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Great Reads

by Mike Corley
C# (.NET and Mono) library provider for RRDtool
by Sergey Sorokin
Use .NET 2.0 configuration features for building a pluggable provider framework for your application.
by Shivprasad koirala
.NET Best Practice No: 3:- Using performance counters to gather performance data
by Dazdarevic Edin
A .NET component that simplifies tracking of system's idle time.

Latest Articles

by Mike Corley
C# (.NET and Mono) library provider for RRDtool
by Sergey Sorokin
Use .NET 2.0 configuration features for building a pluggable provider framework for your application.
by Shivprasad koirala
.NET Best Practice No: 3:- Using performance counters to gather performance data
by Dazdarevic Edin
A .NET component that simplifies tracking of system's idle time.

All Articles

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by Mike Corley
C# (.NET and Mono) library provider for RRDtool
by Sergey Sorokin
Use .NET 2.0 configuration features for building a pluggable provider framework for your application.
by Shivprasad koirala
.NET Best Practice No: 3:- Using performance counters to gather performance data
by Dazdarevic Edin
A .NET component that simplifies tracking of system's idle time.
by Mayur Chauhan
An UI tool that can be used to zip and unzip a file.
by jhillman
A .NET Regular Expressions Find and Replace add-in for Visual Studio 2008
by Rajneesh Noonia
The source code / article published here is to provide features of MS Script control (Functions like AddObject) and some features of VSA/Visual Studio editor like intellisence, code completion etc
by Anon1234567890
A splash screen which allows for dynamic creation and updates.
by David Polomis
Loads a Targa image file into a Bitmap using nothing but .NET code.
by asheesh goja
This article shows you how to build a simple cross-platform interoperation solution between .NET and Java using the Service Interface and Data Transfer Object (DTO) architecture patterns
by Chesnokov Yuriy
The article presentes a foreign words memorizing program for people eager in the superior knowledge of several foreign languages.
by matheszabi-RO
In Internet Explorer webpage is embedded a C# user control and communication between the page and user control
by auralius manurung
An article on designing your own robot simulator
by Raghavendra Hosad
2D DFT for Color Image - GUI implementation
by Norman Solomon
Easy addition of a 3D Tabstrip page to an ASP.NET project.
by Amro Ibrahim
3G Modem Internet Dialer
by Shivprasad koirala
6 important uses of Delegates and Events
by Vasily Tserekh
A Basic 3D Asteroid Game in openGL with C#
by Didara F Dosabhai
Define schedules to the program for executing programmer defined jobs
by Ali Tavakol
Fast, real, and easy to connect to your application.
by Rahman Masudur
Shows how to use WCF in JavaScript.
by Rahman Masudur
This article shows how to use a WCF service in XBAP or a WPF browser application.
by Ger Hayden
This is a working example of clients in queued correspondence with a service, sending messages to it, recieving unsolicited messages from it while both client and service can queue messages to the other while the other is offline.
by logicchild
An article written with the purpose to help any beginner to use OpenMP.
by Ger Hayden
This is a working example of a BLOB column on a DataGridView for a Windows Form using C++/CLI where data is drawn from an XML document.
by Wayne Wood
Verify the execution efficiency of a short CUDA program when using the library thrust
by Massimiliano Brugnerotto
This user control is similar to the standard Microsoft .NET 2.0 PropertyGrid control with several additional features
by logicchild
An article that defines managed threading from the basics to the intermediate.
by ravenspoint
Give a C++ application its own web page
by Ahmed Charfeddine
A Websocket protocol implementation atop the ush Framework real time library plus a demo example featuring four types of communication workflows between the HTML5 web client and the server.
by logicchild
An Article the Demonstrates How to Build a Windows Forms Calculator
by Nicholas Butler
A tool to help author articles at The Code Project
by Paul B.
Execute actions while making the form wait and still be responsive to other tasks.
by Bharath K A
MultiMap is similar to a .NET Dictionary collection type, but accepts duplicate Key,Value pairs during addition. The MultiMap collection is also a concurrent collection.
by Karthik. A
This is a user control that could be added to a web page to allow the users to choose a month and year alone
by Fiwel
A DataGridView column show/hide popup - Menu style.
by Qwertie
Demonstrates a variety of Windows Forms data binding features through several simple examples.
by Philipp Sumi
Logging is an important aspect of every application, but you probably don't like to have dependencies on a specific logging framework all over the place. This logging façade provides you with a common interface that decouples the logging framework of your choice from your code.
by Nish Nishant
The article shows how to interop between a WCF service and a WWS client, and also how to rewrite the WCF service in WWS retaining compatibility with existing WCF clients.
by Octavio Loyola-González, Miguel Angel Medina-Pérez, Andres Eduardo Gutierrez Rodriguez, Milton García Borroto
In this article, we introduce a framework in C# for fingerprint verification, we briefly explain how to perform fingerprint verification experiments and how to integrate your algorithms to the framework.
by rspercy65
Uses Farhad Siasar's YahooWeathertlb library with a few added functions
by Daniel Liedke
A cool List and Dictionary debugger visualizer for VS.NET 2005, 2008 and 2010
by Sam Rahimi
Keeps the GPS active in Windows Mobile, allowing for instant, accurate location determination. Also a tutorial on how to access GPS data with almost no code.
by freedeveloper
A different approach to make a Visual Studio VISTA Gadget Template
by Bill_Hallahan
Large Integer class acts similar to built-in type
by logicchild
A Comprehensive Look at LINQ and the Binary Search Tree Data Structure
by Thomas Denzel
Show and use items in a tag cloud for data entry.
by mahosi1
A wrapper for the Asynchronous Progamming Model in .NET
by Gregory Gadow
With Visual Studio 2008, it is easy to create a nullable version of Microsoft's DateTimePicker.
by J. Ambrose Little
When your boss asks you to create applications transforming your data warehouse into business intelligence, you need the right set of Silverlight 3 tools to make this transformation quickly and easily. Here is a pivot grid control that really gets the job done.
by Mike Borozdin
Tutorial on using LINQ, ListView, LinqDataSource, DataPager, ASP.NET AJAX
by McArthor Lee
Elevate process privilege without restarting it
by Tom Clement
A splash screen with some neat predictive progress bar features
by KarstenK
Connecting and disconnecting network drives
by Stefan Kuhr
Creating a self-extracting file that allows to start multiple setups
by Smart K8
A palette quantizer based on human perception
by Mohammad Dayyan
This article shows you how we can create an animation button in Silverlight.
by Ole L. Sørensen
An article on showing an image browser in a web page using ASP.NET and AJAX.
by Md. Marufuzzaman
A simple but effective way to send an email using SmtpClient class
by rusevd
An application to solve a custom/random labyrinth represented with a .NET GridView control
by Haim Nachum
A multi-threaded crawler that downloads pages and saves them localy while preserving the site tree structure.
by Md. Marufuzzaman
This article will demonstrate how to read RSS feeds
by Md. Marufuzzaman
A simple example of SQL server admin tools.
by bearvarine
An ArrayList container wrapper class that permits the table to be filled with data in an early phase of a program, but then made read-only (Immutable) for subsequent usage.
by bearvarine
A Hashtable wrapper class that permits the table to be filled with data in an early phase of a program, but then made read-only (Immutable) for subsequent usage.
by Nikhil Soman
Easy to use profiler for time and impact analysis of C/C++ code which uses the Visual Studio C/C++ compiler (/Gh and /GH flags) and the DIA SDK to gather profiling data.
by Marc Clifton
A simple punch clock applet
by Jonny245
A class which simulates components which transfer data through inputs and outputs.
by Daniel Leykauf
A routine to print out text, images and lines (including complete text files)
by gico
A simple way to use asynchronous calls
by Sacha Barber
A Simple WPF Explorer Tree
by orouit
Describes a framework to use the PCSC Smart Card API with .NET.
by Erion Pici
Generating docx reports in a client-server architecture, without using MS Office
by Ron Ayoub
Presents an implementation of a Spiral Tic-Tac-Toe AI using a vanilla Negamax search algorithm and WPF DrawingVisuals
by logicchild
The basics of searching and sorting algorithms via C#.
by Lev Danielyan
A style for giving WPF buttons a glassy, Windows Vista-like look
by Dmitri Nеstеruk
Describes a small VS add-in for making decorators from existing code.
by Dmitri Nеstеruk
A small VS add-in to implement a Visitor pattern.
by Wu Xuesong
An article describing a tool developed using WPF for visualizing 3D geometry models
by Henry Minute
An article on some minor modifications to CPZipStripper
by Andriks
A MessageBox replacement with some much needed extras
by dimpant
How to implement a custom pager for the GridView without relying on ViewState or the GridView's paging features at all.
by Stanislav Kniazev
A C# wrapper for the Windows WaitableTimer.
by Islam ElDemery
An Internet chat application with file transfer.
by Deepthi Viswanathan Nair
This article talks about the Windows Communication Foundation (WCF) and how to consume it in applications. It describes the WCF model, and is a quick introduction for beginners.
by Dr. Song Li
This article introduces a working example of five different ways to make AJAX calls using jQuery.
by Ashley Davis
Examines a custom content control that can be used to zoom and pan its content
by alrh
A Themed WPF SplitButton
by logicchild
An article that presents a TV Player via WPF
by Euhemerus, rspercy65
A solution to extensive mouse clicking
by Pat Dooley
In this article I will show how simple programs can help improve your photography work flow. Acme Photo resizer resizes JPG images in bulk. It can also add a copyright notice and the photograph's file name to each image. It was written to help me resize race photographs so that I could post them to
by yairrose
Active directory tool - helps manage active directory oparations (query, update and delete) with easy to use GUI
by michael.neubrander
Multi account synchronizer for GMail, AD, and SQL Server.
by acqy
Introduces the goal and use of the Adaptive Console Framework.
by Md. Marufuzzaman
Add random quotes in your Outlook email signature
by Simon Parmenter
A VS2008 C++ project to add an icon resource in a file to an executable.
by Abey Thomas
This article is about the details of adding an image to a Word document programmatically.
by Mohammed El-Afifi
Given an existing win32 application, how to provide COM automation capability to it?
by Abey Thomas
This is an article about adding footnotes to a Word document (MS Office 2007) programmatically.
by Allan Eagle
Using a combination of Reflector, Reflection, and C# 3.0 extension methods to add Save(string FileName) functionality to MailMessage in System.Net.Mail.
by Sebastien T.
Add-in Visual Studio 2008 for automatically generating properties (Getter and Setter)
Allows to maintain and backup your contacts and also maintains a reminder. You can store data in any of the three different databases like Microsoft SQL Server, MySql, Microsoft Access
by Lex Beekmans
Setting the member name property for a DataGridTableStyle for an IList object.
by Julian Ott
A simple but powerful .NET color picker dialog.
by VisualBas08
Make Bookmarks (or Favorites) for your web browser
by Alexander Kostikov
The article shows how to extend ReportViewer control that comes with Visual Studio 2008. The most important extension is adding export to Microsoft Word
by Jecho Jekov
Provides a solution for localization of WPF application both in XAML and in code-behind
by Clifford Nelson
This is an alternative for "Advanced WPF Localization" that adds functionality for capitalizing and pluralizing the text to be display.
by mrjvdveen
Adventures while building a Silverlight Enterprise application
by pimb2
Create an Aero-style wizard in VB.NET
by luker7
image transformations for C# .NET CF
by m0sa
Service aggregation of self hosted WCF services, using the built-in RoutingService .NET Framework class.
by Josh Smith
Introduces a generic technique of chaining commands together.
by fly904
Cache server response to reduce server load.
by Kurush Rastkar
Using most of the recent technologies in one application
by Sacha Barber
All new .NET 3.5 3D elements
by Sergey Alexandrovich Kryukov
Single-instance application behavior can be considered comprehensive only it all three features are implemented: detection of second instance, passing command line and activation of first instance
by Chris Copeland
A rendering class with full customizations for novice or advanced users.
by jlchereau
An ASP.NET server control inspired from WinForms’ ListView and implementing ASP.NET AJAX Extensions 1.0.
by Jim Parsells
Explorer TreeView control with Shell Folder access class and Icon management.
by scott_liu
It employs a dynamic trigger, a CLR Stored Procedure, and a Web Service to sync data from a MS SQL Server to MySQL.
by Joshua Tully
A look into what goes into the area of preventing reverse engineering, and gives developers some functions and ideas about preventing reversing engineering of their programs.
by Nicholas Butler
Collects and records your article ratings plus a couple of new summary ratings
by wpte
The way to get your splashscreen going in a few lines of code.
by Cibz
Improve drawing of controls with transparent background over a form with image background
by Md. Marufuzzaman
This article will show you how to resize an image keeping with the best graphics quality.
