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Another Look at Achieving Concurrency using C++

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16 Feb 2010CPOL6 min read 26.1K   440   23  
An article that provides ways to achieve concurrency via C++


This article provides some concepts and generalities to describe how to find concurrency in sequential (or serial code) to achieve data parallelism. The examples may appear complicated, but they don't have to be. We are merely looking at code that can be transformed from sequential into concurrent. In this quest for concurrency, patterns are established that form the criterion to then further write a parallel algorithm. We therefore must understand the difference between the terms concurrency and parallelism. After having done that, we will use a downloaded evaluation copy of the Intel Threading Building Blocks library to explain what particular benefits this library offers to achieve concurrency in parallel computing. This involves downloading an evaluation copy of the Intel C++ compiler and installing it to integrate with Microsoft Visual Studio 2008.

After a successful installation, we then install the Intel TBB, a C++ template-based intrinsic threading library for loop-level parallelism that concentrates on defining tasks rather than explicit threads. The components of TBB include generic parallel algorithms, concurrent containers, low-level synchronization primitives, and a task scheduler. TBB is available in both commercial and Open Source versions. At the time of this writing, TBB 2.2 is the most recent version. This is why we want to choose this library. The OpenMP API is an intrinsic threading library that is strong in C and FORTRAN. POSIX threads are an explicit, or raw API type of threading that are also effective for the C language. Both are powerful for writing algorithms and breaking up serial code to examine what can be made concurrent. Neither of them, however, are effective for C++. Having noted that, we'll use the Intel TBB, which directs its constructs towards C++. With Windows systems, you have to modify your Visual Studio Project Build configurations (debug, release) as follows: In the C++ properties General choice, add the include directory $(TBB22_INSTALL_DIR)\include. In the General choice of the Linker properties, add this additional library directory: $(TBB22_INSTALL_DIR)\ia32\vc8\lib. In the Input choice, add as an additional dependency: tbb_debug.lib or tbb.lib.


Software developers must now take advantage of multicore processor technology. The term multicore processor technology refers to a microprocessor architecture designed to contain a sequence of logical cores (CPUs) on one physical chip. That is, rather than increasing the clock speed, improved performance, power savings, and system stability can be achieved by utilizing these cores to execute tasks simultaneously. Software design must both adhere to and obtain concurrency with this new technology. Concurrency is achieved when two or more tasks are executed simultaneously. This means that these tasks execute within the same time interval, nearly at the same second, but probably off by fractions of a second. A concurrent application will have two or more threads in progress at some time. In parallel execution, there must be multiple cores available within the computation platform. In that case, the two or more threads could each be assigned a separate core, and would be running simultaneously. This is how we distinguish between the terms parallel and concurrency.

Parallel is a subset of concurrent. That is, you can write a concurrent application that uses multiple threads or processes, but if you don't have multiple cores for execution, you won't be able to run your code in parallel. The difference between these two terms is that a system is said to be concurrent if it can support two or more actions in progress at the same time. A system is said to be in parallel if it can support two more actions executing simultaneously. The key to parallel computing is exploitable concurrency. Concurrency exists in a computational problem when the problem can be decomposed into sub problems that can safely execute at the same time. To be of any use, however, it must be possible to structure the code to expose and later exploit the concurrency and permit the sub problems to actually run concurrently; that is, the concurrency must be exploitable.

As a simple example, suppose part of a computation involves computing the summation of a large set of values. If multiple processors are available, instead of adding the values together sequentially, the set can be partitioned and the summations of the subsets computed simultaneously, each on a different processor. The partial sums are then combined to get the final answer. Thus, using multiple processors to compute in parallel may allow us to obtain a solution sooner. Also, if each processor has its own memory, partitioning the data between the processors may allow larger problems to be handled than could be handled on a single processor. Downtime starts to cost when a piece of software does not execute reliably in different environments: on the Internet or on an intranet. Software might execute concurrently in a distributed computing environment, but that is not always the case.

So Where do We Start?

Well, with a numerical computation. The following code calculates the Fibonacci series of a number that is passed as an argument. The code, however, is in the form of an algorithm that shows and compares the times of calculation, the multithreading measures taken, along with avoiding the headaches by using certain types of multithreading, the synchronization objects that are involved, and the queues. The important aspect to note is time savings in these numerical calculations. Those numerical calculations that can be performed simultaneously are done so using the parallel algorithms included in the Intel TBB:

#ifdef NDEBUG
#undef NDEBUG
#include <cstdio>
#include <cstdlib>
#include <cassert>
#include <utility>
#include "tbb/task.h"
#include "tbb/task_scheduler_init.h"
#include "tbb/tick_count.h"
#include "tbb/blocked_range.h"
#include "tbb/concurrent_vector.h"
#include "tbb/concurrent_queue.h"
#include "tbb/concurrent_hash_map.h"
#include "tbb/parallel_while.h"
#include "tbb/parallel_for.h"
#include "tbb/parallel_reduce.h"
#include "tbb/parallel_scan.h"
#include "tbb/pipeline.h"
#include "tbb/atomic.h"
#include "tbb/mutex.h"
#include "tbb/spin_mutex.h"
#include "tbb/queuing_mutex.h"
#include "tbb/tbb_thread.h"

using namespace std;
using namespace tbb;

