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WTL Installed Printers List

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7 Nov 2002 1  
Use this class in your WTL apps to retrieve a list of installed printers

Sample Image - WTLInstalledPrinters.jpg


Want to fetch an array of installed printers for use in your WTL apps? Easy - just use this class.

First, include the header:

#include "installedprinters.h"

Next, simply create a CInstalledPrinters object and the array will be populated automatically. This class is derived from CSimpleArray<CString>, so you can, for example, fill a listbox using the following code:

CListBox listbox = GetDlgItem(IDC_LIST1);
// Get the list of installed printers

CInstalledPrinters list;
// Fill listbox

for (int i = 0; i < list.GetSize(); i++)

It's as easy as that, The class will use the Win32 EnumPrinters API call, using PRINTER_INFO_5 structures - which is probably the fastest way to enumerate printers (no attempt is made to actually open the printer, as this can be slow if you have network printers installed).


#pragma once

#include <atlmisc.h>

class CInstalledPrinters : public CSimpleArray<CString>

    void GetPrinters(void)
        DWORD dwSize = 0;
        DWORD dwPrinters = 0;
        // Enumerate all installed printers

               NULL, 5, NULL, 0, &dwSize, &dwPrinters))
            // Check for ERROR_INSUFFICIENT_BUFFER

            // If something else, then quit

            if (::GetLastError() != ERROR_INSUFFICIENT_BUFFER)
            // Fall through

        // Allocate some buffer memory

        LPBYTE pBuffer = new BYTE [dwSize];
        if (pBuffer == NULL)
        // Fill the buffer

        // Again, this depends on the O/S

              NULL, 5, pBuffer, dwSize, &dwSize, &dwPrinters))
            // Error - unlikely though

            // as first call to EnumPrinters

            // succeeded!

        // Do we have any printers?

        if (dwPrinters == 0)
        // Cast to PRINTER_INFO_2

        PRINTER_INFO_5* pInfo = (PRINTER_INFO_5*)pBuffer;
        // Loop adding the printers to the list

        for (DWORD i = 0; i < dwPrinters; i++, pInfo++)
        delete [] pBuffer;


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