by logicchild
An article that demonstrates how to use video, images and animations via WPF
by Alan Burkhart
A thesaurus based on data from the WordNet database, easily implemented
by Niladri_Biswas
This example shows how and where to implement the strategy design pattern.
by Dustin Metzgar
Tired of writing long, complicated CodeDom expressions? This parser's for you!
by alrh
Altering the WPF TabControl to show a single row of scrolling TabItems
by Alessandro Del Sole
Learn how to implement an extension method in Visual Basic 2008 for converting a BitmapImage object into a System.Byte() array
by Vitaliy Liptchinsky
This article describes the basic ideas of how to build workflow engine a-la WF based on F# workflows and CCR
by jlchereau
An alternative to message boxes, implementing ASP.NET AJAX Extensions 1.0.
by Lex Li
This article introduces #SNMP and how to use it to accomplish SNMP operations such as managing SNMP enabled devices.
by SBJ
Introduction to an MVC Framework that integrates with the MFC Doc/View architecture
by Karthik. A
This article discusses ways by which you could utilize Disqus in your web applications.
by DaveyM69
A complete overview and implementation of SNTP from a client perspective.
by boris_richter
Saving XAML files using MarkupWriter
by Arman Ghazanchyan
The analog clock control is a control that has almost all the functionality that a clock control can have, and it is fully modifiable.
by Mohammad Dayyan
A simple analog clock in Expression Blend 2
by Mohammad Dayyan
A simple analog clock in WPF
by gggustafson
This article discusses how to create animated controls using graphic layers.
by Steve Katic
3dsMax style rollup control animated in C++/CLI
by saxenaabhi6
To get a 3D model and a marker moving on Google earth and map respectively, showing the live tracking of GPS
by Hoang Khanh Nguyen
A highly object-oriented ListView control with varying-height items and support of complex data types
by logicchild
An article that provides ways to achieve concurrency via C++
by imagiro
A simple thread pool with minimal dependencies
by Tolgahan ALBAYRAK
Read, Write, Save INI files without using Windows APIs.
by Daniel Vaughan, Nicolas Dorier
How to use an MSBuild custom task to provide compile time verification of string type names in app.config files.
by Nelson Kosta Souto
Application configuration settings .NET & VB 6 with XML
by Alessandro Forte
A description of various frameworks to develop a complete enterprise .NET applications easier
by DaveyM69
A WinForms component to notify when your app has been idle for a specified timespan.
by igor2010
How to use Active Object pattern to carry out long-running tasks
by logicchild
An article that describes how to use and integrate a Numerical Library for .NET
by carl morey
How to use Visual Basic with the Arduino 2009 board.
by Pascal Ganaye
In this article, I try to highlight some issues in the .NET Framework generic list and how to circumvent them
by James Ashley
This tutorial examines the new Visual Studio 2008 Server Control and Server Control Extender. A compendium of tips, tricks, and gotchas, it is a comprehensive tutorial that will provide readers with the skills necessary to start building advanced AJAX-enabled custom controls with Visual Studio.
by Shivprasad koirala
ASP.NET Caching Interview Questions Part 2
by Amir Jalilifard
Creating a useful ASP.NET HTML Editor custom control.
by Rolf Szomor
A work-around for ASP.NET menu parent menuitem highlighting.
by Jonathan Nethercott
Simple voting control for MVC projects, using a partial view
by meidianto
ImageLink HTML helper for ASP.NET MVC views
by Michael Ulmann
The introduction of the ADO.NET Entity Framework implicitly created the need for ASP.NET providers such as membership, role and profile that leverage this new technology.
by Sebastien Lebreton
Reflexil is an assembly editor and runs as a plug-in for Reflector or JustDecompile. Reflexil is able to manipulate IL code and save the modified assemblies to disk. Reflexil also supports "on-the-fly" C#/VB.NET code injection.
by CRayGoodwin
Custom windows control that mimics Windows 7 diming & asynchronous aero progress animation
by Giorgi Dalakishvili
How to receive asynchronous events about Registry changes, using WMI.
by bkelly13
Goal: Describe how asynchronous or non-blocking TCP code works
by bkelly13
Goal: Describe how asynchronous or non-blocking TCP code works
by jpmik
How to host and asynchronously run PowerShell scripts from C#
by bkelly13
Microsoft Class ASyncSocket
by Mr.PoorEnglish
Generic methods enable typesafe Threading
by WajihUllahBaig
A console program that captures audio but does not save it.
by WajihUllahBaig
A console program that captures audio and saves it with simultaneous preview.
by Derek Viljoen
Create context-sensitive help files for your own APIs
by Vishal Shukla
An ASP.NET template server control demonstrating how we can store/retrieve values of various ASP.NET controls on a page.
by That Asian Guy
Increase the build number of the project each time you compile
by Ashish Kaila
Learn how to leverage UI automation in testing your UI and also to support accessibility features
by Joss
This project will show you how to make a program that randomly chooses a background image when you log on, and either lets you simply select a background, or randomly chooses one for you every minute to an hour.
by Clift Norris, John D. Cook
We describe a PowerShell script to extract source code from Team System version control and automate the build process
by César de Souza
Demonstration of automatic image stitching by interest point matching using the Accord and AForge.NET Frameworks
by Juan Pablo G.C.
Automatizing creation of a database, tables, SUID actions, and easy WPF to class mapping.
by Sunny1270
Add the _T macro to quoted strings when porting to a Unicode configuration in VC++.
by LEADTOOLS Support
Automatically Classify Scanned Documents using LEADTOOLS Forms Recognition
by icemanind
How to automatically create data access layers and business layers from a Microsoft Access or a SQL Server database
by Joel Ivory Johnson
An article discussing the various methods that you can use to automatically start an application on Windows Mobile, either by schedule or in reaction to a system event.
by Shivprasad koirala
A tutorial on how to compile web pages to DLLs using the Express edition of Visual Web Develper 2008.
by gggustafson
This article revises the HTML authoring tool, HTML TOC Generator, that generates a Table of Contents for an HTML document. Optionally, the tool will number the HTML headers.
by pimb2
This is a DLL library to check for updates for your application.
by Mohammad Reza Khosravi
This is a very simple 2D desktop game developed in Visual Studio
by funklet
Make backups of SQL databases and upload them to FTP server
by Ravimal Bandara
An implementation of Bag-Of-Feature descriptor based on SIFT features using OpenCV and C++ for content based image retrieval applications.
by Santiago Santos Cortizo
How to show a bar chart in a DataGridView
by David Catriel
A simple and straightforward tool to monitor and report SourceSafe database changes.
by Alessandro Del Sole
Learn how to be the only one accessing your files, with two simple .NET methods.
by Paw Jershauge
Can convert from Base 10 to Base 62.
by Eveng Thao
Demonstrate how to use backgroundworker
by Paul M Watt
Macro based framework written for C++ applications that will allow basic instrumentation and profiling features
by Shakeel Iqbal
This article explains different ways to show contents in the Tree View control.
by WajihUllahBaig
Capturing video from webcam and VMR9 windowless rendering with DirectShow.
by PuneWala
Introduction to the OpenXML format.
by logicchild
Using SIMD instructions with C# via the Intel MKL.
by Mohammad Dayyan
Renames files
by knockNrod
How to integrate Bazaar into Visual Studio using the IDE's External Tools
by mbyamukama
In this article, I will show you how to interface your simple C# applications to the FirebirdSQL Server using the Firebird ADO.NET Client 2.5.
by Praveen Nair (NinethSense)
A simple animation tutorial on WPF
by dmihailescu
What is the start-up and system performance overhead for .Net, Mono, Java versus C++ and Forms, WPF, Swing versus MFC
by Shivprasad koirala
In this article we are going to detect .NET application memory leaks.
by Alasdair Craig
Library for least-squares best-fitting of lines, circles and rotated ellipses
by NaveenPrabhu
Here we will take a real time example of a company to explore LINQ
by Louis T Klauder Jr
A C# project providing arbitrary size integers and simple arithmetic to base 1e18
by User 6918454
A .NET 2.0 and Mono library for the 64 bit optimized handling of very large integers, up to 10240 binary digits or approximately (safe to use) 3000 decimal digits
by Pawel idzikowski
How to serialize binary data to IsolatedStorage in a Silverlight client when there is no BinaryFormatter in Silverlight? Why not with sharpSerializer? - An open source XML and binary serializer for .NET and Silverlight
by Alessandro Del Sole
Binding a generic collection to a DataGridView in VB 2008, with a few lines of code.
by Christopher R Davis, Ben Traynor
Bind your UI controls to generated objects generically
by Sergey Alexandrovich Kryukov
The Editor attribute applied to an enumeration type makes it editable in PropertyGrid. This is enough to make the Visual Studio Designer use the editor, without a need to write a Visual Studio add-on.
by Leslie Godwin
Blend a First Class Gaming Graphics Engine into your WPF application
by Pragmateek
"MCSD Certification Toolkit (Exam 70-483): Programming in C#” - book review
by Shao Voon Wong
Introduction to Boost Multiprecision Library
by Adrian Savage
Simulation in OSG using discrete events, a Ternary Heap and Interpolation
by Uwe Eichkorn
BSEtunes is a MySQL based, full manageable, networkable single or multiuser jukebox application
by Antonio Petricca
Win32, compiler independent, and extensible passive debugger
by Wisam E. Mohammed
The royal gate to building Desktop GIS applications using the Open Source MapWinGIS and C#.
by junnark
We are going to build a simple web chat application using Silverlight 2 and the technologies surrounding it like, ASP.NET 3.5, C#, WCF, and LINQ-to-SQL. We will use MS SQL Server to store user details and messages from this chat room.
by junnark
In Part 1, we built a simple web chat using Silverlight 2. We are going to add functionalities so that users are able to choose from multiple chat rooms as well as chat privately with other users.
by Mojtaba Eng
web site links and link file manager for automatically manage and filtering links to avoid vast of time.
by junnark
We will create a very simple web chat application using the latest ASP.Net 3.5 technologies from scratch.
by Murtaza Abdeali
Murtaza Abdeali explains how Web developers can create high-fidelity Web 2.0 user experiences in their Rich Internet Applications by using a powerful set of user interface controls that leverage Microsoft ASP.NET AJAX technology.
by ralph1957
A Windows Form User Control which clones some features of Microsoft Sidebar gadgets
by Nicko Satria Utama
An article on how to build a personal diary with WPF.
by salysle
This article addresses the construction of a custom control that will convert UNIX time into useful and readable dates for display in a WinForms application.
by Richard Minerich
For most any Serializeable object, making a DebuggerVisualizer is exceeding simple and examples abound. However, if you are trying to build a DebuggerVisualizer for an object which is not Serializable or takes too long to Serialize and Deserialize, things are not quite so simple.
by Rama Krishna Vavilala
This article uses Visual Studio Tools for Office to build a Word Document Template that can be used to post messages to a message board.
by Rama Krishna Vavilala
This article builds a web based message board and uses several new technologies introduced with Visual Studio 2008 such as LINQ, WCF Web Programming, WCF Syndication, ASP.NET ListView, ASP.NET DataPager etc.
by Giorgio Bozio
An article on building a SQL Server data access layer in C# in a completely separate layer.
by Vimalsoft(Pty) Ltd
This article will show you how to build an N-Tier application in VB.NET.
by chaq686
Learn how to build a Static Library Project from scratch, and implement it in Visual C++ solution
by Tamir Khason
This article explains how to build a simple FM radio player with RDS support by using WPF and USBFM library
by Casey_Muse
Find out how to build a small document imaging workflow application using WF and Pegasus Imaging’s activity libraries (Part 1). Then discover how Pegasus’ activities may be used to add imaging workflows to MOSS using Visual Studio 2008 (Part 2).
by Daniel McGaughran
An outline of how to build multilingual support into your WPF applications, where the language may be dynamically changed at runtime.
by Pawel idzikowski
How to effectively build modular .NET applications of any size using messages, commands and components of MCM-Framework.Net?
by orouit
How to use a Gemalto .NET V2 smartcard to create security applications in .NET
by mbielski
A custom class that creates SQL queries without long and potentially confusing string concatenation
by Bishoy Demian
How to use Entity framework to do some basic logic when a change happens in related Entities or Associations
by umar.techBOY
An API that reads OMR sheets from camera taken/ scanner scanned images.
by LamYongXian
This is an alternative for "C# - Optical Marks Recognition (OMR) Engine 1.0"
by Amol M Vaidya
This is a web-based WhiteBoard. It uses C# and AJAX to communicate between the server and clients. Data sharing between different users is made possible using AJAX. Drawings can be shared in real time over multiple clients.