//! type used for Fibonacci number computations
typedef long long value;

//! Matrix 2x2 class
struct Matrix2x2
    //! Array of values
    value v[2][2];
    Matrix2x2() {}
    Matrix2x2(value v00, value v01, value v10, value v11) {
        v[0][0] = v00; v[0][1] = v01; v[1][0] = v10; v[1][1] = v11;
    Matrix2x2 operator * (const Matrix2x2 &to) const;
    //< Multiply two Matrices
//! Default matrix to multiply
static const Matrix2x2 Matrix1110(1, 1, 1, 0);
//! Raw arrays matrices multiply
void Matrix2x2Multiply(const value a[2][2], 
                       const value b[2][2], value c[2][2]);

/////////////////////// Serial methods ////////////////////////

//! Plain serial sum
value SerialFib(int n)
    if(n < 2)
        return n;
    value a = 0, b = 1, sum; int i;
    for( i = 2; i <= n; i++ )
    {   // n is really index of Fibonacci number
        sum = a + b; a = b; b = sum;
    return sum;
//! Serial n-1 matrices multiplication
value SerialMatrixFib(int n)
    value c[2][2], 
          a[2][2] = {{1, 1}, {1, 0}}, b[2][2] = {{1, 1}, {1, 0}};
    int i;
    for(i = 2; i < n; i++)
    {   // Using condition to prevent copying of values
        if(i & 1) Matrix2x2Multiply(a, c, b);
        else      Matrix2x2Multiply(a, b, c);
    return (i & 1) ? c[0][0] : b[0][0];
    // get result from upper left cell
//! Recursive summing. Just for complete list
//  of serial algorithms, not used
value SerialRecursiveFib(int n)
    value result;
    if(n < 2)
        result = n;
        result = 
          SerialRecursiveFib(n - 1) + SerialRecursiveFib(n - 2);
    return result;
//! Introducing of queue method in serial
value SerialQueueFib(int n)
    concurrent_queue<matrix2x2> Q;
    for(int i = 1; i < n; i++)
    Matrix2x2 A, B;
    while(true) {
        while( !Q.try_pop(A) ) this_tbb_thread::yield();
        if(Q.empty()) break;
        while( !Q.try_pop(B) ) this_tbb_thread::yield();
        Q.push(A * B);
    return A.v[0][0];
//! Trying to use concurrent_vector
value SerialVectorFib(int n)
    concurrent_vector<value> A;
    A[0] = 0; A[1] = 1;
    for( int i = 2; i <= n; i++)
        A[i] = A[i-1] + A[i-2];
    return A[n];

///////////////////// Parallel methods ////////////////////////

// *** Serial shared by mutexes *** //

//! Shared glabals
value SharedA = 0, SharedB = 1; int SharedI = 1, SharedN;

//! Template task class which computes
//  Fibonacci numbers with shared globals
class SharedSerialFibBody {
    M &mutex;
    SharedSerialFibBody( M &m ) : mutex( m ) {}
    //! main loop
    void operator()( const blocked_range<int>& range ) const {
        for(;;) {
            typename M::scoped_lock lock( mutex );
            if(SharedI >= SharedN) break;
            value sum = SharedA + SharedB;
            SharedA = SharedB; SharedB = sum;

//! Root function
value SharedSerialFib(int n)
    SharedA = 0; SharedB = 1; SharedI = 1; SharedN = n; M mutex;
    parallel_for( blocked_range<int>(0,4,1), 
                    SharedSerialFibBody<m>( mutex ) );
    return SharedB;

// *** Serial shared by concurrent hash map *** //

//! Hash comparer
struct IntHashCompare {
    bool equal( const int j, const int k ) const { return j == k; }
    unsigned long hash( const int k ) const { return (unsigned long)k; }   
//! NumbersTable type based on concurrent_hash_map
typedef concurrent_hash_map<int,> NumbersTable;
//! task for serial method using shared concurrent_hash_map
class ConcurrentHashSerialFibTask: public task {
    NumbersTable &Fib;
    int my_n;
    //! constructor
    ConcurrentHashSerialFibTask( NumbersTable &cht, int n ) : Fib(cht), my_n(n) { }
    //! executing task
    /*override*/ task* execute()
        for( int i = 2; i <= my_n; ++i ) {
            // there is no difference in to recycle or to make loop
            NumbersTable::const_accessor f1, f2; // same as iterators
            if( !Fib.find(f1, i-1) || !Fib.find(f2, i-2) ) {
                // Something is seriously wrong,
                // because i-1 and i-2 must have been inserted 
                // earlier by this thread or another thread.
            value sum = f1->second + f2->second;
            NumbersTable::const_accessor fsum;
            Fib.insert(fsum, make_pair(i, sum)); // inserting
            assert( fsum->second == sum ); // check value
        return 0;

