I started thinking of the way to build a 2D polygon animator. First of all, I needed a good stuff to memorize my graphics. This article is based on the way I can memorize some 2D graphics. I choose a non bitmap way. This is because, I want a fast and simple way to animate my graphics. So, I choose a 2D vectorial approach. In this article, I propose the (simple) structures I chose to represent my graphics and to animate it. I propose also a graphic editor to generate 2D graphics, and a tool to create animation from the graphics tool. The proposed exe and the source is in the provided download.
The idea
In a bitmap, we have a set of pixels (each of them refer to a palette color) that defines an image. In my approach, I define an image as a set of "polygons". Each polygon is composed by a set of points, (like the polygons of the Graphics
class). Each polygon has also a "center color", a "color", and a "center point" from which diffuses the brush color gradient. Here are the classes used:

Using the code
Remember that GrpLst
contains a list of references to GrpObj
, and GrpObj
contains a list of references to Point
. Following snippet shows how to use the classes:
ExtGrpLst g_l = new ExtGrpLst();
pubO = new GrpObj();
pubO.color = button4.BackColor;
pubO.centerColor = button1.BackColor;
pubO.addPoint(new Point(e.X,e.Y);
To render the scene, we transform the ExtGrpLst
into a GraphicsPath
foreach (GrpObj r in g_l.list)
PointF[] appo = new PointF[r.pointList.Count];
int i = 0;
foreach (PointF p in r.pointList)
appo[i] = p;
GraphicsPath gr_pth = new GraphicsPath();
if (filled)
GraphicsPath g_p = new GraphicsPath();
PathGradientBrush pgbrush= new PathGradientBrush(g_p);
pgbrush.SurroundColors=new Color[] { r.color };
offScreenDC.FillPolygon(pgbrush, appo);
Pen pen = new Pen(r.color, 1);
See the canvas.redraw()
Using the tool
First of all, activate a canvas with Frame->New. Then you can draw what you want and try all the functions. You can activate Animation-->New. The canvas is the same as the Frame, with the possibility to store frames and recolor them. Click on Animate to start your animation. If you load (Animation-->Load) the file codeP_anim2.anim, you can test it by clicking "Animate".

To close a polygon while drawing, click on the first node (point) from which you started.
In this version of the tool, you cannot draw lines and ellipses.
I didn't write a help file for the tool, maybe in the future. I'll be glad to help/explain any problem. If any good designer/animator will create something cool with that tool, I'll be glad to see his work.
Update 26/07/2004
Added the following features. Add/remove points to selected poligon. X and Y mirroring of selected poligons. Undo function. Save scene as JPG/BMP. Load a background image. Some bugs cleared.