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I have developed a B+Tree using template. Please enjoy.

1.67/5 (5 votes)
15 Sep 2008CPOL 5   347  


This is a B+Tree implementation.


Fundamentals of Database System. 5th Edition. Korean Translation.

Using the code

Include BPNode.h and BPTree.h.
You can use CBPTree<Key, Value, Degree> as follows.
Degree has 2 as default.

// using bptree
#include "BPNode.h"
#include "BPTree.h"

CBPTree<int, std::string> bpTree;
// Supports B+Tree Insert, Delete command.

bpTree.Insert(10, "This is a test");
std::string s;
if(bpTree.Search(10, s))
    cout << s;

    cerr << "Key not found" << endl;
// Also support an iterator.
CBPTree<int, std::string>::iterator i;

for(i = bpTree.begin(); i != bpTree.end(); i++)

    cout << *i << " ";

Please refer to Source code how to use it.
I developed it with Visual Studio 2008. But, I tried to write it would work with any C++ compiler. I wanted to compile it on Linux. But I have no linux machine. If someone try, please let me know the result.
When you open the project with VS2008, You can see how Index(Intermediate) Nodes and Leaf Nodes splits. Please do not scold me for the crude painting. ;)

I shall improve it to support the [] operator. Like std::map.
And further improvement would support disk-based B+Tree, more generalized Node Class, etc.

Please let me know your comments, advices, test results or bugs..
It will be a greatly pleasure for me to receive any feedback.

Points of Interest

Making a cool-looking UI is always hard. ;)


2008. 9. 16. First upload.


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