//! Root function
value ConcurrentHashSerialFib(int n)
    NumbersTable Fib; 
    bool okay;
    okay = Fib.insert( make_pair(0, 0) ); assert(okay); // assign initial values
    okay = Fib.insert( make_pair(1, 1) ); assert(okay);

    task_list list;
    // allocate tasks
    list.push_back(*new(task::allocate_root()) ConcurrentHashSerialFibTask(Fib, n));
    list.push_back(*new(task::allocate_root()) ConcurrentHashSerialFibTask(Fib, n));
    NumbersTable::const_accessor fresult;
    okay = Fib.find( fresult, n );
    return fresult->second;

// *** Queue with parallel_for and parallel_while *** //

//! Stream of matrices
struct QueueStream {
    volatile bool producer_is_done;
    concurrent_queue<matrix2x2> Queue;
    //! Get pair of matricies if present
    bool pop_if_present( pair<matrix2x2,> &mm ) {
        // get first matrix if present
        if(!Queue.try_pop(mm.first)) return false;
        // get second matrix if present
        if(!Queue.try_pop(mm.second)) {
            // if not, then push back first matrix
            Queue.push(mm.first); return false;
        return true;

//! Functor for parallel_for which fills the queue
struct parallel_forFibBody { 
    QueueStream &my_stream;
    //! fill functor arguments
    parallel_forFibBody(QueueStream &s) : my_stream(s) { }
    //! iterate thorough range
    void operator()( const blocked_range<int> &range ) const {
        int i_end = range.end();
        for( int i = range.begin(); i != i_end; ++i ) {
            my_stream.Queue.push( Matrix1110 ); // push initial matrix
//! Functor for parallel_while which process the queue
class parallel_whileFibBody
    QueueStream &my_stream;
    parallel_while<parallel_whilefibbody> &my_while;
    typedef pair<matrix2x2,> argument_type;
    //! fill functor arguments
       parallel_while<parallel_whilefibbody> &w, QueueStream &s)
        : my_while(w), my_stream(s) { }
    //! process pair of matrices
    void operator() (argument_type mm) const {
        mm.first = mm.first * mm.second;
        // note: it can run concurrently with QueueStream::pop_if_present()
             my_while.add( mm );
             // now, two matrices available. Add next iteration.
        else my_stream.Queue.push( mm.first );
        // or push back calculated value if queue is empty

//! Parallel queue's filling task
struct QueueInsertTask: public task {
    QueueStream &my_stream;
    int my_n;
    //! fill task arguments
    QueueInsertTask( int n, QueueStream &s ) : my_n(n), my_stream(s) { }
    //! executing task
    /*override*/ task* execute() {
        // Execute of parallel pushing of n-1 initial matrices
        parallel_for( blocked_range<int>( 1, my_n, 10 ), 
                      parallel_forFibBody(my_stream) ); 
        my_stream.producer_is_done = true; 
        return 0;
//! Parallel queue's processing task
struct QueueProcessTask: public task {
    QueueStream &my_stream;
    //! fill task argument
    QueueProcessTask( QueueStream &s ) : my_stream(s) { }
    //! executing task
    /*override*/ task* execute() {
        while( !my_stream.producer_is_done || my_stream.Queue.unsafe_size()>1 ) {
            parallel_while<parallel_whilefibbody> w; // run while loop in parallel
   my_stream, parallel_whileFibBody( w, my_stream ) );
        return 0;
//! Root function
value ParallelQueueFib(int n)
    QueueStream stream;
    stream.producer_is_done = false;
    task_list list;
    list.push_back(*new(task::allocate_root()) QueueInsertTask( n, stream ));
    list.push_back(*new(task::allocate_root()) QueueProcessTask( stream ));
    // If there is only a single thread,
    // the first task in the list runs to completion
    // before the second task in the list starts.
    assert(stream.Queue.unsafe_size() == 1); // it is easy to lose some work
    Matrix2x2 M; 
    bool result = stream.Queue.try_pop( M ); // get last matrix
    assert( result );
    return M.v[0][0]; // and result number

// *** Queue with pipeline *** //

//! filter to fills queue
class InputFilter: public filter {
    atomic<int /> N; //< index of Fibonacci number minus 1
    concurrent_queue<matrix2x2 /> Queue;
    //! fill filter arguments
    InputFilter( int n ) : filter(false /*is not serial*/) { N = n; }
    //! executing filter
    /*override*/ void* operator()(void*)
        int n = --N;
        if(n <= 0) return 0;
        Queue.push( Matrix1110 );
        return &Queue;
//! filter to process queue
class MultiplyFilter: public filter {
    MultiplyFilter( ) : filter(false /*is not serial*/) { }
    //! executing filter
    /*override*/ void* operator()(void*p)
        concurrent_queue<matrix2x2> &Queue = 
           *static_cast<concurrent_queue<matrix2x2> *>(p);
        Matrix2x2 m1, m2;
        // get two elements
        while( !Queue.try_pop( m1 ) ) this_tbb_thread::yield(); 
        while( !Queue.try_pop( m2 ) ) this_tbb_thread::yield();
        m1 = m1 * m2; // process them
        Queue.push( m1 ); // and push back
        return this; // just nothing
//! Root function
value ParallelPipeFib(int n)
    InputFilter input( n-1 );
    MultiplyFilter process;
    // Create the pipeline
    pipeline pipeline;
    // add filters
    pipeline.add_filter( input ); // first
    pipeline.add_filter( process ); // second

