Converting codes Focus on upgrading VB6 to VB.Net and converting C# <=> VB.Net, and listing many other helpful converter including php, java & others.
Table of consents:
Downloads of C# & VB.Net Converters Using NRefactory v4:
Downloads of C# & VB.Net Converters Without Using NRefactory v4:
Downloads of VB6 Upgrader:
Downloads of C# & VB Helper Library & related code:
Downloads of PHP to .NET:
Downloads of Java & .NET:
Downloads of C++ to .NET:
Downloads of ColdFusion to .NET:
Before Conversion:
- Make sure your code can be recompiled and run well before start converting.
- For C# and VB.Net 100% code conversion maybe get in many causes but not always. In many cases many post conversion fixing is required.
- No convertors can grantee the 100% conversion.
- For other language pairs: Make sure the the target language support your project type.
- Please note the VB6 converting is a hard work because of the programing language philosophy is defer. please see VB6 section later is this article
C# & VB.Net:
Lots of C# <> VB code converter are available all most all of them are using Refactory library form SharpDevelop IDE to make the conversion and them make some useful post conversion fixing.
The power of NRefactory v4 is parsing the code before the conversion; even if a keyword could take more than one meaning it could be converted correctly because of understanding the code line before the conversion. an other thing will make the converting is possible in most cases.
About SharpDevelop
- It's an freeware Open Source Development Environment for .NET.
- It could be used to make many useful code conversion.
- SharpDevelop IDE is the mother of NRefactory v4 library which is the most uses converting library
- The conversion that done using SharpDevelop IDE is much beater.
- It provide a wide range of code conversion C#, VB.NET, Boo, Python, Ruby
About NRefactory v4:
- ICSharpCode.NRefactory is freely available as a part of SharpDevelop IDE v4.
- It is parser library for C# and VB.
- It consists of a single Abstract Syntax Tree (AST) that can represent all constructs that are available in C# or VB (unlike System.CodeDom, which only represents constructs common to C# and VB).
- By using the C# parser and a VB output visitor (or vice versa), you can do a code converter.
- After parsing to AST, you can analyze and/or transform the AST and re-create source code from the (modified) AST, then re-insert the comments we saved from the parser into the output
- For more info about NRefactory v4 please see: and NRefactory wiki.
- You may try samples\NRefactoryDemo in the SharpDevelop source code to take a look how the AST parse source code.
About AST and Parsing:
The following example show a simple parsing proses.

SharpDevelop IDE and C# VB converters:
Application | Conversion
Technique | What to
convert | Conversion | Notes |
SharpDevelop IDE | Developer IDE freeware | Code & file | C#, VB.Net,
boo, Python, Ruby | |
VB.Net to C# Converter | Use NRefactory v4 | Code & file | VB.Net > C# | |
Convert .NET | Use NRefactory v4 | Code only | C# <> VB.Net | |
C# to VB.NET Project Converter | Use NRefactory v4 | Projects | C# > VB.Net | |
Instant VB | Share ware
Internal Converter | Code, file
& folder | Special version for
each conversion
convert between:
C#, VB.Net, C++,
Java | Very Flexible |
What in C# that has no equivalent is VB:
- C# Fixed-size buffers and fixed statement has no equivalent in VB:
private fixed char name[30]
- C# fixed block has no equivalent in VB:
Enter the fixed keyword. When used for a block of statements, it tells the CLR that the object in question cannot be relocated, and thus, it ends up pinning the object. Thus, when pointers are used in C#, the fixed keyword is used pretty often to prevent invalid pointers at runtime. - C# Generic indexers and properties has no equivalent in VB:
public T this[string key]
get { }
public T GetItem<T>(string key)
- C# Generic operators has no equivalent in VB:
public static T operator +<T>(T a, T b)
- C# #undef has no equivalent in VB.
- C# volatile/checked/unchecked/stackalloc has no equivalent in VB:
Using the unchecked statement with constant expressions Overflow is unchecked at compile time or run time and the return value be deffer - C# unsafe block has no equivalent in VB:
unsafe static void FastCopy ( byte[] src, byte[] dst, int count )
- C# extern alias has no equivalent in VB:
It can sometimes be necessary to reference two versions of assemblies that have the same fully-qualified type names, for example when you need to use two or more versions of an assembly in the same application. By using an external assembly alias, the namespaces from each assembly can be wrapped inside root-level namespaces named by the alias, allowing them to be used in the same file
To reference two assemblies with the same fully-qualified type names, an alias must be specified on the command line, as follows:
This creates the external aliases GridV1 and GridV2. To use these aliases from within a program, reference them using the extern keyword. For example:
extern alias GridV1;
extern alias GridV2;
- C# overloading ++ or -- operator in has no equivalent in VB: ++ & -- can converted easily but overloading is not.
