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ASP TreeView is an advanced TreeView control that's base on ASP technique. server side: Asp + JScript, client side: JScript + HTML.
The picture below shows Asp TreeView's work flow and running elements:


Client side: IE5+, Gecko browser (Mozilla, Firefox, NetScape)
Server side : IIS4.0 , ASP3.0+
- compatibility IE5+, Gecko browser (Mozilla, Firefox, NetScape)
- server side: Access2000 database - tree.mdb to be create automatically (if tree.mdb nonexistent)
--- the function need MDAC2.0+
- support check boxes
- tree item moving, dragging, dropping accessible!
- using XMLHTTP technic to refresh tree which's asynchronous
- Asp TreeView's user interface and functions customization
- HTML codes as tree item's text is acceptable (except "SPAN" and "DIV")
- tree item expand or collapse don't be interactive mode
How to use ASP TreeView?
you will need extract download source files and locate the directory -- "Samples", thereinto have a sample page -- "treedemo.asp" to offer reference:
To include Asp TreeView inside sample page. It is quite easy to use and configure.
Step 1:
Suppose that the Asp TreeView is installed the /Tree/ path of your web site. you need include AspTreeView.asp server side scripts inside the <BODY> of sample page, just like this:
or you can using relative path, just like this:
Step 2:
Modify inside parameter BasePath of config.asp:
BasePath = "/Tree/"
To avoid using relative paths. It is preferable to set the base path starting from the root (/). Always finish the path with a slash (/).
Configurable File: config.asp
The software has still exist unexpected errors, welcome to test it, finding out errors to E-mail: chenxinyi1978@hotmail.com
You are allowed to use the ASP TreeView that's free, the ASP TreeView is only for personal and nonprofit organization, you can't use commercially that's in face of legal. to use commercially to purchase licensed through visit: http://www.geekclaw.com. Now, cheap for the ASP TreeView, a commercial license need pay $3.99.