    input.Queue.push( Matrix1110 );
    // Run the pipeline n ); // must be larger then max threads number
    pipeline.clear(); // do not forget clear the pipeline

    assert( input.Queue.unsafe_size()==1 );
    Matrix2x2 M; 
    bool result = input.Queue.try_pop( M ); // get last element
    assert( result );
    return M.v[0][0]; // get value

// *** parallel_reduce *** //

//! Functor for parallel_reduce
struct parallel_reduceFibBody {
    Matrix2x2 sum;
    int splitted;  //< flag to make one less operation for splitted bodies
    //! Constructor fills sum with initial matrix
    parallel_reduceFibBody() : sum( Matrix1110 ), splitted(0) { }
    //! Splitting constructor
    parallel_reduceFibBody( parallel_reduceFibBody& other, split ) : 
             sum( Matrix1110 ), splitted(1/*note that it is splitted*/) {}
    //! Join point
    void join( parallel_reduceFibBody &s ) {
        sum = sum * s.sum;
    //! Process multiplications
    void operator()( const blocked_range<int> &r ) {
        for( int k = r.begin() + splitted; k < r.end(); ++k )
            sum = sum * Matrix1110;
        splitted = 0;
        // reset flag, because this method can be reused for next range
//! Root function
value parallel_reduceFib(int n)
    parallel_reduceFibBody b;
    // do parallel reduce on range [2, n) for b
    parallel_reduce(blocked_range<int>(2, n, 3), b);
    return b.sum.v[0][0];

// *** parallel_scan *** //

//! Functor for parallel_scan
struct parallel_scanFibBody {
    Matrix2x2 sum;
    int first;  // flag to make one less operation for first range
    //! Constructor fills sum with initial matrix
    parallel_scanFibBody() : sum( Matrix1110 ), first(1) {}
    //! Splitting constructor
    parallel_scanFibBody( parallel_scanFibBody &b, split) : 
                          sum( Matrix1110 ), first(1) {}
    //! Join point
    void reverse_join( parallel_scanFibBody &a ) {
        sum = sum * a.sum;
    //! Assign point
    void assign( parallel_scanFibBody &b ) {
        sum = b.sum;
    //! Process multiplications. For two tags
    void operator()( const blocked_range<int> &r, T) {
        // see tag.is_final_scan() for what tag is used
        for( int k = r.begin() + first; k < r.end(); ++k )
            sum = sum * Matrix1110;
        first = 0;
        // reset flag, because this method can be reused for next range
//! Root function
value parallel_scanFib(int n)
    parallel_scanFibBody b;
    parallel_scan(blocked_range<int>(1/*one less, because body skip first*/, 
                  n, 3), b);
    return b.sum.v[0][0];

// *** Raw tasks *** //

//! task class which computes Fibonacci numbers by Lucas formula
struct FibTask: public task {
    const int n;
    value& sum;
    value x, y;
    bool second_phase; //< flag of continuation
    // task arguments
    FibTask( int n_, value& sum_ ) : 
        n(n_), sum(sum_), second_phase(false)
    //! Execute task
    /*override*/ task* execute() {
        // Using Lucas' formula here
        if( second_phase ) { // children finished
            sum = n&1 ? x*x + y*y : x*x - y*y;
            return NULL;
        if( n <= 2 ) {
            sum = n!=0;
            return NULL;
        } else {
            // repeat this task when children finish
            second_phase = true; // mark second phase
            FibTask& a = 
              *new( allocate_child() ) FibTask( n/2 + 1, x );
            FibTask& b = 
              *new( allocate_child() ) FibTask( n/2 - 1 + (n&1), y );
            spawn( a );
            return &b;
//! Root function
value ParallelTaskFib(int n) { 
    value sum;
    FibTask& a = *new(task::allocate_root()) FibTask(n, sum);
    return sum;

/////////////////////////// Main ////////////////////////////////////

//! A closed range of int.
struct IntRange {
    int low;
    int high;
    void set_from_string( const char* s );
    IntRange( int low_, int high_ ) : low(low_), high(high_) {}

void IntRange::set_from_string( const char* s ) {
    char* end;
    high = low = strtol(s,&end,0);
    switch( *end ) {
    case ':': 
        high = strtol(end+1,0,0); 
    case '\0':
        printf("unexpected character = %c\n",*end);

//! Tick count for start
static tick_count t0;