by Daniele Mancini
This program can create and recognize mouse gestures.
by Leo Koach
Using an XML file as a database
by Sergiy Stoyan
Parsing date and (or) time from a string
by logicchild
An article to help the beginner understand delegates
by AH
A technique to create Windows Service apps that's configurable and dynamic by using the .NET Reflection.
by Lukasz Kwiecinski, Istrib
A .NET component capturing WAVE or MP3 sound from a sound card. LAME used for MP3 compression.
by Aron Weiler
This is an example of a multi-key generic dictionary written in C#.
by felipesabino
This article explains how to read a DataTable and return an inverted or pivot table depending on the column names provided.
by Hasan Habib Surzo
Class, Database Connection, Login Winform
by xbadenx
In this article, I discuss the PageStatePersister, and detail ViewState storage in one of four locations: Session, Application, AppGlobals, and server Cache.
by CalicoSkies
A C# class for reading and writing WAV files, light audio manipulation, and WAV file mixing.
by david.ribeiro
How to Zip files and/or folders using C#
by Prashant K Singh
This article describes the usage of the WebBrowser object in C# to read and maintain your favourite RSS Lists
by Prashant K Singh
This article describesthe usage of the FileSystemWatcher object to watch changes to a file or a directory in C#
by Sašo Mađarić
Fuzzy Logic API and Fuzzy Logic DSL implemented with C++.
by Nish Nishant
This article walks through the implementation of a C++/CLI class from a disposable C# base.
by Elmue
How to implement creation and extraction of Microsoft CAB files
by Rajib Ahmed
Properly using cache, session, and viewstate objects in your application
by Daniel Vaughan
Introducing the Calcium SDK. Calcium provides much of what one needs to rapidly build a multifaceted and sophisticated modular application. Includes a host of modules and services, and an infrastructure that is ready to use in your next application.
by Qaiser_Iftikhar
An article to demonstrate how to calculate system idle time without installing any system wide keybaord/mouse hooks.
by Louis T Klauder Jr
A simple C# user function call tree lister.
by Krishna P Seetharaman
How to call web service in biztalk asynchronously. Error handling and retrying, sending error email when the web service is down. Resume the orchestration to completion when the service comes back
by gaurav_verma_mca
How to create a generic WCF proxy using Generics and Lambda Expressions.
by Alien282
Handling DBT_DEVICEQUERYREMOVE in a managed Windows Service
by salysle
This article will discuss alternative methods for performing cascading deletes using LINQ to SQL.
How to pass anonymous types and how to cast them
by David O'Sullivan
Detailed guide to installing Catharsis and setting up a Catharsis solution
by _Asif_
Welcome to the wonderful word of CCXML/VXML
by Ger Hayden
This is a working example of of a DataGridView on a Windows Form where the dropdown list on a combobox coluum changes during execution, written using C++/CLI.
by Dan Dombrowski
Replace a cursor system-wide and restore it to the original cursor.
by Grant Frisken
Change the UICulture of your application forms without closing and recreating them
by odlumb
How to launch and manipulate applets programmatically.
by Emil Lerch
Command line tool to check validity of objects in SQL Server databases
by rspercy65
A Learning tool to help prepare your child for pre-school
by LEADTOOLS Support
Choosing the Right Barcode for your Application
by EvelynT
An article on creating a circular gauge custom control for Silverlight 3
by Eric Lynch
A class to read Unicode character names and a tool to display/search them.
by Gil Shabat
This article gives a quick overview of how AJAX helps with the slow parts of web applications, and highlights one of the new approaches in ASP.NET.
by Daniel Vaughan
A customizable log provider system that allows you to harness your existing logging system to log client side messages to your server. Includes a Silverlight interface and Log Viewer.
by Daniel Vaughan
A customizable log provider system that allows you to harness your existing logging system to log client side messages to your server using WCF. Includes WPF sample applications.
by Derek Lakin
Cloud-Based Source Control using Live Mesh and Git
by Ziad Elmalki
Replace any method with another method at runtime. Updated for 3.5 SP1.
by SlickEdit Inc.
Introducing a set of tools designed to speed up development and dramatically increase productivity
by Mohammad Dayyan
Colorize C# & VB codes
by red_moon
Text editor control with syntax coloring, line numbering, auto-complete, and syntax tooltip
by Russ Osterlund
Code Obfuscation in 64-Bit Land
by Richard MacCutchan
A little tool to keep a list of code or text snippets ready to put in the clipboard
by OrlandoCurioso
Using VisualizerObjectSource.TransferData for private communication with the DialogDebuggerVisualizer
by Vimalsoft(Pty) Ltd
Beginner to intermediate in N-Tier
by Sreekesh NK
To Collapse All the Open Projects in Visual Studio IDE 2005, 2008 or 2010 using C#
by wmerifield
An article demonstrating how to host list controls inside a standard ComboBox. Easily create your own CheckedList ComboBox and others.
by nsoonhui
Compares two methods that check the duplication of array elements
by arinhere
Compiling SOX with Lame and Libmad for windows
by Ashrafur Rahaman
Most powerful data binding control which has the power of easier data-binding, flexible pagination, sorting, inserting, deleting, and updating and CSS implement features.
by Klaus Ruttkowski
The Add-In complements VS 2008 around a new dialog Selection Feature to manage features.
by Ivan0001
This is a new ComplexMath class. The new version supports much more functions and it is much better.
by DaveyM69
'Complex properties' and Size3D in C#.
by Kumar Kisalaya
This is an alternative for "Compress Zip files with Windows Shell API and C#"
by shivamkalra
Using webcam and image processing to decode a Morse code flashing LED.
by Dr. Song Li
This article introduces a way of developing Silverlight and WCF applications in the same Visual Studio solution.
by Dr. Song Li
This article introduces a method to configure Silverlight 3 applications using the Web.config file from ASP.NET.
by Hithendra Reddy
Building Custom Webparts to interact with Database
by David Schiffer
A simple WinForms application that lets you connect to Team Foundation Server 2008.
by Urs Müller
A plug-in for Visual SourceSafe 2005 that allows for attaching comments to Bugzilla bug entries when committing changes.
by Muhusin Khan
Effective perfomance for database application uses database
by User-Rock
Approaches describing a design to handle connection objects and pools in C#.
by logicchild
An article that defines some rules to follow when writing resuable software.
by Matthew Hazlett
More about the technology, but the demo app is ASP.NET
by Aneesur Rehman Khan
Consume 32 bit COM DLL in x64 bit SQL Server 2005
by Balamurali Balaji
This article explains how to call a Web Service method using the XmlHttp protocol encapsulated by the XmlHttpRequest object.
by John Gathogo
An article illustrating how to consume a WCF service from an SSRS Server Report
by Farooq Kaiser
In this post, I will build an MVC application that will consume an RSS feed.
by Adam Nachman
Provides a framework for predictably compiling, extracting, and deploying a database project.
by Yamin Khakhu
The article presents CI for Application using CruiseControl.Net.
by Roman Kiss
This article describes the design and implementation of the Repository Tool to create and manage contracts for virtual (manageable) services.
by Andrec
Retrieve the hWnd of focused controls in other applications.
by Danie lCampos
This article will show how to integrate the Office 2007 OCR engine with custom applications and use OpenXML and Speech Recognition
by Dannover Arroyave M.
Developing a catalog of DVDs
by Jerry.Wang
This article tries to find a way to show Windows standard controls on layered windows. Provides both Native MFC and WinForms source code.
by Ameet Parse
How to use SMO to copy database schema and data using C#.
by Sergey Nozhenko
This is an alternative for "PipeStream, a Memory Efficient and Thread-Safe Stream"
by Gammill
A pair of wrappers about Zeltera's "Count with Letters" code to generate "Integer to Excel Column" and "Excel Column to Integer"
by Harold Bamford
Simple class to allow fast, easy access to Perl and Perl variables.
by Leung Yat Chun
This article describes how to perform list, extract, add and operations to archives using CAKE3.
by Syeda Anila Nusrat
Create a Business Logic Layer, Data Access Layer classes, and Stored Procedure scripts from a database table.
by Stephanus van Staden
How to create a captcha for Visual WebGUI by implementing IGatewayControl.
by Rocom
A more easy to generate toolbar images.
by Oleksii Prosiankin
This article describes how to use Visual Studio for developing a Vista Gadget.
by Islam ElDemery
Creating a User Control like Microsoft's way, but on the fly!
by Dain Ucak
How to make an intellisense textbox using web service and JavaScript which works with all platforms (IE, Chrome, Firefox) without problems
by Helmut Obertanner
In this article, we will create a form region that shows all contacts within the same category.
ComponentOne InputPanel for WinForms is a new paradigm to create and maintain data-entry forms. It is a panel that is placed on a form to help create powerful data input applications. Simply connect C1InputPanel to any data source and an input control for each field is automatically created for you.
by Maxim_Barsuk
A practicle application of 2D Voronoi diagrams.
by Roberto Sonnino
A text editor with interactive 3D, speech, and ink using WPF 3.5.
by Soroush Falahati
Introducing a class for generating 3D images (Stereoscopic and Anaglyph) from DepthMaps.
by Matthew Hazlett
Extending System.Color with .toHTML()
by Gerard Castelló Viader
Making a typical client - server chat application
by Brian Pursley
An article that introduces SharePoint web part development by creating a simple contact form web part.
by RescoDeveloper.Net
Creating a list of customers is very common task when creating business applications. Article demonstrates how simple it is to create a mobile application using Resco MobileForms Toolkit that shows a list of customers with search capabilities and professional look.
by Lukasz Sw.
How to create an animating glass button using only GDI+ (and not using WPF)
by Kirill Osipov
A step-by-step guide to creating a control and adding design time support to it
by Sacha Barber
How to create a scrollable control surface in WPF
by Spirch
How to create a Sudoku game with speed in mind.
by mitibhat
Demonstrates the addition of AJAX support to a TextBox in VS 2008.
by duncanmhor
An introduction to creating a Wix installer using Visual Studio 2005/2008.
by duncanmhor
An introduction to creating a Wix installer with GUI using Visual Studio 2005/2008.
by Farooq Kaiser
In this article, I will examine how to create and consume a WCF service. WCF is next-generation programming platform and runtime system for building, configuring and deploying service-oriented applications.
by SteveLi-Cellbi
Creating dynamic animations, and a simple way to reuse them to reduce the XAML code size.
by Eric Haddan
Using the Image Mastering API to create Red Book Audio CDs
by Bobrovsky
This article shows how to create documentation within your code, write additional topics and compile the help file using Sandcastle Help File Builder.
by Josh Smith
Shows how to write the same simple program in Windows Forms and WPF.
by Bruno Piovan
This article explains how you can create Web Services in a Class Library project
by Boris Kolesnikov
Generates PNG files called tiles which form a layer on a GIS map
by Dominik Reichl
CSHA1 - A C++ class implementation of the SHA-1 hash algorithm
by chmod2222
Having problems changing app.config and web.config? Use your own settings class. Easy to add new keys and save to disk.
by P3 Tech
A simple custom control allowing text to be written over the top of a progress bar; based on code from Jacob Jordan
by Thomas Duwe
An article about creating a custom scrollbar control
by Kasic Slobodan
Easily assign your extension to your application and set an icon.
by Rafay Bin Ali
Custom file extensions such as Default.sample can be created very easily without the need to configure IIS.
by Scott Rippey
A string template method that allows you to fill a string with data. Easy to use, fast, extensible, and extremely powerful! Uses Reflection, Conditional Formatting, iterating through Arrays, and more!
by _Khallaf
Use IMAP to auto-reply to unread GMail messages while on vacation
by AbuElNour
Implement Listbox using animation of items & publish Images on Surface
by Karthik. A
This article extends what was built in the previous article. This is a task manager application that uses the custom provider designed in the last part.
by OsoreWatashi
Here, you will learn how to create your own custom panel like the an advanced canvas.
by vikas maan
Define your own property editor for your user control properties
by Dmitri Nеstеruk
Describes what custom tools are and how to program them
by David Vanson
A progress bar control you can customize
by Lea Hayes
A combobox control with a customizable drop-down
by Johnson.Sebastian/3537719
A simple way to show a listing page with paging, without using any data controls like Repeater or DataGrid.
by Helmut Obertanner
In this article, you will learn how to customize the built-in Select Names dialog and use different external data sources for your own dialog.
by Ravenet
Disable/enable task bar in a handheld device using a flag
by Günther M. FOIDL
Sample that allows the user to customize the shortcuts assigned to menu items.
by Steven A. Lowe
Dashboards are immensely useful not only for business data but also for business applications, but only if they display metrics that can be used to "drive" (or "steer") in real-time.
