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A thread wrapper class

3.11/5 (4 votes)
12 Apr 20071 min read 2   748  
A wrapper class of worker thread


As a C++ programmer in Windows platform, I often use worker thread to deal with some tasks. For example I need to keep the GUI active while a computation is being performed.

But it isn't easy to implement the special synchronization feature for program beginner. To solve the problem, I write the ThreadModel class. The class written in Microsoft Visual C++ is a wrapper class that can control worker thread running exactly, such as Start, Stop and Wait thread until it is ended.

How is it working?

Screenshot - 1.jpg

<pre lang="C++">// -----------
//  ThreadModel

// ------------
class  ThreadModel  
// functions that be used to control the thread running.
// start the thread
BOOL StartThread();
// stop the thread
void StopThread(); 
BOOL WaitThread(DWORD nTimeOut = INFINITE); // virtual function
// override functions
virtual void BeforeThread();
virtual void AfterThread(); 
// the thread function
virtual UINT Run() = 0;
/// Query if the the method "stop thread" has been executed.the paramater "dwDuration" is waiting time
/// if it is "0",the method will return at once.
BOOL QueryExitEvent(DWORD dwDuration = 0);
/// Query the the thread if existing 
BOOL IsThreadRunning() { return (m_hThread != 0); }
/// the static thread function
static UINT __stdcall __ThreadProxyProc(LPVOID pParam);
virtual ~ThreadModel();
HANDLE m_hThread;//<the handle of thread
BOOL m_bLowCpuPriority; //<
HANDLE m_hEvtThreadStart; //< 
HANDLE m_hEvtThreadOver; //<
HANDLE m_hEvtUserAbort; //<
BOOL ThreadModel::StartThread()
if (m_hThread != NULL) return FALSE;
UINT nThreadID = 0;
//start the new worker thread
int nVal = _beginthreadex(NULL, 0, __ThreadProxyProc, (void *)this, 0, &nThreadID);
if(nVal <= 0) 
return FALSE;
m_hThread = reinterpret_cast<HANDLE>(nVal);
if (m_bLowCpuPriority)
SetThreadPriority(m_hThread, THREAD_PRIORITY_IDLE);
// wait thread start
DWORD nWait = ::WaitForSingleObject(m_hEvtThreadStart, INFINITE);
if (nWait != WAIT_OBJECT_0)
return FALSE;
return TRUE;
2.Stop thread
void ThreadModel::StopThread()
if (m_hThread != NULL)
// try to Stop thread
// default wait 5 secs
if (::WaitForSingleObject(m_hEvtThreadOver, 5 * 1000) == WAIT_OBJECT_0)
// ok . 
// kill thread,but it is dangerous
::TerminateThread(m_hThread, 1);
m_hThread = NULL;
3.Wait thread over
BOOL ThreadModel::WaitThread(DWORD nTimeOut /*= INFINITE*/)
if (NULL == m_hThread)
return FALSE;
BOOL result = (WaitForSingleObject(m_hEvtThreadOver, nTimeOut) == WAIT_OBJECT_0)?true:false;
if (!result)
::TerminateThread(m_hThread, 1); 
m_hThread = NULL;
return result; 

How to use it?

Screenshot - 2.jpg

The ThreadModel Class provides two ways to use it.
1.the UI-thread create the worker thread, the worker thread is running until the UI-thread execute "StopThread" method to end the worker thread. The derived class ThreadSample1 show the way.
2.the UI-thread create the worker thread, and it will wait for the worker thread until it is over. The derived class ThreadSampl2 show how to implement it;

<p>UINT ThreadSample::Run()<br />{<br />while(QueryExitEvent() == FALSE)<br />{<br />printf("%s\n","thread is running");<br />::Sleep(10);<br />}<br />return 0;<br />}</p>

<p>UINT ThreadSample2::Run()<br />{<br />for(int i = 0; i< 100; i++)<br />{<br />::Sleep(100);<br />printf("the thread2 is running\n");<br />}<br />return 0;<br />}</p>

<p><br />int _tmain(int argc, _TCHAR* argv[])<br />{<br />//the sample1 of thread<br />ThreadSample ts;<br />ts.StartThread();<br />::Sleep(10000);<br />//the main thread stop the working thread<br />ts.StopThread();<br />printf("the thread is over");</p>

<p>//the sample2 of thread<br />ThreadSample2 ts2;<br />ts2.StartThread();<br />//the main thread is waiting until the working is over<br />BOOL bRet = ts2.WaitThread();<br />{<br />printf("the thread2 is over");<br />}</p>

<p>return 0;<br />}</p>


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