- C# ?? operator has no equivalent in VB
What in VB that has no equivalent is C#:
- VB parameterized properties has no equivalent in C#
Public Property MyProperty(ByVal A As String) As String
Return 2 * A
End Get
Set(ByVal value As String)
A = value / 2
End Set
End Property
- VB Numeric labels, On Error, Resume Next, Continue and Err object has no equivalent in C#
Sub Test()
On Error Resume Next
On Error GoTo 0
On Error GoTo -1
On Error GoTo EH
Exit Sub
Resume Next
End Sub
- VB IIf is some who defer than if in C#.
A = IIf(E, B, A)
- VB ReDim Preserve has no built-in equivalent in C#
ReDim Preserve A(9)
- VB Select Case: switch is not as flexible as Select Case and many VB Select Case blocks cannot be converted to switch
Select Case A
Case 1 To 10
Case Is < 2 * A
Case Is > 30
End Select
- VB Procedures local static variables has no built-in equivalent in C# but class-level private variable may used.
Sub Test()
Static InUse As Boolean = False
If InUse Then Exit Sub
InUse = True
End Sub
- VB With has no equivalent in C#.
With Me
.Width = 10
.Top = 0
End With
- VB Import Shared Class member is not supported in C#
Imports WindowsApplication1.Form1
- VB Exit try
- VB Exit statements that not matching the immediately enclosing block.
- VB Member names can be the same as their enclosing type but in C# can't.
- VB #Const can be set to any value but in C# accept constants only
#Const C = 2 * A
- VB MyClass has no equivalent in C# (some time using this is OK)
- In C#, an object cannot reference itself in its class-level declarations: You cannot use this in class-level declarations in C#.
- In C#, an object cannot reference its base class in its class-level declarations: You cannot use base in class-level declarations in C#.
- Numeric labels are not allowed in C#: You must change the label to be a standard C# identifier.
- VB &O has no equivalent in C#
- VB When has no equivalent in C#
- VB has some operator that are not present in C# and can't be overloaded in C# in any way such as(integer division (VB \), Like, exponentiation (VB ^))
- VB Method with the same name as the Class name is used for constructor in C# and can't use for any other in C#.
- VB integer casts convert 'True' to -1, but System.Convert methods convert 'True' to 1.
C# and VB Language Equivalents and Comparison:
- Language Equivalents
- Comparison of C# and VB
- Complete Comparison for VB.NET & C#
Using SharpDevelop as a code converter:
- Run SharpDevelop IDE
- From file menu select open - project/solution and open the project to be converted
- From View menu select projects
- In the project window select the project to be converted
- from project menu choose convert and then choose the target language
- This will convert the whole project
- The conversion could be done by right clicking the project icon in the project window then choose convert

SharpDevelop Points of Interest
How to covert C# code:
The code is converted using ICSharpCode.NRefactory.ParserFactory
Converter code in VB:
Imports ICSharpCode.NRefactory
Imports ICSharpCode.NRefactory.PrettyPrinter
Imports System.IO
Public Class CS2VB
Public Overrides Function ConvertCode(ByVal sourceCode As String) As String
Dim specials As IList(Of ISpecial)
Dim result As Ast.CompilationUnit
Dim Parse_errors = ""
Using parser As IParser = ParserFactory.CreateParser( _
SupportedLanguage.CSharp, New StringReader(sourceCode))
specials = parser.Lexer.SpecialTracker.RetrieveSpecials()
result = parser.CompilationUnit
If parser.Errors.Count > 0 Then
Parse_errors = parser.Errors.ErrorOutput
End If
End Using
Dim outputVisitor As New PrettyPrinter.VBNetOutputVisitor
Dim astViewUnit = result
Using SpecialNodesInserter.Install(specials, outputVisitor)
astViewUnit.AcceptVisitor(outputVisitor, Nothing)
End Using
Dim outputCode = outputVisitor.Text
Return outputCode
End Function
End Class/pre>
Converter code in C#:
using ICSharpCode.NRefactory;
using ICSharpCode.NRefactory.PrettyPrinter;
using System.IO;
public class CS2VB
public override string ConvertCode(string sourceCode)
IList specials;
Ast.CompilationUnit result;
object Parse_errors = "";
using (IParser parser = ParserFactory.CreateParser(SupportedLanguage.CSharp, new
StringReader(sourceCode))) {
specials = parser.Lexer.SpecialTracker.RetrieveSpecials();
result = parser.CompilationUnit;
if (parser.Errors.Count > 0) {
MessageBox.Show(parser.Errors.ErrorOutput, "Parse errors");
PrettyPrinter.VBNetOutputVisitor outputVisitor = new
object astViewUnit = result;
using (SpecialNodesInserter.Install(specials, outputVisitor)) {
astViewUnit.AcceptVisitor(outputVisitor, null);
object outputCode = outputVisitor.Text;
return outputCode;
Demo conversion:
Partial code convert is not supported code should be in class and in method.