by Scott Dorman
A simple solution for binding an enum to a UI control using data binding.
by Mickey Gousset
How to create a data driven web test using Visual Studio 2008 Team System
by kvlcek
A C# implementation of CHAID for MSSQL 2005 à la Cognos scenario.
by Bruno Sonnino
This article will show how to use data binding and styles to show data coming from a Microsoft SQL database using the new object-relational model introduced in Visual Studio 2008, LINQ to SQL, allowing grouping, sorting and filtering of data with almost no code.
by hussain.attiya
A database-driven banner rotator control rotating based on a specific time (and not on page refresh). Each banner will have a display time (in seconds) to move to the next one.
by rwg
Select data from SQL databases into Excel spreadsheet, with headings and formatting
by Redskin9
A series of Database utilities for lookup and data manipulation written in C#
by daylightdj
When using DisplayMember / ValueMember on a ComboBox, this problem often occurs.
by Vincenzo Rossi
A flexible library to add filtering capabilities to a DataGridView.
by Günther M. FOIDL
Enhanced DataGridView that saves column order, width and visibility to user.config
by Dan Letecky
A good-looking ASP.NET control that shows events visually arranged in a day calendar. Includes design-time support and data binding.
by Dan Letecky
Flexible open-source scheduler control (resource booking, project management, timeline and free/busy visualization, Gantt)
by Johann Anhofer
An easy to use debug logger, implemented via a custom stream buffer.
by Rock Webcast
Step by step guide on how to set up your project so you can debug a site written in Classic ASP VBScript using Visual Studio 2008
by abhigad
Journey of C# up to LINQ in less than 10/15 minutes
by Ashish Kaila
An introduction to the dependency injection design pattern and frameworks, illustrated by a simple example.
by DigiOz Multimedia
This article is a step by step explanation of how to modify a ClickOnce Deployment package to include CAB files
by Ramy Mahrous
How to deploy your reports programmatically in away like BIDS
by Ordisoftware
How to create a generic singleton for .NET.
by RescoDeveloper.Net
This article introduces a set of sophisticated and versatile Visual Studio controls for designing a user interface on a mobile device.
by azamsharp
In this article, we will take a look at designing application using test driven development.
by Arman Ghazanchyan
The Desktop Alarm Clock is a very useful application that can perform several tasks.
by J Martinsson
Code .NET 2.0 and build for Java! Develop a Java AJAX RSS news reader using Visual Studio 2008, ASP.NET AJAX and Grasshopper 2.5.
by Teofil Cobzaru
A MultiSelector-derived control that supports multiple selection modes, scoped selection, customizable lasso-tool and selection logic
by Andrei Smolin
This article describes the ways a VB.NET developer can create a COM Add-in for Microsoft Office 2000, 2002 (XP), 2003, and 2007 in order to customize Office applications including adding UI elements and event handling.
by Gavin Sinai
Four important aspects of SharePoint 2007 Web Part development
by Aleksey Zaharov
This article shows you how to bring revolutionary UI provided by MS Silverlight to the world of ASP.NET control development with the help of the recently released ASP.NET 3.5 Extensions CTP.
An article that discusses different ways of deploying ClickOnce
by Mohammad Dayyan
How to create a simple dgital clock in SilverLight 2.
by nimeshmca
Custom digital signatures using iTextSharp
by HiteshSharma
Hardware interfacing through serial port using C#
by Karthik. A
Directory Comparer is an extensible tool that could be used to compare 2 folders
by Shup
An article about methods to recursively list all files in a given directory.
by Jim Parsells
Create useful directory restore points, quickly and easily.
by nirvansk815
A custom listbox control to help visually manipulate data.
by Greg Osborne
A simple way to disable the WebBrowser control's context menu.
by ralf palm
Monitor assembly references of a software project
by Ivan L
Hashing algorithm that can be used in distributed caching of data in web farms or implementing a distributed hash table (DHT)
by Tamer Oz
An application to preview your documents and files such as PDF, Doc, JPG, PPT, XSL.
by FrankNight
This is a DOCX to HTML conversion tool with css style customization support.
by Mohammad Reza Khosravi
A simple program to draw complex fractal Trees
by defwebserver
The goal of this tutorial is to walk you through creating a simple Silverlight module in DotNetNuke that authenticates the currently logged in user through a web service.
by Weidong Shen
A custom ListView that scrolls when its contents are dragged on screen.
by Sacha Barber
How to drag elements in a Canvas
by Oleg V. Polikarpotchkin, Peter Lee
Calculate piecewise Bezier curve control points to make it a spline
by Oleg V. Polikarpotchkin
How to draw a smooth closed curve through the set of 2D points with Bezier drawing primitives
by logicchild
Why recursion in C# works well when using WPF.
by Tim Callaghan, Alvin Lim
A demonstration network ink-chat application exploring some aspects of .NET 3.5, WPF, and WCF.
by AmitDey
A Tutorial to develop a driving simulator using XNA Game Studio 2.0
by trxStudio
A Duckworth Lewis calculator for Windows Moblie and .NET 3.5.
by o m n i
by Sacha Barber
How to use CodeDOM and CompilerServices to dynamically create assemblies/apps.
by NobsterTheLobster
Dynamic string resource\localisation and XAML binding.
by Jamie Pompu
Hide sections of the page when an UpdateProgress control is activated.
by Ardavan Sharifi
in this Article we following how to dynamic validation data with defind validation type and use of regular expression
by Peter Wiles
Further explanation about how we solved the problem of allowing users to define their own data structures and to define their own user interfaces to edit this data.
by Tammam Koujan
Demonstrates creating EAN-13 Barcodes with VB.NET
by Tommi Laukkanen
How to easily debug NUnit tests in Visual Studio 2008 professional edition
by Ahmed Charfeddine
Easily instrument your code, visualize, interpret results, track optimization, compare and decide.
by Md. Marufuzzaman
Easy to track the geographical location based on IP Address
by Sergey Podobry, Apriorit Inc
This article describes an easy way to set up system-wide global API hooks.
by Burak Ozdiken
This article discusses how to create a simple ProgressBar control for the Windows Forms Application using the .NET Framework.
by Declan Bright
Edit individual GridView cells without putting the entire row into edit mode.Examples using the SqlDataSource and ObjectDataSource controls are included.
by Sasha Risner
A C# sample for binding a GridView to a DataTable with sorting, filtering, updating, deleting, and inserting allowed.
by Abdul Quader Mamun
Paging must be effective for large scaleable applications. Without smart and effective paging and sorting for huge amount of data, user request takes more time and uses more resources.
by Shivprasad koirala
Eight basic steps by which we can enable Windows authentication security on BasicHttpBinding.
by Christ Kennedy
Here's an easy to write elementary math level game that you can play with your kids.
by Ajay Vijayvargiya
Static Code Analysis: The Purpose, How to Analyze and Make your code Analyzable!
by hussain.attiya
Class Library that will read email templates to send email notification
by gaurav_verma_mca
A .NET managed framework to send template emails in HTML or plain text
by Niemand25
A simple way to place any ObjectListView inside a ComboBox
by Chris Jenkins
In this article, we will see how to embed IronPython in our Windows Presentation Framework applications using C#.
by Leung Yat Chun
Make your ListView support item selection by dragging,
by webdev_hb
Encrypt Your Web.config, Please
by Manish K Gupta
Encryption & Decryption of Connection Strings inside the Web.config in ASP.NET 2.0
by Kaboa
An enhanced ResXFileCodeGenerator that handles formatted strings in a type-safe and natural way
by LeeBear
This is an inline enumeration of files instead of building an array first.
by Stan Bice
Imagine connecting church worship attenders with real-time content.
by venugopalm
A guided tour of the distributed enterprise application design in .NET
by David Hoyt
Easy to use ASP.NET suite that gives you everything you need to get started and makes it all pathetically easy to use - Windows services (with UAC), localization (webpage and e-mail), e-mail templating, configuration, and much, much more!
by Adrian Cole
A Windows Forms user-control that allows binding of enumerated values to a group of buttons, both at design-time and run-time.
by Sergey Alexandrovich Kryukov
Generic classes for enumeration-based iteration and array indexing
by Sergey Alexandrovich Kryukov
An example the application of Enumeration class, third article of the series
by Chris La
This is an alternative project of "OraLib - a lightweight C++ wrapper over Oracle's OCI library"
by Chris La
How to create a server-client network quickly using template server-client framework, EpServerEngine (C++ and Windows Winsock).
by Chris La
How to create a server-client network quickly using IOCP TCP template server-client framework, EpServerEngine.cs (C#).
by Matthew Cannon
How self-describing components can emerge from responsibility-driven development practices, and how use of the Visual Studio 'code regions' tool can add value to this process.
by Avelino Ferreira
Presenting an easy-to-use, flexible, filterable ComboBox, managing various data types (including images), also sortable, resizable and reordable columns
by Joao Tito Livio
Pull data directly from SQL Server to Excel using C# and VSTO.
by Sohail Maroof, Farrukh Hashmi
Exception handling in 3-Tier Architecture using Enterprise Library
by Sacha Barber
How to explicitly update and validate Databindings in WPF
by Abhijit Jana
This article describes the use of Caching Application Block - Enterprise Library 4.1.
by William Hey
Factoring classic integers
by ColinBashBash
Some basics of EnvDTE. I'm no expert, though...
by Senthil S
Export data from VB.NET Dataset to Excel without using Datagrid/DataTable
by Anshul R
An expression evaluator that doesn't support parantheses at the beginning.
by Jim Parsells
A Class Library for building Forms with a folder navigation TreeView and form specific ListViews that can be tailored for your application and behave like Windows Explorer. Full documentation.
by Mohamed M. El-Kalioby
How to extend built in Classes
by dmihailescu
Customize OpenFileDialog and SaveFileDialog using a User Control
by dmihailescu
Customize OpenFileDialog and SaveFileDialog using a WPF Window
by _Flaviu
A combobox control which shows a drop down window to assist the user.
by Jason Pearce
Building a generic collection class from scratch without just wrapping a List or ArrayList.
by Claudio Nicora
An extended NumericUpDown control with better focus and mouse wheel management.
by Tamer Oz
ExtendedDataTable is a component which provides more functionality compared to native .NET Framework DataTable. It is also platform independent, you can use it with Web or Windows applications.
by YawerIqbal
This article gives a basic introduction to the AJAX Toolkit source code environment and extending the Calendar control to disable past dates and make them un-selectable.
by steve_hocking
An article on extending the dependency injection framework provided by the ObjectBuilder from the Microsoft Patterns and Practices group.
by Stas Kashepava
This article explains how to apply polymorphic behavior back in the class hierarchy
by drummerboy0511
Learn how to extend the My namespace in Visual Basic 2005 / 2008!
by Chris Richner
(De)serialize your objects encrypted and/or compressed with 3 lines of code
by rajeshrocks
Extension method is a feature in C# 3.0, which allows a developer to add functionality in existing class without modifying or recompiling or extending the existing class.
by Brad Vin
Create some useful Extension Methods using .NET 3.5, then test your new methods using the built-in unit testing functionality in VS2008 Professional.
by Tsuda Kageyu
Extract all the variations of an icon, including the ones ExtractIconEx() can't extract.
by Masayuki Tanaka
Extracting Visual Studio Webtest result from TestResult(.trx)
by Gayani Devapriya
Extracting XML and SQL bulk updates using LINQ to XML and LINQ to SQL in .NET 3.5.
by BuggyCoder
Efficient Factory Method Pattern Implementation in C# using Expression Trees
by Xavier John
A game written using Visual C++ and DirectX.
by Yang Kok Wah
Implementing the all time favourite game as .NET custom controls, complete with animation and sound for full gaming experience
by Tolga Birdal
This article explains the basics of the famous Otsu's automatic thresholding method with an implementation in C#.
by Hadi Eskandari
WPF custom controls to work with Dates in Culture specific calendars, supporting Farsi (Hejri Shamsi), Arabic (Lunar Hijri) and Gregorian calendars.
by Pavel Torgashov
Custom text editor with syntax highlighting
by John D. Cook
Numerical integration of smooth functions over a finite interval using an optimal algorithm.
by Shao Voon Wong
Prototype SIMD vectorized code effortlessly.
by Leo Koach
A coding control for document coding or QCing applications.
by Manish K. Agarwal
Rotating files by appending 00, 01, 02, 03 etc. in file name once the file size reaches its predefined maximum file size.
by Matthew Hazlett
Text Difference between two files
by Matthew Hazlett
A file diff utility.
by OlegKrivtsov
This article demonstrates a file preview control in a WTL application.