//! Verbose output flag
static bool Verbose = false;

typedef value (*MeasureFunc)(int);
//! Measure ticks count in loop [2..n]
value Measure(const char *name, MeasureFunc func, int n)
    value result;
    if(Verbose) printf("%s",name);
    t0 = tick_count::now();
    for(int number = 2; number <= n; number++)
        result = func(number);
    if(Verbose) printf("\t- in %f msec\n", 
                         (tick_count::now() - t0).seconds()*1000);
    return result;

//! program entry
int main(int argc, char* argv[])
    if(argc>1) Verbose = true;
    int NumbersCount = argc>1 ? strtol(argv[1],0,0) : 500;
    IntRange NThread(1,4);// Number of threads to use.
    if(argc>2) NThread.set_from_string(argv[2]);
    unsigned long ntrial = argc>3? (unsigned long)strtoul(argv[3],0,0) : 1;
    value result, sum;

    if(Verbose) printf("Fibonacci numbers example. 
		Generating %d numbers..\n",  NumbersCount);

    result = Measure("Serial loop", SerialFib, NumbersCount);
    sum = Measure("Serial matrix", SerialMatrixFib, NumbersCount); assert(result == sum);
    sum = Measure("Serial vector", SerialVectorFib, NumbersCount); assert(result == sum);
    sum = Measure("Serial queue", SerialQueueFib, NumbersCount); assert(result == sum);
    // now in parallel
    for( unsigned long i=0; i < ntrial; sum=Measure(Shared *=2) <= NThread.high; 
         threads=NThread.low; NumbersCount); assert(result == sum);
      sum = Measure("Shared serial (spin_mutex)", SharedSerialFib<spin_mutex>, 
                    NumbersCount); assert(result == sum);
      sum = Measure("Shared serial (queuing_mutex)", 
                    SharedSerialFib<queuing_mutex>, NumbersCount); 
                    assert(result == sum);
      sum = Measure("Shared serial (Conc.HashTable)", 
                    ConcurrentHashSerialFib, NumbersCount); 
                    assert(result == sum);
      sum = Measure("Parallel while+for/queue", 
                    ParallelQueueFib, NumbersCount); assert(result == sum);
      sum = Measure("Parallel pipe/queue\t", ParallelPipeFib, 
                    NumbersCount); assert(result == sum);
      sum = Measure("Parallel reduce\t\t", parallel_reduceFib, 
                    NumbersCount); assert(result == sum);
      sum = Measure("Parallel scan\t\t", parallel_scanFib, 
                    NumbersCount); assert(result == sum);
      sum = Measure("Parallel tasks\t\t", ParallelTaskFib, 
                    NumbersCount); assert(result == sum);

    #ifdef __GNUC__
            printf("Fibonacci number #%d modulo 2^64 is %lld\n\n", 
                   NumbersCount, result);
            printf("Fibonacci number #%d modulo 2^64 is %I64d\n\n", 
                   NumbersCount, result);
    if(!Verbose) printf("TEST PASSED\n");
    return 0;

// Utils

void Matrix2x2Multiply(const value a[2][2], const value b[2][2], value c[2][2])
    for( int i = 0; i <= 1; i++)
        for( int j = 0; j <= 1; j++)
            c[i][j] = a[i][0]*b[0][j] + a[i][1]*b[1][j];

Matrix2x2 Matrix2x2::operator *(const Matrix2x2 &to) const
    Matrix2x2 result;
    Matrix2x2Multiply(v, to.v, result.v);
    return result;

Here is the output when passing the number 13 as an argument:

Fibonacci numbers example. Generating 13 numbers..
Serial loop     - in 0.003283 msec
Serial matrix   - in 0.031708 msec
Serial vector   - in 5.112591 msec
Serial queue    - in 0.138425 msec
Threads number is 1
Shared serial (mutex)           - in 0.119568 msec
Shared serial (spin_mutex)      - in 0.053498 msec
Shared serial (queuing_mutex)   - in 0.083251 msec
Shared serial (Conc.HashTable)  - in 0.320851 msec
Parallel while+for/queue        - in 0.209454 msec
Parallel pipe/queue             - in 0.207429 msec
Parallel reduce                 - in 0.046794 msec
Parallel scan                   - in 0.050216 msec
Parallel tasks                  - in 0.044978 msec

Threads number is 2
Shared serial (mutex)           - in 0.151975 msec
Shared serial (spin_mutex)      - in 0.070540 msec
Shared serial (queuing_mutex)   - in 0.081854 msec
Shared serial (Conc.HashTable)  - in 0.272870 msec
Parallel while+for/queue        - in 0.217556 msec
Parallel pipe/queue             - in 0.250521 msec
Parallel reduce                 - in 0.060063 msec
Parallel scan                   - in 0.077454 msec
Parallel tasks                  - in 0.058876 msec

