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An ShGetFileInfo Wrapper Class

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6 Feb 2003 7  
A class built around the use of ShGetFileInfo() function.

Sample Image


The CUseShGetFileInfo class is built around the use of ShGetFileInfo() function. It's a very simple class, but I think it can be usefull. You will not have to worry anymore about setting flags and it also works for names of files that do not exist. You don't need to know the full path for a certain file in order to obtain its icon, file type or its icon's index in the system's image list (both large icons and small icons). It also provides a function for obtaining a handle to the system's image list.

User functions

Use the GetFileIconIndex function to obtain the index of the file's associated icon in the system's image list.

int CUseShGetFileInfo::GetFileIconIndex( CString strFileName , BOOL bSmallIcon )

Use the GetDirIconIndex function to obtain the index of the folder's associated icon in the system's image list.

int CUseShGetFileInfo::GetDirIconIndex( BOOL bSmallIcon )

Use the GetFileIconHandle function to obtain a handle to the file's associated icon in the system's image list.

HICON CUseShGetFileInfo::GetFileIconHandle( CString strFileName, BOOL bSmallIcon )

Use the GetFolderIconHandle function to obtain a handle to the folder's associated icon in the system's image list.

HICON CUseShGetFileInfo::GetFolderIconHandle( BOOL bSmallIcon )

Use the GetFileType function to obtain a file's type (e.g. Winamp media file).

CString CUseShGetFileInfo::GetFileType( CString strFileName)

Use the GetSystemImageListHandle function to obtain a handle to the system's image list (large icons or small icons). Use this function to create a CImageList object to attach to a list control. After this image list is attached to the list control, use GetFileIconIndex or GetDirIconIndex to obtain the value to set for the nImage field (e.g. CListCtrl::InsertItem() function)

HIMAGELIST CUseShGetFileInfo::GetSystemImageListHandle( BOOL bSmallIcon )


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