ICONView is a useful tool for developing applcations - it was made originally for our team to use at work. With ICONView, you can select an .exe or .dll file and explore the icon resources within it. In addition, you have the ability to copy the resources to the clipboard for use in your own applications.
The included demo also shows how to create a splitter window which looks like the MFC CSplitterWnd
and how to insert custom resources into an .exe file and
access them freely.
The main window comprises a TreeView
control on the left side, and a user-defined custom grid window on the right side. The TreeView
control shows the user's computer directories in which you can click on the tree nodes to select the files under the subdir. After you have selected a file (.exe/.dll), the icons included within it are displayed in the right hand window, which you can then select with your mouse. Have a look at the code for more detail.
Enjoy ICONView!