ChangeHistory.htm.

Requirements: This update assumes Update 01 and Update 02 have been applied.
Status: Alpha - The changes in this download have not been tested on a 64-bit platform - they allow compilation in 64-bit. Compiled using the cross compiler in VS2008. They are offered here for testing. Updates to the sample projects are not included.

These files are not yet incorporated into the main Ultimate Toolbox source code download.
Ultimate Toolbox Update 04
Download: - 70.34 KB
Submitted by: Anthony Wieser
Compiled by: Anthony Wieser
Date: May, 2009
Comments: This release fixes problems in UNICODE builds and fixes some strange docking behavior.

Only the affected source and header files are included, along with an updated ChangeHistory.htm.

Requirements: Assumes Updates 01, 02, and 03 have been applied.
Status: Beta - these files are not yet incorporated into the main Ultimate Toolbox source code download.  
Ultimate Toolbox Update 05 
Download: - 107 KB 
Submitted by: Various 
Compiled by:  Tim Deveaux 
Date: October, 2010 
Comments: Miscellaneous fixes including changes for VS2010 compilation.

Only the affected source and header files are included, along with an updated ChangeHistory.htm.

Requirements: Assumes Updates 01, 02, 03, and 04 have been applied.
Status: Beta - these files are not yet incorporated into the main Ultimate Toolbox source code download.   

Ultimate Grid 7.3 beta
Download: (437 KB)
Submitted by: Santiago Palacios
Compiled by: Santiago Palacios
Date: February, 2013
Comments: This new version rolls the four existing updates to UG into a new official release. Additionally, it adds VC2008, VC2010 and VC2012 projects and solutions to make it easier for developers working on those versions.
Requirements: None. This is a self-contained full release.
Status: Beta - will wait for feedback prior to promoting this as the next official release.
Ultimate Grid - OutlookStyle Demo (corrections)
Download: (65k)
Reported by: ehaerim
Compiled by: Tim Deveaux
Date: August, 2008
Comments: This is a update with corrections for the OutlookStyle demo contained in the samples download for the Ultimate Grid. The project uses files from the Ultimate Toolbox source, and shipped with incorrect paths to these files.
  • The projects now assume the Ultimate Toolbox directory is at the same level as the Ultimate Grid, and uses the correct relative paths.
  • The projects were previously referencing files not required for compilation, two of which are not included in the Ultimate Toolbox source download.
  • The CCellTypeOutlook class is renamed to COutlookGrid.
  • The CelltypeOutlook.cpp and .h files are replaced with OutlookGrid.cpp and .h.

The demo shows the grid set up for Outlook style message selection, with read/unread and flag bitmaps etc, and highlights the use of the CUGExpandType, CUGCTOutlookHeader, CUGCTMail, and CUGCTMailSort celltypes.

Requirements: Assumes the Ultimate Toolbox source and include files are installed along with Ultimate Grid.

Corrections to the existing demo.

Ultimate Grid Update 01
Download: (126k)
Submitted by: Various
Compiled by: Tim Deveaux
Date: September, 2008
Comments: This is the first update of the Ultimate Grid source files based on user submitted corrections and enhancements. Only the affected source and header files are included, along with an updated ChangeHistory.htm. 
Status: Beta - these files are not yet incorporated into the main Ultimate Grid source code download.
Ultimate Grid Update 02
Download: (163k)
Submitted by:  
Compiled by: Tim Deveaux
Date: November, 2008
Comments: This update incorporates 64-bit compilation changes to the Ultimate Grid core source code, celltypes, edit controls, and datasource classes based on suggested corrections. 

The goal of this update is to allow compilation for 64-bit while retaining 32-bit compatibility with earlier (VC6, VS2003, VS2005) compilers, so that we can continue to maintain one codebase.

Only the affected source and header files are included, along with an updated ChangeHistory.htm.

Requirements: Assumes Update 01 has been applied.
Status: Alpha - The changes in this download have not been tested on a 64-bit platform - they allow compilation in 64-bit. Compiled as x64 using the cross compiler in VS2008. They are offered here for testing. x64 configurations for the library builds and sample projects are not included.

These files are not yet incorporated into the main Ultimate Grid source code download.  
Ultimate Grid Update 03
Download: (69k)
Submitted by: Various
Compiled by: Tim Deveaux
Date: January, 2009
Comments: Changes and fixes as suggested/submitted by The Code Project community.

Only the affected source and header files are included, along with an updated ChangeHistory.htm.

Requirements: Assumes Updates 01 and 02 have been applied.
Status: Beta - these files are not yet incorporated into the main Ultimate Grid source code download.  
Ultimate Grid Update 04 
Download: (45k)
Submitted by: Tim Deveaux 
Compiled by: Tim Deveaux
Date: September, 2010 
Comments: This update implements WM_PRINT processing in the main grid windows.

Only the affected source and header files are included, along with an updated ChangeHistory.htm.

Requirements: Assumes Updates 01, 02 and 03 have been applied.

Beta - these files are not yet incorporated into the main Ultimate Grid source code download.   

Ultimate TCP/IP Update 01
Download: (55k)
Submitted by:  
Compiled by: Tim Deveaux
Date: November, 2008
Comments: This update incorporates incorporates some minor changes based on testing in VS2008 and 64-bit. 

This update incorporates the initial changes needed for compilation in VS2008 and 64-bit while retaining 32-bit compatibility with earlier (VC6, VS2003, VS2005) compilers.

Only the affected source and header files are included, along with an updated ChangeHistory.htm. 

Status: Alpha - The changes in this download have not been tested on a 64-bit platform - they allow compilation in 64-bit. Compiled using the cross compiler in VS2008. They are offered here for testing. Updates to the sample projects are not included.

These files are not yet incorporated into the main Ultimate TCP-IP source code download.
Ultimate TCP/IP Update 02
Download: (143k)
Submitted by: Various
Compiled by: Tim Deveaux
Date: December, 2008
Comments: This update incorporates incorporates changes and fixes as submitted/suggested by the Code Project community. 

Only the affected source and header files are included, with the exception of revisions to the secure mail client example (MailClientS). The ChangeHistory is updated.

Issues addressed include support for UTF8 based mail messages for Unicode enabled apps, and improvements for SMTPS, IMAPS, and POP3S client connections. 

Status: Beta - these files are not yet incorporated into the main Ultimate TCP-IP source code or samples downloads.
Ultimate TCP/IP Update 03
Download: (47k)
Submitted by: Various
Compiled by: Tim Deveaux
Date: January, 2009
Comments: Two fixes suggested by mpuerto and Rob Caldecott. 

Only the affected source and header files are included. The ChangeHistory is updated.

Issues addressed include support for MIME boundary strings without quotes, and better handling of mail addresses added to the message class via multiple calls to AddHeaderField. 

Requirements: This update assumes Update 01 and Update 02 have been applied.
Status: Beta - these files are not yet incorporated into the main Ultimate TCP-IP source code download.


Initial CodeProject release April 2008.


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