Visual Studio .NET has a cool feature that it will automatically synchronize the Solution Explorer with the open file. One problem though is that if you have a large number of projects, the number of branches can soon get out of control - you can't see the trees for all the branches, so to speak. This is a very simple macro that you can use to collapse all the project nodes in the Solution Explorer.
Macro Code
Sub CollapseAll()
Dim UIHSolutionExplorer As UIHierarchy
UIHSolutionExplorer = DTE.Windows.Item( _
If (UIHSolutionExplorer.UIHierarchyItems.Count = 0) Then
End If
Dim UIHSolutionRootNode As UIHierarchyItem
UIHSolutionRootNode = UIHSolutionExplorer.UIHierarchyItems.Item(1)
Dim UIHItem As UIHierarchyItem
For Each UIHItem In UIHSolutionRootNode.UIHierarchyItems
UIHItem.UIHierarchyItems.Expanded = False
End Sub