When we come to 3D images/videos we must know that a simple 3D image is created by two images from an object, but from different angles, one per eye.
Then brain can use this difference and create a depth map for itself. This will give it an idea of the outer world, how objects are near or how they are far.
But in this article, we don’t have two images. We only have one. But we have a depth map too. A depth map is a gray scale image that describes the distance of objects in an image.
For example, you can see an image and its related depth map below:

Images are under copyright of
And with this class, you can generate a 3D stereoscopic image from these two images.
There are two samples in the source code. One in C# and the other in VB.NET. You can test the library before coding. Also there is a good library of images/depth maps on the DOF Pro web site.
You can use them for testing.
But do not forget the Copyright. You should also read the "Terms of use" here:

Using the code
Using this class is simple. You can generate a 3D image with a maximum of three lines of code:
- First you need to create a new instance of this class:
_3DImageGenerator.c_3DGenerator gen = new _3DImageGenerator.c_3DGenerator();
Dim gen as New _3DImageGenerator.c_3DGenerator()
Generate a stereoscopic picture and check if this process was completed successfully:
bool success = gen.GenerateStereoscopic((Bitmap)i_image, (Bitmap)i_depth);
Dim success As Boolean = gen.GenerateStereoscopic(i_image, i_depth)
Use the image or save it:
pn_output.BackgroundImage = gen.Stereoscopic_SideBySide;
gen.SaveStereoscopic("c:\\example.jps", 80);
pn_output.BackgroundImage = gen.Stereoscopic_SideBySide
gen.SaveStereoscopic("c:\example.jps", 80)
Please note that there are two types of functions in the class for creating:
- Stereoscope images (two images for left and right eye):
- Anaglyph images: a stereoscopic image that is merged and can be seen by a simple anaglyph glasses as a print or digital
image in monitor:
You can read more about properties and functions in the next section.
Class properties and methods
This class has a number of properties and methods that can be used to change the process of generating 3D images:
: A bitmap object. Output of the anaglyph generation process. You first must call GenerateAnaglyph
or this property will remain null
: A bitmap object. One of the outputs of the stereoscopic image generation process. You must first call GenerateStereoscopic
or this property will remain null
: A bitmap object. One of the outputs of the stereoscopic image generation process. You must first call GenerateStereoscopic
or this property will remain null
: A bitmap object. Contains both right and left images of the stereoscopic image generation process. You must first
call GenerateStereoscopic
or this property will remain null
: Get or set the max movement of pixels in displacement.
: Fill between gaps after displacement with edge pixels or leave them black.
: Swapping right and left channels.
: Can be used for inverting pixels of the input depth map. Very usable when you don’t know exactly how the depth map
is generated. (Some cameras create a depth map with “More Near-More Black” rules and you need to inverse them.)
: Will save a stereoscopic image as a jps file. A jps file is a simple JPG file that counts both right and left channels.
Can be opened by programs like nVidia 3D Vision Photo Viewer.
: Will save the anaglyph output as file.
: Will create/update stereoscopic outputs by given image and depth map. Must be called before using outputs. Return value is boolean.
: Asynchronous version of GenerateStereoscopic
. After calling this method, you must wait for the StereoscopicComplete
: Will create/update an anaglyph output by given image and depth map. Must be called before using any output. Return value is boolean.
: Asynchronous version of GenerateAnaglyph
. After calling this method, you must wait for the AnaglyphComplete
How this works
What does the brain want to estimate an object’s distance?! Difference. How can we give this difference to the brain?! By making two images from two angles.
And what is the difference of two images from a different angle?! Place of objects of-course. In this code, we try to move objects depending on how much
they are near or far to us. This operation is called displacement in Image Processing and we do it dynamically based on the depth map,
and you can call it Dynamic Image Displacement. And at end, if we have “Smoothing” enabled, we will try to fill the remaining spaces by pixels created
from both edges of the row. You can see parts of the code in the next section. Also source code is documented so you can easily read it, even if you are not a VB.NET programmer.
A little code
Here is the GenerateStereoscopic
method from the class. Written in VB.NET but each line documented so you can understand it easily.
It will give you an idea from the last part about how this class works:
If Image.Width <> DepthMap.Width OrElse Image.Height <> DepthMap.Height Then
Throw New ArgumentException("Size of Image and DepthMap are not same.")