by peterchen
A WinForms user control that implements the details of file handling commands for any document-centric application
by Anthony Daly
FilterBuilder is a simple utility allowing you to easily create dialog filters
by Alex Blekhman
Find any file in solution using incremental search and advanced filtering
by Friedrich Brunzema
An article exploring integrating a fingerprint reader into a user's application
by Mohammad Dayyan
With KingMark you can exchange your bookmarks between Firefox and IE
by vbulgarov
FITpro is built upon the Framework for Integrated Test (Fit). It provides integration with Eclipse and MS VS, and web UI. FITpro advanced features include code generation, suite support, and test to fixture links. Project homesite -
by John D. Cook
This article covers five of the most important things someone needs to know when working with floating point numbers.
by Arik Poznanski
Post on how to fix an error while trying to run the sample project ShellObjectWatcherSampleWPF from the latest version of Windows API Code Pack
by Stephen Huen
Custom Flash Movie Field for WSS 3.0 to render Flash movies
by Eric Lynch
Flexible CSV reader/writer with progress reporting and many file format variations.
by PARK Youngho
A tool that enumerates all fonts installed on Windows, and shows you the preview so as to help you code conveniently.
by Programble
Form Docker is a class library (DLL) that can dock any form to different parts of the screen.
by Farooq Kaiser
In this article, I will explore an alternative method of implementing validation logic. I will show you how to perform validation by using the IErrorDataInfo interface.
by Joshua Blackstone
What it would take to create a pager template that is similar to a good GridView paging template.
by Jochen Baier
Forward/backward navigation with the mouse thumb buttons for Visual Studio 2008 (C++).
by jamessdixon
A C# project that implements Fowler's Transaction Script Pattern.
by Kurt Evenepoel
Implementing Business Logic, Logging, and Validation for the Entity Framework.
by M@dHatter
(Free Document Object Model) is a web development technique used for creating event driven web applications. FreeDOM is designed to overcome the limitations of stateless HyperText Transfer Protocol (HTTP) transmissions.
by Cédric Menzi
How to parse well-formed binary data into your data structures
by Vagif Abilov
The article discusses how to isolate the code under test from behavior of referenced classes by using mocking frameworks.
by otom
A non-MFC class to encapsulate the FTP protocol.
by Herman.Instance
Windows CE devices are not setup properly for the use of FTP despite the HttpWebRequest and HttpWebResponse classes.
by Brian P. Adams
A full-featured Task Manager for Windows Mobile.
by Stephen Inglish
A pre-configured ASP.NET website containing a Master page, error handling, login / logout, and other boilerplate new project code.
by NickThissen
Change the colors used to render Menu-, Tool,- ContextMenu-, and Status strip controls during design-time.
by Kenneth Haugland
Illustrates the calculation and the usefulness of continued fractions
by johan_vw
Play around with the different interfaces used to query collections.
by Fredrik Bornander
An article on how the use of a simple Physics implementation can liven up a WinForms UI.
by Yang Kok Wah
Playing your favorite music and sound files all at once
by Yang Kok Wah
Typing Unicode directly to a text-box, including support for surrogate pairs. Create simple web pages to display fanciful fonts
by Yang Kok Wah
Playing your favorite video all at the same time
by Dr.Walt Fair, PE
Using F# to implement a simple expert system callable from C#.
by m_sylvain
This article shows how to build plug-ins to simulate logic gates with the FxEngine framework.
by Matt Sollars
A WPF hybrid smart client for calculating attack combos in the Prince of Persia game.
by Member 3873633
A game engine first prototype
by Tiep Le
Visual Studio 2008/2010 Extension for backing-up your solution to Gmail.
by Talya Gendler
Implementing localization which depends on the gender of the registered user (ASP.NET).
by W. Kevin Hazzard
Site maps make your websites search engine friendly. Learn how to generate them dynamically using your site's HTTP 404 error handler page.
by Lionel LASKE
Learn how to generate your own code for the DLR using an Abstract Syntax Tree.
by ColinBashBash
Generate classes / CRUD procedures.
by lepipele
Using OpenOffice to convert different document types to PDF.
by Joshi, Rushikesh
This is an alternative for "Generate Sample XML from XSD".
by Md. Marufuzzaman
How to generate SQL object script using C#.NET
by Alessandro Del Sole
An alternative way to create XPS documents via Visual Basic code and VSTO assemblies.
by Lou Franco
How can a color scheme be extracted from an image? The problem with determining a color scheme is that there are too many colors in the image, yet the algorithm to convert the image must find a set of colors that most accurately represents the original. Atalasoft provides the code right here.
by Pablo Fernandez Duran
This article will show you how to generate a JSON base web service layer from an existing database using CodeFluent Entities. We will also generate a web client back office following an “Import wizard”.
by Dmitri Nеstеruk
Using C# to generate parameterized VS code snippets
by DaveyM69
No more unboxing/casting! Use generic type parameters with this background worker. Source code for C# and VB.NET.
by Mihai Maerean
Generic C# JSON generator to send any managed data to JavaScript and use the same syntax to access it
by Massimiliano Peluso "WeDev Limited"
This article show an easy and reusable solution to create a generic mapper between two entity objects.
by Jason Witty
A concept of building a tree and allowing each branch of the tree to associate to any object.
by Gil.Y
A generic TCP/IP client/server.
by TheAvenger
A generics method to convert an object to a basic type.
by APIReport
Generate an HTML table in 4 lines of code either from a SQL query or a DataTable. Highlighting, sorting, all is customizable
by The Manoj Kumar
A multi-touch simple and compound gesture recognition implementation for Windows 7 in WPF.
by Md. Marufuzzaman
A very easy way to get HTML source from user defined web address
by Vipin.150
C# program to get the size of a file from the internet
by Shup
An article on easily finding the paths of commonly used user specific directories.
by maq_rohit
How to get aggregate data from Azure storage.
by Aamir Butt
This is an article just to describe how to use WMI with Visual C++ 6. I had to do this for one of my projects and I finally came up with this solution. I hope this will be beneficial to others as well.
by Johnny J., Brisingr Aerowing
Get the operating system version and edition, updated with Windows 10
by PaulGuenette
A very quick and simple introduction to using WCF
by Paul S. Chapman
Avoiding the WCF issue in the Azure CTP
by Corey Fournier
gheat ported to C#
by Daniel Ch. Bloch (MCSD, MCAD, MCTS)
How to use events through your application for multiple receivers.
by ThatsAlok
An easy way to marshal your interface pointer between threads!
by vkhaitan
Introduces to a hack to add global Context Menu Command to Visual Studio designer
by Arman Ghazanchyan
A single component that contains various Windows hooks
by Evaldas Jocys
Provides required tables and data for multilanguage projects
by Avelino Ferreira
Don't care about Google Maps/Routing/StreetView programming. This Control gives your WinForms applications the power of Google Maps API v3
by HiteshSharma
Use Google Earth`s complete functionality on your Windows Form
by omeecode
Google Maps Offline in windows discusses how one can download or save Google maps and then view these images offline
by Ravi Bhavnani
An object that harnesses the power of Google's online natural language translation tools.
by Petr Ivankov
Import of Simulink files
by GauranG Shah
This project uses the Transparent window to show the animation on the desktop.
by RescoDeveloper.Net
The article points out several key differences between desktop and mobile application development. The differences are compared on an example of standard Visual Studio DataGrid and Resco SmartGrid for .NET CF.
by dimpant
A classic scenario without a one-place answer anywhere on the web so far.
by Resco Developer Tools
The ability to control a mobile device using touchless technology is becoming very popular in fun and game utilities as well. Can the G-sensor make a break-through in business solutions too?
by Albara Hakami
A Windows Forms application to share a whiteboard with many clients with only one drawer, in a gamy way.
by Paul M Watt
Guide to creating and using Memory Device Contexts (DC) in Win32.
by Bert O Neill
Query Hadoop using Microsoft oriented technologies (C#, SSIS, SQL Server, Excel etc.)
by BillLange1968
A C# port of the classic Hammurabi game
by Michael Ulmann
A smart way to handle multiple client callbacks in ASP.NET pages and controls.
by Fun@learn
The article shows large number arithmetic using an array of long integers. Addition, Subtraction and Multiplication operations are handled in the version of the program
by Nandha V
Using a custom exception handler component
by Paolo Foti
Use design facilities (TabOrder, UndoEngine, SnapLines / Grid alignment) to design WinForms
by Gregory Gadow
How to modify your client area properties, center controls, and do other fun tricks.
by Qwertie
How fast is C++ compared to C#? Let's compare code ported directly between the two languages.
by ThatsAlok
CWinThread with TWO-Way communication using window message
by Gernot Frisch
This class takes care of the child window placement when you resize an MFC dialog. Also stores the size in the Registry for the next call.
by owen654321
High performance solution for scheduling and executing work items.
by Bashir Magomedov
An ASP.NET control that allows drawing current Hijri date in string format on an ASP.NET page.
by Shahdat Hosain
Rendering horizontal submenu with horizontal submenu by ASP.NET menu control using CSS friendly menu adapter from a scratch in .NET with C#
by freedeveloper
Part II: Inter-communications: Workflow -> Host through the CallExternalMethod Activity.
by freedeveloper
Part V: Intercommunications with a Workflow instance using Correlation parameter
by Syed Aftab Naqvi
Hosting Silverlight control in C++ using ATL
by Faris Y. Elias SHOMOU
Exploring multiple hosting environment for WCF service
by Matt Esterak
Using JQuery UI Tabs to host web pages via IFRAMEs.
by Vitaly Shelest
Demonstrates a simple technique for embedding WPF/.NET Components into Java GUI
by logicchild
An article that demonstrates how to encrypt your directory files
by Syed M Hussain
This article explains how to use the IMAP protocol to access emails. It explains how to use some of the common IMAP commands.
by Md. Marufuzzaman
How to add a menu item in Microsoft Office Word 7/10 application context menu
by V K Sumesh
Explains how to add the Visual Studio Command Prompt to the IDE.
by MarkGwilliam
A custom type formatter to append the appropriate 'st/nd/rd/th' text to day numbers when outputting date strings
by Tamir Khason
This article explains how to provide a custom gauge formatter for WPF TextBlocks, Label or any other controls
by Tamir Khason
This article explains how to use build in features of WPF to insert menus, toolbars or any other content dynamically into your application
by dmihailescu
Burn ISO files using IMAPI v2.0 and C#
by Ali Marzban
Changing ConnectionString like an attribute in C#
by Calinyara
This article shows how to change the pitch and tempo of a sound.
by Danny Ruijters
How to compile your existing MFC code in Visual C++ Express.
by Chris La
This article explains how to create your own simple Lock Framework for C++ synchronization.
by Puzzler99
How to create a transparent control in VB 2008
by Md. Marufuzzaman
A simple class to create a Windows event log and write your custom message as well
by Mohammad Dayyan
Creating a WPF User Control & using it in a WPF application ( C# )
by Abdul_Qayyum
.NET code for Google Calendar.
by dmihailescu
Create disk ISO images using IMAPI 2
by Kanasz Robert
An article on how to create a ProgressBar Column in DataGridView
by Md. Marufuzzaman
How to create your first SQL Server Integration Services (SSIS) package - part 1
by icemanind
This article takes you through a step-by-step process of creating your own virtual machine.
by Md. Marufuzzaman
We discuss Microsoft Office Word 7 addIn, which is able to deliver an email with little text and able to attach the current document as a Zip/Compress file or standard Microsoft Office Word document file format & send the email from Microsoft Office Word Interface.
by Apriorit Inc, Gena Marianichenko
This article is oriented to Windows-developers and considers how to create virtual disk in Windows system.
by Apriorit Inc, Alex Kolesnyk
This article describes the first steps in low-level programming on the example of developing of simple boot loader
by CS Rocks
This article demonstrates how to download a file from a (HTTPS) WebDAV server in VB.NET
by aquant
A simple way of connectionless communication through the UDP protocol is described here.
by Jon Burchel
Want to get those cool images from some Windows app, but can't find them? This app will help you. Also gets animated GIFs.
by David Catherman
Components don't have a .Parent property like controls do. Getting a reference to the instance of the parent form the component was on is very difficult.
by pablodg
Workaround to get the correct LocalDateTime of files no matter which date settings your computer has.
by Shivprasad koirala
How to handle concurrency in LINQ to SQL?
by Joe20033
An article on how to add a color picker ComboBox to DataGridView
by felixLindemann
Auto-register COM-Interop functions and activate this add-in in MS-Excel, ready to use.
by Farooq Kaiser
In this article, I will examine how you can improve the performance of an ASP.NET MVC application by taking advantage of the various components
by marc ochsenmeier
Get to know the files you use on a daily basis when debugging your application with Visual Studio or WinDbg.