class Class1{void sub1(){
int x =0;
The result in VB
Class Class1
Sub sub1()
Dim x As Integer = 0
End Sub
End Class
Demo 2:
namespace WindowsFormsApplication1{
partial class Form1
private System.ComponentModel.IContainer components = null;
private System.Windows.Forms.TextBox textbox1;
private System.Windows.Forms.TextBox textbox2;
protected override void Dispose(bool disposing)
if (disposing && (components != null))
private void InitializeComponent()
this.textbox1 = new System.Windows.Forms.TextBox();
this.textbox2 = new System.Windows.Forms.TextBox();
this.textbox1.Location = new System.Drawing.Point(30, 30);
this.textbox1.Name = "TEXTBOX1";
this.textbox1.Size = new System.Drawing.Size(80, 20);
this.textbox1.TabIndex = 0;
this.textbox2.Location = new System.Drawing.Point(30, 60);
this.textbox2.Name = "textbox";
this.textbox2.Size = new System.Drawing.Size(80, 20);
this.textbox2.TabIndex = 1;
this.textbox2.TextChanged += new System.EventHandler(this.textbox_TextChanged);
this.AutoScaleDimensions = new System.Drawing.SizeF(6F, 13F);
this.AutoScaleMode = System.Windows.Forms.AutoScaleMode.Font;
this.ClientSize = new System.Drawing.Size(284, 262);
this.Name = "Form1";
this.Text = "Form1";
public Form1()
private void textbox_TextChanged(object sender, EventArgs e)
string x = "";
string X = "";
The result in VB
Namespace WindowsFormsApplication1
Partial Class Form1
Private components As System.ComponentModel.IContainer = Nothing
Private textbox1 As System.Windows.Forms.TextBox
Private textbox2 As System.Windows.Forms.TextBox
Protected Overrides Sub Dispose(disposing As Boolean)
If disposing AndAlso (components IsNot Nothing) Then
End If
End Sub
Private Sub InitializeComponent()
Me.textbox1 = New System.Windows.Forms.TextBox()
Me.textbox2 = New System.Windows.Forms.TextBox()
Me.textbox1.Location = New System.Drawing.Point(30, 30)
Me.textbox1.Name = "TEXTBOX1"
Me.textbox1.Size = New System.Drawing.Size(80, 20)
Me.textbox1.TabIndex = 0
Me.textbox2.Location = New System.Drawing.Point(30, 60)
Me.textbox2.Name = "textbox"
Me.textbox2.Size = New System.Drawing.Size(80, 20)
Me.textbox2.TabIndex = 1
AddHandler Me.textbox2.TextChanged, New System.EventHandler(AddressOf Me.textbox_TextChanged)
Me.AutoScaleDimensions = New System.Drawing.SizeF(6F, 13F)
Me.AutoScaleMode = System.Windows.Forms.AutoScaleMode.Font
Me.ClientSize = New System.Drawing.Size(284, 262)
Me.Name = "Form1"
Me.Text = "Form1"
End Sub
Public Sub New()
End Sub
Private Sub textbox_TextChanged(sender As Object, e As EventArgs)
Dim x__1 As String = ""
Dim X__2 As String = ""
End Sub
End Class
End Namespace
Conversion Cases:
Case sensitive C# to VB:
The converter will automatically rename object if needed.
Event Handler C# to VB:
The event C# handler will be converted as follows:
this.textbox2.TextChanged += new System.EventHandler(this.textbox_TextChanged);
AddHandler Me.textbox2.TextChanged, New System.EventHandler(AddressOf Me.textbox_TextChanged)
VB6 & VB.Net:
Why VB6 Upgrading is important:
Magic properties that make many programmer love VB6:
- Compile on demand: you could choose to make the source code code be complied at debug time on demand only.
