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Windows XP


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by Dr. WPF
.NET 3.5 SP1 is here! It's time to break out your DirectX skills. This article provides the information necessary to get started using a new DirectX interop feature in WPF called D3DImage.
by Jeffrey Walton
Import and export Cryptographic Keys in PKCS#8 and X.509 formats, using Crypto++, C#, and Java.
by Hans Dietrich
XQueue implements a shared-memory first-in first-out (FIFO) queue, based on memory-mapped files, that works on all versions of Windows.
by Hans Dietrich
This series of articles is a step-by-step guide to reading files stored in your program's resources. Along the way I will present some non-MFC classes to assist you in reading text, binary, zip, and even encrypted files that have been compiled into your program as resources.

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by Petrov Vladimir
Masking Texture in OpenGL from Bitmap Image File using Class CImage (just call the File Name)
by Star Vega
Creating a rich OutlookBar in XP or Vista style
by David O'Neil
My DWinLib Windows API wrapper combined with Francisco Campos's Pretty WinAPI framework
by Manuel Campos
A modeless dialog that allows magnification of a section of a display screen

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Windows XP 

11 Aug 2008 by Dr. WPF
.NET 3.5 SP1 is here! It's time to break out your DirectX skills. This article provides the information necessary to get started using a new DirectX interop feature in WPF called D3DImage.
5 Jun 2008 by Jeffrey Walton
Import and export Cryptographic Keys in PKCS#8 and X.509 formats, using Crypto++, C#, and Java.
17 Jan 2005 by Hans Dietrich
XQueue implements a shared-memory first-in first-out (FIFO) queue, based on memory-mapped files, that works on all versions of Windows.
19 Jul 2007 by Hans Dietrich
This series of articles is a step-by-step guide to reading files stored in your program's resources. Along the way I will present some non-MFC classes to assist you in reading text, binary, zip, and even encrypted files that have been compiled into your program as resources.
10 Mar 2002 by Paul M Watt
Guide to understanding how to create and use regions with the WIN32 SDK
30 Apr 2005 by Martin Welker
To get qualified access to paper based information, sometimes more than plain OCR is needed. This article shows why, and offers a solution to increase OCR quality by semi-automatic table extraction.
6 Apr 2008 by Dr. WPF
This article describes a new approach by which an element can remove its visual and logical relationships to its children while maintaining a conceptual parental relationship with those children.
23 Mar 2009 by Jeffrey Walton
Perform authenticated encryption with Crypto++.
26 May 2006 by Michael Dunn
A tutorial on writing a shell extension that can be used on the Send To menu.
30 May 2006 by Michael Dunn
A tutorial on using owner-drawn menus in a context menu shell extensions, and on making a context menu extension that responds to a right-click in a directory background.
10 Nov 2002 by Alexey
The ALXGrid Control Library is a set of classes for management of data as a table.
4 Sep 2002 by Stephane Rodriguez.
This article demonstrates how to automate IE's Save As functionality
25 Nov 2004 by Thorsten Ottosen
Are you tired of filling data manually into STL containers? With the Initialization Library it gets a lot easier.
19 Mar 2007 by Adam Nelson
Surveys other phonetic matching techniques, and presents additional resources on the subject.
10 May 2017 by Petrov Vladimir
Former NeHe OpenGL Lessons adapted to MSVS-15 pro MFC in INICODE and the samples of the Joystick implementation
26 Dec 2001 by Chris Maunder
Some classes and utility functions for general computational geometry
1 May 2003 by Doug Schmidt
A VBScript utility that continually monitors a VSS database and sends emails when certain patterns are detected. Can be run as an NT service.
6 Aug 2009 by Marcelo Ricardo de Oliveira
Demo for a math puzzle board game
31 Jan 2010 by Arik Poznanski
The question this posts tries to address is: Where to put value converters?
24 May 2006 by Michael Dunn
A tutorial on writing a shell extension that provides custom drag and drop functionality.
9 Jun 2002 by Chen Hao
How to control the dependancy on oleacc.dll in your Visual C++ .NET applications
13 Jun 2002 by Tim Smith
Color picker control for WTL applications including optional support for XP themes
1 Jul 2009 by Muhammad Akhtar Shiekh
An article on "How to authenticate windows user using form authentication in ASP.NET?"
5 Nov 2002 by Alexey
The alxBase classes for work with dbf files.
27 Aug 2002 by Nish Nishant
A wrapper class for SHFormatDrive (XP/2K only). Corrects some errors in KB article Q173688
18 Sep 2006 by Tim Almdal
Implementing an Autoplay handler in C#.
