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Another Way to Get Windows XP OS Bit Version in VB.NET

3.86/5 (3 votes)
9 Apr 2017CPOL2 min read 15.6K  
How to get Windows XP OS bit version in VB.NET.

This little project is the result needing a way to identify Windows XP bit version for another program I wrote.

While trying to help my mom with a problem with her computer over the phone, I decided to have her download a copy of one of my programs to help identify what OS she was running. When she ran the program, it came back with an error of “Not Found”. After a few minuets, I remembered that it was a WMI error for when you try to get information from a property that the class does not support or contain. Windows XP does not support the Win32_OperatingSystem class property OSArchitecture. (OS Class Found Here on MSDN) The Property was added in Windows Vista.

I ran across another MSDN page that showed that Windows XP Versions of 5.1 for regular and 5.2 For 64 bit version.

There are also  3 server versions listed on that page for Version 5.2

My solution is to check the major and minor version and if the major version is = to 5 and the minor version is = 2 and “OSFullName” contains “Windows XP” then that makes the bit version = to 64 bit. if the Major version = 5 and minor = 1 then 32 bit. (see code below)

Note: This code does not check Server Versions with Major version of 5 and minor version of 2, I currently have no way to test them.

Here is what the program looks like in Vista 64 bit and XP 32 bit (VM).



I think it is interesting on how the exact same programs displays differently in Vista and XP. Below is the code for this little program. I won’t be putting this one online but will be fixing my other one with some of the code contained here.

Remember to add your references for System and System.Management.

Imports System
Imports System.Management

Public Class Form1

    Private Sub btnGetVersion_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, _
            ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles btnGetVersion.Click
        Dim OSName As String
        Dim MajorVersion As String
        Dim MinorVersion As String
        Dim SpMajorVersion As String
        Dim SpMinorVersion As String
        Dim OSBitVersion As String
        OSBitVersion = Nothing

        OSName = My.Computer.Info.OSFullName
        MajorVersion = Environment.OSVersion.Version.Major
        MinorVersion = Environment.OSVersion.Version.Minor
        SpMajorVersion = Environment.OSVersion.Version.MajorRevision
        SpMinorVersion = Environment.OSVersion.Version.MinorRevision

        ListBox1.Items.Add("OS Full Name: " & OSName.ToString)
        ListBox1.Items.Add("Major Version: " & MajorVersion.ToString)
        ListBox1.Items.Add("Minor Version: " & MinorVersion.ToString)
        ListBox1.Items.Add("SP Major Version: " & SpMajorVersion.ToString)
        ListBox1.Items.Add("SP Minor Version: " & SpMinorVersion.ToString)

        If MajorVersion.ToString = "5" And MinorVersion.ToString = _
                "2" And OSName.Contains("Windows XP") Then
            OSBitVersion = "64 Bit" ElseIf MajorVersion.ToString = _
                "5" And MinorVersion.ToString = "1" Then
            OSBitVersion = "32 Bit" ElseIf MajorVersion >= 6 Then
                Dim searcher As New ManagementObjectSearcher("root\cimv2", _
                    "SELECT * From Win32_OperatingSystem")

            For Each queryObj As ManagementObject In searcher.Get()
                OSBitVersion = queryObj("OSArchitecture")
            Next Else
            OSBitVersion = "Bit Version Unknown" End If
    End Sub
    Private Sub LinkLabelOSVERSIONINFOEXstructure_LinkClicked(ByVal sender As _
       System.Object, ByVal e As System.Windows.Forms.LinkLabelLinkClickedEventArgs) _
       Handles LinkLabelOSVERSIONINFOEXstructure.LinkClicked
        Process.Start("Iexplore.exe", _
    End Sub
    Private Sub lblAbout_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, _
            ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles lblAbout.Click

    End Sub
    Private Sub LinkLabelWin32_OperatingSystem_LinkClicked(ByVal sender As _
            System.Object, ByVal e As System.Windows.Forms.LinkLabelLinkClickedEventArgs) _
            Handles LinkLabelWin32_OperatingSystem.LinkClicked
        Process.Start("Iexplore.exe", _
    End Sub
End Class

I added link labels for the two sites listed above to quickly navigate to the right pages from the program. This also a reminder that XP still thrives on a lot of systems.

Well that’s all there is to the code. If anyone could test it and let me know if you broke it, please let me.

Just post a comment

Thank you for your time.

Edit:09/04/2017 Reomoded links to website I no longer have.


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