This is a simple solution to resolve a Sudoku Grid, using LINQ. You can download a WinForm example that uses this method from the above link.

It solves all grids I tested in less than 1 second.
Using the code
The solver takes a list of integers, and returns the solution in the same type.
private List<int> solver(List<int> _cells)
var emptyCell = _cells.Select((val, index) =>
new { index, val }).FirstOrDefault(cell => cell.val == 0);
if (emptyCell == null)
return _cells;
List<int> grid = new List<int>(_cells);
foreach (int trying in Enumerable.Range(1, 9).Except(_cells.Where((val, index) =>
grid[emptyCell.index] = trying;
if ((_cells = solver(grid)) != null)
return _cells;
return null;
Briefly, the function takes an empty cell, tries to fill it with a correct value, and recursively calls the solver with this new grid.
The recursion stops when a correctly filled grid is found, or when all possibilities have been explored:
if (emptyCell == null)
return _cells;
Choose the first empty cell in the current grid, and get its index, thanks to the Enumerable.Select
var emptyCell = _cells.Select((val, index) =>
new { index, val }).FirstOrDefault(cell => cell.val == 0);
Take all the possible values for this cell:
Enumerable.Range(1, 9).Except(_cells.Where((val, index) =>
This function tests if two indexes are 'in conflict": same row; column, or 3*3 box.
private bool sameRowColBox(int i, int j){
return (i / 9 == j / 9) || (i % 9 == j % 9) || (((i % 9) /
3 + (i / 9) / 3 * 3) == ((j % 9) / 3 + (j / 9) / 3 * 3));
And then, for each possible value, fills the empty cell and recalls the solver.
grid[emptyCell.index] = trying;
if ((_cells = solver(grid)).Count > 0 )
return _cells;