19 Jul 2018 by Ajcek84
PSAM Control Library ported over to WPF
14 Jun 2002 by Neil Van Eps
An article on drawing Code 39 barcodes to the screen or to the clipboard
5 Dec 2019 by Petrov Vladimir
Compact and simply Vector Formula of the Intersection Point of Two Line Segments
20 Mar 2009 by SBJ
A Model-View-Controller Framework that integrates with the MFC Doc/View architecture
11 Oct 2009 by Wu Xuesong
An article describing a tool developed using WPF for visualizing 3D geometry models
14 Oct 2002 by Douglas Earl
Use .NET remoting to send the contents of your clipboard to another computer
31 Jan 2014 by Dirk Bahle
How to create a start page based on AvalonDock [2.0].
16 Jul 2002 by soptest
How MS implements them and why they do not want you to see the source code of those functions.
10 Jan 2014 by Kees van Spelde
This is an alternative for "AutoShut, my first program in C#"
8 Apr 2002 by Jens Scheidtmann
Have you ever searched for a nice way to select a subrange from an interval? This may be the solution for you.
24 Feb 2002 by Kirill Panov
CDataGrid which was derived from CGridCtrl and used ADO for access to database.
2 Mar 2004 by gUrM33T
How to subclass an edit control in MFC so that it accepts numeric values only
10 May 2009 by DaveyM69
Allows changing of the default MIDI out device in Vista and Windows 7
4 Jul 2005 by DeltaEngine
Normal maps are used for realtime 3D rendering (mostly in games) to improve the visual quality, but compressing them makes the 3D content look ugly, this tool helps to fix that problem.
1 May 2006 by jconwell
Part 2 of an introduction to creating dynamic types. This article shows how to actually generate the methods in a dynamic type and how to call them.
17 Aug 2009 by vic_ch2000
A nullable datetime column in .NET DataGrid with DateTimePicker.
8 Oct 2009 by Syed Hasan Hyder
This article focuses on internal supply chain management systems visibility via chart reports, and provides assessment apparatus to manage and monitor activities spawned during business processes, hence paves the way for timely and precise business decisions.
25 Feb 2018 by Petrov Vladimir
Weiler-Atherton algorithm in MFC codes demo implementation
23 Jul 2004 by Luuk Weltevreden
This article shows a set of templates created around the Microsoft Cabinet library. With these templates, you can extract cabinet files and cabinets stored in the resource section of a module. It can be easily extended to allow extraction through other means.
18 Jul 2003 by Ernest Laurentin
Introduction to Microsoft Script Hosting and Adding Macro Scripting language support to existing MFC Application
17 Sep 2002 by Jason Henderson
Get organized and find a reason to use Active Desktop at the same time.
4 Mar 2009 by Derek Viljoen
How to leverage LinFu (or any other Dynamic Proxy implementation) for Fault Tolerance and Failover
19 Jul 2009 by Jammer
An article showing an extremely simple implementation of CompositeWPF.
30 Jul 2002 by Vagif Abilov
Guidelines to migrate ATL-based Windows service application to Visual C++.NET
20 Nov 2002 by Obliterator
Uses the poorly documented SHChangeNotifyRegister function to receive notification upon shell events
9 Nov 2005 by Koushik Biswas
An article on synchronization of a GET REQUEST/ PUT RESPONSE MQ C# program and a PUT REQUEST/ GET RESPONSE MQ C# program.
21 Dec 2007 by Bruno Sonnino
This article will show how to use data binding and styles to show data coming from a Microsoft SQL database using the new object-relational model introduced in Visual Studio 2008, LINQ to SQL, allowing grouping, sorting and filtering of data with almost no code.
12 Dec 2008 by Iain Clarke, Warrior Programmer
A flexible easily overridable combo-box-alike control for choosing from a 2D array of options
22 May 2012 by Mahfuzur Rahman.
Column based selection in rich edit control.
19 Dec 2016 by Petrov Vladimir
Joystick Win32 and MFC Projects Templates ready to use
22 Mar 2005 by Muhammad Sheraz Siddiqi
This article describes how to make an offline browser using Visual C++/Win32 APIs.
16 Jul 2007 by PrafullaT
This is a toolbar for the Internet Explorer which shows information from RSS taken from the Internet.
16 Sep 2007 by Rajasekharan Vengalil
How to switch the thread that a routine is running on.
6 Oct 2008 by Modesty Zhang
Port Cairngorm 2.2.1 to Silverlight 2 Beta 2. Includes all source code and a sample application.
14 Feb 2010 by Irfan alam
A library for creating a voice and text conferencing application
8 Nov 2010 by Versile
A How-To Guide for replacing the integrated ClickOnce technology built into Visual Studio, and control the install/update process using Visual Studio tools
21 Jan 2002 by Carlos Antollini
A set of classes that make it easy to work with Network Management.