by Md. Marufuzzaman
This article will demonstrate how we can integrate T-SQL with an external application.
by logicchild
An article that explains some ways to learn the F# language
PCBACKDROP works like BGINFO from SysInternals. Make your own Windows Desktop background with system information.
by Md. Marufuzzaman
This article will demonstrate how we can manage Windows service application on our local computer.
by GoranZoran
Migrating VS package from 2008 to 2010 Beta 2
by Balamurali Balaji
This article is Part 2 of the previous article and explains how to perform data binding to WPF controls using LINQ to data stored in an XML file.
by Andrei Smolin
Outlook Today is a sample of a custom Outlook home folder page. In this article, you will learn how to create such a page in VBScript and in .NET (VB, C#, C++).
by Paul "Jonno" Johnson
An article on quickly debugging NUnit tests.
by LEADTOOLS Support
In this article, we will create a simple application that loads an image and reads its barcodes. Try it out for yourself by downloading a fully functional evaluation SDK from the links provided below the tutorial.
by Chris La
This article explains 10 rules (steps) for replacing the recursive functions using stack and while-loop to avoid the stack-overflow.
by Paul "Jonno" Johnson
An article on always running all your NUnit tests after a build.
by Reza Taroosheh
How to set PersianCalendar to CultureInfo
by Michael Leithold
This article demonstrates how to start and debug a Windows service with Visual Studio 2008.
by Wendelius
Desribes how to store and fetch binary data to a filestream column compared to a varbinary column.
by CS Rocks
This article demonstrates how to upload a file to a (HTTPS) WebDAV server in VB.NET.
by Qmpel7
Step-by-step walkthrough to communicate C classes with COM objects created in C#.
by chihuase
It's easy to create a wrapper for .NET classes that you can use in VB6, but there are some difficulties with the types, specially Generic lists
by Everton Calgarotto
A solution to the problem of the custompropertyeditor screens not be called after a binding is set
by Steve Hansen
Explains how extension methods work and how you can use them.
by Kenneth Kasajian
Because NUnit is designed to unit test managed code, it does not lend itself to test unmanaged C++ code as easily as for C#, until now!
by kamran anwar (Software Engineer)
Passing a VARRAY custom type from .NET and using it in a Where clause in an Oracle Stored Procedure.
by Calinyara
This article presents how to use video and sound information to detect intruder
by Tamir Khason
This article explains the proper way of using Windows Vista Search provider inside a WPF application. It incorporates DataBinding, Query provides and other useful technologies, introduces within Windows Vista and Windows Presentation Foundation
by Justin Porteous
Using the Shell32 Library to write Files or Folders to a Zip File
by Misha1964
Learn how to validate complex web forms using business rules engine
by Rajaraman.net05
Visual Studio Team System (VSTS) comes along with inbuilt testing tools, which provide more effective and efficient ways to write test scripts for both Windows and web applications.
by Waleed Elkot
Reading text from any image using Microsoft Office 2007 OCR
by Maciej Gren
How to communicate from JavaScript/HTML page to Silverlight application using password form
by Chesnokov Yuriy
The article provides a dynamic Huffman compression and decompression class and a console application written in C++.
by Sergey Alexandrovich Kryukov
Display names and descriptions for enumeration members: a non-intrusive, reliable, localizeable method.
by ashwanisihag
Extend windows shell in c#.
by Sergey Alexandrovich Kryukov
The mystery of Benham’s top invented in 1895, as well as Fechner color effect, remains not fully uncovered so far. WPF and XAML help to accelerate the research greatly.
by Muhammad Hassan Haider
Compressing Images the easiest way
by Kel_
This article introduces a simple algorithm to do a glass table effect using GDI+.
by Smart K8
A set of handy extension methods to help you with quick Image modifications
by Ravimal Bandara
An implementation of unsupervised watershed algorithm to image segmentation with histogram matching technique for reduce over-segmentation by using openCV.
by Redwan Albougha
This article shows how you can display a picture in digits 1 and 0.
by salysle
This article discusses the construction of an image viewer user control that may be used to display images from a directory containing a collection of image files.
by salysle
This article discusses the construction of an image viewer user control that may be used to display images from a directory containing a collection of image files.
by Lea Hayes
A simple utility which provides a GUI to converte images to base-64 strings
by Jerry.Wang
This is a tiny tool to create multi virtual desktop, and allows you to switch between them.
by Miroslav Popovic
How to add a Firefox-like incremental search to WPF applications using the M-V-VM pattern. The search is performed directly on a CollectionView, so it can be used with any WPF items control.
by Chinmoy Mohanty
Multiple techniques of implementing The Observer Pattern in .NET
by Ng. Anh Vu
Observer pattern in C# using Event and Delegate
by andalmeida
Implementing a basic camera model to extend the raytracing algorithms
by andalmeida
Extending the camera class and creating basic animations.
by krysstof
Tool developped to manage and analyse disk space on multiple fileserver in my company
by Arthur V. Ratz
This article demostrates the C++ code that implements AI binary distribution evolutionary algorithm for finding the "nearest" neighbor values of the given value of x in the array of N elements.
by Shivprasad koirala
Implementing Audit trail using trigger
by Jake Weakley
An article explaining a way to implement a generic collection in C# using ICollection, with an example Business Logic Layer.
by Farooq Kaiser
In this article, I will explore how to upload a file using ASP.NET MVC. Since the MVC framework does not use server controls, it will be interesting to see how file upload works in MVC.
by Alex Mueller
Three implementations of Model-View-Presenter in ASP.NET 2.0.
by Duong Ba Hong Minh
A good way to setup and install a multi-tree level structure by using a MS SQL Server database.
by Baliram Suryawanshi
This article helps with step by step detailed information to import fixed length file data into SQL server’s database table.
by Malphas1981
A simple example of how to use the ASP.NET charting control with jQuery.
by caloia
Improve performance with anonymous methods, asynchronus processing, and thread pools.
by Paul "Jonno" Johnson
An article on improving code completion in C#.
by Jimmy Zhang
Introduces a simple, efficient, human-readable XML index called VTD+XML.
by carl morey
A complete weather station using Arduino 2009 and Visual Basic
by Javier Ibarra
This article is about how to get or set values of an InfoPath form.
by Ludvik Jerabek
Read and write to INI files in VB.NET and VBScript
by bhadeliaimran
Inserting value of Collection into Database
by abhishek pareek2009
This article is having a C# code DLL to convert a Farenhite temperature into Celsius and vice versa. Further I have used this DLL in Axapta to integrate the “Convert Temperature” UI with Axapta.
by S. Senthil Kumar
This article describes why scripting is useful and explains how to integrate IronPython as a scripting language in your application
by Balamurali Balaji
This article shows how to use LINQ to SQL queries with a WCF Service.
by chamindu
Explains how to integrate Visual Studio 2008 unit tests with the CCNET build process
by Paritor
Adding WPF functionality to Windows Forms Applications
by pechan00000
A solution managing InterBase DB's with C# .NET
by jeffb42
Interfacing an Arduino with a character LCD and a graphic LCD
by Marc Clifton
A prototype application for cross-referencing and indexing files, URL's.
by WillSkou
A class library that creates worker threads and the communications structures for messaging between them.
by defwebserver is a Open-Source ASP.NET framework that allows you to dynamically load Silverlight modules into resizable draggable windows.
by Philip Laureano
A fast dynamic proxy library with support for .NET Generics
by Philip Laureano
Using LinFu.DynamicObject to add mixins, duck typing and multiple dispatch to your favorite .NET languages
by Joshua Tully
A brief introduction into Windows anti-debugging techniques.
by Corinna John
First steps tutorial for Delphi developers.
by Ahmed Negm
This article introduces how to create and manage .NET enterprise applications using your favorite technology (Data Access Application Block, LINQ, NHibernate, ASMX, and WCF) with the Model Driven Development approach by Sculpture.
by lepipele
An overview that presents all PayPal integration options, targeted especially at C# developers.
by Andy Marshall
Basic Introduction to jQuery using SQL Server, Web Services
by Nicholas Butler
The basic greedy algorithm.
by Nicholas Butler
The linear space refinement
by Bee Mobile
Download data from the local mobile database within sdf file. Create iPhone-like GUI on Windows Mobile to display the data. Create functionality to search the table data. Polish the app by adding some cool features such as round buttons, vibration, glass effect. Find out how to detect the current re
by Hamed J.I
Analyze website content for Search Engine Optimization and technical problems (using Iron Python)
by Paulo Morgado
Is Your ASP.NET Development Server Not Working?
by vivekgaur
Issues & WorkArounds while Migrating Application from VB to C#
by Adrian Alexander
Make your life easier by inserting a Presentation Model layer (aka ViewModel) between your domain-model collection contents and template-generated WPF objects.
by Eyal Lantzman
Implication of not thinking of iterative solutions over recursive from performance (response time) point of view
by jedliu2046
When the event in Google Calendar raises up,call user in IVR
by Samir NIGAM
This article describes how to create an Expandable / Collapsible Panel Control using JavaScript.
by asithangae
Compress JavaScript files using this HTTP Handler.
by Arkady Lesniara
JavaScript Intellisense Improvements in Visual Studio 2008
by jawed.ace
J-AXE file splitter is a Windows application developed using C# .NET to split file into time interval based on size and total files after splits.
by Steven Sanderson
jMVC.NET is an ASP.NET control to help you build UIs that change dynamically without postbacks, AJAX or tricky event handling
by lepipele
A Visual Studio add-in that uses JSLint to verify JavaScript files that are part of a solution.
by Balamurali Balaji
Explains how to use JSON serialization and deserialization in WCF DataContracts.
by outcoldman
Work with Windows by hot keys in Vista like Windows 7
by salysle
This article provides a simple example of how to use the System.Diagnostics.Process library to display a list of running processes, and to select and kill processes by their process name and ID.
by Alessandro Lentini
Kube receipt printer
by Slava Khristich
Index large XML file for fast access. Use IO and XMLReader for parsing with Regex.
by icemanind
Easily create Business and Data Layers!
by TylerBrinks
A step by step tutorial for getting GPS from any SmartPhone, even without GPS built in, and then making location useful.
by Daniel Vaughan
Legion is a grid computing framework that uses the Silverlight CLR to execute user definable tasks. It provides grid-wide thread-safe operations for web clients. Client performance metrics, such as bandwidth and processor speed, may be used to tailor jobs. Also includes a WPF Manager application.
by Mohammad Dayyan
For easy learning (specially for learning a foreign language) you can use Leitner Box
by SlickEdit Inc.
This article is the first part of a series that shows effective ways to do code reviews with SlickEdit® Tools
by SlickEdit Inc.
This article is the second part of a series that shows effective ways to do code reviews with SlickEdit® Tools.
by Thomas Dörr
Visual Studio 2005 / 2008 both lack a good way to define assembly references per solution configuration (‘Debug’ or ‘Release’). This tool fills this gap.
by orouit
This article demonstrates how to write a licensing provider for .NET licensing that gets licenses from a Gemalto .NET Card V2.
by Orane Cole
The lightbox control reads data from your backend SQL Server
by Damian Suess
Display line numbers for rich text box with auto sizing. This is a converted version from another article written in VB.NET.
by Antonino Porcino
A simple C# class for printing on old dot matrix line printers
by Benzi K. Ahamed
Lingo is a simple five-letter word game in C#. It is based on the popular TV game show of the same name. The idea of the game is simple: you are given five chances to guess a five letter word, given two letters in the word initially.
by peterchen
Link source code comments to your bug tracker, MSDN, development Wiki and more.
by Anas Karkoukli
A new implementation of the Custom Profile Provider for ASP.NET 3.5, using LINQ, Workflow Foundation, and the Responsibility-Centric-Singleton DataContexts pattern.
by Matt Sollars
Overcoming challenges with LINQ to SQL and using LINQ with SQL Server Compact Edition.
by Shivprasad koirala
Concurrency handling, compiled queries, CRUD implementation, and mapping simple .NET classes with XML file configuration.
by logicchild
An article that clarifies some basic concepts behind LINQ.
by Matt Perdeck
Easy to use library to use CSV and tab delimited files with LINQ queries.
by Mohamed H. Elsherif
This article focuses on how you can extend the great LINQ technology to other domains using the idea of implementation of IQueryable.
by Jürgen Bäurle
How to use LINQ to connect to a SAP/R3 system.
by Dan-el Khen
An open source utility that synchronizes your database structure with a LINQ to SQL model.
by WinSpace
Use the Generics, Extension and Reflection features to implement a generic serialization class library for LINQ to SQL classes
by Muigai Mwaura
LINQ to SQL Transformation: Open Source implementation of IQueryable, examples and source code
by Michael Piccolo
How to simplify LINQ Transactions using a custom base Datacontext
by Shao Voon Wong
Linq-To-XML Node Creation for Native C++
by _Flaviu
A ListCtrl ComboBox control
by Philip Lippard
Writing an ASP.NET Custom Control which extends the ListView to visually show sort direction for columns.
by Faraz Azhar, Dubai
A quick and easy way to support in-line (subitems) editing on the ListView control in .NET.
by Wu Xuesong
An article on WPF data binding using ObservableCollection.
by Mycroft Holmes
Using SQL Server 2008 Hierarchy ID data type to populate a TreeView
by Michael Ulmann
Often JavaScript content and/or styles in ASP.NET need to be localized too. This article shows how this can be leveraged by using an HttpHandler.