- Edit and continue: In debug mode you not forced to restart your application after errors fix or code edit.
- Does not need dot net framework to run.
- COM and ole combatable.
VB 6.0 upgrading advantages
- Supporting 64 bit
- Faster running
- More resources
- Improve the maintenance of an application
- Increase developer productivity
VB 6.0 upgrading disadvantages
- Compile on demand will be lost.
- The resulting application need dot net farmworker will the original one is not
- If your application is a dynamic library; note that pre declared object is not supported in C# or VB.Net.
- If your application is ActiveX control or ActiveX Document then there is no acceptable converter for you; manual code rewriting is needed.
- The converter we save your time for converting but post conversion work is much needed.
What does pre declared object means:
I wrote a library in VB6 to be used as addin in Office VBA the user write following code when used my lib
Sub Test()
If Not NP.File.Exists("C:\Temp.txt") Then NP.File.Create "C:\Temp.txt"
NP.File.Move "C:\Temp.txt", "C:\Temp2.txt"
NP.File.Copy "C:\Temp2.txt", "C:\Temp.txt"
NP.File.Delete "C:\Temp2.txt"
NP.Shell "C:\Temp.txt"
End Sub
The NP object is pre declared and no need to declare it in VBA In VB.Net Version of VBA Extend the user should add additional line The user should 1st declare an object named NP before using it.
Public NP As New VBAExtend.NP
Sub Test()
If Not NP.File.Exists("C:\Temp.txt") Then NP.File.Create "C:\Temp.txt"
NP.File.Move "C:\Temp.txt", "C:\Temp2.txt"
NP.File.Copy "C:\Temp2.txt", "C:\Temp.txt"
NP.File.Delete "C:\Temp2.txt"
NP.Shell "C:\Temp.txt"
End Sub
Before Converting:
- It is better to install VB6 but it is not a must
- Ensure that your application could be recompiled and run correctly.
- Ensure that all your referred library are available and work well in the current operating system.
- Make sure your code can be recompiled and run well before start converting.
- No convertors can grantee the 100% conversion.
- Make sure that the dot net language support your project type.
- Please note the VB6 converting is a hard work because of the programing language philosophy is defer VB6
VB6 Upgrade Companion VBUC:
- If you are familiar with upgrading VB6 then you will understand how useful this software.
- It safe too much of the upgrade time.
- In most time required many post conversion works.
- It is much better than the old upgrade engine that is included in versions 2003, 2005 and 2008 of VS
What VBUC can upgrade:
- Modules, Classes, Forms & MDIForms
- User Controls that used in the same project on in the same group
- Resource File
What VBUC can't upgrade:
- Property Page
- Designer files (*.Dsr)
- User Controls that used in web browser or ActiveX container
- ActiveX Document
Before Using VBUC:
The VBUC is feather software with many option and we should study before start converting:
- It is more simple to convert to VB.Net than C#.
- For ActiveX choose Com Visible
- Form options Use helper classes whenever it available
- For making you application more like .net designed use More dot net option
- If the above option fail use the More Automation options for less error in conversion.
- After converting complete open your project in VS and disable all warning and switch option explicit off and option strict off.
- If error is still appears try to fix them manually.
- Once you are able to compile your project try to follow warning
- Switch option explicit on and option strict on and follow any errors appears
VBUC Free version limitation:
It is work for project with less than 30,000 line code
VB Migration:
- New powerful VB6 converting application.
- If you are familiar with upgrading VB6 then you will understand how useful this software.
- It safe too much of the upgrade time.
- In most time required many post conversion works.
- It is much better than the old upgrade engine that is included in versions 2003, 2005 and 2008 of VS
- Its more simple and faster than VBUC
- Supports most major VB6 features
- Converting in trail software is done on the company server.
- Fast conversion of large project.
- .NET app will looks and behaves like the original VB6 code
- Simple interface
- Powerful supported libraries
- Integrated code editor
- staged migration is partial conversion is allowed
- Extendibility
- User control will be upgraded.
- Sub Main in DLL projects & Multi-threaded components
- Controls in VBMP’s support library expose properties and methods with same name as the original members, which ensures that code runs correctly even in late-bound scenarios
- Auto-implemented properties
What VB Migration can't upgrade
- Property Page
- Designer files (*.Dsr)
- User Controls that used in web browser or ActiveX container
- ActiveX Document
You can see Feature Comparison Table
Other VB6 upgrade links