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Parallel Processing


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by Tariq A Karim
I always find it difficult to track .Net and C# language release history. E.g. what .net versions are released with different visual studio versions and what features are available in different versions of C# language. So I thought I will compile this information in this blog so I and other can refe
by logicchild
An article written with the purpose to help any beginner to use OpenMP.
by Ayobami Adewole
A Client Server File Sharing Application
by CodeProject, Abhishek Sur
Welcome to our continuing series of Code Project interviews in which we talk to developers about their backgrounds, projects, interests and pet peeves. In this installment we talk to Abhishek Sur, a herculian CodeProject author and two-time CodeProject MVP.

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by Tariq A Karim
I always find it difficult to track .Net and C# language release history. E.g. what .net versions are released with different visual studio versions and what features are available in different versions of C# language. So I thought I will compile this information in this blog so I and other can refe
by logicchild
An article written with the purpose to help any beginner to use OpenMP.
by Ayobami Adewole
A Client Server File Sharing Application
by CodeProject, Abhishek Sur
Welcome to our continuing series of Code Project interviews in which we talk to developers about their backgrounds, projects, interests and pet peeves. In this installment we talk to Abhishek Sur, a herculian CodeProject author and two-time CodeProject MVP.

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by logicchild
An article written with the purpose to help any beginner to use OpenMP.
by CodeProject, Abhishek Sur
Welcome to our continuing series of Code Project interviews in which we talk to developers about their backgrounds, projects, interests and pet peeves. In this installment we talk to Abhishek Sur, a herculian CodeProject author and two-time CodeProject MVP.
by logicchild
The purpose of this article is to provide a framework to help achieve concurrency by using OpenMP.
by PengHeProfessor
A high performance monte carlo simulation framework for financial derivative pricing
by Chris Maunder, Henry Gabb
A rambling chat about parallelization, vectorization, Intel® Parallel Studio XE and how sometimes you really need to trust the tools you use.
by logicchild
An article that provides ways to achieve concurrency via C++
by uusheikh
Improve program performance using OpenMP on multi-core systems
by Patrick McCurley, Rachel Davey
An Azure based software solution allowing users to discover events around them on a massive scale. Features MVC4, Entity Framework and a large importing backend utilizing Azure virtual machines
by Lubna Luxmi Chowdhry
Cluster is a term meaning independent computers combined into a unified system through software and networking. Clusters are typically used for High Availability for greater reliability or High Performance Computing to provide greater computational power than a single computer can provide.
by dum
In this article, an improved version of a new networking protocol for distributed or parallel computations is presented. In common, it is suitable just for fast, reliable and featureful interchange of small messages. The protocol's implementation and demo project are provided.
by Marc Clifton
An overview of Microsoft's Parallel FX initiative, including the Task Parallel Library and PLINQ.
by Victor Soldatov
Yet another approach to create lightwight synchronization entities in native Windows user-mode applications
by gaurav_verma_mca
How to provide parallel and distributed computing capabilities using WCF
by hax_
Introduction to the open-source hxGrid library for distributed computing. Main benefits of the library: cluster uses only idle time of Windows 2000/XP/Vista workstation (no dedicated workstations required); easy to use; free.
by William L. Bain, ScaleOut Software
The era of “big data” is upon us, and the need for fast analysis has never been more pressing.
by logicchild
Why recursion in C# works well when using WPF.
by phoaivu
GPU Implementation of Extended Gaussian mixture model for Background Subtraction
by ChaoJui
High performance and good quality of image blurring
by Huisheng Chen
Distributed File Management
by citc44
Need for winfx technology, reuired tools for winfx, and links for winfx
by ChristianNeumanns
A list of useful pragmatics for all programmers
by Igor Ladnik
General solution for the Windows service: run as console for debugging, self-installing and -uninstalling, providing description, queuing and processing of messages, status observation and control with icon in system tray. The code may be reused for virtually any Windows service.
by Mr. xieguigang 谢桂纲
Introduction to "GENOME-IN-CODE" Project about virtual cell modelling the bacteria Xcc 8004, visit for the latest news about GCModeller
by HongBing75