How to make a wait-free, lock-free CircularFifo using C++11.
by John Torjo
Monitoring Log files can be fun!
by John Torjo
You can easily apply Pretty Formatting to your logs. Make the information that's relevant to you easily stand out!
by John Torjo
You can do advanced searching through your Windows Event Logs. Even regex searching and filtering. No expert skills required.
by Nigel Ealand
A simple stereo sound volume meter with audio capture card selection.
by John Torjo
Meet the Log Viewer that makes monitoring log files a joy!
by John Torjo
Create and Share Notes about your Logs like never before!
by FireEmissary
Generic algorithm of the longest common subsequence
by Paul B.
Dictionary objects take a single key as a look up key. This class simplifies using a Dictionary when you have multiple keys, such as two strings and an int, etc.
by Sacha Barber
Lookless controls / themes
by Luc Pattyn
A utility that removes phantom icons from the Icon Tray
by Gary R. Wheeler
A small, easily embedded language for text editing and transformation
by dontumindit
Performs basic function on your Facebook Profile from C# code without use of Facebook API
by Samuel Allen
A walkthrough for creating a handy Google Search For context menu, like in Firefox.
by Qwertie
How to make the debugger give the same special treatment to your custom IList as it gives to List.
by Henrik Jonsson
How to make your existing and new applications support in-memory transactions, multi-level and multi-document undo/redo, using Generics and C# 3.0 extension methods and lambda expressions.
by The Zetta
A how to guide to make a custom shaped (by transparency, of course) MDI container form.
by Dmitri Nеstеruk
Let's create a simple project estimation DSL using F#!
by Gerard Castelló Viader
This article explains how to create some interesting charts in SVG documents
by asheesh goja
‘Expert Systems’ is one of the most commercially successful application of Artificial Intelligence. This three part series describes how to develop an expert system based artificial advisor, using a backward reasoning algorithm.
by salysle
This article provides an approach to building an application that may be used to collect, store, and retrieve data without relying upon a database to get there.
by salysle
This article provides an approach to building an application that may be used to collect, store, and retrieve data without relying upon a database to get there.
by Cbwhyw
Windows XP offers an On Screen Keyboard, but sometimes requires a little customization
by Resco Developer Tools
There are many business applications where user needs to plan and create appointments with his clients. An example is a patient care application where a medical doctor visits regularly his patients at home. Let's create the application that combines both, business visits and private appointments.
by CodeFate
Revision: "Manage YouTube using C# and Youtube API 1.6"
by Ziad Elmalki
Using Managed DirectDraw with Windows Mobile.
by Naynesh Shah
This article explains how we can bypass the Connection Planner and establish a connection using the Connection Manager APIs on Windows Mobile devices.
by Juan Manuel Elosegui
A plug-in that allows you to "destroy" items from TFVC using the "Team Foundation Sidekicks" tool.
by Sergey Alexandrovich Kryukov
Addresses questions on graphics, threading with UI, form development, printing and more
by Wu Xuesong
Develop the Mastermind Game using the .NET Compact Framework.
by yanirta
PCA is a well known algorithm to extract features from multidimentional datasets. Using a library I wrote, this is made easy.
by Tamer Oz
MathParser is a class that can calculate the result of mathematic operations given as string such as "3+5/2-3*(1+3)". It can also calculate the result of parametric formulas such as 3A+5B/2C. Calculation is made by operation order(/,*,-,+) and parenthesis rule.
by Yang Kok Wah
Use of GDI+ Matrix class to perform image transformation.
by Murtaza Abdeali
Glimpse inside the UI performance of Infragistics WebDataGrid to see how its industry-best blazing speed was achieved with proven practices for measuring performance on ASP.NET AJAX.
by Eric Haddan
My entry to the Code Lean and Mean File Comparison Contest.
by Erik Rydgren
Custom memory handler with memory leak reporting and no-mans-land checking. Leaks are reported with call stack of allocation.
by jpaulino
A DataGridView control that allows to show some extra information in a merged row. Uses Visual Basic.NET 2008 and Framework 3.5.
by Lee Humphries
Got a few Gigs of XML data you need to combine? Here's one way that won't blow your RAM.
by Barry G. Hynum
An easy to use, low real estate Methods DDL navigation tool.
by Nibu babu thomas
MFC Feature Pack - CMFCEditBrowseCtrl
by jpaulino
This article shows the basic steps of creating a report, define the data source at runtime, work with parameters, include images, use the expression editor, and how to feed data to a subreport and charts. Finally it will demonstrate some easy customizations to ReportViewer.
by Abhishek Sur
The article will guide you with samples to create and embed Microsoft Map in your website within minutes. The intention is to give basic knowledge on how JavaScript library could be used to embed Custom Map.
by Mohammad Dayyan
A simple game with C# and Expression Blend 2 and Visual Studio 2008 SP1.
by DaveyM69
Allows changing of the default MIDI out device in Vista and Windows 7
by DanielBrownAU
An article on how to detect when it is midnight
by Muneeb R. Baig
Step by step explanation to migrate website projects to web applications in VS2008.
by Shivprasad koirala
How to migrate simple .NET classes to LINQ classes.
by Tsuda Kageyu
Provides the basic part of Microsoft Detours functionality for both x64/x86 environments.
by emadns
Notify your contacts with this Outlook 2007 add-in.
by Abdul Quader Mamun
ASP.NET provide features to develop appllication for mobile devices. System.Web.Mobile namespace is devoted specifically to mobile Web development.
by gggustafson
This article discusses two lessons learned during the development of a mobile application.
by Wild-Programmer
This code sends automatic SMS to birthday boys/girls :) from phone
by EFEaglehouse
Windows CE/Mobile printing client for LPR, LPRng, and Socket API.
by Fakher Halim
An article on leveraging Entity Framework to create a set of inherited business objects from a single table. Writing code without any conditionals!
by Richard A. Dalton
Look beyond fundamental data types when modelling object attributes
by William E. Kempf
An article on creating WPF applications, following the Model-View-ViewModel pattern
by Craig G. Wilson
Using MongoDB from C#.
by Alan Zavari
ShareMonitor allows you to monitor any access to your network shared files
by dougturn
Provides an overview of user management from the perspective of a developer. This content is part 10 of the MOSS content from
by dougturn
Provides an overview of Sharepoint workflows from the perspective of a developer. This content is part 4 of the MOSS content from
by dougturn
Provides an overview of Sharepoint with Silverlight and Web Parts from the perspective of a developer. This content is part 5 of the MOSS content from
by dougturn
Provides an overview of page navigation from the perspective of a developer. This content is part 6 of the MOSS content from
by dougturn
Provides an overview of page branding from the perspective of a developer. This content is part 7 of the MOSS content from
by dougturn
Provides an overview of Web services from the perspective of a developer. This content is part 8 of the MOSS content from
by dougturn
Provides an overview of content types from the perspective of a developer. This content is part 9 of the MOSS content from
by CodeFate
Revision of the Global Mouse and Keyboard Library from Brian Geiman
by gggustafson
Presents how to create a button with a moving border
by M.Farrukh Abbas
How to move, sort, filter and search items between Listboxes and make it as reusable user control using ASP.NET (C#)
by Lukasz Kwiecinski, Istrib, Ed Nutting
A program that integrates with iTunes and DirectSound to record music
by Eddie Velasquez
MRU Manager for Visual Studio 2005/2088 and SQL Server 2005
by Md. Marufuzzaman
How to use .NET TransactionScope & enable Microsoft Distributed Transaction Coordinator (MSDTC)
by B. Verboven
Using Microsoft SQL Server or XML files as datastore
by Member 11610266
Labels are not only to add titles for fields in a Form. They are a usefull tool to comunicate with the application.
by Mark Trudgeon
Allows consumer web parts to have multiple providers in ASP.NET, WSS 3.0, and MOSS 2007.
by Domagoj Šarić
A tiny WinAMP output DLL that uses a C++ replacement of the official ASIO SDK that supports multiple ASIO devices.
by Matjaz-xyz
A simple and useful viewer of multipage TIF/TIFF images
by Ger Hayden
This is a working example of three DataGridViews on a windows form where the values on the second and third grid change during execution written using C++/CLI.
by GauranG Shah
Simple Dialog based Win32 application that provides multiple desktops for windows platform as available in the Linux System
by MJ Ferdous
How to customize New or Edit Form (NewForm.aspx or EditForm.aspx). How to make multiple custom edit form for different item status. How to link those Forms with the list item by creating custom link column
by Lea Hayes
This 'ToolStrip' extension automatically selects an image using the selected image size.
by Smart K8
The attributes can be used to provide multiple inheritance functionality for C# classes
This articles talks about the clash situation where a function with the same name resides in two interfaces and one Derived class call it.
by Razwan Kader
Implement and maintain multiple profiles of a user using the Membership and Profile API.
by Guy Shtub
A custom control for selecting items. Selection is made with lists for available and currently selected items.
by JediScientist
In 10 minutes, how to use the new features of the VC++ 2008 (Orcas) debugging window to debug a sample spinner C++ multithreaded application
by Pawel Wzietek
Synchronous/asynchronous control via multiple interfaces with command queuing
by Taner Riffat
Multithreading is something we will all have to deal with sooner or later. This relatively simple application shows you how to use two threads to copy files. It is also a very handy Windows backup utility with a mirror feature, a batch mode feature, a log file feature and a help button!
by jlchereau
An ASP.NET server control inspired from Google mail’s selection of file attachments, and implementing ASP.NET AJAX Extensions 1.0.
by Freefall_
This article describes the creation of a fully managed multi-device audio player using several public C# libraries. Requirements: VB .NET, Visual Studio 2008, .NET Framework 3.5
by Balamurali Balaji
This article explains the creation of a Music Video Box using Windows Presentation Foundation 3D Geometry and Media classes to play music albums as chosen by the user.
by Sergey Alexandrovich Kryukov
A computer keyboard can be turned into an isomorphic musical instrument, to help in deeper exploration of the Musical Harmony and even to inspire new musical ideas
by Katka Vaughan
Learn how to create a simple MVVM pattern based application using the Calcium SDK.
by Joel Ivory Johnson
My experience with the Windows Marketplace for Mobile for 6.x devices and the certification process.
by rhawk4
I needed a datetimepicker that allowed users to easily empty it and edit it like a maskedtextbox, so I made one from the actual DateTimePicker class.
by Vasily Tserekh
Collision algorithms aren't rocket science and this article proves this idea.
by Donald Wingate
An article describing a color picker with independent control of seven variables and dynamically updating slider backgrounds.
by Emad Ibrahim
An article on creating quick and powerful applications using the new technologies introduced with .NET 3.5 and Visual Studio 2008
by Sacha Barber
A simple contact keeper using XLINQ/LINQ/WPF.
by Kunjal999
Backup an entire MySQL database, compress it, and send it with FTP to an FTP server.
by Franck Paquier
NAnt user task that adds alarms on top of Source Monitor metrics to highlight source code that does not follow coding rules.
by werner.keilholz
Giving full control over the communication with a GPS device in a limited environment.
by Enes Gundogmus
Navigation menu using XML as data source: ASP.NET Server Control
by Nicholas Butler
An entry for the Lean and Mean competition
by xExTxCx
A utility to manage multiple IP profiles (home/work/grandma's etc...)
by Umeshgtank
Getting notification about network location
by Tamir Khason
How to use raw sockets in Silverlight application and how to make Silverlight speak with Windows Forms and WPF
by Sergey Alexandrovich Kryukov
The same advice applies to many other item types, and not just with lists. More exactly, such items can be used, but unexpected behavior may make it a nightmare.
by Cirilo Meggiolaro
Microsoft has just launched a very rich chart control for .NET web and Windows Forms applications. Let’s take a look at some features from it.
by Hans-Jürgen Schmidt
Auto-increment the version number of an MSI setup project.
by Leslie Godwin
Newton Dynamic Extensions for the WPF
by Leslie Godwin
Create WPF scenes with Blender and export to the 3D Xaml Editor for fine tuning.