Threads number is 4
Shared serial (mutex)           - in 0.042114 msec
Shared serial (spin_mutex)      - in 0.047562 msec
Shared serial (queuing_mutex)   - in 0.063905 msec
Shared serial (Conc.HashTable)  - in 0.125086 msec
Parallel while+for/queue        - in 0.116356 msec
Parallel pipe/queue             - in 0.091003 msec
Parallel reduce                 - in 0.025632 msec
Parallel scan                   - in 0.034152 msec
Parallel tasks                  - in 0.025213 msec
Fibonacci number #13 modulo 2^64 is 233

Applied Concurrency and Parallel Computing

Sound waves propagation, heat wave probation, and even seismic wave propagation are problems that applied scientists face daily. These waves form a chain until they form an angle of refraction once they hit something denser than them. Of all of the aforementioned, seismic waves are the most powerful. Here is a simple seismic wave simulation (wave propagation) based on parallel_for and blocked_range. The main program steps through the simulation of a seismic wave in a core loop that sets the impulse from the source of the disturbance, does the two tough computations of stress updates and velocities, and finally cleans up the edges of the simulation. First, we'll look at the stress algorithm, in a serial version, and then we'll look at an equivalent parallel version.

static void SerialUpdateStress( ) {
drawing_area drawing(0, 0, UniverseWidth, UniverseHeight);
for( int i=1; i<universeheight-1; index=(int)(V[i][j]*(ColorMapSize/2)) j=1; 
    c=ColorMap[Material[i]]; +=(V[i][j+1]-V[i][j]); =ColorMapSize )
        index = ColorMapSize-1;

Here is the parallel version:

struct UpdateStressBody {
   void operator( )( const tbb::blocked_range<int>& range ) const {
      drawing_area drawing(0,
      range.begin( ),
     range.end()-range.begin( ));
     int i_end = range.end( );
     for( int y = 0, i=range.begin( ); i!=i_end; ++i,y++ ) {
    color_t* c = ColorMap[Material[i]];
    drawing.set_pos(1, y);
#pragma ivdep
        for( int j=1; j<universewidth-1; 
             index=(int)(V[i][j]*(ColorMapSize/2)) += 
                      (V[i][j+1]-V[i][j]); =ColorMapSize ) 
                 index = ColorMapSize-1;

The code is broken into parts that can be divvied up and run on separate cores simultaneously. Here is the entire program:

#include "../../common/gui/video.h"
#include <cstdlib>
#include <cstdio>
#include <cstring>
#include <cctype>
#include <cassert>
#include <math.h>
#include "tbb/task_scheduler_init.h"
#include "tbb/blocked_range.h"
#include "tbb/parallel_for.h"
#include "tbb/tick_count.h"

using namespace std;

#ifdef _MSC_VER
// warning C4068: unknown pragma
#pragma warning(disable: 4068)

int number_of_frames = -1;
const size_t MAX_WIDTH = 1024;
const size_t MAX_HEIGHT = 512;

int UniverseHeight=MAX_HEIGHT;
int UniverseWidth=MAX_WIDTH;

typedef float value;

//! Velocity at each grid point
static value V[MAX_HEIGHT][MAX_WIDTH];

//! Horizontal stress
static value S[MAX_HEIGHT][MAX_WIDTH];

//! Vertical stress
static value T[MAX_HEIGHT][MAX_WIDTH];

//! Coefficient related to modulus
static value M[MAX_HEIGHT][MAX_WIDTH];

//! Coefficient related to lightness
static value L[MAX_HEIGHT][MAX_WIDTH];

//! Damping coefficients
static value D[MAX_HEIGHT][MAX_WIDTH];

/** Affinity is an argument to parallel_for to hint that an iteration of a loop 
    is best replayed on the same processor for each execution of the loop. 
    It is a global object because it must remember where the iterations happened
    in previous executions. */
static tbb::affinity_partitioner Affinity;

enum MaterialType {

//! Values are MaterialType, cast to an unsigned char to save space.
static unsigned char Material[MAX_HEIGHT][MAX_WIDTH];

static const colorcomp_t MaterialColor[4][3] = { // BGR
    {96,0,0},     // WATER
    {0,48,48},    // SANDSTONE
    {32,32,23}    // SHALE

static const int DamperSize = 32;

static const int ColorMapSize = 1024;
static color_t ColorMap[4][ColorMapSize];

static int PulseTime = 100;
static int PulseCounter;
static int PulseX = UniverseWidth/3;
static int PulseY = UniverseHeight/4;

static bool InitIsParallel = true;
const char *titles[2] = {"Seismic Simulation: Serial", "Seismic Simulation: Parallel"};
//! It is used for console mode for test with different number of threads and also has
//! meaning for gui: threads_low  - use separate event/updating loop thread (>0) or not (0).
//!                  threads_high - initialization value for scheduler
int threads_low = 0, threads_high = tbb::task_scheduler_init::automatic;

static void UpdatePulse() {
    if( PulseCounter>0 ) {
        value t = (PulseCounter-PulseTime/2)*0.05f;
        V[PulseY][PulseX] += 64*sqrt(M[PulseY][PulseX])*exp(-t*t);