13 Jul 2002 by Marc Clifton
This is the second part of a multipart article on unifying web and window form application development. This part demonstrates synchronous and asynchronous event handling of GUI control events, abstracting the implementation of web/window forms to be technology independant.
28 Sep 2002 by Matthijs Hollemans
A shell extension to allow you to select files based on a wildcard search
12 Jun 2002 by Nish Nishant
Tutorial on creating your own collection classes that are enumerable and sortable. Explains in detail the usage of the IEnumerable, IEnumerator, IComparable and IComparer interfaces
31 Oct 2002 by Justin Hallet
An example approach to solving the single instance application problem with command line argument passing.
5 Oct 2003 by Lynn McGuire
Folder Tab control for Windows MFC (like MS Excel).
21 Oct 2003 by Duncan Edwards Jones
Part 2 in the series showing how to write a debugger in VB
20 Apr 2010 by David Crow
This article is a brief discussion on how to use FindFirstPrinterChangeNotification
25 Jun 2012 by Matthew Searles
Similar to KAXAML's.
20 Nov 2017 by Petrov Vladimir
The alternative Quadrics in OpenGL MFC for your Own design and Universal Polyhedron Procedure.
11 Mar 2018 by Petrov Vladimir
Weiler-Atherton algorithm in 3D codes demo implementation
12 Mar 2003 by Alexander Wiseman
A class to wrap the use of CDatabase and CRecordset into one object to communicate with databases
16 Jul 2002 by Bartosz Bien
Command routing and UI updates for inactive views in a split frame.
20 Feb 2002 by Jens Nilsson
An article on the framework for implementing snapping windows.
23 Dec 2008 by odlumb
How to launch and manipulate applets programmatically.
12 Jul 2009 by Eric J. Smith, Shannon Davidson
Easily detach entities when using LINQ to SQL
1 Sep 2009 by PARK Youngho
A tool that enumerates all fonts installed on Windows, and shows you the preview so as to help you code conveniently.
31 Jan 2014 by Dirk Bahle
Integrate AvalonEdit with text editing options into AvalonDock [2.0]
4 Apr 2002 by Daniel Bowen
Issues and solutions when creating a new MDI child in a WTL application when the last active child was maximized
20 May 2002 by Andrew Peace
(Yet) another screen saver for the Code Project competition, with code in C# and (coming soon) some details about how certain aspects of the code involved work.
30 Sep 2002 by HAMZADAYI
16 Oct 2002 by Marc Clifton
Implements an instrumented event manager which can be used to invoke event sinks both synchronously and asynchronously. The event sink can be declared using either the System.EventHandler delegate or by reflection.
3 Mar 2004 by wilsone8
Shows how to create a ToolTip provider that supports Balloon Tooltips, including issues related to creating extender properties and using the NativeWindow class.
26 Nov 2012 by Adib Saad
A .NET4.0 alternative for "Add Most Recently Used Files (MRU) List to Windows Applications"
12 Apr 2013 by Jonathan Nethercott
Describes an algorithm for calculating the equation of a line in an image using orthogonal linear regression.
20 Jan 2009 by Valery Grebnev
This article describes testing the results of reader/writer locks on Windows XP/Vista Uniprocessor and Multi-core PCs.
20 Sep 2012 by Palavos
A paradigm of Noiseless Steganography for secretely transmitting messages via Excel graphs.
8 Apr 2002 by Len Holgate
There's no standard way to save complex COM+ application configuration in a form that can be placed under version control. This article presents 2 scripts that take advantage of the COM+ Catalog accessibility via script to provide functionality that should really come as standard.
9 Oct 2008 by Paul Vickery
CEdit-derived Hyperlink control, so user can edit hyperlinks
4 Feb 2002 by Joseph M. Newcomer
A control for generating colour gradients
11 Jul 2002 by Pavel Kobyakov
A DevStudio add-in described provides two interesting IDE integration features: adding a new tab to VC WorkspaceView window and running an arbitrary process under IDE with output sent to "Build" tab of VC Output window.
26 Aug 2009 by Mr. James Love
GUI allows user to "connect" items shown on a web application; lines are drawn dynamically showing connections
2 Nov 2012 by Pieter Alec Myburgh
Re-Activate disabled windows controls
5 Aug 2016 by Petrov Vladimir
Texture Mapping in OpenGL from any Image File in any format using Class CImage(just call the File Name).
28 Jul 2003 by Katasonov
Easiest way to add XML persistence to an existing IDispatch based ATL COM object.
30 Sep 2002 by Ernest Laurentin
Shows how to use Microsoft Script Hosting inside existing ATL/WTL Application
27 Mar 2013 by nick.p.everdox
Usage of Intel/AMD extended processor features.