by John Grove
Provides GUI for selecting an EXE using Ngen.
by Johan Lundqvist
A short article with an example of how you can use NHibernate and MyQL together.
by Nieve Goor
A Winforms Nhibernate framework code generation
by William Winner
Extends controls inheriting TextBoxBase to provide off-line spell checking functionality
by Christopher R Davis
How to use the nHydrate Generator Library.
by Christopher R Davis, Michael S Knight
A comparison of nHydrate and the Entity Framework
by Nicholas Butler
An entry for the Lean and Mean competition
by Nicholas Butler
An entry for the Lean and Mean competition
by Adrian Alexander
Extension methods used together with interfaces make it possible to create tree and graph query methods without mandating a common base class that would otherwise invade upon the domain-model.
by The Cool Wayfarer
A blueprint application to showcase an enterprise standard architecture using the .NET 3.5 technologies like WPF, WCF, and LINQ to SQL.
by Anshul R
Creating a clone of notepad in Visual Basic
by Max Paulousky
This article presents the techniques and caveats of building Silverlight applications that can be notified about database state changes via polling duplex. WSHttp binding and CLR triggers are used to implement the solution as well.
by TheUberOverLord
NotifyIconExample Shows All Possible Combinations of NotifyIcon, Taskbar and Much More. All Possible Tricks For NotifyIcon, Taskbar, Invisibility, Restricted Exit, Shared Context Menus, Multiple Context Menus, Microsoft ClickOnce Deployment Technology, ClickOnce Automatic Update Technology.
by leafwiz
A Simple Library which allows you to write asynchronous code easily, almost in a synchronous pattern.
by vic_ch2000
A nullable datetime column in .NET DataGrid with DateTimePicker.
by Sacha Barber
NUnit STA threads and testing WPF
by Julijan Sribar
How to create Visual Studio 2008 Add-in compatible with Visual Studio 2003
by Ratish Philip
NVM is a easy-to-use tool written in C# 3.0. The aim of this tool is to allow easy administration of Windows Environment Variables.
by Eduardo Tucci
OAG is a library written in C++. With this library, you can create OpenGL based applications.
by Kurush Rastkar
This utility creates a new instance of your class using generic.
by Santhosh G_
Applying oil painting effect on an image.
by M@dHatter
An httpmodule designed to create one image out of many for faster loading and fewer web server HTTP requests. Module creates auto generated CSS image maps of positions for displaying on a webpage using background positioning. The module also handles creating mouse over image effects.
by Lionel LASKE
Learn how to synchronize your OneNote notebooks on Windows Azure and access it from your iPhone or your Palm Pré.
by perrin4869
An application for users to play Circular Chess over the internet based on Silverlight, ASP.NET AJAX, WCF Web Services, and LINQ to SQL.
by Mohammad Dayyan
Learn more about changing the opacity of forms, using C#.
by DavidHolland
Code to open regedit and connect to remote host
by salysle
This article shall describe an approach that may be used to extract Jar files.
by salysle
This article shall describe an approach that may be used to extract Jar files.
by adamvanner
Simplified multi-threading of for loops in C#, with an interface akin to OpenMP.
by Huzifa Terkawi
This article will aim to give you a brief and to point tutorial about DES modes , hash Functions , AES , RSA algorithms and example of their usage , using OpenSSL.
by John D. Cook
This article presents a method for optimizing a function of one variable without requiring a derivative function.
by Fredrik Bornander
This article describes a way to create a Panel that is aware of mouse gestures on the .NET Compact Framework.
by Tiago Conceição
Library for handling and retrieving system icons
by Md. Marufuzzaman
How we can communicate with the Microsoft Office Outlook using “Microsoft.Office.Interop.Outlook” delegate & event.
by Suresh Meenakshisundaram
This article explains Outlook programming
by Rolf_atSC
This article shows how to automate Outlook using VS2008 rather than VSTO or VBA
by Ralph in Boise
Re-usable code to manage Outlook.
by Victor Pirkle
Implementation of Listener and Client objects that communicate through a Web proxy
by Andrew Kirillov
This article describes the implementation of parallel computations using plain C#.
by logicchild
An article meant to introduce and expand upon the Intel Threading Building Blocks threading library
by Enver Buzoku
Shows how to get the process ID and show a modal window on the parent processes window
by Abdul Quader Mamun
Custom TreeView web user control for parent child relatioinal data upto infinity
by Mohammad Reza Khosravi
This simple application simulates a 3D environment with some objects in different depth and size based on stereoscopic calculations.
by Ron Ayoub
How to use the Interpreter Pattern to parse algebraic expressions
by Rudi Breedenraedt
An iterative parsing algorithm using regular expressions
by dimas1971
Parsing Zipped plain text files and saving results to a local database with .NET 3.5, LINQ to SQL, BackgroundWorker, and UI.
by salysle
This article describes three approaches to parsing the sentences from a body of text; three approaches are shown as a means of describing the pros and cons for performing this task using each different approach.
by salysle
This article describes three approaches to parsing the sentences from a body of text; three approaches are shown as a means of describing the pros and cons for performing this task using each different approach.
by Dave Elliott
Looking at ways to parse an Entity Framework EDMX file
by RajeshKumar Shanmugam
Partial class implementation using C# in polymorphism.
by Steve Skelton
This article explores a method to send data in DotNetNuke ASCX controls.
by Svante Seleborg, Alphons van der Heijden, Dave Shaw, katakana2
A Windows Mobile C# reader for the popular Password Safe archive files.
by Hilmi Jauffer
Peer code reviews are a proven way to improve software quality. ReviewMyCode helps you overcome some barriers to this best practice with a simple Visual Studio 2008 add-in that fits your process.
by Perry Marchant
An article describing the best practices for Entity Framework performance.
by J. Ambrose Little
Glimpse inside the UI virtualization architecture of Infragistics xamWebGrid to see how its industry-best blazing speed was achieved with proven practices for measuring performance and UI virtualization on Microsoft Silverlight 3.
by xbadenx
Merge data tables with validation audits and error logging.
by Gary Stafford
Calculate all permutations of a set of elements using a simple recursive algorithm
by Ali-DN
Persian (Farsi) language support for Silverlight 2.0
by Mohammad Dayyan
Generate Persian Calendar with simulated PHP methods
by Mohammad Mir mostafa
A structure like System.DateTime which is designed to support Persian calendar
by Mohammad Dayyan
With Persian Diary, you can navigate in Persian Calendar and store your memorandums
by Bogdan Zamfir
Implementing a Persistent Splitter control in Visual WebGui
by rspercy65
This app stores First Name, Last Name, and Phone Numbers in rolodex style. This is the WinForms version of Steve Krile's Ajax Slider using SSDiver2112's CButton and gTrackBar controls.
by Florian DREVET
Brings you the ability to personalize your configuration files per developer, per machine, per configuration...
by Nicholas Butler
An investigation into advanced concurrent programming.
by tedqn
A personal media viewer to view photos and videos using C# and Visual Studio 2008
by Pat Dooley
In this article I will show how simple programs can help improve your photography work flow. It simplifies the first step of selecting which images on your memory card or camera are worth processing. It uses a replacement for the PictureBox control that displays photographs and allows them to be zoo
by Balamurali Balaji
This article explains how to create a PhotoViewer application based on WPF in Visual Studio 2008
by Horia Tudosie
Produces color sets by adveraging areas of colors from scanned pictures
by Yang Kok Wah
A chat program that supports Unicode input and picture transfer.
by JohnWillemse
This article will show you how to create two pictureboxes, one of them acting as a magnifier for the other one.
by James Kolpack
PipeStream is a thread-safe read/write data stream for use between two threads in a single-producer/single-consumer type problem.
by Mustafa Chelik
Play XM music files in pure C++ using unpacked BASSMOD.dll from file and memory
by rspercy65
Plays AVI files using Microsoft's DirectX.AudioVideoPlayback.
by Mohamed H. Elsherif
Multicore hardware is spreading very fast, however the programming for Multicore is not an easy job, Parallel FX (PFX) comes to the rescue
by Paul Welter
PLINQO is a collection of CodeSmith templates that are meant to replace and extend the LINQ to SQL designers.
by Alexander Chernosvitov
How to use Reflection to plug in unknown components with predefined behaviour.
by vnmatt
Basic framework for building desktop plug-in applications
by Redth
A follow up to my previous article, this article takes the plug-in concept and encapsulates it in a Generics enabled library, including support for source code compilation at runtime.
by rasheed1979
Personal Pocket Health Record (PPHR) application helps to store and track a user's personal details and visits information on Windows powered pocket PC.
by Harsha T, Amarnath S, S Mahesh Reddy
An article to describe the creation of a polar mapped view of an image (C#).
by Elmar de Koning
A generic C++ implementation for n-dimensional Douglas-Peucker approximation
by Gabor Mezo
A simple way for implementing code injection in C# 3.0
by hofingerandi
Problems I encountered when polishing the GUI of an existing 200K LOC application.
by Thabet Tech
In this article, I would like to show you how to (backup, restore) DB & converting between PostGIS & Esri shape file
by Sergey Alexandrovich Kryukov
The convenience of this Sound Recorder is defined by its minimalism and understanding of the purpose
by Pawel idzikowski
How to gain better control over the testing process reducing the amount of test methods in a unit test.
by Vinod Vijayan
List that combines the advantage of array and linked-list and has better performance
by Yiyi Sun
Use the Presentation Model pattern in ASP.NET Web site, Windows Forms and WPF
by tystent
Here's how to print your custom user control on a full page.
by MichalWozniak
The article introduces the reader to the MForm Web Controls, a set of controls that provides a very productive and flexible way of creating ASP.NET Web Forms.
by My2Cents
Poll using EnumProcess to get process create notification in user-mode
by HoshiKata
Describes some of the ways to kill a runaway process or malware
by jlchereau
A professional AJAX GUI for uploading files using the server controls in the Memba Velodoc XP Edition.
by Apriorit Inc, andrew_lyakhov
In this article, we examine the problems of program control of the Microsoft Hyper-V hypervisor with the help of the C++ language and WMI technology.
by amatecki
The article describes how to use the Microsoft's UPnP Control Point API for finding and controlling UPnP devices, and includes a description of simple library to facilitate the application of Control Point API in your own programs, together with an example of MFC and WinForms applications.
by arnavguddu
This article exposes the Microsoft Vista and Server 2008 (and Windows 7) exclusive features that can be programmed using .NET languages like C#. It includes UAC, the Vista Bridge control library, and the Windows Search Provider.
by Steffen Ploetz
How to get out the maximum from the Roma widget in C# efficiently without dependencies to GUI frameworks like GTK or KDE. Basics and description of concepts.
by Steffen Ploetz
How to get out the maximum from the Roma widget set in C# efficiently without dependencies to GUI frameworks like GTK or KDE. Short introduction of the widgets.
by Steffen Ploetz
How to draw transparent and gradient output on a X11 window unsing the (low level API) XRender protocol extension for X11.
by Steffen Ploetz
How to call native Xt API from Mono Develop C# ending up in a very little Athena widget application.
by Jimmy Zhang
Learn to take advantage of VTD-XML's stateless XPath capability to achieve unmatched efficiency and flexibility
by gggustafson
This article presents code for a WinForms implementation of the Google-like compact progress indicator.
by DaveyM69
A WinForms ProgressBar control with a BackgroundWorker wrapper.
by Daniel Vaughan
Generate project metadata with T4 and unburden yourself from string literals in XAML binding expressions and INotifyPropertyChanged event arguments.
by Flying Light
MFC Application to rename an Existing Visual Studio Project
by Greg Osborne
Updates the AssemblyVersion and FileVersion attributes in the AssemblyInfo file for a project
by Dmitri Nеstеruk
A VS add-in to analyse property dependencies in classes.
by Dave Elliott
A PropertyGrid implementation showing how-to use, best practices, validation, and more.
by Yasser M. Jaffal
This article guides you to simply, yet effectively, prevent your software customers from copying your product without your authorization. I admit it is not a top-security solution, and it will be easy to crack without protecting your compiled code, but it is just for conveying the idea.
by Martin Richter [rMVP C++]
Provide your customized class name to MFC application SDI/MDI and dialog based
by Ajcek84
WinForms library containing the IncipitViewer control for drawing musical notes
by Ajcek84
PSAM Control Library ported over to WPF
by Niel M.Thomas
How to create a button that radiates pulses
by Manish Pansiniya
Simple and Quick overview of Expression Blend for WPF
by John D. Cook
This article answers some of the first questions that come up when using regular expressions in C++ TR1
by Ganik
Step by step instructions for a newbie on how to use WinDbg.