static void SerialUpdateStress() {
    drawing_area drawing(0, 0, UniverseWidth, UniverseHeight);
    for( int i=1; i<universeheight-1; index=(int)(V[i][j]*(ColorMapSize/2)) 
         j=1; +=M[i][j]*(V[i][j+1]-V[i][j]); =ColorMapSize ) index = ColorMapSize-1;
            color_t* c = ColorMap[Material[i][j]];

struct UpdateStressBody {
    void operator()( const tbb::blocked_range<int>& range ) const {
        drawing_area drawing(0, range.begin(), UniverseWidth, range.end()-range.begin());
        int i_end = range.end();
        for( int y = 0, i=range.begin(); i!=i_end; ++i,y++ ) {
            drawing.set_pos(1, y);
#pragma ivdep
            for( int j=1; j<universewidth-1; index="(int)(V[i][j]*(ColorMapSize/2)) 
                    +=M[i][j]*(V[i][j+1]-V[i][j]); =ColorMapSize ) index = ColorMapSize-1;
                color_t* c = ColorMap[Material[i][j]];

static void ParallelUpdateStress() {
      tbb::blocked_range<int>( 1, 
        UniverseHeight-1 ), // Index space for loop
        UpdateStressBody(), // Body of loop
        Affinity );         // Affinity hint

static void SerialUpdateVelocity() {
    for( int i=1; i<universeheight-1; 
             j="1;" v[i][j]="D[i][j]*(V[i][j]" />& range ) const {
        int i_end = range.end();
        for( int i=range.begin(); i!=i_end; ++i ) 
#pragma ivdep
            for( int j=1; j<universewidth-1; 
                 v[i][j]="D[i][j]*(V[i][j]" />( 1, 
                       UniverseHeight-1 ),   // Index space for loop
                       UpdateVelocityBody(), // Body of loop
                       Affinity );           // Affinity hint

void SerialUpdateUniverse() {

void ParallelUpdateUniverse() {

class seismic_video : public video
    void on_mouse(int x, int y, int key) {
        if(key == 1 && PulseCounter == 0) {
            PulseCounter = PulseTime;
            PulseX = x; PulseY = y;
    void on_key(int key) {
        key &= 0xff;
        if(char(key) == ' ') InitIsParallel = !InitIsParallel;
        else if(char(key) == 'p') InitIsParallel = true;
        else if(char(key) == 's') InitIsParallel = false;
        else if(char(key) == 'e') updating = true;
        else if(char(key) == 'd') updating = false;
        else if(key == 27) running = false;
        title = InitIsParallel?titles[1]:titles[0];
    void on_process() {
        tbb::task_scheduler_init Init(threads_high);
        do {
            if( InitIsParallel )
            if( number_of_frames > 0 ) --number_of_frames;
        } while(next_frame() && number_of_frames);
} video;

void InitializeUniverse() {
    PulseCounter = PulseTime;
    // Initialize V, S, and T to slightly non-zero values,
    // in order to avoid denormal waves.
    for( int i=0; i<universeheight; j="0;" r="t" i="1;" 
      t[i][j]="S[i][j]" t="(value)i/UniverseHeight;" k="0;" 
      scale="2.0f/ColorMapSize;" material[i][j]="m;" 
      l[i][j]="0.125;" m[i][j]="0.125;" m="WATER;" 
      fabs(t-0.7+0.2*exp(-8*x*x)+0.025*x)<="0.1" d[i][j]="1.0;" 
      i<universeheight-1;="V[i][j]" />0 ? t : 0;
            value b = t<0 ? -t : 0;
            value g = 0.5f*fabs(t);
            memcpy(c, MaterialColor[k], sizeof(c));
            c[2] = colorcomp_t(r*(255-c[2])+c[2]);
            c[1] = colorcomp_t(g*(255-c[1])+c[1]);
            c[0] = colorcomp_t(b*(255-c[0])+c[0]);
            ColorMap[k][i] = video.get_color(c[2], c[1], c[0]);
    // Set damping coefficients around border to reduce reflections from boundaries.
    value d = 1.0;
    for( int k=DamperSize-1; k>0; --k ) {
        d *= 1-1.0f/(DamperSize*DamperSize);
        for( int j=1; j < universewidth-1; *="d;" i="1;" /> 1 && isdigit(argv[1][0])) {
        char* end; threads_high = threads_low = (int)strtol(argv[1],&end,0);
        switch( *end ) {
            case ':': threads_high = (int)strtol(end+1,0,0); break;
            case '\0': break;
            default: printf("unexpected character = %c\n",*end);
    if (argc > 2 && isdigit(argv[2][0])){
        number_of_frames = (int)strtol(argv[2],0,0);
    // video layer init
    video.title = InitIsParallel?titles[1]:titles[0];
#ifdef _WINDOWS
    #define MAX_LOADSTRING 100
    TCHAR szWindowClass[MAX_LOADSTRING];    // the main window class name
    LoadStringA(video::win_hInstance, IDC_SEISMICSIMULATION, 
                szWindowClass, MAX_LOADSTRING);
    LRESULT CALLBACK WndProc(HWND hWnd, UINT message, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam);
    WNDCLASSEX wcex; memset(&wcex, 0, sizeof(wcex));
    wcex.lpfnWndProc    = (WNDPROC)WndProc;
    wcex.hIcon          = LoadIcon(video::win_hInstance, 
    wcex.hCursor        = LoadCursor(NULL, IDC_ARROW);
    wcex.hbrBackground  = (HBRUSH)(COLOR_WINDOW+1);
    wcex.lpszClassName  = szWindowClass;
    wcex.hIconSm        = LoadIcon(video::win_hInstance, 
    video.win_set_class(wcex); // ascii convention here
    if(video.init_window(UniverseWidth, UniverseHeight)) {
        video.calc_fps = true;
        video.threaded = threads_low > 0;
        // video is ok, init universe
        // main loop
    else if(video.init_console()) {
        // do console mode
        if(number_of_frames <= 0) number_of_frames = DEFAULT_NUMBER_OF_FRAMES;
        if(threads_high == tbb::task_scheduler_init::automatic) threads_high = 4;
        if(threads_high < threads_low) threads_high = threads_low;
        for( int p = threads_low; p <= threads_high; ++p ) {
            tbb::task_scheduler_init init(tbb::task_scheduler_init::deferred);
            if( p > 0 )
                init.initialize( p );
            tbb::tick_count t0 = tbb::tick_count::now();
            if( p > 0 )
                for( int i=0; i<number_of_frames; i="0;" t1="tbb::tick_count::now();" > 0 ) 
                printf(" with %d way parallelism\n",p);
                printf(" with serial version\n"); 
    return 0;