A general robot operating system
by Intel
Making Parallel Programming Accessible to C/C++ and Fortran Programmers―and Providing a Software Path to Exascale Computation
by Vangos
This post will show you how to build OpenCV for Windows with CUDA.
by Intel
We’ll begin with a little history and some basics that everyone who picks up R and cares about performance ought to know.
by Nikola M. Živković
Implementation of Convolutional Neural Network using Python and Keras
by Arthur V. Ratz
In this article, we'll demonstrate an approach the allows to increase the performance (up to 600%) of the code that implements the conventional distribution counting algorithm (DCA) using NVIDIA CUDA 8.0 Runtime API
by Android on Intel
The standard API for 3D graphics on Android is OpenGL ES, which is the most widely used 3D graphics API on all mobile devices today.
by Corinna John
First steps tutorial for Delphi developers.
by Jonathan Cardy
Introduction to the parallelism features of .NET 4.0 - PLINQ, the TPL and Rx
by Intel
The JuliaProject Continues to Break New Boundaries in Scientific Computing
by Adnan Boz
From spam filters to movie recommendation and face detection, nowadays machine learning algorithms are used everywhere to make the machine think for us. But, running these algorithms require high computation power and in most cases supercomputers. This is where the 500 core GPUs step in...
by ChaoJui
Image processing with a burst of performance from CUDA
by Alibaba Cloud
This post features a basic introduction to machine learning (ML). You don’t need any prior knowledge about ML to get the best out of this article. Before getting started, let’s address this question: "Is ML so important that I really need to read this post?"
by Santx - Santosh
Overview of Linq for beginners
by Intel
In this article we present MADRaS: Multi-Agent DRiving Simulator. It is a multi-agent version of TORCS, a racing simulator popularly used for autonomous driving research by the reinforcement learning and imitation learning communities
by P.Adityanand
Lock-Free Object Pool, Lock-Free Queue, and Thread Pool for Managed IOCP.
by Ben Aldhouse
In this case, how to list files in sub folders nicely.
by Intel
The Intel® Computer Vision SDK is an Intel-optimized and accelerated computer vision software development kit based on the OpenVX standard. The SDK integrates pre-built OpenCV with deep learning support using an included Deep Learning (DL) Deployment toolkit.
by Intel
Maximizing HPC Platforms for Fast Numerical Simulations
by logicchild
An article that focuses on Data Parallelism based on the Multi-Core Processor Technology.
by logicchild
An article that presents the basics of Parallel Computing in .NET 4.0
by andy404
This article introduces PFX for the .NET Framework and discusses PLINQ.
by Bharath K A
Parallel fast compression uses TPL to achieve complete usage of a multi-core system. Fast compression compresses files nX times faster, where n = the number of processors in the machine.
by Hoi Yen Loo
Design and implementation of the parallel I/O of a CFD code
by logicchild
An article meant to introduce and expand upon the Intel Threading Building Blocks threading library
by manythreads
In his second tutorial, GPGPU expert Rob Farber discusses OpenCL™ memory spaces and the OpenCL memory hierarchy, and how to start thinking in terms of work items and work groups. This tutorial also provides a general example to facilitate experimentation with a variety of OpenCL kernels.
by manythreads
Read Rob Farber’s Massively Parallel Programming series. This fourth article in a series on portable multithreaded programming using OpenCL™ will discuss the OpenCL™ runtime and demonstrate how to perform concurrent computations among the work queues of heterogeneous devices.
by Mr. xieguigang 谢桂纲
The ShellScript is originally developed for the debugging of my "genome-in-code" virtual cell simulation engine, but now it becomes a script language for a .Net program.
by Mikolaj Barwicki
Approach to visualisation of black hole surrounding using non-linear ray-tracing. Inspired by "Interstellar"
by Dino Konstantopoulos
Running Theano with an Nvidia 1070 GPU on Windows 10, with CUDA 8 and Visual Studio 2015
by Igor Ladnik
This article presents a simple framework for parallel computing applicable to managing operation flow for machine and process control, gaming, simulators, etc.
by Nicholas Butler
A walkthough about multi-threading an app and a useful helper class
by Intel
Intel® GO™ SDK Offers Automotive Solution Developers an Integrated Solutions Environment
by Abhishek Nandy
In depth details of an Ultrabook
by Petr Ivankov
Application of Universal Framework for Science and Engineering for Grandiose Projects
by Yuancai (Charlie) Ye
A set of socket libraries for writing distributed computing applications over the internet
by Android on Intel
Using OpenCL™ 2.0 Read-Write Images
by Intel
Open Source Code WARP3DExemplifies Renewed Interest in Vectorization
by logicchild
An article that demonstrates building a Windows Forms application via Parallel computing