is a control designed to
the auto completion feature in a CRichEditCtrl
. You can easily
modify the code to add the auto completion feature in a CRichEditView
You can specify options such as displaying all known words or only the matching ones.
User can start the auto completion feature pressing
Ctrl+space; he can confirm the selected word pressing space, Enter or a non-alpha
char; he can use up, down, pgUp, pgDown, home, end, Ctrl+Space or mouse-wheel
to switch between the
in the list; he can use left, right to modify the
matching part of the word.
Using the control
Using ClassWizard add a variable in your dialog class; the
variable must be a CAutocomplectionCtrl
control; if the ClassWizard
only CRichEdit
select it, and change it to CAutocomplectionCtrl
in the .h file.
Remember to include "Autocomplection.h" in your .h file and to
insert the line
in the Initinstance()
function of your
Then you must define your
dictionary using the AddKeyword()
funcion; usually you'll do that
in the OnInitDialog
function. In the
sample application I read the words from a file, so resulting code is:
while (file.ReadString(keyword))
Well, your work is done :)
If you
like you can specify some options...
Option functions
void Enable(BOOL);
You can enable or disable the auto completion feature; by
default it's enabled.
void ShowListBox(BOOL);
You can select if to display the listbox or not
void ListAllWords(BOOL);
You can select if to display in the listbox all known words, or only the
matching ones
void TrapEnter(BOOL);
Pressing Enter, the selected word is confirmed.
If TrapEnter
is set to FALSE,
when pressing Enter, the control will add a new line char, if TrapEnter
is set
to TRUE, the new line char will not be displayed
void CaseSensitive(BOOL);
You can select if the matching function must be case
sensitive or not.
void AutoLearn(BOOL);
That feature isn't very useful; if enabled, when the user
types an unknown word, the control will add it to the dictionary; that could be
nice if the user never mistakes typing words...
void LearnOnDblClick(BOOL);
If this feature is enabled, when the user double-clicks
over a word, the control learns it.
Dictionary functions
void GetDictionary(CStringArray& dictionary);
This function fills the given CStringArray
with all known words.
void ResetDictionary();
This function empties the dictionary.
BOOL AddKeyword(const CString& str);
This function adds the specified word in the dictionary.
BOOL IsKeyword(const CString& str);
This function checks if the specified word is in the dictionary.
Developing notes
The code compiles cleanly under the warning level 4.
I chose to insert word in alphabetic order and to find them using
a binary search, so the search
function is O(log(n)).
Case sense
Word matching can be case sensitive or not case sensitive. Instead of checking anytime or duplicate the code I decided to use
function pointers...
Word recognition
Word recognition is done looking for the left-nearest "space" character. You can easily change your word recognition
modifying the line
while (from && buffer[from]!=' ')
with a such line
while (from && buffer[from]!=' ' && buffer[from]!='(' && buffer[from]!='=')
Further improvements (aka TODO)
The learn feature could be improved; anyhow the applicative context
suggests different improvement modalities: e.g., you could want to learn only frequent typed words, or only the # nearest words, or....
You could like to display an icon near the word (yes, like
Visual Studio)... so you should replace the CArrayString
with an array class and
a class containing the string and an ID specifying the icon.
Sometimes (when there are many matching words) filling
is slow. It could be useful to replace the CListBox
with a faster one (maybe a owner data listbox...)
12 July 2002 - First public release