#ifdef _WINDOWS
//  FUNCTION: WndProc(HWND, unsigned, WORD, LONG)
//  PURPOSE:  Processes messages for the main window.
//  WM_COMMAND  - process the application menu
//  WM_PAINT    - Paint the main window
//  WM_DESTROY  - post a quit message and return
    switch (message)
    case WM_INITDIALOG: return TRUE;
    case WM_COMMAND:
        if (LOWORD(wParam) == IDOK || LOWORD(wParam) == IDCANCEL) {
            EndDialog(hDlg, LOWORD(wParam));
            return TRUE;
    return FALSE;

                         WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam)
    int wmId, wmEvent;
    switch (message) {
    case WM_COMMAND:
        wmId    = LOWORD(wParam); 
        wmEvent = HIWORD(wParam); 
        // Parse the menu selections:
        switch (wmId)
        case IDM_ABOUT:
        case IDM_EXIT:
        case ID_FILE_PARALLEL:
            if( !InitIsParallel ) {
                InitIsParallel = true;
                video.title = titles[1];
        case ID_FILE_SERIAL:
            if( InitIsParallel ) {
                InitIsParallel = false;
                video.title = titles[0];
        case ID_FILE_ENABLEGUI:
            video.updating = true;
        case ID_FILE_DISABLEGUI:
            video.updating = false;
            return DefWindowProc(hWnd, message, wParam, lParam);
        return DefWindowProc(hWnd, message, wParam, lParam);
    return 0;


After building the code in Visual Studio 2008, here is the result shown in two images: one starts as a small circle, and the other shows the chain reaction:


Now that spherical ball will start to send a wave and depict the wave propagation:


For the Fibonacci series examples, you can just copy and paste the code into a self-made folder and build it using this Makefile:

# Common Makefile that builds and runs example.

# Just specify your program basename

# The C++ compiler options
CXX = cl.exe
             /D _CONSOLE /D _MBCS /D WIN32 $(CXXFLAGS)

      all: release test
    $(CXX) *.cpp /MD /O2 /D NDEBUG $(MYCXXFLAGS) 
         /link tbb.lib $(LIBS) $(MYLDFLAGS) /OUT:$(PROG).exe
    $(CXX) *.cpp /MDd /Od /Zi /D TBB_USE_DEBUG /D _DEBUG $(MYCXXFLAGS) 
           /link tbb_debug.lib $(LIBS) $(MYLDFLAGS) /OUT:$(PROG).exe
    @cmd.exe /C del $(PROG).exe *.obj *.?db *.manifest
    $(PROG) $(ARGS)

Be sure and set your environmental paths by typing: set PATH=%PATH%;.;C:\Program Files\Microsoft Visual Studio 9.0\vc\bin. Then, type 'vcvars32.bat' to set the environment.

For the Seismic example, download the zip file, extract it into your Projects directory, and click SeismicSimulation.vcproj. This particular example was referenced from Intel documentation.


  • The Intel Threading Building Blocks


  • 16th February, 2010: Initial post


This article, along with any associated source code and files, is licensed under The Code Project Open License (CPOL)

Written By
Software Developer Monroe Community
United States United States
This member has not yet provided a Biography. Assume it's interesting and varied, and probably something to do with programming.

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