If Image.PixelFormat <> PixelFormat.Format24bppRgb OrElse _
Image.PixelFormat <> PixelFormat.Format24bppRgb Then
Throw New ArgumentException("Image and/or DepthMap are/is not 24bitRGB")
SyncLock Image : SyncLock DepthMap
b_CH2 = New Bitmap(DepthMap.Width, DepthMap.Height)
Dim r_CH2 As Rectangle = _
New Rectangle(0, 0, DepthMap.Width, DepthMap.Height)
b_CH1 = New Bitmap(DepthMap.Width, DepthMap.Height)
Dim r_CH1 As Rectangle = _
New Rectangle(0, 0, DepthMap.Width, DepthMap.Height)
Dim i_width As Integer = DepthMap.Width * 3
If i_width Mod 4 <> 0 Then
i_width = 4 * (i_width / 4 + 1)
End If
Dim hsrate As Double = i_maxDisplacement / 255
Dim r_depth As Rectangle = _
New Rectangle(0, 0, DepthMap.Width, DepthMap.Height)
Dim d_depth As BitmapData = DepthMap.LockBits(r_depth, _
ImageLockMode.ReadOnly, _
Dim r_image As Rectangle = New Rectangle(0, 0, Image.Width, Image.Height)
Dim d_image As BitmapData = Image.LockBits(r_image, _
ImageLockMode.ReadOnly, _
Dim d_ch2 As BitmapData = b_CH2.LockBits(r_CH2, ImageLockMode.ReadWrite, _
Dim d_ch1 As BitmapData = b_CH1.LockBits(r_CH1, _
ImageLockMode.ReadWrite, _
Dim sfp As Integer
For y As Integer = 0 To DepthMap.Height - 1
Dim rLPDest As IntPtr = (y + 1) * i_width - (i_maxDisplacement * 3) - 3
Dim rFPDest As IntPtr = y * i_width + (i_maxDisplacement * 3)
For x As Integer = i_maxDisplacement To _
DepthMap.Width - 1 - i_maxDisplacement
Dim depthrgb As Byte = ReadByte(d_depth.Scan0 + rLPDest + 1)
If InverseDepthMap Then depthrgb = 255 - depthrgb
sfp = depthrgb * hsrate
Dim imagergb(2) As Byte
Copy(d_image.Scan0 + rLPDest, imagergb, 0, 3)
Copy(imagergb, 0, d_ch1.Scan0 + rLPDest + ((sfp) * 3), 3)
If b_Smoothing And sfp <> 0 Then
Dim ich2Rgrate, ich2Ggrate, ich2Bgrate As Double
Dim db(11) As Byte
Copy(d_image.Scan0 + rLPDest - 12, db, 0, 12)
db(11) = CType((CType(db(11), Integer) + _
CType(db(8), Integer)) / 2, Byte)
db(10) = CType((CType(db(10), Integer) + _
CType(db(7), Integer)) / 2, Byte)
db(9) = CType((CType(db(9), Integer) + _
CType(db(6), Integer)) / 2, Byte)
db(2) = CType((CType(db(2), Integer) + _
CType(db(5), Integer)) / 2, Byte)
db(1) = CType((CType(db(1), Integer) + _
CType(db(4), Integer)) / 2, Byte)
db(0) = CType((CType(db(0), Integer) + _
CType(db(3), Integer)) / 2, Byte)
ich2Rgrate = (CType(db(2), Integer) - _
CType(db(11), Integer)) / (sfp + 1)
ich2Ggrate = (CType(db(1), Integer) - _
CType(db(10), Integer)) / (sfp + 1)
ich2Bgrate = (CType(db(0), Integer) - _
CType(db(9), Integer)) / (sfp + 1)
For i As Integer = 0 To sfp - 1
db(0) = db(9) + (i * ich2Bgrate)
db(1) = db(10) + (i * ich2Ggrate)
db(2) = db(11) + (i * ich2Rgrate)
Copy(db, 0, d_ch1.Scan0 + rLPDest + _
(((sfp - 1) - i) * 3), 3)
End If
rLPDest -= 3
depthrgb = ReadByte(d_depth.Scan0 + rFPDest + 1)
If InverseDepthMap Then depthrgb = 255 - depthrgb
sfp = depthrgb * hsrate
Copy(d_image.Scan0 + rFPDest, imagergb, 0, 3)
Copy(imagergb, 0, d_ch2.Scan0 + rFPDest + (-sfp * 3), 3)
If b_Smoothing And sfp <> 0 Then
Dim ich1Rgrate, ich1Ggrate, ich1Bgrate As Double
Dim db(11) As Byte
Copy(d_image.Scan0 + rFPDest + 3, db, 0, 12)
db(11) = CType((CType(db(11), Integer) + _
CType(db(8), Integer)) / 2, Byte)
db(10) = CType((CType(db(10), Integer) + _
CType(db(7), Integer)) / 2, Byte)
db(9) = CType((CType(db(9), Integer) + _
CType(db(6), Integer)) / 2, Byte)
db(2) = CType((CType(db(2), Integer) + _
CType(db(5), Integer)) / 2, Byte)
db(1) = CType((CType(db(1), Integer) + _
CType(db(4), Integer)) / 2, Byte)
db(0) = CType((CType(db(0), Integer) + _
CType(db(3), Integer)) / 2, Byte)
ich1Rgrate = (CType(db(2), Integer) - _
CType(db(11), Integer)) / (sfp + 1)
ich1Ggrate = (CType(db(1), Integer) - _
CType(db(10), Integer)) / (sfp + 1)
ich1Bgrate = (CType(db(0), Integer) - _
CType(db(9), Integer)) / (sfp + 1)
For i As Integer = 0 To sfp - 1
db(0) = db(9) + ((sfp - i) * ich1Bgrate)
db(1) = db(10) + ((sfp - i) * ich1Ggrate)
db(2) = db(11) + ((sfp - i) * ich1Rgrate)
Copy(db, 0, d_ch2.Scan0 + rFPDest + (-i * 3), 3)
End If
rFPDest += 3
End SyncLock : End SyncLock
Return True
Catch ex As Exception
Return False
End Try
Points of interest
- One of the interesting things in this code is using the
class for doing unsafe operations which are normally not supported in VB.NET;
this will give us the ability to access data directly in memory that is much faster than using functions like GetPixel
or SetPixel
- I originally wrote this class for an application that can get the depth and RGB stream from Kinect (Microsoft’s motion capture device,
used for an Xbox gaming console) and then can create a 3D image based on that information. You can download the source code from
this address: